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my strategy of stopping to work on a problem for a month to then suddenly find a solution while working on something completely different has succeeded again
I think I have solved the issue of lifetimes of antares objects. if I implement my idea, it should be impossible to have invalid C pointers in scheme code
basically, I am introducing ref counting and the lifetime of antares object struct are not an OR of the lifetime of the underlying wayland object and ref > 0
this works because in chicken scheme I can set a finalizer on arbitrary objects (including pointers) which is called when the object is no longer reachable and swept by the GC, so it can be automatically un-ref'd
this solves one of the two major icks I have with the projects / codebase in a clean way that should even work well for all scripting languages that have a similar feature
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leon-p: does that work with cycles or can those not occur?
I am not sure I understand what you mean with cycles
because that's certainly an issue with CPython that not everyone takes into account
leon-p: cycles in the object references graph so that they keep each other alive for the reachability check
all references between atares objects are done in C as C pointers
all the scripting language ever sees of an antares object is a pointer (how ever it may choose to represent / wrap that)
I guess you could use the user data pointer to store a reference to GC managed code, but at that point it's really your own fault IMO
actually what I am more concerned about is how often the finalizer is called in this snippet: (define a 2)(let ((b a)) ...)
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absolutely no idea how to introspect a garbage collector, however just allocating memory, setting a finalizer that frees it, then copying the pointer before exiting the scope completely , in an infinite loop, does seem to call the finalizer, but does not result in a double free, so I guess it's fine?
let's just hope that copy wasn't optimized out or something, not sure if the REPL optimized...
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ok, new rabbit hole: copying semantics...
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I don't get Super+Shift+Control in sh init yet
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flower_: what exactly is the issue?
leon-p: I don't see what it does
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So you are pressing the keybind but the action that is configured doesn't work?
or do you mean you don't understand what a binding in the example init does?
please be more explicit
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I don't understand what it should do exactly
ah it adds the focused window to the other tag
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yep, I like how you can toggle focus of a tag, nice work
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ok that's also in dwm, I did miss that :)
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Do you guys use tools to make visible which applications are active on which tag?
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