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<nikolar> ILLUMOS
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<childlikempress> what in the WORLD is that pdf
<childlikempress> in housemate's quit message
<kazinsal> nothing a steady stream of risperidone won't fix
<childlikempress> >_<
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<zid> It's called mental illness childlikempress, look it up
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<the_oz> Christopher Csatlos hates Craig Coote. 111111111Thinking Coote out t5o eat him also prone to hyperbole that stretches sanity to the point of obscurity of meaning. Maybe mentally ill.
<the_oz> ]is he a remote viewer?
<bslsk05> ​www.youtube.com: - YouTube
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<heat> alright intel microcode loading is fuckin implemented woooo
<Ermine> woah
<Ermine> you're fast
<heat> thats what she said
<heat> i added a cpio parser too
<heat> a very simple one just to grok intel-ucode.img
<heat> i want to note that cpio is wayyyyyyyyyyyy simpler than tar and i understand why linux only works with it
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<Ermine> what if i disable hpet in bios
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<heat> you'll get worse timers
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