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<joto> I was wondering, now that I installed Turbo in my Rails web app, where would this code need to go: window.$(function() { const $ = window.$; $("#root .toast").toast({ delay: 5000 }).toast("show"); }. It seems to not work anymore. Only when I put the "toast" functionality within an eventListener that listens for "turbo:load", it starts working
<joto> again. But I honestly don't know whether that would be best practice or just a hacky way of doing it :-).
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<swine_> hi, i'm trying to modify an old ror codebase that's generating url addresses incorrect. i see a file that appears to define the logic for the appropriate set of routes and i see some code like this: row :results_imported do raw("#{event.results.count} results | #{link_to('Upload Data', upload_data_admin_event_url(event))}")
<swine_> i can find no other reference to "upload_data_event_admin_event_url" anywhere else in the codebase
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<weaksauce> swine_ check the output of `rails routes`
<weaksauce> should have that helper listed
<swine_> weaksauce, what would i be looking for exactly?
<weaksauce> though without the _url
<weaksauce> one to see if that url helper exists
<swine_> i don't see it. i grepped through the entire codebase
<weaksauce> rails routes | grep upload_data_event_admin_event
<weaksauce> it's dynamic and not static in your codebase
<swine_> it's not there
<swine_> the output from "routes" is weird though. it's listing some files and prompting me to overwrite them
<weaksauce> how old is this?
<weaksauce> could be rake routes if it's quite old
<swine_> over a decade
<swine_> ruby 1.8.7
<swine_> Could not find rake- in any of the sources is what i see
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<weaksauce> bundle exec rake routes is probably what you need at that point
<weaksauce> that is super super old btw...
<swine_> same output
<weaksauce> which rails is that?
<swine_> 2.3.11 it seems
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<weaksauce> at this point it could be that 2.3 didn't include the url/path helpers in routes or some gem is adding it somehow
<weaksauce> i'd read the docs for 2.3 and see what's up
<weaksauce> i see the other chat is giving you basically the same advice
<swine_> yeah, i'm not really sure what to do with this advice. i don't have a lot of experience with ruby or rails. some understanding of how this stuff is generated seems like it would be helpful
<swine_> since searching through the codebase doesn't seem to yield much
<weaksauce> what file is that "row" in?
<weaksauce> the row results_imported...
<swine_> app/admin/events.rb
<weaksauce> yeah at that point it's going to be in a gem or something
<weaksauce> you can gist the gemfile and/or the output of rake routes and we might be able to help better
<swine_> i get that "could not find rake in any of the sources" message
<weaksauce> even with bundle exec?
<swine_> yes
<weaksauce> did you bundle install
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<swine_> yes, perhaps the environment is incorrect
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<swine_> no to the bundle install
<weaksauce> wait which is it? no or yes to the bundle install
<weaksauce> you need to run bundle install first
<swine_> no to the bundle install. this system appears to be running from within an nginx module
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<ox1eef_> swine_: That's active_admin rubygem.
<ox1eef_> It has its own API / DSL.
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