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<zid> heat there you are, did you fix the big outstanding onyx bug yet
<heat> what bug
<zid> the keyboard is encrypted
<heat> that it sucks? no
<heat> never
<heat> unborn yourself and create a new save game as poortugal
<zid> we already tried that as russia and I beat you at that life too
* HIA decrypts china's undefined spaces in keyboards as secret places to go via air port scanners
<zid> advent in.. 14 hours
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<HIA> ETA: -140000
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<zid> Nice that the schizos just let you know immediately
<zid> rather than making you follow them down the rabbithole first
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<kof123> there's an anubis atop the advent of code tree mcro d :D
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<mjg> ey mofoz, anyone with fedora linux?
<gog> no
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<zid> gog: sickos.jpg
<gog> yessss hahaha yesssss
<zid> omg is gog a meme lookup service
<gog> MQL
<gog> mem query language
<zid> and the results are in GMML, gog meme markup language
<gog> yah
<gog> i moved house today
<gog> new house is nice
<zid> new house is awful
<gog> has some quirks that i'm going to either pester the landlord about or fix myself
<zid> moving, mainly
<gog> moving sucked yeah
<gog> but we got it done in less than a day
<gog> have to go back tomorrow to clean up old house
<zid> It takes me 18 months or so to slowly throw things away
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<Ermine> mjg: i'm with fedora
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<Ermine> what do you want mate
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<mjg> nuthin'
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<heat> mjg ☕
<heat> am i right fellas
<heat> he never tells us what he wants
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<Matt|home> alright.. i've been at this for a while and im just not sure how this is supposed to work.. stack memory is ordered, heap memory is unordered, whatever. how exactly does heap memory let you change it at runtime
<Matt|home> for context: im trying to solve the problem of creating an array of n size with a commandline argument
<zid> malloc(strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10))
<zid> you're welcome.
<Matt|home> .. any chance you'd be willing to walk me through that..
<zid> ...what?
<Matt|home> like, i thought after you ran the compiler through C code all variables were given addresses
<zid> int x;
<zid> x has an address yes
<zid> but the *value* of x changes at runtime.
<zid> int *y;
<zid> y has an address, the *value* of y changes at runtime.
<zid> the *value* that y contains, is an address.
<Matt|home> right. but for example, i cannot do something like: myarray[argv[1]]; ./program -arraysize 50;
<Matt|home> that is very illegal
<Matt|home> i don't understand how malloc or calloc fixes that
<zid> I don't even know what you're trying to say with that
<zid> argv[1] is an address
<Matt|home> okay, bear with me
<zid> you can't subscript an array with an address
<Matt|home> the program is supposed to take one argument, which represents the size of the array. ./program -arraysize n , doesn't matter
<zid> malloc returns a value for myarray to contain
<zid> int *myarray = 123;
<zid> myarray[1] = access memory at address 127
<Matt|home> ... i don't understand
<heat> Matt|home, the heap is *dynamically* allocated at runtime
<zid> which bit?
<heat> dynamic implies you can allocate and free it
<zid> There's two statements there
<heat> with dynamic sizing
<Matt|home> ... okay. so the stack is allocated before runtime, and the heap allocates memory at runtime?
<heat> static data (in the program's .data) is static, you can't change the size of it at runtime
<zid> none of that is relevent to anything you've asked so far
<heat> the stack also supports doing that btw
<Matt|home> ;_;
<heat> with VLAs
<zid> you don't seem to understand that.. memory addresses exist
<heat> like
<Matt|home> sigh. here, please be a little patient, im exhausted right now. i'll go ahead and write up everything in a pastebin
<heat> int main(int argc, char **argv) { int array[atoi(argv[1])]; } is valid C99 code
<zid> I'd think it'd b e more important to clear up the fact you don't seem to understand what memory is
<heat> it wasn't before because compilers were bad and stupid, and it's bad code now because it's pessimal
<acidx> it's spicy C99 code, but still valid
<zid> rather than caring about heap and stack and doing writeups
<acidx> (well, would need a prototype foir atoi(), otherwise it would be passed an integer rather than a ptr to a char)
<zid> like it genuinely seems like we need to bust out the postal address metaphors
<acidx> heat: ints are usually 32-bit, pointers are commonly 64-bit
<zid> completely untrue, acidx
<heat> look at mr fancy here
<zid> it's not even like, *remotely* accurate
<heat> with his 64-bit machine
<mjg> i print all my pinters wiht %d
<zid> ints are usually 16bit, pointers are usually 16bit
<acidx> there you go
<mjg> and c programmers are usually 2 bit:X
<acidx> late 1900s computing
<zid> very occasionally you get a weird machine that is 32/32
<heat> mjg, is that a non-binary joke?
