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* Ermine LVIW
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<geist> neat. got bsd 2.11 running on the PDP11
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<vaxuser> geist: wut
<vaxuser> geist: you serious mon
<gog> hi
* vaxuser pets pdp11
<geist> yeah
<vaxuser> solid
<vaxuser> does that network in any way?
<geist> i dont have a nic or a spare serial port to set up slip though
<vaxuser> oh i get it, your girlfriend is going to another school
<geist> ewll, i do have some sort of nic in thsi but the kernel doesn't seem to find it, so may need to fiddle there
<kof123> sorry mario, the princess is attending another school! </toad>
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<kof123> https://www.teckelworks.com/2020/03/c-programming-on-a-bare-metal-pdp-11/ getc() and putc() what else do you need?
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<bslsk05> ​www.teckelworks.com: teckelworks » C Programming on a bare metal PDP-11
<kof123> *other than multiplication, division, and xor, what else do you need?
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<geist> to a modern programmer i doubt pdp11 is particularly strange looking, but that is also because it's kinda the prototype of fairly modern design
<vaxuser> but does it run DOCKER
<kof123> oh i was not mocking, that looks like a legit target to simulate for me, except how much ram is the only question
<geist> was gonna say it runs CLUSTER
<geist> but actually that's a VMS thing,
<kof123> if it is vaguely c 89, i am in
<geist> you can still compile gcc for it
<vaxuser> pdp11 running an itanium emulator
<vaxuser> implement yesterday, get hello world booted next century
<geist> yah this machine has 1.5MB, a bit hard to fit an itanium in there
<vaxuser> have you heard of SWAP on TAPES
<gog> that's probably the size of its register file lmao
<geist> register file of a CRAY-1 is kinda like that
<geist> it just keeps on going
<vaxuser> is register file stored on fat12
<vaxuser> :trollface:
<vaxuser> remember there are no stupid questions
<bslsk05> ​www.theregister.com: Arm breaking into Intel's PC heartlands and worse is to come • The Register
* Ermine wants to try out swap on tapes
<vaxuser> swap on nfs is a sufficient failure i think
<GeDaMo> That page has a link to an interview with Dave Cutler
<sham1> C89? Eh, better than pre-ansi but still, ew
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<kof123> c89 doesn't mandate as much bit widths or representations. > Fixed width integer types (since C99) that is when it all went wrong :D
<kof123> > _BitInt(N)` - A Fundamental Type for N-bit Integers will be added to C23
<kof123> they had to swing back around 33 years later lol
<kof123> i rest my cat
<Ermine> Fixed width is how things should have been since the beginning
<Ermine> It is sad to see only 1 task running on 4 cores machine
<kof123> well, it would seemingly need some hardware standard, C was just piggybacking/mimicing whatever various hw existed
<kof123> a deadly game of cat [hw] versus other cat [sw] -- cave johnson
<kof123> which one should be dictating these things?
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<kof123> i would say something "Integrated" probably always has more potential to be optimized....but then the next step is instruction set tailored to a specific language, etc.
<kof123> see burroughs machines lol
<kof123> "lol" just because i think they had some C-ish implementations too IIRC
<kof123> > The C Machine in its CRISP implementation, and the Hobbit that followed directly, both aim to support the types of memory access that programming languages ...
<kof123> how "Integrated" do you want :D
<mcrod`> hi
<sham1> Hi
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<ddevault> immibis: did you ever have any progress towards bringing up the video out on a pinephone
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<vaxuser> btw, did you know mutt eats over 1G of rss with 1 million e-mails?
<vaxuser> disappointing
<heat> sir, i use gmail
<heat> gogle has all the rams in the world!
<vaxuser> zsh: command not found: gmail
<vaxuser> what distro is it
<heat> rhel
<vaxuser> do you btw use arch?
