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<sandra> Weird, the patch from that xmpp4r issue 13 (PR #15) was already applied here but I still get the same issue. Gonna have to dig deeper
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<sandra> OK, so a Barbra Streisand solution of just doing rv = pattern.match(@buffer.force_encoding ::Encoding::UTF_8) inside of my local copy of REXML itself works. That's good, that's a fallback approach for tonight which is when I need this.
<sandra> I still have some time to try to troubleshoot a bit and figure out where things are really going wrong.
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<sandra> Oh, OK, turns out that REXML does its own encoding detection and overriding, with mediocre success
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<sandra> Uh yeah I see now that in that 2013 thread someone found the same workaround
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<Guest808> anyone have experience working with pulseaudio or pipewire in ruby?
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<ox1eef_> sandra: Encoding.internal_encoding / Encoding.external_encoding might help for IO-related encodings.
<sandra> ox1eef_: Yeah, that's probably what's missing in that SSLSocketUTF8 wrapper. Gonna try adding that, thank you
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<sandra> ox1eef_: That wasn't quite it.
<sandra> The problem is that there's a bug in OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket where it returns the wrong encoding. Lines that are pure ASCII are returned as UTF-8 while lines that do have UTF-8 characters are returned as "ASCII-8BIT". (I know it's ten years later but it's still happening.)
<sandra> That force_encoding method doesn't have the twin internal/external encoding arguments that file descriptors do, because it's being run on a string directly.
<sandra> The xmpp4r team made an SSLSocketUTF8 subclass to SSLSocket that just wraps it and runs force_encoding ::Encoding::UTF_8 on all the sysread results.
<sandra> The problem is that it's not enough apparently because REXML is still borking
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<sandra> I guess not all of the reads in match use that wrapped socket
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<ox1eef_> sandra: There's the source file encoding (eg the encoding of strings you create in a script), and then there's the internal / external encoding. The internal / external encoding relates to strings coming from, and written to an IO.
<ox1eef_> There might be a mismatch between the two, if I recall correctly IO is treated as ASCII-8BIT by default - in other words, no encoding.
<sandra> Yeah, I've tried to set the encoding on the IO object instance itself and that's where I could use the external/internal dual arguments, but it didn't work. Something is extraordinarily weird about that SSLSocket
<ox1eef_> Did you try to set Encoding.(external|internal)_encoding - that should be like a global encoding for all IO. You might want to inspect their defaults (theyre both a getter, and setter)
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<sandra> ox1eef_: what, in my main file? Like
<sandra> That gives a NoMethodError
<sandra> puts Encoding.external_encoding
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<ox1eef_> sandra: Sorry. Looks like it changed, or I was wrong to begin with. Try: Encoding.default_internal, Encoding.default_external.
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<ox1eef_> For me Encoding.default_external is UTF-8, and Encoding.default_internal is nil.
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<sandra> ox1eef_: Thank you! Same here, so I set the default interal to UTF-8 but it didn't help
<sandra> Gonna stick with the hack in match for today
<ox1eef_> Fair enough. I'm not really well versed in encoding stuff. Someone else might chime in later.
<ox1eef_> Maybe you could try setting internal / external to ASCII-8BIT. That might help. That's treated like a string of bytes that you could encode properly later.
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<desnudopenguino> i'm trying to set up jekyll on my FreeBSD machine, but ran into this isuse: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/9462 i don't know how to pin a dependency as suggested in the last message on the issue, and searching the internet just resulted in setting the version in the Gemfile for a project, but since i'm using it as a gem, i'm not quite sure how to do that.
<adam12> desnudopenguino: IMHO, use a Gemfile.
<desnudopenguino> adam12: how exactly would i do that? i'm trying to install the jekyll gem via cli `gem install jekyll`
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<adam12> desnudopenguino: bundle init; bundle add jekyll; bundle add jekyll-sass-converter -v 2.20; bundle install; bundle exec jekyll
<adam12> I'm not sure on the add command if it accepts a version like that.
<adam12> and I notice the version i pasted is wrong, but hopefully it gets you going in the right direction.
<desnudopenguino> ah, so create a new "project" of sorts in a dir, then set it up with a gemfile like that. gotcha!
<desnudopenguino> project, being a directory
<adam12> desnudopenguino: Yep.
<desnudopenguino> i was thinking i had to pull the gem's repo and do some adjustments there kinda thing
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<desnudopenguino> excellent, got it working, thanks!
<adam12> desnudopenguino: yw!
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