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<mcrod> hi
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<gog> hi
<Ermine> hi gog
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<mcrod> hi gog
<mcrod> hi Ermine
<mcrod> ASP.NET is pure shit
<mcrod> jesus
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<formerly-twitter> whoa there mcrod
<formerly-twitter> this cannot be true by definition
<mcrod> why not
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<mcrod> neat, apparently we rolled our own RTOS here
<gog> noice
<mcrod> looks like shit
<mcrod> but hey
<mcrod> i commend the effort
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<kof123> "looks like" you mean the code?
<mcrod> yes
<heat_> did you write it
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<mcrod> no
<heat_> did I write it?
<mcrod> it would look worse if I did
<mcrod> yes, because it’s pretty bad
<mcrod> <3
<heat_> well that doesn't check out because my code is perfect
<heat_> and your code is ass
<mcrod> my back hurts
<heat_> man struggles to not overengineer everything in trivial code
<heat_> local man tests asserts [GONE WILD] [IDIOT]
<mcrod> pfff
<mcrod> at least the next commit will clean up a very good portion
<pitust> testing for assertions is a great idea with no drawbacks
<mcrod> listen
<pitust> its especially cool how you it means your tests don't work if you make a non-debug build which omits assertions
<mcrod> in safety critical stuff at least, even assertions are tested
<pitust> okay, i guess
<mcrod> this is because you want “unambiguous” guarantees that your landmine is actually there
<mcrod> there’s nothing wrong, in theory, with making sure that for a given function, it dies if ‘x’ is true, even if it is testing for an assertion
<mcrod> overkill, but not technically wrong.
<heat_> tbf it's not that hard to test
<heat_> i don't remember why you had so many issues
<mcrod> because google test is a SHIT
<heat_> well, no
<mcrod> and on top of it
<heat_> #define assert(expr) throw shittests::assert_exception(##expr)
<heat_> you could've also used death tests
<mcrod> yeah.
<mcrod> should’ve
<heat_> but death tests are kind of ambiguous here, which sucks
<heat_> you can't tell abort() and assert() apart
<mcrod> right
<mcrod> SAMETHING_ASSERT calls samething_dbg_assert_failed, because I may not want it to just abort()
<heat_> so that above assert() define plus EXPECT_EXCEPTION using try-catch sounds ok to me
<mcrod> i may want to do something else before I abort
<mcrod> yeah death testing is what i want
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* geist yawns
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<gog> hi
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<mcrod> hi
<MarchHare> Hello
<MarchHare> I'd chitchat, but back to work on fixing this air compressor!
<zid> I've been doing nothing but play erectile dy^W^W elite dangerous cus someone gave me it on steam
<heat_> its me linus torvalds
<heat_> please send me pictures of your credit card
<heat_> formerly-twitter sir please your "patchen" request is pending a google play store giftcard
<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: [PATCH 1/2] vfs: predict the error in retry_estale as unlikely - Mateusz Guzik
<heat_> what's with the openbsd-level commit msg
<formerly-twitter> OH
<formerly-twitter> FAK JU
<formerly-twitter> by tryin' to want more for this one you are pulling off a freebsd
<formerly-twitter> heat mctwat!!
<heat_> i like pulling off a freebsd
<heat_> do they know you're cheaeting on them with linus
<formerly-twitter> ey it's not wrong if they don't know
<heat_> btw, answer to my struct user question: it seems that you ppl just moved everything to td->
<heat_> which is fine, really
<formerly-twitter> and who did not
<heat_> i could've sworn you still had extern struct user u;
<formerly-twitter> i would be surprised if fucking OPENBSD still had it
<heat_> yeah i was curious if u. could be efficiently implementable through some trick
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<formerly-twitter> that i doubt, but i also don't see why would you even try
<heat_> because the mapping trick doesn't work on SMP
<formerly-twitter> given swapgs
<heat_> oh, just for the funzies
<heat_> i want to note that swapping struct user seems like a horrendous idea oh god oh god why
<geist> finally truly grokked how the cache coherency works with riscv and why you do or dont need to be coherent
<geist> its documented in plain sight in the sifive manuals, just not obvious
<heat_> my shitnix is slowly coming along
<heat_> it's *so* refreshing to keep shit simple
<geist> totes
<heat_> like if (irq == 0) schedtick(); on an irq handler
<mcrod> hi
<heat_> no locks either
<mcrod> it's friday the 13th
<heat_> no bud it's saturday the 14th
<heat_> try again next time!
<geist> also thing i discoveered: C++s [[likely]] [[unlikely]] tags can be applied to switch statement cases
<geist> that's neat
<heat_> yeah
<geist> or the else clause of an if statement
<heat_> also in theory you can apply them on goto labels AFAIK
<heat_> but clang does not yet support that
<mcrod> in a way i'm honestly surprised [[(un)likely]] became a thing
<mcrod> I get why, don't get me wrong
<mcrod> but it is a bit annoying when I hear "those attributes are no good, trust your compiler"
<formerly-twitter> lmao
<heat_> those people have NOT used asm goto
<geist> someone rewrote our assert macro in the kernel to something like `if (thing) { } else [[unlikely]] { do the assert }`
<heat_> why?
<geist> reason being that now you can put fairly complicated statements in 'thing', ncluding alloctaing local variables, etc
<heat_> why not if (!(thing)) [[unlikely]]?
<geist> because it doesn't have to be wrapped with !() or () == false or something
<geist> there was some other reason, i'm trying to remember now
<bslsk05> ​fuchsia.googlesource.com: 4c6fcebae9b53573ac0daec2fc59455d415508ed - fuchsia - Git at Google
<geist> helps with some warnings
<geist> ie, ASSERT(foo = bar) wouldn't trigger the 'you probably meant ==' warning since it used to expand to if (!(foo = bar)), but with the new style it does
<heat_> the commit message is wrong
<formerly-twitter> weird
<heat_> the commit preserves likely/unlikely
<geist> well sure that was the point
<geist> but alas it can't be done in C because of the [[ ]] stuff
<heat_> maybe C23
<geist> no, we're compiling with C++17
<geist> oh you mean C23, yeah
<heat_> sure but C23 got [[]] I think
<geist> that'd be nice
<heat_> but yeah i was talking about
<zid> yea c23 has those funky attributes
<heat_> >It looks a bit odd, and it loses the `unlikely` annotation
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* zid sticks to his /* fallthrough */ comments
<heat_> because it ends up not losing the unlikely
<geist> i'm not a gigantic fan of the [[]] stuff, but it beats a bunch of compiler specific builtins
<heat_> i like it over if (likely(cond))