<heat> i use arch, btw
<vaxuser> i would totally create a fork named arch btw
<vaxuser> it would be all the same except with an installer
<heat> arch has an installer, btw
<pounce> arch already has an installer
<vaxuser> did someone lie to me? :(
<bslsk05> ​github.com: libsame/src/libsame.c at main · mcroddev/libsame · GitHub
<vaxuser> i was told it's basicallly gentoo-like experience
<vaxuser> or perhaps that's what you mean by an installer
<heat> mcrod`, guck you
<heat> vaxuser, what's the gentoo-like experience?
<heat> AFAIK the arch installer is just a cmdline thing
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<heat> mcrod`, 1) unit tests BRUH 2) LINE COVERAGE BRUH 3) whats up with that branch coverage big fella
<vaxuser> not even one 69%
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<vaxuser> are you optimizng solaris on sparc
<vaxuser> erm linux!
<mcrod`> dunno #3
<heat> fwiw
<heat> asserts count as branches
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<vaxuser> but they would be covered?
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<vaxuser> makes me wonder how code coverage looks like for rust
<vaxuser> when they .unwrap()
<vaxuser> their way out of error handling
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<heat> yes, asserts are covered
<heat> for true branch and line coverage you need -D_NDEBUG
<heat> sorry, -DNDEBUG. forgot they didn't have a leading underscore there
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<vaxuser> so i'm looking ot a log4j equivalent for RUST
<vaxuser> keep running into webdev crates
<mcrod`> i suppose if you have sanitizers enabled as well
<vaxuser> check this out
<mcrod`> does that hurt your code coverage
<heat> i'm not sure mcrod`
<vaxuser> pretty_env_logger configurable with RUST_LOG
<mcrod`> because i run the unit tests with sanitizers enabled
<vaxuser> so what happens if you pass in a wrong value?
<vaxuser> it prints *nothing*
<vaxuser> i'm confident nobody got their debug disabled by accident
<heat> mon
<heat> if you like rust so much, it's time to frankenstein your way into an OS
<heat> using CRATES
<vaxuser> i can concede rust can mostly compile to similar code c implementation would
<vaxuser> but you have to be vary of 1. lol crates 2. common idea which prohibit that
<vaxuser> ideas
<bslsk05> ​crates.io <no title>
<heat> ./flamegraph.pl in rost
<vaxuser> ooof
<vaxuser> i concede perl SCRIPTEN are not the fastest
<vaxuser> but i don't know if optimization by clean room in rust detached from upstream is the way to go
<vaxuser> i produce pretty big stacks sometimes and never had a reason to look into perf of this sucker
<immibis> ddevault: didn't really try any more
<immibis> i found other things to do
<vaxuser> besides usability becomes slightly sketchy
<immibis> ddevault: you could try it from the other end - start from a working u-boot and strip things out until it stops working
<immibis> (a working u-boot with video. I think there are some)
<immibis> i was trying to start from scratch by copying things from u-boot into my code
<bslsk05> ​crates.io <no title>
<bslsk05> ​crates.io <no title>
<bslsk05> ​crates.io <no title>
<bslsk05> ​crates.io <no title>
<bslsk05> ​crates.io <no title>
<heat> getten to worken
<immibis> think you can flood the bot offline by posting enough short links at once?
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<heat> bslsk05 is top code written in python
<heat> very solid never going down
<vaxuser> you are triggering me with the vfs crate
<immibis> > binary/octet-stream kek
<immibis> is that even a real content-type
<bslsk05> ​crates.io <no title>
<vaxuser> :s
<bslsk05> ​github.com: spin-rs/src/rwlock.rs at master · mvdnes/spin-rs · GitHub
<vaxuser> at least they don't do lock-protected read locking
<ddevault> immibis: got it, thanks
<vaxuser> wtf
<bslsk05> ​matklad.github.io: Spinlocks Considered Harmful
<vaxuser> bla bla spinning without futexen == shafted, that's fine
<vaxuser> but then
<vaxuser> static CACHE: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
<vaxuser> let mut res = CACHE.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
<vaxuser> if res == 0 {
<vaxuser> res = init();
<vaxuser> CACHE.store(res, Ordering::Relaxed);
<vaxuser> }
<vaxuser> res
<heat> >blocking the current thread until it can be acquired.
