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<Ermine> mcrod`: what's wrong with doxygen's output?
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<geist> re: NTFS that's a case of something that's totally a direct derivative of VMS if you can point to any given thing
<geist> looks very very similar to FILES-11
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<nikolar> What are the exact semantics of poll-ing or select-ing on a pipe
<nikolar> Does it wait for a single byte to arrive before being readable
<nikolar> Or the whole message
<nikolar> Never mins, rtfm says it only works on bytes
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<zid> ED down for maint, life is empty now
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<mcrod`> Ermine: think it might just be doxygen-awesome-css
<Ermine> oh, I don't use custom themes
<mcrod`> disgusting
<mcrod`> the default one is disgusting
<Ermine> Fine. This is the case when contents are more important than aesthetics
<mcrod`> no pets for you
<Ermine> Good, nobody touches me
* sham1 prr
<sham1> Took your pet
<zid> I stole your pet.
<zid> If you want it back, bring £5000 in unmarked 20p coins.
<zid> Else you'll be getting it back a slice at a time.
<gog> meew
<mcrod`> gog
<mcrod`> god this is painful
<mcrod`> why can't doxygen just do what the fuck I want
<mcrod`> ugh
<sham1> Because it's not gooe
<mcrod`> hard to imagine that there's nothing else to fucking use
<sham1> Well believe it and weep, because that's exactly how things are
<mcrod`> :(
<mcrod`> trust, i am weeping
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<Ermine> mcrod`: i've heard sphinx is more customizable
<mcrod`> i'm leaning towards sphinx
<immibis> because what you want is a magical documentation machine
<immibis> hey i wonder if someone's used ChatGPT for that yet
<mcrod`> i have no problem writing the documentation myself
<bslsk05> ​github.com: SAMEthing/src/core/src/private/core.c at main · mcroddev/SAMEthing · GitHub
<mcrod`> the problem is
<mcrod`> it's not capturing shit in a SAMETHING_TESTING block
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<heat_> nikolar, define "whole message"
<nikolar> all the bytes that are sent through a single syscall
<heat_> pipes have no concept of message, just bytes (well, they kinda do, writes under PIPE_BUF are atomic and written at a time)
<heat_> but yeah if you can read without blocking, poll will tell you it's readable, and same for writing
<heat_> oh actually there's an extension for pipes that does give it message boundaries, if you pass iirc O_DIRECT
<heat_> should work on linux and freebsd i think
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<nikolar> yeah i've read that
<nikolar> honestly the PIPE_BUF thing is good enough for me
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<Ermine> zoom crashed when I tried to share screen with pipewire
<zid> Good news though, 4 hours until honzuki
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<mcrod`> hi
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<netbsduser``> i am preparing to add clustered page-in to my kernel
<netbsduser``> i wonder whether most people here endorse complicating the page fault handler itself to also install valid PTEs in the faulting process for the various pages also brought in by the clustered page-in, or whether most people prefer to just do the I/O clustered
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<heat> netbsduser``, yeah sure
<heat> do note that you probably want to avoid it if there's no sequential madvise hint
<heat> at least if you need to perform readahead
<netbsduser``> it does strike me as a sensible optimisation
<netbsduser``> if i'm doing the clustered i/o anyway then i am doing it under the belief that "someone will soon touch these other pages" and that someone is assumed to be the process that faulted on one
<heat> but you probably shouldn't readahead on page faults
<heat> and *if* you're doing readahead, you're better off waiting for a page fault and map whatever pages you have cached and faulted in
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<Ermine> heat: what's the joke behind seh vs /bin/sh -e
<heat> seh lets you handle exceptions, /bin/sh -e lets you handle exceptions (via trap(1))
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<heat> gosh i fucking hate parsing in C
<heat> strtol is garbage
<heat> atoi is even worse and strtoi does not exist
<heat> ... i'll just use sscanf
<zid> how is strtol any more garbage than sscanf?
<mcrod`> stupid question
<mcrod`> wtf does the green percentage mean in perf
<mcrod`> red is obvious
<heat> zid, you need to do errno = 0
<Ermine> parsing in C is painful indeed
<Ermine> Now try parsing wchar_t strings
<heat> wsprintf!
<Ermine> wsscanf then
<Ermine> or something idk
<Ermine> It would be cool if uefi didn't use wchar stuff
<zid> microsoft love ucs2
<zid> and they are wrong
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<immibis> that's actually unicode's fault for once, not microsoft's
<immibis> unicode was going to be a 2-byte character set
<immibis> and utf-8 hadn't been invented yet
<immibis> this is what happens when you follow standards
formerly-twitter is now known as totally-not-mjg
<totally-not-mjg> openbsd is OPTIMAL
<heat> linux is KERNAL
<Cindy> totally-not-mjg: how's secureboot
<totally-not-mjg> you may be thinking i'm mjg
<totally-not-mjg> not only that, but the linux one
<heat> mjg69?
