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<ox1eef_> leftylink: Why not: c || 1.
<leftylink> actual code is more complex than the concept that the minimal example proves
<leftylink> therefore c || 1 is not an option in for the actual code
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<ox1eef_> Alright. There's probably a simpler alternative. When Ruby emits parser warnings it's usually a sign to change approach.
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<leftylink> yeah true I went with zip instead
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<rapha> hmm ... why do people name things like `Types::Scalars::DecimalType`? isn't the purpose of having modules and using them like that so you *don't* have to prefix or suffix everything again, as in `Types::Scalars::Decimal`, in this case? or is this best practice for some reason?
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<rapha> perhaps, since, depending on context, it might just be ::DecimalType or even just DecimalType, it
<rapha> 's simply for better greppability?
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<ogamita> rapha: both. Perhaps you have DecimalTypes from different modules. Then it's important to qualify it. Perhaps you don't use it enough to justify an import; writing the qualification makes it easier to understand that it's not a local type.
<ogamita> rapha: of course, if you use it a lot, you want a shorter handle. So importing the module and using just the name is indicated.
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<rapha> ogamita: sorry, the way i phrased my question made it easy to misunderstand what i'm actually asking...
<rapha> let me try again
<rapha> if you could easily name something Types::Scalars::Decimal, then why would you name it Types::Scalars::DecimalTyp
<rapha> e
<ox1eef_> One reason could be that you're exporting DecimalType to GraphQL, where namespaces don't exist.
<rapha> interesting. i'm working on a GraphQL API :)
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<ox1eef_> You could avoid that - but it is one example where it applies.
<ox1eef_> It could be Types::Scalars::Decimal, and then: graphql_name 'DecimalType'.
<rapha> ox1eef_: so in the specific example of GraphQL, i'd only add the ...Type suffix to anything that ends up in the schema.graphql file. that sounds like sound guidance.
<ox1eef_> Right. Or, call 'graphql_name "DecimalType"' within the definition of the type.
<rapha> but i also love specifying it explicitly. less magic makes for a happier rapha.
<rapha> thank you!!
<ox1eef_> No worries.
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<rapha> ox1eef_: hmm, i removed ...Type everywhere now, just to see what the changes to schema.graphql would be, and surprisingly, there are none. apparently, even before, e.g. "ContactType" was being rendered into "type Contact". interesting.
<rapha> might leave it like it is now, because it looks much nicer in Ruby, and still add graphql_name everywhere
<rapha> hmm, otoh, the graphql-ruby docs discourage the use of it ("subject to change")
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<ox1eef_> Interesting indeed :)
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<rapha> wait ox1eef_, you're not the author of graphql-ruby, are you?
<ox1eef_> Hehe nope. What makes you think that?
<rapha> the smiley art the end of your last sentence :P
<rapha> at*
<rapha> not much to go on, i admit
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<ox1eef_> Ah I see. Nah I'm just a user of ruby-graphql like you.
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<rapha> what i'm struggling with is that the way GraphQL works seems to be a little at odds with how CRUD, and indeed OOP are supposed to work
<rapha> so you have "types" to Read and "mutations" to Create/Update/Delete, fine
<rapha> but then you start having class names like ContactSubmitAndCreate and my brain just suffers
<rapha> the gem docs are better, they at least stick to a single verb as part of the class name, and i think i
<rapha> 'll forbid my boss from doing the ...EatAndDrink thing, that just makes it worse.
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<ox1eef_> Right. With GraphQL, typically there is one endpoint, and that is routed through ruby-graphql entities (either queries, or mutations). You don't need much else.
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<ox1eef_> Normally I would implement a mutation as a simple object that creates an instance of an action: Actions::CreateContract, etc. I like it. I have plans to create a framework / web toolkit around it.
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<rapha> hmm, that looks much different from what graphql-ruby instructs one to do
<rapha> what you do the same is you also create a class with an imperative name in it, and it doesn't seem to bother you
<rapha> *with its name being a verb in the imperative
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<ox1eef_> True - VerbNoun is common in GraphQL mutations, and that makes sense given that it looks a lot like calling a function in GraphQL. My mutations are usually light, with most of the work forwarded to regular Ruby objects (actions) that follow regular Ruby conventions (eg Actions::Contact::Create).
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<bovis> https://bpa.st/A2YQ I'm having trouble processing a text file. My paste shows the structure I've come up with to collect the data.
<bovis> It's a mess later down the line when, for example, I want to change those numbers from strings to ints. I'm nesting loops, and it's difficult to mentally picture it, let alone access the values correctly without a lot of errors in my code.
<bovis> There are hundreds of lines, and many other files I'm hoping to process at once.
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<weaksauce> seems simple enough bovis what have you tried?
<bovis> Separate classes for each file have been helpful for identifying a file/section's individual parts, but the hash where I collect the file lines isn't doing me favors. That seems to be the worst part.
<bovis> At first, I collected everything into an array. I realized all sections for each file were unique, so I changed that to the hash I've shown as an example.
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<bovis> weaksauce: Now I'm doing things like: file.each {|k,v| v.each |subk, subv| {...}}
<bovis> ^^ this has made it difficult to visualize, and I'd like to edit the content of the file as I go along, and ending up nested like that is leaving me with edits like file[k][0][subk][0] to get to the original hash
<weaksauce> bovis i'd suggest a less functional approach and more of a parsing approach
<weaksauce> build it up as you go
<bovis> weaksauce: Can you be more specific? A quick example?
<weaksauce> build up your subsection separately and add it to your bigger result instead of trying to describe the entire thing at once
<weaksauce> your example data doesn't seem to have much in the way of complexity so i'm not sure
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<bovis> I'll try to break it apart more than I have done
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<bovis> weaksauce: I know, ahead of time, the names of headers and the titles of lines that follow them. I have considered using structs to organize the data. Like for a section, Fruit, and then two members, Apple and Orange.
<bovis> Can a struct nest a struct? So I have one for file, then a member for file type 1, which references a struct of its own members?
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<bovis> It would be nice to have a name for everything. Is it crazy to collect the structs in its own module, to get it out of the way? The number of lines will long.
<weaksauce> yeah a struct can point to any object so a struct can point to another struct
<weaksauce> what's the 1000 foot view here bovis
<weaksauce> what are you trying to do at the end of the day
<bovis> weaksauce: Collect file content, process lines for validity, sometimes transform content (like "3" to 3), save valid lines to database for later use (like making a graph of how many of an item I have).
<bovis> I care most about the validity of the file and making sure I can put its elements into a table for later use.
<bovis> I want to be able to walk away from this for a month and come back and not be confused about how I structured the project. That's my biggest sticking point right now. I've made something that feels unwieldy (the hash) because it will have so many items and subitems at once, not clearly labeled.
<weaksauce> make meaningful objects if you can
<bovis> weaksauce: Thanks. I know this is very generalized, but it does help.
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<ox1eef_> IME those are lessons you learn next month. Software development is iterative, you can carry some lessons into the next project, but others are still to be learned.
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