<vaxuser> wtf
<heat> but threaden are not blocken
<vaxuser> fucko ffen
<vaxuser> chekco ut the above anti-pattern in play
<gog> patternen
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<vaxuser> is there one of you or is it GOGEN
<mcrod`> gog: i want a fish
* gog tosses a fishy to mcrod`
* mcrod` chomp
<heat> vaxuser, wait what's the problem with that snippet?
<heat> it looks reasonable?
<immibis> it may compute the cache multiple times, but that's probably reasonable if there are no side effects
<vaxuser> fucked fences
<heat> why fucked?
<heat> it doesn't need fences there
<immibis> why waste time spinning for the cache to be populated when you may as well populate it
<heat> there's no spinning
<vaxuser> you need fences to synchro against whatever init is doing
<immibis> sounds like init just does computation
<heat> why?
<immibis> > Another option, if the state fits into usize and the initializing function is idempotent and relatively quick, is to do a racy initialization:
<heat> this looks like a harmless race
<vaxuser> ok if all you ever read there is the one var then indeed this works
<vaxuser> this justl ooks like the classci anti pattern
<vaxuser> if (lolptr == NULL) { lolptr == init(); }
<heat> why is it an anti pattern?
<vaxuser> /* use lolptr here */
<vaxuser> oh therey ou go, actual crate the guy talks about *is* employing fences
<bslsk05> ​github.com: once_cell/src/race.rs at master · matklad/once_cell · GitHub
<immibis> you still didn't explain why this is fucked > if the state fits into usize and the initializing function is idempotent and relatively quick
<vaxuser> 15:05 < vaxuser> ok if all you ever read there is the one var then indeed this works
<vaxuser> as for anti pattern in general see the comment in https://github.com/matklad/once_cell/blob/master/src/race.rs#L11
<bslsk05> ​github.com: once_cell/src/race.rs at master · matklad/once_cell · GitHub
<heat> ok
<heat> so you need a smp_rmb + smp_wmb to make sure stores aren't reordered on weird archs
<heat> that's what I wanted to know
<vaxuser> i'm positiviely surprised a rust crate is fine
<heat> what crate?
<vaxuser> once_cell linked above
<immibis> but it's rusty
<heat> is it fine? I can't read any of that shitten
<vaxuser> i don't think plural form works here
<heat> i don't caren if it doesn't worken, this is addicten
<vaxuser> less talking about kissing girls on irc and more learning rust
<vaxuser> or actually go kiss a girl
<vaxuser> you nerd
<heat> fuck you
<vaxuser> gogs do you have any single friends who are desperate
<vaxuser> asking for a fellow channel member
<heat> vaxuser is feeling lonely ever since bsdgirl420 left him :(
<heat> that was, in 2005
<vaxuser> it was 9/11 2001
<vaxuser> i just noticed
<vaxuser> nine elevEN
<sham1> Oh ffs
<sham1> And that's not the filesystem
<vaxuser> is it find first bit set?
<sham1> Sadly not
<vaxuser> ok, i give up
<heat> what does ffs mean?
<vaxuser> what is it
<sham1> urban dictionary it
<vaxuser> alias ffs=sudo !!
<vaxuser> pro tip
<vaxuser> :X
<Ermine> vaxuser: I'll write that down
<mcrod`> wtf
<mcrod`> why does the most basic shit always break on me?
<Ermine> alias wtf=man
<mcrod`> oh shut up
<mcrod`> :(
<vai> :D
<Ermine> Got to learn cmake :(
<vaxuser> does it run on minix tho
<Ermine> some ancient version probably
<Ermine> iirc I've even used it to build something
<Ermine> weechat probably
<Ermine> vaxuser: netbsd build system is probably worse than cmake
<vaxuser> you take an issue with a bunch of shell?
