havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.0, 3.2.2, 3.1.4 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules https://ruby-community.com | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<easyme> Hello
<easyme> Is it possible to make website without using any ruby framework like rails?
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<llua> the answer is the same as you got in #python
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<sam113101> you've got very small frameworks, much smaller than rails, that would be easier than doing everything by yourself
<easyme> sam113101: Which small framework?
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<sam113101> sinatra comes to mind, however I haven't used ruby in a while so I'm not uptodate on that stuff, maybe there are better ones now
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<[0x1eef_]> I have something in the works that binds ruby-graphql to webrick, and the frontend is provided by nanoc. It is for a specific project but I plan to extract it into something more generic and reusable.
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<[0x1eef_]> I think the coolest aspect is that there is also a CLI that controls the webrick server, so you could distribute a "web app" as a rubygem this way.
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<adam12> [0x1eef_]: That sounds pretty cool.
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<[0x1eef_]> I might tweak the stack a bit but for now webpack powers a large part of the frontend, with react + typescript + the apollo client, and typescript types are made available (via definitions found in the graphql schema). I plan to fork from here, generalize the concept, and tweak the default stack. And to use, maybe for now just clone the repository.
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<u0_a368> hi
<adam12> u0_a368: hello
<u0_a368> hi adam12
<adam12> u0_a368: How are you
<u0_a368> i am good
<u0_a368> where are you? adam12
<adam12> u0_a368: Greater Toronto Area, Canada. HBU?
<u0_a368> from eygpt.
<u0_a368> do you know egypt?
<adam12> u0_a368: Yes, I do.
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<adam12> I love spelunking through code I wrote a while ago. I always forget the cool stuff I built.
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<noahmg123> Is it expected that, on macOS, `sudo` is required for running a `puma` server?
<adam12> noahmg123: Only if it's binding to a port < 1024, likely.
<adam12> I don't know if Mac has anything like CAP_ADD.
<noahmg123> Yeah, it's a bit weird. Since I've also developed Node applications on this machine and have had no problem binding to ports that high. Maybe I accepted some permission thing a while ago and didn't realize.
<noahmg123> Wait, I think it's because of my config using a root-owned `pidfile`.
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<noahmg123> Yeah that was it
<noahmg123> It does still seem to trigger the macOS firewall, while Node does not. But that's something I can look into.
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<adam12> noahmg123: Ah, yeah. That will do it.
<adam12> Glad you got it sorted.
<noahmg123> Yeah. This whole project I'm working on is full of EOL dependencies. I'm just hoping to get some of this upgraded.
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<adam12> noahmg123: Fun. I enjoy those types of projects.
<adam12> noahmg123: A lot of satisfaction of strategizing in what pieces to move forward and at what pace, to move the entire project forward.
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<noahmg123> Honestly upgrading everything in place didn't cause the server to immediately crash so that's promising.
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<[0x1eef_]> adam12: Reading other people's code is a good way to discover new idioms/patterns too.
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