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<kof213> > does the Posix-UEFI library require that I compile for strict ANSI C from what i gather, you may use ansi c and/or posix ...this is the beauty of not specifying versions.
<kof213> example sentence: kof123 talked to "god" about "money" because i am a "person" who needs to know what "the law" says. this works for many areas of life. seriously though...much as i hate "lawyering" there is no such thing as "plain language" for these things IMO. it just creates more confusion.
<kof213> "plain language" == drunk drive right over whatever the actual meaning was
<kof213> or see cobol maybe...
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<kof213> http://dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict2&Database=devil&Query=symbol We cannot stop making them, but we can give them a name that conceals our helplessness. all language is symbolic, there is no "plain language" IMO. that means the mapping to whatever real thing it was inspired from was lost
<bslsk05> ​dict.org: dict.org- symbol
<kof213> anyways, this is not to pick on the author, the problem is much more widespread IMO
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<targetdisk> Do we all turn into Terry Davis as we keep shrinking deeper into the computer?
<targetdisk> but yeah so far I think POSIX-UEFI is fscking awesome
<targetdisk> know nothing about its author, but those Makefiles just werk and for that I am thankful
<targetdisk> One of these days I'll make a version that compiles on macOS
<kof213> in my situation, i think i turn into lewis black. Now, I'm gonna repeat that, because it bears repeating. "If it weren't for my horse..." as in, giddyup, giddyup, let's go — "I wouldn't have spent that year in college," which is a degree-granting institution. -- /me adds to docs/CODING_STYLE
<kof213> it wasn't...meant to be such a stickler, just malformed input needs unmangled first
<kof213> strict c89 i think is 8-char external identifiers...and i think i saw 7 on a 370 compiler readme? i may be confusing filename lengths. i'm not sure anyone is strict, except nethack maybe, kermit, ...
<kof213> so even 8.3 dos filenames...there are systems with only 7 (.3?) apparently
<kof213> nethack, kermit, +unzip maybe
<klange> As of C11 at least, the minimum number of significant characters for external identifiers is 31.
<klange> It was 31 in C99 as well.
<geist> hmm, like symbol names? or references to files?
<klange> Symbol names, but not exactly.
<klange> It was actually only 6 in C89.
<klange> So it got bumped up a lot in '99.
<kof213> yeah, was gonna say, look at what the std include files are...6 or so :D
<kof213> and i'm not sure, if case is even mandated...for whatever various character sets
<kof213> i'm all curious for certain projects, but i have my limits. i will write a script to convert if i really want something that ancient. 8.3 is my "sanity limit" for polluting a normal codebase
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<geist> i asked an AI to write some code for me the other day
<geist> and it provided something that was useful
* geist looks away in shame
<Mondenkind> what code?
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<targetdisk> aaaa my gfx card uses ARGB instead of RGBA
<clever> random fact, the 2d core on the rpi supports ARGB, ABGR, RGBA, and BGRA
<clever> and it can even do all 4 at once, each image being displayed has its own pixel order flag
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<geist> Mondenkind: actually was a pretty good use of AI: i asked it to write some bash script to do some thing with renaming a bunch of files
<geist> and it was basically right
<geist> like, aint nobody got time for that, let an AI do it
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<nur> our star trek future has arrived. "Computer, rename all these fils"
<sham1> "I'm sorry, I don't know what these \"fils\" are."
<kof213> are those O_BINARY fils or O_TEXT fils
<kof213> i'm going to side with q
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<sham1> What is this, Windows?
<kof213> :D star trek q, not any other q, to clarify lol
<kof213> that's the thing though, to get a filename...then you have a character set or equivalent. it is just symbols all the way symbolically down
<kof213> it is not windows, but i suspect that is one reason c89 and posix can never fully meet
<kof213> i'm actually in agreement with utf i think for once, there is no plaintext
<sham1> Never has been 🔫
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<Mondenkind> the manual has this lovely admonishment: 'A processor may cache information from the paging-structure entries in TLBs and paging-structure caches (see Section 4.10). This fact implies that, if software changes an accessed flag or a dirty flag from 1 to 0, the processor might not set the corresponding bit in memory on a subsequent access using an affected linear address (see Section See
<Mondenkind> Section for how software can ensure that these bits are updated as desired'
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<Mondenkind> do I understand correctly that this means that, if I clear the dirty bit and want to be able to read it in the future and get reliable results, I have to do a tlb invalidate?
