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<kof673> i dunno, it boots in real mode doesn't it :D
<kof673> not sure if it is supposed to work e.g. on a floppy...i only got text from qemu "-kernel" option so maybe my setup is badly broken...
<kof673> and for zImage...something has to uncompress it ....what is that part written in?
<nikolar> shoudn't gcc support some 16-bit x86
<kof673> ia16-gcc does, another elks thing AFAIK
<zid> I wouldn't wanna use it lol
<kof673> but that is relatively new to my knowledge, not sure 1998 or earlier gcc did
<kof673> is.........look up the date, but mid 90s is my guess :D
<zid> you can't really write real mode x86 in C unless you use C-like and add near and far keywords and shit, realistically, for anything serious
<zid> everybody used write 'serious' things in proper 32bit C and bundle dos4gw or whatever
<nikolar> zid: ia16-gcc is for elks
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<nikolar> and elks assums ss=ds
<nikolar> so basically, you don't deal with segmentation
<mpetch> Well there is OpenWatcom 2.0 C. Although dated it does real mode and segmentation well.
<nikolar> zid: does it also do c
<zid> I'm not actually sure, but in that era, C++ just meant void * is broken and '' is the wrong size :P
<zid> I think the way watcom did it was just that all pointers were far
<heat_> wdym '' is the wrong size?
<ring0_starr> why do you NEED near and far keywords in an implementation of C for the 8086
<zid> it's char in C++ and int in C
<heat_> huh, TIL
<zid> That's literally half of what I know about C++
<zid> because other than using 'class' as a reserved var name, it's what stopped C++98 being compatible with C
<nikolar> int class; /* c++ contingency */
<mpetch> Openwatcom C supports a variety of memory models in 16-bit code generation. It can use near and far. and what gets generated depends on the model.
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<kof673> ~500k uncompresssed Image (as opposed to compressed zImage). the release notes says there is some limit for uncompressed kernels, but they boot faster on old hardware? ...maybe it is hitting that limit, who knows :D
<zid> yea it has model=small or whatever too
<ring0_starr> no what i'm saying is that it shouldn't need different memory models at all
<zid> but then you only gets a segment
<ring0_starr> this is the compiler's job
<zid> I'm not sure you could like.. annotate things for a 'mixed' environment?
<ring0_starr> sure it might do stupid memory layouts but strictly speaking it should be able to do standard ISO C just fine
<nikolar> i geuss everything is a long pointer
<ring0_starr> right
<zid> far
<nikolar> far pointer
<zid> unles -mcmodel=small equivalent
<ring0_starr> ok fair enough
<nikolar> or
<ring0_starr> so what i described exists as a far memory model
<nikolar> everything is a near pointer
<zid> reight
<heat_> char to int promotion is a biatch
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<mpetch> far pointers in dos were still limited to max 64KiB offsets. So creating objects of greater than 64KiB required extra work which is why the huge pointers were created. Unfortunately making everything a huge pointer adds considerable overhead to anything that does pointer arithmetic.
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<nikolar> far pointers are segment+offset right
<mpetch> Yes
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<nikolar> what are huge poimters then
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<mpetch> Huge pointers are still segment:offset but unlike far pointers that only support pointer arithmetic on the offset portion of the address - huge pointers can do pointer arithmetic on both the segment and offset.
<nikolar> oh so they need to generate code for carry
<nikolar> to the segment bit
<mpetch> Exactly
<nikolar> nice
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<kof673> i'm not sure how the ia16 gcc + binutils is supposed to work, maybe i have an older version :D cannot open linker script file dos-com.ld cannot open linker script file dos-exe-small.ld
<kof673> i can compile objects and make archives lol just no binaries/programs lol no headers or libc, i just pointed it at dev86 lol elks is elks i assume... anyways :D does not matter, just while that is the topic
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<the_oz> How are you invoking it?
<the_oz> think maybe could be there than in invoked
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<kof673> README.md: make it mandatory to build elks-libc Jan 22, 2025 This is not very pretty, but it should reduce the number of possible ways to build the toolchain -- & the number of ways the build can go wrong.
<kof673> https://github.com/tkchia/gcc-ia16 https://gitlab.com/tkchia/build-ia16 it came from there, so will try the latest version later
<bslsk05> ​tkchia/gcc-ia16 - Fork of Lambertsen & Jenner (& al.)'s IA-16 (Intel 16-bit x86) port of GNU compilers ― added far pointers & more • use https://github.com/tkchia/build-ia16 to build • Ubuntu binaries at https://launchpad.net/%7Etkchia/+archive/ubuntu/build-ia16/ • DJGPP/MS-DOS binaries at https://gitlab.com/tkchia/build-ia16/-/releases • mirror of https://gitlab.com/tkchia/gcc-ia16 (is fork /16 forks/187 stargazers/GPL-2.0)
<bslsk05> ​gitlab.com: TK Chia / build-ia16 · GitLab
<kof673> "make it mandatory to build elks-libc" whatever I did, did not have that :D
<kof673> https://codeberg.org/tkchia/build-ia16 there is a 'workflow' diagram there :D
<bslsk05> ​codeberg.org: tkchia/build-ia16: Scripts to build IA-16 GCC toolchain ― fork of https://github.com/crtc-demos/build-ia16 • mirror of https://gitlab.com/tkchia/build-ia16 • DJGPP/MS-DOS binaries at https://gitlab.com/tkchia/build-ia16/-/releases - Codeberg.org
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<heat_> kernel
<nikolar> kornial
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<zid> colonel
<nikolar> wrong
<zid> liutenant?