<totally-not-mjg> you know, when i was young saying 42 was all the rage
<totally-not-mjg> you would add 42 and it was funny
<totally-not-mjg> i guess it was preparing the world for genz
<childlikempress> ♫mjg♫and♫mjg59♫sitting♫in♫a♫tree♫S♫I♫X♫T♫Y♫N♫I♫N♫E♫
<totally-not-mjg> is it me or is the world spinning
<heat> linox kernal
<totally-not-mjg> OH
<totally-not-mjg> how did you do that
<heat> hacks
<totally-not-mjg> here is a trade secret: for irssi there is a script called ascii.pl
<totally-not-mjg> watcha doin in your KLIENT
<childlikempress> so sad I turned into a hipster and switched to weechat
<totally-not-mjg> childlikempress: it's the irc client in your heart which counts
<heat> i'm using teh internet
<heat> totally-not-mjg, https://i.imgur.com/KpJTl6V.png
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<heat> this motherfucker mcrod is really pushing it
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<totally-not-mjg> wtf
<totally-not-mjg> you can't say that and have a freebsd mascott as an avatar
<totally-not-mjg> fucking permaban
<childlikempress> permabanned from freebsd. Do not pass go. Go directly to openbsd
<totally-not-mjg> i would say that but they got flamegraphs
<totally-not-mjg> for real
<childlikempress> ;o
<totally-not-mjg> no, really
<heat> totally-not-mjg, yeah btrace - bug tracer
<heat> no joke that's what the manpage says, "bug tracer"
<heat> they're totally not ripping anyone off
<totally-not-mjg> l to the m to the f to the m to the a to the o LMFAO
<totally-not-mjg> innit
<mcrod`> heat
<mcrod`> that would’ve highlighted me had i not had a tilde
<zid> immibis: microsoft had every option to just stop adding W version of everything once the world settled on utf-8 20 years ago, and just add utf-8 support to A
<zid> they just refused
<zid> and keep baking ucs2 into MORE things
<zid> that's my problem with it
<zid> not that they used ucs2 in 1999 before utf-8 was a thing
<immibis> oh so you prefer every function to randomly take UCS-2 or UTF-8 instead of being consistent in any way
<immibis> s/UCS-2/UTF-16/
<zid> That's already how it works
<immibis> no, it's not how it works
<zid> W functions take UCS-2, A functions take ascii, except for all the ones where they accept utf-8 too
<immibis> W functions take UTF-16
<zid> that's UCS-2
<zid> UTF-16 is the post-standards name
<zid> like ANSI C vs ISO C90
<bslsk05> ​unicode.org: FAQ - UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 & BOM
<bslsk05> ​unicode.org: FAQ - UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 & BOM
<zid> Yes, windows supports UCS-2.
<immibis> it doesn't support characters above U+FFFF, such as emojis?
<zid> The official Unicode standard says that no UTF forms, including UTF-16, can encode the surrogate code points. Since these will never be assigned a character, there should be no reason to encode them. However, Windows allows unpaired surrogates in filenames[19] and other places, which generally means they have to be supported by software in spite of their exclusion from the Unicode standard.
<immibis> there is a difference between supporting unpaired surrogates, and not supporting surrogates
<zid> windows uses *not* utf-16, but *does* match what ucs-2 said
<zid> so it uses ucs-2
<immibis> so it can't render emojis?
<zid> even if not technically correct, it's m ore correct than saying utf-16 imo
<zid> which is also technically incorrect
<immibis> so it can't render emojis?
<acidx> the only emojis supported by windows are the ones in cp437 (like the smiley faces and playing card suits)
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<immibis> so it can't render 🤣? Windows users tell me if that looks like a square.
<totally-not-mjg> FAK WINDOW
<heat> but yeah apparetly windows has been utf-16 since 2000
<heat> before that it was UCS-2
<heat> UEFI for instance only supports UCS-2
<heat> also as far as I've heard the windows UTF-8 support is _still_ experimental
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<heat> Ⓜ️🇸 🪟: i forgor 💀
<childlikempress> istr midipix claims to provide uniform utf8 support on windows?
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<heat> well but that's midipix not win32
<mcrod`> hi
<childlikempress> no
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<mcrod`> yes
<mcrod`> hello
<childlikempress> hello
<childlikempress> hell no*
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<mcrod`> :(
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<kof123> >IF MS WINDOWS what is this unicode cobol?
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