<Mondenkind> is there any alternative? Presumably, if you do a read from a clean page not initially in the tlb, followed by a write to that page, the cpu has to track that transition in the tlb somehow. So it should be possible for it to have machinery to 're-clean' the page in place without too much trouble. But I would guess that is not actually implemented or exposed anywhere
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<heat> Mondenkind, yeah you need to invalidate the TLB after clearing the A or D bits
<Mondenkind> :(
<heat> but that i'm pretty sure is the case for most archs
<heat> and it makes sense, you wouldn't want the PTE to be read after every access to a page, just to check if A or D were set
<heat> rather it keeps internal A and D state
<Mondenkind> right--I want to be able to clean the tlb entries in place if they exist
<Mondenkind> but without evicting them from the tlb
<heat> if arm had that you'd have that on zen too
<heat> so just ask arm and zen might grow that feature in a couple of years
<Mondenkind> lol
<heat> seriously though exposing bit clearing/setting directly in TLB entries is an interesting idea
<heat> no idea why it has never been proposed before. maybe they like treating it as a blackbox?
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<sham1> Probably is one
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<Mondenkind> I heard power has a somewhat open development process--maybe I can ask them to add it. Though maybe I wouldn't be an important enough stakeholder since I don't actually make cpus or very popular software
<heat> POWER
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<mcrod> hi
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<Ermine> hello
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
<heat> #osdev ban list: {"hi", "hello", "may I pet you"}
<heat> + "kernal"
<heat> i'll whip up some code for Solaris slander detection so those people also get banned
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<gog> heat: may i pet you
<heat> hi
<heat> waiiiiiit, wrong script
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<Ermine> heat: 'gog: may I pet you' != 'may I pet you'
<zid> heat what was that tool for fucking with uefi images
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<heat> zid, uefitool?
<zid> ty
<heat> np
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<heat> Ermine, yeah im going to need some regex parsing for my ban filter
<heat> but we'll get there in the end
<zid> msi bioses apparently shitty and don't let you put manual uefi paths in
<heat> wdym
<zid> you could boot linux and edit your nvram to add it to the boot order I hope maybe though?
<heat> like boot options?
<zid> it will only boot
<zid> /boot/x86_64/bootx64.efi or whatever the default is
<heat> yeah \EFI\BOOT\BOOTx64.EFI
<heat> that's bizarre
<zid> just lazy and bad
<heat> do you know if you're running aptio?
<zid> I'm not running anything
<heat> like if the firmware itself references "aptio" or AMI
<zid> I'm on a shitty gigabyte board atm
<heat> american megatrends
<zid> it's AMI yes
<heat> ah ok
<heat> haha AMI craptio
<zid> the random laptop I tried had it at least
<zid> and that looked like a 1997 pheonix bios
<zid> the blue one
<heat> i've heard that new aptio builds even do OS auto-detection
<zid> with white text
<heat> like they find GRUB and shit
<heat> and the boot order just ends up being a fallback
<zid> apparently the nwer ones are better at least
<zid> the Znnn MSI GAMING stuff
<zid> but my 2011 board defo had way better uefi support than this random 2014 msi thing
<sbalmos> uefi was new'ish in '11, mfgrs figured they had to do it right. then later they could start cutting costs with shitty firmware ;)
<heat> firmware has always been shitty
<heat> the sideshow you outsource to 3rd world countries
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<sbalmos> I thought that was the customer support line?
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<zid> weird, I grabbed the memtest86 image from their website
<zid> winrar says it contains a single dir called src/
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<zid> I don't think that's right
<zid> give bin/cue or a raw ass dir pls
<heat> sbalmos, *american* megatrends outsources a lot of work to india
<heat> it's ironic
<heat> and HPE, insyde, dell, etc too
<sbalmos> yeah yeah yeah
<sbalmos> honestly I've only ever used Asus or Gigabyte boards
<heat> most PC firmware really is developed in india or china+taiwan
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<zid> mount did a better job
<kof213> excuse me, i think you mean ami/india hpe+china insyde/taiwan [...]