<heat> ./build.sh
<vaxuser> ./makeitslow.sh
<vaxuser> ./fastkurwa.rs
<Ermine> bunch of shell and bsd make
<sham1> I like shell :(
* vaxuser slaps sham1
<sham1> Although only for bootstrapping a real build system. That or as part of redo
<heat> powershell
* sham1 slaps heat
<kof123> > is there one of you or is it GOGEN cats, rabbits, frogs, gazelles...could both crouch, as well as jump. this has been your daily kof hieroglyphic lesson in CONWAY'S LAW
* heat hugs gog
<sham1> Speaking of shell, https://www.etalabs.net/sh_tricks.html
<bslsk05> ​www.etalabs.net: Rich’s sh (POSIX shell) tricks
<sham1> By one of the musl devs
<Ermine> There's nothing bad in shell
<sham1> > I am a strong believer that Bourne-derived languages are extremely bad, on the same order of badness as Perl, for programming, and consider programming sh for any purpose other than as a super-portable, lowest-common-denominator platform for build or bootstrap scripts and the like, as an extremely misguided endeavor.
<sham1> So, enough sh to build a c thing
<heat> secs=$((`TZ=GMT0 date \
<heat> +"((%Y-1600)*365+(%Y-1600)/4-(%Y-1600)/100+(%Y-1600)/400+1%j-1000-135140)\
<heat> *86400+(1%H-100)*3600+(1%M-100)*60+(1%S-100)"`))
<heat> this is a musl moment
<sham1> That's sadly the only portable way to do that
<heat> the portable way to do it is date +%s
<Ermine> But shitloads of shell is a horrible thing
<vaxuser> portable way is to ditch any "posix" tooling
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<sham1> heat: there is no +%s in the bible
<sham1> Nor in POSIX
<Ermine> heat: where did you find that
<heat> Ermine, sham1's link
<heat> sham1, there's a +%s in GNU date
<sham1> That's not portable. Although if you're fine with GNU/Brainworms, then sure
<heat> i rely on many GNU extensions
<sham1> That's nice
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<Ermine> heat: see Final Remarks section
<sham1> RMS is cancelled
<heat> it is! you'll literally die if you don't use extensions
<heat> writing strictly POSIX anything is fucking depressing
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<heat> POSIX is the lowest common denominator
<heat> also, freebsd +%s works
<sham1> That's why you only write as little posix as you can get away with
<heat> you made me boot freebsd for that, you should apologize
<sham1> Because C? C is miles more portable
<Ermine> Posix shell is already awful
<sham1> Sowwy
<heat> <3
<gog> uwu
<Ermine> So extensions are not going to make candy out of shit
<heat> Ermine, they will however make shit less shit
<Ermine> Until you open bash source and fall into the rabbit hole
<sham1> I like my sanity
<heat> open the source of anything core in your system and you will literally die
<sham1> Well, writing POSIX sh makes that suspect, but reading GNU code is depressing
<Ermine> I survived while reading skarnet's code
<Ermine> Granted, there's a lot of room for improvement
<sham1> Whenever my stack traces lead inside glibc, I start questioning life choices and whether software engineering was the best path
<Ermine> sham1: it wasn't; become doctor
<heat> return x->sp ? x->freelist[--x->sp] : (errno = ENOSPC, x->max) ;
<Ermine> stack traces leading inside glib are more frightening
<heat> clever code, musl vibes indeed
<sham1> I'm too antisocial to be a doctor, and that's saying something, given some of the doctors around
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<heat> become social
<heat> then become doctor
<mcrod`> it's so nice to use CI without needing to wait 50 hours
<sham1> Oh, not really into musl either. It's just lesser of the two pessimal libraries. Like I do appreciate glibc when it's working and as a user, but when writing C? Eh
<mcrod`> honestly
<mcrod`> i respect musl
<heat> glibc clears musl in almost every aspect except static linking
<heat> sorry
<mcrod`> i know
<mcrod`> that's why I said respect
<mcrod`> i respect what they want to do, they have a lot of good ideas
<heat> musl does not work frequently due to sheer upstream stubbornness. have you had to debug musl code? fuck that
<mcrod`> i haven't, admittedly
<bslsk05> ​github.com: musl/src/network/dns_parse.c at master · heatd/musl · GitHub
<heat> have fun!
