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<kof673> well.....i386-linux-a.out seems to want __main(), but not elf :D this is -nostdlib just to get dummy libc to link a binary :D
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<klys> kof673, have you examined your default linker script?
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<zid> I love programming, I've never seen some code I couldn't make worse
<heat> is that a challenge?
<bslsk05> ​github.com: musl/src/locale/iconv.c at 0784374d561435f7c787a555aeab8ede699ed298 · heatd/musl · GitHub
<heat> if you get it bad enough they might take it as a patch
<heat> map[x*5/4]>>2*x%8 | map[x*5/4+1]<<8-2*x%8 & 1023
<heat> *beautiful*
<zid> easy
<zid> we feed line 203 into line 20
<zid> we feed line 203 into line 204
<heat> good idea, you're saving on a precious variable there
<heat> the switch cases should be replaced with ifs and gotos
<heat> i dont trust the compiler to carefully lay out that code like i want it to (poorly)
<heat> defines are all preprocessed out ofc
<zid> I compiled a thing today heat :(
<zid> I feel bad now
<m5> zid: drop your shithub
<zid> I'm banned
<m5> from shithub?
<heat> don't compile, interpret instead
<zid> no, the problem is the code heat
<zid> we should have less not more
<zid> we've already got LOADS of code
<heat> have you tried uhhh reusing some
<heat> recycle!
<zid> eww disgusting
<zid> get the fuck out
<m5> rude
<zid> ideal diff is -------------------
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<ring0_starr> i think i'm ready to accept that elegant looking assembly will not be translatable into elegant looking C
<ring0_starr> when you make one look good, the other looks bad
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<sskras> ring0_starr: reminds me of the devilution project where folks got a bunch of debugging info big enough to start the source-exact decompilation for the entire game (Diablo 1).
<sskras> Not an OSdev topic, so please excuse me:)
<sskras> Only that in their case both asm and C code weren't looking elegant :D
<sskras> (I mean the original C code)
<ring0_starr> you can't really know how the original C looked
<kof673> elegance was part of that ring0 > heiroglyphics and pictograms
<kof673> it was obsoleted :D
<ring0_starr> hard to tell if your decompiler screwed up, i was going through this one n64 game that had this switch statement that somehow made ghidra break it up into 30 different repetitive functions
<ring0_starr> had to manually mark some addresses and re-run analysis, and then the function looked great after that
<ring0_starr> in my case i am rewriting my own hand-written assembly into C and realizing that i'm forced, for convenience and cleanliness sake, to drop certain specifics that would come by default writing the same thing in C
<ring0_starr> a common one is incidentally making a loop a do..while rather than while. in C you almost never do the former
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<gorgonical> yec n arpee
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<kof673> elegance is perhaps assuming some scope -- so i think it is only possible for NIH, or a small team....mixing code from 20 years apart, is going to have different styles. there is style versus algorithm, but
<kof673> scope as in one function, one library, one project, ................
<kof673> function wise and library foolish, and so forth :D
<kof673> can say the same thing e.g. about optimizing for small code/size. arguably the only thing that matters is at the library, project, larger level, when the totals are tallied
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<the_oz> colonel
* gog salutes
<gog> it's one-finger salute
<the_oz> cute
<gog> :*
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<heat> kernel
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<GeDaMo> Carnal :|
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<nikolar> korinal
<zid> cheese or kernil?
<bslsk05> ​github.com: network-unix-v6/tape1-files/bbnnet at 33ea4eff7cee66a79b81f767400fa818a1185a31 · pdp11/network-unix-v6 · GitHub
<netbsduser`> interesting historical curiosity
<netbsduser`> this is the original TCP/IP stack written for unix (i'm not sure if it was based on work done for vms) by BBN
<netbsduser`> which famously saw extensive reworking by bill joy
<heat> oh cool
<heat> it still looks intensely crappy but the ip_input/ip_output/etc organization is already there
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<netbsduser`> it's all broken up and decomposed into a lot of functions
<netbsduser`> no surprise this thing with its granularity and creation of work-queue entries and indirections through state tables was less than satisfactory in performance
<netbsduser`> but i did indeed find it striking that a lot of core concepts stayed
<netbsduser`> the mbufs are there and the flow prior to tcp (where it is radically different) is quite recognisable
<netbsduser`> the forking off a separate process in the kernel where all network processing happens is quite different though
<heat> they what now
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<bslsk05> ​github.com: network-unix-v6/tape1-files/bbnnet-oct82/net.h at master · pdp11/network-unix-v6 · GitHub
<heat> also that whole struct socket is barf material
<netbsduser`> see netmain.c
<heat> huh cool
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<netbsduser`> while joy brought in the netisr concept - possibly the original soft interrupt in unix? i wouldn't make that claim, i think it could be possible
<heat> he created softirqs? does he know what he started?