<heat> what
<zid> the memtest people are nuts
<sham1> Well it's memtest
<zid> this is the *recommended* way to use their software
<sham1> You kinda have to be nuts
<heat> did you know: linux also has primitive memory testing capabilities
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<zid> the fuck is wrong with a zip with the efi dir
<zid> just linux somewhere
<zid> link it*
<heat> subcribe to my onlyfans for more fun facts
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<zid> I was reading heat's damn message
<heat> LINUX
<sham1> heat: onlysolaris
<heat> aren't you supposed to use memtest86+ (memtest.org) now?
<zid> oh that website looks better
<zid> I thought "this looks like one of those commericial fork shits"
<heat> sham1, openbsdfans
<zid> but couldn't find memtest86+'s website at all
<zid> yea proper memtest just lets you download an .efi
<heat> yeah memtest86 is confusing
<heat> there's a comercial one (which I don't think is a fork?), an open-source one (memtest86+)
<heat> the original open-source thing was also called memtest86 I think
<zid> I should have just gone from wikipedia
<zid> instead of google
<zid> vetted links > ai nonsense
<heat> can't wait for wikipedia AI nonsense!
<zid> dw
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<zid> wikipedia will be quoting AI nonsense shortly
<kof213> that's ironic...the same time wikipedia becomes credible, ai is ready to pounce
<pounce> ohno
<kof213> *relatively credible, i am talking marketing, not commenting either way except perception
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<gog> yay it's fixed
<sham1> \o/
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<mcrod> hi
<gog> hi
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<zid> gog what did you break
<mcrod> she broke me
<gog> yeh
<gog> also i didn't break anything
<gog> i fixed it
<zid> what did you unbreak
<gog> the build for our agent app
<gog> it was very fucked
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<mcrod> today I learned that an STM32C0 is cheaper than an 8051
<mcrod> by.. a lot
<mcrod> i thought 8051s were like.. 60 cents
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<mcrod> this thing has 1.25KB of RAM and 8KB of flash
<mcrod> i’m in heaven
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<heat> i've just had a great nap
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<mcrod> i didn’t
<mcrod> i’m too busy fighting with the security bullshits at work
<heat> gosh darn security bullshits
<heat> security shitters even
<heat> those and the javashit developers and the webshit devs
<mcrod> this is “i’m waiting on IT to manually approve installations which all require admin”
<heat> ask IT to install openbsd
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<mcrod> heat
<mcrod> i would sacrifice you if it meant I could use ubuntu here
<mcrod> using windows is a travesty for the work we do
<mcrod> an absolute travesty
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<heat> careful what you wish
<heat> no one wants to use ubuntu
<heat> you're just saying it out of desperation
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<mcrod> ubuntu LTS is fine
<mcrod> especially in a corporate setting
<mcrod> i’ve never found ubuntu LTS to be unusable
<mcrod> however, it’s not even a debate to suggest windows has better controls for corporations
<mcrod> depends on how nutty you are
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<sbalmos> could be worse... could be a Mac
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<mcrod> no i’ll take a mac thanks
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<mcrod> a mac would still allow me to do what I need to without despair
<heat> i can't use mac keyboards because the layout is slightly different
<heat> the {} and [] need a really weird key combo
<heat> and those are like, erm, required for C/C++
<mcrod> uh, what?
<mcrod> it’s exactly the same as windows or linux
<nortti> I presume heat is talking of a keyboard layout that is not US english
<heat> yes, pt keyboard
<heat> they unified the pt_PT and pt_BR layouts for mac
<nortti> (on the finnish mac keyboard {} are on option+shift+89 while on the finnish pc keyboard they are on altgr+70)
<heat> yeah it's similar-ish here nortti
<mcrod> oh
<mcrod> forgive this american
<heat> fuck you
<mcrod> fuck you too
<heat> i've spent many thousands of hours typing on PC keyboards to be able to type well in mac keyboards
<heat> at least when typing codez
<heat> doesn't really matter for most people, all the normal symbols are in the usual places
<mcrod> i don’t think i’m cut out for corporate development
<mcrod> freelancing is hopeless though
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<mcrod> so i’ve resigned myself to horrible tooling
<heat> if you enslave yourself to open-source work maybe some company may throw you some moneys sometimes
<heat> imagine that!!