<sham1> Oh yeah, it's miserable. I run void linux in places
<Ermine> heat: why don't you port glibc?
<mcrod`> thought: write your own libc
<heat> Ermine, i have a semi-working local glibc onyx port
<sham1> Yeah, do like a fighter aircraft and pull a sortie
<mcrod`> i wonder what's a good threshold for benchmarking...
<mcrod`> as in, when running on the CI pipeline
<sham1> 69%
<mcrod`> e.g., if this benchmark run deviates -5% from previous, declare a failure
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<heat_> <heat> but: 1) it needs some work 2) static linking lmao 3) i would need to go through my toolchain patches again and adjust for glibc vs musl
<heat_> <heat> in theory i'd like to have both options
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<nicesj> good day!
<heat_> sup
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<mcrod`> portable linux binaries is a lie
<mcrod`> no matter how you slice it
<zid> so are portable windows binaries
<zid> but, we don't care
<zid> we just go install the missing libraries as they happen
<bslsk05> ​twitter: <IanCutress> FRED is coming. [https://twitter.com/InstLatX64/status/1718933516535070950 <InstLatX64> According to the 50th Future ISA Guide, this time #ArrowLakeH C065x mobile has different ISA than the #ArrowLakeS C066x desktop #AVX_VNNI_INT16 , #SHA512 , #SM3 , #SM4 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9rfC97W4AARn_N.png ]
<zid> woofred
<mcrod`> for the first time in my life
<mcrod`> i have a working "build status: passing" badge
<mcrod`> that's pathetic isn't it
<zid> do we know what ian cutress is a doctor of
<heat_> my heart?
<heat_> computational chemistry according to his linkedin
<bslsk05> ​'Sting - Shape of My Heart (Official Music Video)' by StingVEVO (00:04:41)
<Ermine> heat: good to hear
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<zid> heat_: how many patches in 6.6 do you hjave?
<zid> pablo.. peng.. peter.. no pedro :(
<heat_> for 6.6? i'm not sure if any of them caught the merge window
<heat_> probably not. should have at least 2 in 6.7 though
<zid> okay good
<zid> you had better or I'm disowning you
<Ermine> what in 6.6
<zid> nothing in 6.6, he slacker
<heat_> i have one interesting thing i should look at. but the more i think about it, the less it seems that it matters
<mcrod`> that's the senile kicking in
<heat_> i would call it wisdom
<mcrod`> call it what you will
<mcrod`> i'll be taking you to the nursing home soon pops
<heat_> fuck you
<nicesj> oops
<nicesj> calm down
<Ermine> I'd prefer euthanasia to getting brought to nursing home
<zid> what if it's a nice o ne
<zid> with a LAN
<heat_> what game are we playing?
<zid> sc2 ofc
<heat_> i've never played starcraft
<zid> we'll get the elderly korean lady to do commentary
<Ermine> What is the interesting thing you're looking at?
<zid> I played a bunch of sc2 at launch, for the first series etc
<heat_> Ermine, fork() doesn't copy over MAP_PRIVATE file mappings at all. i'm wondering if saving a page fault there (at least for executable mappings) makes sense
<Ermine> As per mmap(2), MAP_PRIVATE is copy-on-write
<heat_> yes, this applies to MAP_PRIVATE mappings that did not get write-faulted
<heat_> * Don't copy ptes where a page fault will fill them correctly. Fork
<heat_> * becomes much lighter when there are big shared or private readonly
<heat_> * than faulting.
