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<cloudowind> open ssl keeps making me crazy silly thing
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<bslsk05> ​symbos.org <no title>
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* kof673 kof thought process .oO( is there a c compiler? yes. can i run it inside an emulator? yes. ✓✔✓✔✓✔ can be added as a target at least for building small utility programs, even if never have time to add platform-specific stuff )
<kof673> github notes it even has "threads"
<the_oz> kof kof black lung pops
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<bslsk05> ​web.archive.org <no title>
<bslsk05> ​sourceforge.net: Small Device C Compiler (SDCC) - Browse /sdcc-win32/2.8.0 at SourceForge.net
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<klys> running netbsd-10.1-vax locally, thanks to simh
<Ermine> iin the first half i vas thinking of an actual vax
<klys> the local college surplus dude had offered me their vax back in 2001. of course there was no place to put such a thing.
<bslsk05> ​www.recycledgoods.com: DEC Computer Museum Legacy 1980s Mainframe Computers Peripherals Assortment VAX
<zid`> Oh, put me down for 10 of those listings then
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<geist> VAAAAX
* geist summons kazinsal
<klys> ye ye
<geist> also yay grats on netbsd on vax
<geist> i haven't tried 10.1 since i was having problems with some of the higher numbered vaxen on real hardware before, but may be worth getting a SD card and seeing
<geist> though i almost certainly don't have enough memory on this one (32MB) to really run it well
<klys> MiB Mem : 31810.6 total, 10881.8 free, 14940.9 used, 5987.9 buff/cache
<klys> of course nothing is running atm.
<geist> oh that's not bad
<klys> oh that's wrong machine
<klys> Memory: 44M Act, 5548K Exec, 32M File, 7988K Free
<geist> yeah... 44M active i'll be in swapsville before starting
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<geist> but at least with simh you can call up to 512MB i think, depending on the model
<geist> i think that was the architectural limit
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<nikolar> geist: gotta get moar ram
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<zid`> heat: good news, the string theory idiots are back, but with tensors
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<heat> LETS GO
<heat> STRING THEORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<gog> i'm strung
<nikolar> heat: how many dimensions are we up to nowadays
<zid`> 37
<heat> yeah i just got my 37D classes
<heat> glasses
<nikolar> Neat
<GeDaMo> Do you really need all 37 dimensions? That just seems extravagant :P
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* Ermine gives gog a piece of cheese
* gog is fascinated
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<gog> hi Matt|home
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<the_oz> I don't get tensors
<the_oz> how is a plane that lies perpendicular to vector v
<the_oz> is it arbitrary?
<the_oz> for instance, x axis is a surface? y axis and z axis?
<the_oz> seems like saying "vector v1 and v2 transposed to v1 space" to me
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<nikolar> Pretty sure tensors are just generalized matrices
<the_oz> oh ok it's a 2 tuple
<the_oz> Ahhh ok so it can scale and matrices is a good cognitive thingymabob
<nikolar> Anyway
<nikolar> KRNL
<the_oz> kern
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<jimbzy> Tensors are a lot of things. ;)
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<the_oz> 1 thing, not thing, A MEGAPLEX OF COLLECTIMNG GROUPS OF DATA
<the_oz> data structures!
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<Ermine> how did we come to tensors
<nikolar> heat
<heat> nikolar
<nikolar> how's kerneling going
<heat> ehhh not super well
<gog> hi
<nikolar> why not
<heat> i'm been fucking around trying to get NPTL-style threading working, obviously it's a little complex and underspecified, as a detour i tried to get glibc 2.42 to compile for onyx, hitting problems on the way (i _think_ i need to enable ifunc support)
<nikolar> is there a particular reason you're going for glibc
<heat> i think long term it's kind of what i want instead of fucking around with musl, but also because they have a NPTL test suite and a bunch of tests
<nikolar> interesting
<heat> CLONE_THREAD has particular funny semantics. like on execve you need to switch pids and tids (and associated stats) between the current thread and the thread group leader
<heat> and subthreads autoreap themselves, and you need to keep the thread group leader alive even if it has exited, if you still have running threads
<heat> it is all a little funky
<nikolar> so your approach to processes/threads is what linux is doing
<heat> yes that's what im going for
<nikolar> right
<heat> i think we've discussed this before, but i quite like tids = pids from a usability POV
<nikolar> and you get to reuse a bunch of stuff i imagine
<heat> yep
<heat> procfs, ptrace
<nikolar> ye
<heat> like ptrace traditionally takes pids but on linux it takes pids (in the linux sense, so tids), so you can just ptrace a single thread
<heat> (this is actually used by libsanitizer)
<nikolar> how does libsanitizer work on !linux
<heat> also i was reading around the LKML and it seems that unofficially kill(2) actually supported/supports killing a single thread
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<heat> idk, it is weird, it's part of a sanitizer "stop-the-world" routine
<heat> i'm sure you can work something out with good old fork() + ptrace
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<nikolar> eh i guess
<heat> oh apparently netbsd implements a subset of fork
<heat> s/fork/clone/
<bslsk05> ​<heat*> oh apparently netbsd implements a subset of clone
<nikolar> so clone makes threads on netbsd or something
<heat> clone() makes the funky share-stuff processes, but they don't support CLONE_THREAD it seems
<nikolar> ah right
<heat> macOS and fuchsia seem to suspend threads directly thru mach magic/fuchsia stuff
<heat> and the same for windows
<nikolar> so, os specific
<nikolar> not really surprising i guess