havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<llua> you are using syntax not available to posix sh
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<deadmarshal_> adam12: (11,4,8,27)
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<leftylink> well. sort_by! is schwartzian transform. it should take *one* argument, not two.
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<adam12> happy friday!
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<havenwood> deadmarshal_: You seem to be using `sort_by!` when you mean `sort`.
<leftylink> it seems you want me to get out the ascii art... give me a few moments to figure it out
<deadmarshal_> havenwood,leftylink: thanks.
<leftylink> I found it. of course, this is by request, since I interpret "happy friday!" as a request to get out the ascii art
<leftylink> _____ ____ ___ ____ _ __ ___ _ _
<leftylink> | ___| _ \|_ _| _ \ / \\ \ / / | | |
<leftylink> | |_ | |_) || || | | |/ _ \\ V /| | | |
<leftylink> | _| | _ < | || |_| / ___ \| | |_|_|_|
<leftylink> |_| |_| \_\___|____/_/ \_\_| (_|_|_)
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<leftylink> pandabot: what's ruby flags
<pandabot> rubyflags is: ruby -ple '$_.upcase!' < input.txt; ruby -nle 'BEGIN { i = c = 0 }; c += $_.size; puts "#{i += 1} #$_"; END { p c }' < input.txt
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<adam12> leftylink: lulz. I guess I should use a monospaced font for IRC client.
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<ox1eef__> I guess HTML-based clients would always have trouble rendering ascii art properly, unless it is wrapped in a <pre> tag.
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