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<Guest808> if i want to install the pg gem, i have to install libpq-dev, right?
<Guest808> i know that from searching online, but how would i have figured that out without a search engine?
<Guest808> like, is there a way to see which system libraries a gem is looking for?
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<adam12> Guest808: I thought there was a feature request about trying to bubble this up to the user on Rubygems but I can't find it.
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<ox1eef_> Every Linux flavor has their own package manager, and their own conventions. It is hard to track them all. Maybe the packager could provide hints.
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<adam12> Actually, pg gem complains and says how to install it. So maybe bad example.
<adam12> also, til that libpq is separate install in homebrew.
<ox1eef_> That's a nice way to handle it.
<ox1eef_> (re ruby-pg extconf.rb)
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<joto> Has anyone got experience with Turbo Drive and Streams in here?
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<joto> my question is the following: I am replacing a turbo frame. However this replacement isn't persisted when I go to another page and go back to that page.
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<ox1eef_> adam12: The cool part about the webrick application is that the frontend is a nanoc application with webpack support. React (from the frontend) is talking to webrick servlets. A CLI controls bringing the webrick server online, or offline. There's at least a few patterns I'd like to make reproducible for future web app development.
<ox1eef_> a nanoc site*
<ox1eef_> They're also decoupled. The CLI is a gem, the backend (webrick) is a gem, and the frontend is a gem composed of a nanoc build - in a monorepo.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Oh that's cool. I haven't used nanoc in forever.
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