havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.0, 3.2.3, 3.1.4 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules https://ruby-community.com | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<adam12> [0x1eef_]: Does it? I'll have to look. I want to switch off YARD, ironically.
<adam12> Only because I don't want to store raw docs anymore. Rather store some sort of AST.. I am not sure.
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<adam12> I've been ranting about `ri` elsewhere and started on my own `ri` a few days ago. Slow progress, because the `ri` library code wasn't really designed for outside consumption, but I already have it rendering out docs in my own readline loop so it's looking promising. Working name right now is `riu` :P
<weaksauce> ryu
<adam12> Wasn't that a Ruby shell? Hmm.
<adam12> Nope.
<weaksauce> i was going for the street fighter guy
<adam12> Oooh. Yeah
<adam12> karate-looking guy
<weaksauce> yeah iconic
<adam12> I always played as Zangif :P
<adam12> I have my own documentation parser I've been experimenting with, as a replacement for rdoc+yard, using the new Prism library. It's very early, but I might try to explore it when I have some time.
<adam12> I just don't want to support metaprogramming. `# @!method` or similar. I can see how the documentation tools have gone the way they have.
<weaksauce> yeah
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<[0x1eef_]> adam12: Yep, you can alter any markup with custom templates. I have used it to include CSS but just as possible to include JS AFAIK.
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<[0x1eef_]> rubydoc.info disallows custom templates, so I think it has a filter on what options it will accept via .yardopts.
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<[0x1eef_]> Check PM too :)
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<hd1> getting "Could not determine join condition between parent/child tables on relationship" on SqlAlchemy
<hd1> wrong channel, apologies
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<adam12> Heh
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<adam12> [0x1eef_]: Why immediately unlink after creating tempfile?
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<weaksauce> does it mean you don't have to close the file manually?
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