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<adam12> ox1eef_: Mostly 644 that I can tell.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Includes .bundle which is abnormal tho.
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<ox1eef_> adam12: Thanks :) Those are the expected permissions. And indeed, I should filter out '.bundle' when building the gem.
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<Guest808> 'Could not locate Gemfile', but Gemfile is there?
<Guest808> running a roda app with puma when suddenly it stops
<Guest808> nothing works any longer
<Guest808> it seems to be a permissions issue (as with all things in linux), but i definitely own and have rwx on all files and directories
<Guest808> so what gives?
<Guest808> okay, it is apparently a permissions issue caused by centos resetting the execute bit on a parent folder, which somehoe prevents anything from working int his working directory
<Guest808> so annoying
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<ox1eef_> You can't enter a directory without the x bit being set. And most the time the working directory will be the root of the application.
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<Guest808> yeah, but for whatever reason, centos keeps resetting the x bit on the parent folders
<Guest808> any idea why that would be or how to stop it?
<ox1eef_> I have never used CentOS so I don't have an idea. A quick search suggests CentOS can "fix" permissions between reboots for certain directories.
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<Guest808> i had never used it before, either
<Guest808> so far i have found the experience exceedingly annoying
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<Guest808> i guess it's a red hat thing, because i found alma to be equally annoying
<Guest808> i think this next thing isn't rh-specific, though
<Guest808> when i start puma manually with bundle exec puma, i get everything served as expected
<Guest808> specifically, assets (css &c)
<Guest808> when i start puma via systemd, i don't
<Guest808> thoughts?
<ox1eef_> Oh I have no idea. I wouldn't be surprised if every problem has its root in systemd. I avoid it like the plague.
<Guest808> that's where i got my current config from
<Guest808> can't see anything there that sheds light on this
<Guest808> something to do with timeouts probably
<Guest808> but where?
<Guest808> ironically, i don't think the internet could exist without the internet
<Guest808> nobody could be expected to fit every piece of this house of cards in their head
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<ox1eef_> Well - without systemd, you'd have a shell script that would start puma, and that's usually more familiar, and easier to debug than systemd's nonsense. I would start over with a sane operating system / Linux distribution, but that might be too drastic.
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<Guest808> ox1eef_: in this case, that's not possible
<Guest808> unfortunately
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<ox1eef_> Looks like I will use Sequel for the first time. With SQLite3.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: It's my favourite.
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<ox1eef_> I can see why :) Good docs too.
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<adam12> Sigh. This one app is in dependency hell since i left it for so long.
<adam12> I took on dependencies I regret.
<adam12> I can't even run `bundle outdated` since it's ended up in some weird failure state.
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<ox1eef_> No Gemfile.lock ?
<adam12> ox1eef_: There is. I'm not sure why it's so busted tho :(
<ox1eef_> Moving C dependencies can be tricky sometimes. Those don't really live by Gemfile.lock.
<adam12> I've noticed it's a lot to do with interwoven dependencies, like the dry-rb gems.
<adam12> They all depend on each other, so it makes it hard to move them independently.
<ox1eef_> Ah yeah. A metagem.
<adam12> Same issue I had when I did Rails. You move Rails as one
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<adam12> Can someone run `gem env | grep 'USER INSTALLATION'` and tell me if it matches their current Ruby version?
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<sam113101> adam12: what do you mean?
<adam12> - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /Users/adam/.gem/ruby/3.0.6
<adam12> - USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /Users/adam/.gem/ruby/3.0.0
<adam12> I'm debugging an issue where a C extension keeps going "unpristine". I think it's because it's being installed in the User Install directory for each 3.x version I use.
<sam113101> - USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/sam/.local/share/gem/ruby
<sam113101> is that weird?
<adam12> Oh, yeah kinda. Do you use a version manager?
<sam113101> no
<adam12> Distro?
<sam113101> fedora
<adam12> It's not necessarily weird because Fedora only lets' you install one Ruby version through dnf.
<adam12> (or whatever the pkg manager is)
<adam12> so not likely a chance of corrupting the gem with a different ABI.
<adam12> Actually, my values look correct, now that I look at it a bit closer. But I wonder if rubygems defaulting to `--user-install` might have bunged it up.
<ox1eef_> For me it is similar to sam113101 .
<ox1eef_> USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/0x1eef/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.2.0
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<ox1eef_> Same on my other machine (more or less, 3.2 instead of 3.2.0).
<adam12> ox1eef_: Current ruby version? is it 3.2.0 or a patch of 3.2.x?
<ox1eef_> Both 3.2.2.
<adam12> Ah, maybe it's not this then.
<ox1eef_> Not certain but I think the XDG spec might be the convention used on non-OSX.
<ox1eef_> Yeah, XDG_DATA_HOME defaults to $HOME/.local/share/.
<adam12> I've just switched back to chruby and I think my system is in a bit of a mess.
<ox1eef_> It's been quite a while since I have used a ruby version manager / installer.
<adam12> ox1eef_: You're able to work with just one? or does openbsd ship multiple?
<ox1eef_> OpenBSD ships multiple, and by default adds a suffix (ruby32, ruby31, etc). There's a ruby shim package you can use if you want a 'ruby' shortcut.
<adam12> Ah.
<ox1eef_> I use the ruby shim package on FreeBSD too, along with a unofficial port for a standard Ruby install.
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<adam12> Gonna slowly tease these troublesome dependencies out of this app.
<ox1eef_> An app that works now and in the future is a noble goal.
<adam12> ox1eef_: It's impressive that I didn't touch it for ~ 1 year and it worked essentially bug free. But I need to do updates on it.
<ox1eef_> It can be a tricky problem. Usuaully Gemfile.lock helps, but there's blindspots it doesn't cover.
<adam12> The issue here was definitely the intertwined dependencies.
<adam12> dry-system had some breaking changes, but to move it forward gradually to catch the deprecations, it requires versions of dry-core/etc that the other libraries won't allow.
<adam12> (like dry-validation)
<ox1eef_> I started to track .bundle/config in git to minimize annoying env issues.
<ox1eef_> Usually there's a meta gem that tracks them all.
<adam12> and dry-validation has some conflicts with dry-configuration versions, which conflicts with dry-system.
<adam12> Yeah, that's not true in this case.
<ox1eef_> Over-engineering at its best :P
<adam12> :P
<adam12> It seemed like a good idea at the time, but the minute you let things lapse, everything falls into conflict.
<ox1eef_> Yep. Hard to notice until it happens.
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