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<[0x1eef_]> I'm in a few other language channels (eg rust, c, typescript) and they seem way more active than here. Sad :(
<johnjaye> well. i've always had my question answered in here and people have been really nice and helpful.
<johnjaye> appearances may be deceiving.
<[0x1eef_]> Yeah - agreed. Just seems to be less questions than other places.
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<johnjaye> ruby is a very elegant language. it always seems to have what I need so I rarely ask questions.
<[0x1eef_]> Yeah. And probably more people use ChatGPT instead of IRC.
<johnjaye> honestly chatgpt isn't that amazing from what I've seen. the situations where I preferred it over google search is very small.
<johnjaye> one thing it is good at is jargon
<johnjaye> like if google isn't showing you results because you didn't use the right word chatgpt can sometimes provide it.
<[0x1eef_]> Agreed. I don't usually rely on it for technical stuff. I usually ask it to improve documentation I've written more than anything.
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<johnjaye> i wish it was better at summarizing. it's not bad.
<johnjaye> but like. i'd want something where i could say summarize this list of blog posts and it does it really well.
<[0x1eef_]> I'm not sure if AI will create more problems than it solves. As Nov 2024 comes closer I bet we'll see the worst of it.
<[0x1eef_]> Genie is outta the bottle though so nothing to do but adapt as fast as we can.
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<johnjaye> well it's not AI. not by a long shot.
<johnjaye> that's why they call it "machine learning" in the literature.
<[0x1eef_]> What do you mean?
<[0x1eef_]> machine learning is a subset of AI afaik.
<johnjaye> yes. but as i said it's not that impressive. intelligence implies some ability to be creative and have will and consciousness
<johnjaye> right now it's at the "just barely passed the turing test stage"
<[0x1eef_]> Yeah - fair, but I mean the image, audio and video generation aspect. So much potential for that to be misused. Then again you have to balance that with the good it can do, like for visually impaired people it can be really helpful.
<[0x1eef_]> Excuse the language but I think it will be a shit show before we learn enough about how it will be abused, then eventually we can respond to those scenarios.
<johnjaye> oh i see what you mean.
<johnjaye> the rumors are that they're already using it to write tv shows
<johnjaye> wouldn't surprise me given how bad some of them are.
<johnjaye> i suspect a similar problem will arise there though
<[0x1eef_]> That would be so surreal. Movie stars that don't actually exist.
<johnjaye> the tech might get really good but still need a human will to direct it and shape it
<johnjaye> which is bad for the studios because then you could have small teams or even a single person able to make a movie or a video game.
<johnjaye> palworld is a taste of what that looks like. a small studio/company doing a game which is the same quality as nintendo
<[0x1eef_]> Yeah, human oversight is definitely needed - at least for now, and you have to be better than the AI is to have any chance at that. I can imagine job interviews where you have to compete with AI.
<johnjaye> i don't think so. they will know the capabilities and just won't hire people to begin with.
<[0x1eef_]> I can even imagine AI doing the job interview :|
<johnjaye> this sounds mean but a lot of fast food workers could be replaced by chatgpt right now.
<johnjaye> that would be funny. AI interviewing an AI
<johnjaye> my AI talks to your AI and they hash it out
<[0x1eef_]> Hehe yeah
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<Al2O3> 2O3
<Al2O3> no need for typos, or IBM (HAL) selectric III typewriters
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<adam12> [0x1eef_]: There are a lot of Ruby chat communities now, and I think IRC is an acquired taste. So it was naturally split with the communities but I imagine it skews more towards the persisted GUI chat.
<adam12> I'm in at least 6 different Slack/Discords that are Ruby related in some way.
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<caleb> I always come back to IRC though. memes, autoplaying large gifs, average age of participants, just doesn't feel good. maybe I'm just old.
<lhgGsMVWM> maybe modern internet just a trash?
<caleb> I won't disagree with that
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<[0x1eef_]> adam12: Yeah that's fair. I usually avoid those kind of chats. Same as caleb maybe I'm too old :))
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<johnjaye> there is a certain ephemerality to slack and discord
<johnjaye> they can just die and be replaced it feels like. whereas nobody is telling the owner of #ruby they violated TOS and now #ruby doesn't exist anymore
<johnjaye> matrix is basically "modern" irc at this point to me
<fkQuDbLGxY> why we need "modern" version of irc?
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<caleb> probably need to join a matrix server to get the real answer
<johnjaye> i mean discord is basically irc plus audio and video
<johnjaye> matrix is at least gotten the audio part last time i used it.
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<[0x1eef_]> johnjaye: Yep. That's the main reason I'm not into them, more or less.
<[0x1eef_]> Closed standards, centralized, for-profit rather than for-community, etc.
<QTrAmcphrc> dead channels
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<johnjaye> yeah it seems a lot of the discords i'm in just don't have anybody doing anything
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<johnjaye> I asked a question about visual studio in one called microsoft dev or something. the reply i got was basically "why don't you ask chatgpt"
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<johnjaye> yes. why don't I indeed!
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<caleb> it's like RTFM except the manual is full of bullshit and will lie with no idea that it's even wrong
<caleb> at least when I was a youngster on IRC getting told to RTFM I got links to documentation that was usually up to date and correct.
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<johnjaye> that's even funnier. someone tells you to read the manual.
<johnjaye> what manual?
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<[0x1eef_]> Man pages on unix systems but I think it was adapted to eventually mean 'read the docs'.
<QTrAmcphrc> "man command"
<QTrAmcphrc> usefull soft
<[0x1eef_]> Yeah. For C stuff it is especially helpful.
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<hramrach> hello, is there a good example of writing an enumerable class in C?
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<henk> are there any rfc2136 »Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)« libraries for ruby?
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<henk> last commit 10 years ago :D
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