<mcrod> that’ll never happen
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<gorgonical> How's the day going for everyone
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<sham1> Machine learning is BS
<gorgonical> agreed
<heat_> you could say it's a
<heat_> sham
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<gorgonical> I know they don't exactly have the audience but I posted in one of those HN job board threads
<gorgonical> Strange feeling to be 'on the market' again
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<gog> hi
<gog> machine learning is bs
<gorgonical> I liked ai/ml better when it was symbolic stuff written in Lisp
<gorgonical> This statistical witchcraft is lame
<gog> what if society devoted as much computing power to protein folding and chemical simulations as it has to blockchain and LLM
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<gorgonical> but what's the profit motive gog
<gorgonical> how will I MAKE MONEY
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<heat_> what if society devoted as much computing power to solaris
<sham1> gorgonical: by curing cancer
<heat_> we live in a society indeed, but could it be an Oracle-centric society?
<sham1> Sure. Here's your Java, you have work to do
<gorgonical> wait wait
<gorgonical> then we could all live in java, have a cup of java, while we write java
<gorgonical> I like this utopia you describe
<heat_> i live in ORACLE DATABASE
<heat_> ORACLE(TM)
<gorgonical> I recently saw a youtube video for one of those sun java applet workstations
<gorgonical> Which runs a minimal OS that just boots up a jvm. But didn't ARM have processors thta ran bytecode directly?
<gorgonical> the jazelle? gazelle?
<sham1> Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
<Ermine> heat_: dream software stack?
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<gog> this but .NET
<gog> CLR CPU
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<heat_> gorgonical, jazelle yeah
<heat_> for (i=0; (buf[i] = "/proc/self/fd/"[i]); i++);
<heat_> look at this line from my favourite obfuscated C library
<zid> that's a good memcpy
<zid> strcpy*
<gorgonical> sometimes when I'm bored near the end of the day like this I think of things to say that will elicit a response from the british cohort here
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<ChavGPT> heat talks so much shit he does not have time to get anything done
<zid> go on then, try it
<gorgonical> yorkshire tea is overrated and tastes basically the same to me as lipton or luzianne
<gorgonical> Even with milk and taken hot
<ChavGPT> try tea with milk
<gorgonical> change my mind: if caffeine (a lethal stimulant) is legal to be purchased unlimitedly at any amount at most pharmacies then so should amphetamines
<ChavGPT> you do realize you can overdose on WATER
<gorgonical> Only with some effort
<gorgonical> Take too many of those "keep awake" pills and you could die on accident
<zid> I mean, it doesn't taste the same, but yorkshire tea is no different to tetley or whatever
<zid> lipton don't even make breakfast tea do they
<zid> 'taken hot' is a weird thing to say at all
<gorgonical> LD50 is 200mg/kg, and CVS sells 200mg tablets in boxes of 40. Two boxes and you're dead
<zid> nobody drinks cold tea
<gorgonical> zid the entire continent of america drinks mostly cold tea
<zid> no, a few of them drink iced tea
<gorgonical> having been to many/most parts of the country I can say with confidence iced tea is available everywhere, at least in the format of canned tea
<gorgonical> and I don't think lipton makes a breakfast tea, correct
<gorgonical> Here we get all our fancy tea from twinings
<zid> twinings make novelty tea
<zid> it's the crystal diet pepsi of tea
<gorgonical> they make all the "regular" varieties too
<gorgonical> but what is prince of wales tea supposed to be
<zid> it's all novelty tea
<gorgonical> novel-tea
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<bslsk05> ​www.phoronix.com: X.Org Hit By New Security Vulnerabilities - Two Date Back To 1988 With X11R2 - Phoronix
<sbalmos> uhh
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<Ermine> Time for another shitstorm in comments
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<mcrod> amazing
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<netbsduser> kazinsal: i had better update the xorg port to my os
<netbsduser> certainly can't be having this
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<sikkiladho> How do you investigate a kernel crash where kernel gets a SIGBUS as soon as it schedules init? Kernel is able to execve into init but it fails when init is scheduled to run.
<sikkiladho> Assume I can’t use GDB. How do I know what caused the SIGBUS, corrupt memory, a device. I can compile and printk into the kernel. Not sure where should I do it on am x86 machine
<sikkiladho> Running 4.1 kernel
<sikkiladho> Pardon my typos
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<klange> Do you mean Linux?
<sikkiladho> Yes, linux. Should have asked if we can talk about linux in osdev :)
<sikkiladho> Before all this rant
<klange> This is not a Linux channel. There are a great many other places on Libera dedicated to Linux things.
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<sikkiladho> Thanks klange, would look for linux channels on Libera.