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<Arsen> o/ I have a Foo.new(x) and I'd like to skip the new and return nil if x is nil
<Arsen> is there an idiomatic way to do so?
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<wnd> Not sure what you're after, nor can I tell what's idiomatic, but. I probably wouldn't write it like this, but /if/ wanted to look clever, I might have y = x && Foo.new(x)
<wnd> "y = Foo.new(x) if x" is probably closer to what you're after
<weaksauc_> coming from c the first one looks more normal than the second one but that's probably just me
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<Arsen> weaksauc_: note that there it's not being used as a condition :P
<Arsen> wnd: the latter seems reasonable to me, thanks
* Arsen for some reason only thought of guards
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<weaksauc_> something about accessing variables that are conditionally assigned like that rubs me wrong
<weaksauc_> y = something && something else feels better to me
<weaksauc_> since it's always going to get "something" and is always going to be defined
<weaksauc_> i know you can do it but it feels wrong
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<havenwood> return unless x
<havenwood> Unless the method goes on.
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<ox1eef_> Guard approach is most common IME.
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<Guest26nakilon> why do I get "gem install smarter_csv" -> Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError bad response Forbidden 403
<Guest26nakilon> and https://index.rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/smarter_csv-1.9.1.gemspec.rz is AccessDenied XML in browser too
<Guest26nakilon> same error even from server for curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" 'https://index.rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/smarter_csv-1.9.1.gemspec.rz'
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<Guest26nakilon> then the question is why gem install tries to install the yanked version
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<adam12> Guest26nakilon: Weird. Bug maybe?
<Guest26nakilon> adam12 can't be; when I come here saying that there is a bug I'm being told I'm wrong ..D
<Guest26nakilon> *it's a feature
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