havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-rc1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<havenwood> ox1eef_: I just can't bring myself to CSS. It's so insane.
<havenwood> I respect folk who are willing to tackle the DOM.
<havenwood> I'm lucky to just work with APIs and SDKs.
<adam12> havenwood: You _are_ lucky. It's a grind.
<joto> I'm having a hard time checking whether a (blank) paramter is supplied or not. E.g. want to act upon Parameters: {"my_query"=>""} or no paramter. Any rails gurus in here?
<adam12> havenwood: Tho that said, CSS is getting _a lot_ better. Frontend JS on the otherhand...
<joto> params[:my_query].present? does not cut it...
<leftylink> oh. does has_key? do it or not
<joto> ah good idea!
<joto> I managed to get it working by checking like so: params[:my_query].nil? but has_key? sounds more idiomatic
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<joto> works perfectly leftylink. thank you
<havenwood> adam12: Yeah, I've noticed a lot of the niceties that used to be library only are now in standard CSS. That helps.
<weaksauce> of course that does it on the fly
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<adam12> weaksauce: It works well enough but has a nag in the browser console :(
<adam12> I use twind on another project and it works OK too.
<adam12> But openprops has been much nicer for me lately.
<weaksauce> how big is a full tailwind css file with no exclusions?
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<adam12> Before they went full JIT, it's like 3MB
<weaksauce> i personally don't really like tailwind
<adam12> almost 4MB
<weaksauce> i would think you get a decent enough experience with a cache hit on a cdn
<weaksauce> on that
<adam12> I enjoyed it on teams because I never saw developers truely understand it.
<weaksauce> 4megs is a lot but not too
<adam12> (CSS)
<adam12> The problem with 4MB of CSS is the browser parsing it :|
<weaksauce> yeah
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<adam12> Everyone thinks they "know" CSS, but then can't figure out the cascade, or how to not drop !important everywhere. At least with Tailwind(Tachyons), CSS never grew into something horrible.
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<adam12> but I see it break down because people just copy/pasta and now is about the same horribleness, just in markup and not CSS.
<weaksauce> never horrible just pretty bad
<weaksauce> consistently
<weaksauce> :P
<adam12> LOL
<adam12> The :has selector just went mainstream this week, and the nested selectors have been mainstream for most of this year, making CSS palatable.
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<ox1eef_> CSS / design is a discipline by itself. I'm not well versed in it.
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<ox1eef_> I went with: https://form.js.org/docs/1.0/what-is-form - works well for my needs.
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<gr33n7007h> Ruby really needs to start focusing on...? bbl
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<ox1eef_> I would say AI, Machine Learning, WebAssembly (we have ruby.wasm), and to generally be more of an all-rounder rather than being known and used because of one web framework. I think we had a draining of talent to other languages too (Python, Go, Rust).
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<adam12> Documentation and tooling. Hard to feel like a modern language with Darkfish theme from 2006.
<adam12> RDoc doesn't know a bunch of stuff which I think it should. It seems mostly frozen in time.
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<ox1eef_> I use yardoc. I like it. I host all my project API docs on github pages using yardoc, and with a few tweaks to the default template.
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<ox1eef_> I stumbled on Google's intro to the noto fonts. Sounds cool, one font for all languages: https://fonts.google.com/noto
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<leah2> i use ri and less :p
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