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what's happening in the kernal land today
filesystem, malloc, scripting language thing, i do have a plan for "kernel" just very slow :D
they can be tested in userland/hosted first...........
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Ermine: nikolar is taking the day off
@zid on an unrelated note I saw mention of call print_debug; db "Error msg" and it reminded me of the call/pop (part of jmp.call/pop) method used by stack overflow exploits to embed a string in the payload and get its address from the stack.
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yah that's a fairly common pattern in a lot of early architectures that didn't necessarily have a stack pointer or some sort of hardware stack
but had some sort of branch-and-link sort of instruction that would let you at least get back to where you came from
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yesterday i randomly remembered that bizarre nintendo nx bug with the missing memory barrier plus cache clearing
it is a little odd that the nx kernel doesn't have a single memory barrier in its scheduler
linux has like 3 or 4
yea you'd think something would serialize
this is a known thing, you're supposed to insert a DSB in the conect switch at the minimum in case you interrupted a sequence like this
which is what you just said yeah. it's non obvious
not just for this but you want barriers for various other things
you'd assume it'd just.. never work
or always work
including syncing up task wakeup with task sleeping
never work because the barriers were missing, or always work because the sched does lots of systemy stuff and probably causes a serialize regardless
you also want a barrier on task spawning
but it *very rarely failing* is kind of funny
yes, but in this particular sequence it's actually mentioned in the arm doc
since you issue the cache flushes (or tlb flushes too) and then must issue a DSB as a seperate instruction
either you must do that operatio with interrupts disabled (slow)
or you must arrange for there to be a barrier inside the interrupt if theres going to be some sort of task switch that does't let it complete the sequence
do you need a dsb or just a dmb?
and yeah it's be *extremely* hard to see this sequence
dmbs only deal with memory and memory barriers, DSBs *specitically* in addition to being a DMB also interlock with cache and TLB ops
think of a DSB = { DMB, wait for other pending OOO ops like cache/TLB }
super dmb, that's what the s is for
i think the other way of looking at it is DMB isn't really 'blocking' per se. it simply orders memory operations as they're setting in the queue
DSB however actually stops forward progress and waits for things to commit
then at the 3rd layer, ISB keeps the cpu from moving forward past it
this is why DSB; ISB; is the absolute barrier of the cpu
why isn't dmb + isb equivalent?
since isb will still wait
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gotta think about that for a sec
i mean dmb wouldn't interlock with cache ops and whatnot, because it's not defined to
i think it would just plow past the dmb and the isb acts as a prefetching stall
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ie, the cpu cannoot prefetch/speculate around an ISB until the PC actually arrives at it (ie, it's retired all the instructions)
oh yes, the diff would be wrt cache and tlb ops yeah
but since the DMB doesn't actually wait for memory ops to complete, it simply inserts a sort of before-and-after label on any existing memory ops that havne't completed, it would just keep going past
memory barriers man, memory barriers.
how out of order are these things anyway?
i can't really gauge how much ooo fuckiness these modern cores do
i do know x86 is really memory-barrier happy in the sense that the memory model is really forgiving and even a locked atomic implies a full memory barrier
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my experience is the M1 cpu (and presumably the later ones) is *extremely* OOO
people have documented it and i've found at least one bug in zircon that i could only reproduce on qemu on m1
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seems it's rather important when writing a program with involved data structures to have a document that tells all the constraints of those data structures and to read that document before proceeding the next time you work on the project.
how dare you be thorough
ikr just write the code lol wtf
getting into it I had some questions about what those last and next pointers were for and why I had them pointing at adjacent elements. also I was assuming there would only be one trunk structure. it's been a couple of weeks of coding weirdly.
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1. .pushsection is exactly what I need
2. precise stack scanning for roots (for tracing GC) is surprisingly easy
And most importantly: 3. don't forget to initialize your data structures because fuck that was awful to debug
Macros in GAS are also way nicer than those in C somehow
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macros are part of the syntax rather than a preprocessing step
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demindiro, if you compile your .S files with gcc/clang (instead of as) you can get it to preprocess your files
thus the best of both worlds
I don't like the C preprocessor
it defines (iirc) __ASSEMBLER__ which you can use to gate off C structs
well, it's very useful for shit you want to share between C and asm
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demindiro: what are you doing with a gc
Gc kernel?
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nikolar: bootstrap interpreter
What's a bootstrap interpreter
I intend to add a JIT too, but it will be implemented as another interpreter in the language itself
The idea is lots of stacked interpreters and JIT optimize them
And the bootstrap interpreter just a small one written in assembly
The semantics of the language should be just right that optimizing it down efficiently should work regardless of how many interpreters you pile on top
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And yes, I'll use a GC for most services. Tracing GC should work fine if you keep the heap small
Which shouldn't be too hard if you have many small heaps per "process" a la Erlang
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linux operating system
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* kof673
narrator: in the lost forest of #osdev, the natives still primitively chant for favour, "kernel, kernel!" they cry out
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i'd like to interject for a moment
linux is not an operating system system unto itself
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it's acksually gnu plus linux
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uhhhhhh maam i use the gnu operating system aktshually
gog: use gnu plus onyx
gnu plus kjarna
subscribe to gnu plus
your new foss libre documentary streaming service
In both senses
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heat_: is gnu plus google+ but gnu
more like msn but gnu
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gnoogle plus
zid, copyright that
I just did
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noogleplus.com sounds like i'm asking for a cat.