<heat_> * mappings. The tradeoff is that copy_page_range is more efficient
<zid> heat is there any ever pressure to simplify kernel mappings to make process creation cheaper?
<heat_> the counterpoint to this idea is that 1) executable mappings usually aren't very large 2) you'll page fault *immediately after* returning from fork
<heat_> zid, wdym?
<zid> what I said, if you don't understand I guess the answer is either no or you don't know
<heat_> what's a kernel mapping?
<Ermine> Good question
<heat_> the gold standard for process creation does not involve touching mmap regions at all. just vfork/clone(CLONE_VM) and exec
<heat_> but i guess you know that
<zid> no and I don't care
<zid> that's why I don't know
<zid> I don't even know what an mmap region is
<heat_> linux has these structs called VMAs (vm areas) arranged in a btree
<zid> bit off topic
<zid> esp cus I said I don't care
<heat_> i mean, define kernel mapping? i can't answer you if I don't know what you're referring to
<zid> A mapping
<zid> for
<zid> the kernel
<heat_> in the MMU sense?
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<Ermine> What about benchmarking it?
<heat_> Ermine, yeah that's the challenging part
<Ermine> we have vaxuser for that
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<vaxuser> i onlyb enchmark to flex on others
<gog> how much do you bench press
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<vaxuser> 3 gogs body weight
<vaxuser> on my rest day
<gog> dang
<gog> that's 210kg
<vaxuser> you are one fat cat
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
<gog> Ermine: yes
<gog> vaxuser: that's right
* Ermine pets gog
* gog prr
<gog> fattest cat in the land
<vaxuser> you have a weight-related fetish Ermine
<vaxuser> my grandma had a turbo fat cat
<vaxuser> size-wise he was a dog
<vaxuser> and they were scared of him accordingly
<Ermine> Well, people found 100kg doggo in Nizhny Novgorod recently
<vaxuser> is that anywher near close to chernobyl
<vaxuser> :X
<vaxuser> ("fun" fact: there are dogs living in the zone)
<Ermine> there are people living in this zone afaik
<vaxuser> they are descendants of pets left behind during evacuatin
<gog> there are melanistic frogs that live there and they weren't mealinistic before the incident
<vaxuser> oh man
<vaxuser> asimov published an essay "relativity of wrong"
<vaxuser> then i learned he wrote an entire book
<vaxuser> which i put on my todo and promptly forgotten about
<vaxuser> and now here it is agin
<heat_> nizhny novgorod is IIRC pretty far north
<heat_> i'm wrong
<heat_> TIL
<heat_> (i didn't know i could be wrong)
<mcrod`> hi
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<Ermine> What about opening the map?
<zid> play more eu4, heat
<Ermine> heat_: you're thinking of Veliky Novgorod probably
<zid> nah he only knows about nizhny novgorod because of eu4 in the first place, it's an important province
<zid> he just forgot where it was
<zid> cus he's dumb
<zid> to be fair, nizhny novgorod is owned by muscovy at game start, not novgorod itself
<heat_> yes zid
<zid> That's Sir zid, to you
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<zid> Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 05 Volume 08 PREPUB [2/8]
<zid> yisss
<gog> oh it's mondauy
<geist> yay mondays
<geist> just another manic monday
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<gog> geist: were you kissing valentino by a crystal-blue italian stream?
<geist> teehee
<zid> Damnit, *next* chapter is the payoff chapter.
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<zid> wtb coma
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<sham1> Meson is python. Python is pessimal
<sham1> Therefore meson is pessimal
<vaxuser> wake me up in a post-performance era
<heat> meson is literally python
<gog> wake me up inside (can't wake up)
<zid> A shame he seemed and honest man
<zid> and all the fears you hold so dear
<zid> will turn to whisper in your ear
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