<netbsduser`> it's the first one i am currently aware of in unix, but i haven't looked closely so this is pure speculation
<kof673> he created vi and c shell...........
<netbsduser`> vms had "fork routines" prior to this which are the same basically
<netbsduser`> vms also had ASTs which were like thread-bound softints
<netbsduser`> they interrupt execution but only within the particular thread they're targeted at, and execution of ASTs happens at the first non-zero interrupt priority level, blocking other ASTs within that thread
<kof673> between vi and c shell, whatever the venn diagram looks like in the middle for both, on the sides there is surely a sizable number of people who think at least one or the other is the devil
<netbsduser`> this fork routine concept came from RSX/11m where it was an informal trick they used to reduce interrupt latency
<netbsduser`> the vax and vms were codesigned and there was (as well as any explicit influence) this implicit influence of the vax on the architecture of unix on vax
<heat> the problem with softirqs/softints is that they just kinda suck
<netbsduser`> i am concerned that now i am implementing a tcp/ip stack i'm going to force the kernel to bear a softint burden it can't bear
<netbsduser`> it's quite easy to imagine scenarios in which softint processing is happening endlessly to the exclusion of everything else
<netbsduser`> notwithstanding the fact that the system would not be usable in that situation, it would die anyway because rcu callbacks would never run. i think linux made a flavour of rcu where completing a softint (or bh or softirq, i get them mixed up) to run another one signalled a quiescent state
<heat> yeah that can happen
<netbsduser`> so by doing that i could save the system from death. but notwithstanding that, since the softint is not a thread the scheduler can exert no control over them. they can monopolise execution time
<heat> fyi bh roughly equals softirq
<zid> If your internet is fast enough to saturate your cores via tcp/ip processing, your machine is incorectly configured, hw wise :
<heat> so AIUI linux tries to budget its softirq processing for e.g network rx
<netbsduser`> it may be misconfigured but if i can i don't want it to make my os unusable
<heat> it can also thread its softirqs IIRC once the budget exceeds
<netbsduser`> that's very fair i think
<heat> otoh i think freebsd did away with all of the softirq stuff and just does threaded irqs
<netbsduser`> i think that's right, possibly an influence from the solaris approach to smp where they originally dreamed of having only the scheduler use spinlocks and interrupt masking
<zid> I have a dream, I have a dream that one day, only the scheduler will need to know the pain of having to use a spinlock
<zid> --solaris
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<netbsduser`> and dragonfly is doing likewise with the netisr replaced with true threads
<netbsduser`> zid: i believe this is also the origin of why solaris mutexes can be either a sleeping mutex, or a spinlock only
<bslsk05> ​lwn.net: Kernel index [LWN.net]
<netbsduser`> they call the spinlocks used in the scheduler explicitly as "dispatcher locks". i believe the janus faced mtx_t is an artefact of an incomplete adoption of their intention
<heat> the problem with that is that mutexes suck
<heat> for throughput
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<kof673> #define EADDRNOTAVAIL 0x12f /* Address not available */ 7-some lines later #define EADDRNOTAVAIL 0x136 /* Address not available */
<kof673> properly-built elks toolchain still has some fun surprises
<kof673> eeny meeny miny mo........which one to trust......
<heat> lol
<heat> what's up with those errnos anyway
<heat> too darn high up
<zid> The only acceptable errno is -4
<zid> It's large enough to be thoughtful but not too large to be excessive
<zid> -1 is just too weak, makes you think they've not even thought about it
<kof673> it is dos stuff........and some mixture of elks and newlib and ...........
<kof673> dos stuff with some spirit of unix sprinkled in lol
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<kof673> actually i already have a "no errno" path it is just to check strtoul() or similar, and fallback to atoi() but .........
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