<nikolar> wrong again
<zid> I give up
<nikolar> good
<zid> what was the answer
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<nikolar> krnl
<sbalmos> just for that, I'm naming the idle thread in my kernel Sanders
<zid> The apckage manager is 'bernie'
<zid> I am once again coming to you with some package updates
<zid> nikolar want to do some PEAR PROGRAMMING?
<nikolar> PEARING?
<nikolar> what are we PEARING
<zid> I had a few ideas
<zid> depends if you're game or not
<nikolar> sure, why not
<sbalmos> zid: probably would be better if you aliased sudo to bernie
<sbalmos> I am once again asking for your superuser support!
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<demindiro> gdb's Python API is pretty neat
<demindiro> Being able to type printptr instead of x/8wx $rdi - 8 etc all the time made debugging a whole lot easier
<demindiro> Also filtering backtrace to only include actual function pointers instead of literally everything on the stack
<demindiro> btw, does UEFI use the fs and gs registers? Doesn't seem to be specified anywhere
<vykt> demindiro: PINCE is basically a frontend for gdb's python api
<demindiro> "The Windows ABI forbids modifying either of these segment registers.", so I guess the same applies to UEFI
<demindiro> Though I guess I can just save and restore the registers before calling a UEFI function
<demindiro> "All runtime interfaces are non-blocking interfaces and can be called with interrupts disabled if desired" so I can avoid worrying about any interrupts using the fs or gs registers too (while my code is running).
<heat_> oh lord
<heat_> here's a tip: don't assume too much from EFI and be as paranoid as possible
<heat_> real UEFI doesn't match whatever they wrote down full of typos
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<demindiro> Is it safe to disable interrupts? If I can at least guarantee that I suppose it should be fine to use whatever registers I want.
<demindiro> As long as I restore them before calling out
<heat> you should read linux efi source
<heat> it's a bucket full of reality
<heat> you'll notice something fun called "eh, we crashed mid efi runtime services? alright, never call this again and keep going"
<demindiro> 827:    /* Disable interrupts around EFI calls: */
<demindiro> So I should keep interrupts disabled at all times I guess
<demindiro> which makes things easier actually
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<nikolar> heat: kek
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<zid> demindiro: you know gdb has just normal C printf right?
<zid> you don't x/8wx, you printf "%p"
<heat> wdym, that won't do the same thing
<zid> yea it does 1 not 8, but his message was the confusing one not mine honest gov
<demindiro> zid: I'm not using C, I'm writing pure assembly for a "minimal" interpreter
<demindiro> And I'm definitely not following any standard conventions for the interpreter itself
<heat> printf "%p" won't deref
<zid> I didn't say you were using C
<zid> I said gdb has printf
<zid> so you don't need a python api to print things
<zid> or to use x/
<heat> i've also noticed (informally) that doing *0xdeadbeef will deref 0xdeadbeef as an int*
<zid> yea default is int, you can typecast
<heat> not unsigned long
<zid> try print (struct FILE *)0xDEADBEEF :P
<heat> yes i do that
<heat> i've been running into an issue now where to get the current process i need to get a per-cpu variable, and that's a PITA
<heat> i will inevitably need to write some sort of gdb macro
<zid> can you do funny things through the stub I wonder
<zid> and expose symbols or something
<zid> or fake registers via xml
<demindiro> That's the kind of pretty printing I needed ^
<heat> its hitting me pretty hard now because i've basically switched to using a clever pure function desguised as a macro (so you can Just Use it as a variable), so now i have no trace of a local variable assigned to the current process
<heat> it's annoying
<zid> yea that's cool
<demindiro> And as heat said, that doesn't do the same thing
<zid> yes
<zid> but what you said was- nevermind
<demindiro> I specifically need the contents as 32 bit integers
<zid> going round in squirkles
<zid> (so use %x then)
<zid> (or %d or %u or %i)
<demindiro> The contents of whatever is at the memory location
<demindiro> (gdb) x/4wx $rsi - 8
<demindiro> 0x7fffffef94e0:    0x00000020    0x00000000    0x00000097    0x00000066
<demindiro> Stuff like that
<zid> (gdb) printf "%d cows\n", $rsi
<zid> -2147479552 cows
<demindiro> I did 2 things with the Python API, if that's not what is clear
<demindiro> 1. pretty print data structures 2. make the stack trace sensible
<zid> you can macro that printf and do the pretty printo
<heat> i need to figure that gdb shit out
<heat> One Day
<zid> not sure you could do something like "%s", $rsi > 0 ? "TAG_MEOW" : "TAG_KETCHUP"
<zid> though
<zid> I know how to do that in windbg
<demindiro> Which is way to much typing and was driving me mad
<demindiro> Hence scripting
<zid> all I said is you don't NEED it
<heat> buddy, try *(struct thread **)($gs_base + (unsigned long) &current_thread)
<zid> nice if you can autogen the printer though
<kof673> so basically, /* raw dogging it */ -- uefi code
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<vykt> I'd suggest writing macros for every custom datatype. In the project I'm working on currently (not osdev) I have 100+ line macros to print large datastructures nicely. It's really worth learning, makes debugging so much faster.
<nikolar> wouldn't it be better to write a function at that oiint
<nikolar> point
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<vykt> Yeah maybe, I've not had a need to log it yet.
<heat> a function?
<heat> gdb on qemu can't call functions without choking itself out
<bslsk05> ​lwn.net: Subscription required [LWN.net]
<bslsk05> ​lwn.net: [PATCH RFC v2 00/10] SLUB percpu sheaves [LWN.net]
<netbsduser`> > The name "sheaf" was invented by Matthew so we don't call it magazine like the original Bonwick paper.
<netbsduser`> never change Linux
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