<zid> and on like, a tiny segment of thousand dollar chips, 32/64
<heat> ANYWAY vax vax vax
<zid> 8bit micros and pointers don't exist might actually be most common...
<zid> but then you don't really have "int" in the first place
<heat> if it runs on a vax, it runs everywhere, that's what i usually say
<heat> so if it doesn't run on your "64-bit" "architecture" then it may be that your architecture is not real
<heat> wake up sheeple
<Matt|home> okay
<Matt|home> https://pastebin.com/8BEgYRsf <-- i hope this gets the idea across of what im trying to do
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: Problem: understanding when arrays can have their sizes determined.1) First - Pastebin.com
<Matt|home> you're saying that with your method heat the array size can be set after compile time? i don't understand how that works
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<heat> it just... works
<Matt|home> i mean im guessing it's because heap memory can be modified at any time?
<heat> the stack is somewhat dynamic
<heat> the stack expands and retracts
<heat> the heap expands and retracts
<zid> The language spec says it works
<zid> so the compiler generates a program where it works
<heat> .data is static, with a static size and does not expand nor retract
<zid> and if you have *any* clue about how memory addressing works, you can come up with several simple ways it could implement it
<Matt|home> okay. so it's not an OS thing that specifies "okay this group of memory is the heap this is the stack" ?
<zid> but like I keep saying, you seem to lack that fundamental knowledge
<heat> i don't understand what you mean by that
<netbsduser> Matt|home: the stack sometimes is managed with a distinct discipline by the vmm than heap memory
<Matt|home> doesn't matter.. i appreciate your help guys
<netbsduser> in that the vmm may be programmed to have the stack extended downwards in the event of a fault on some address not far prior to the stack
<heat> yo
<heat> that's out of scope!
<zid> all of this is out of scope
<zid> he doesn't understand how /memory/ works
<heat> static memory is static because it was simpler to make it static
<zid> management strategies are well beyond that
<zid> storage durations, heap, stack, etc
<Matt|home> it's been a very long time okay :\ i haven't done any coding in years
<zid> it's not a dig at you
<heat> it doesn't grow, it's a single region of size N, N which must be determined at link time
<Matt|home> mbad
<zid> If it's a dig at all it's a dig at heat for throwing out a lot of words very quickly none of which are going to help
<heat> sorry for trying to address the question
<zid> matt: "I don't understand why addition works" heat: "Well if you take a set of sets containing all sets, then by reduction..."
<zid> me: "Have you ever seen a number line?"
<Matt|home> <heat> int main(int argc, char **argv) { int array[atoi(argv[1])]; } is valid C99 code <-- are you absolutely sure?
<Matt|home> let me try
<zid> VLAs are infact, part of C99, yes
<heat> 400% sure
<zid> If you're lucky it will assemble to lea rsi, argv[1]; call atoi; sub rsp, rax
<heat> eh, i'm fairly sure it'll assemble to nothing
<heat> i hope
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<zid> reading comprehension, heat
<Matt|home> "a dependent statement may not be a decleration" is the error im getting
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<zid> which compiler?
<heat> what program, what compiler
<Matt|home> vs code, gcc ,lemme try compiling
<netbsduser> i loathe vlas
<netbsduser> they are a beastly and worthless thing
<Matt|home> okay, VS code gives me the error, gcc does not
<heat> intellisense moment
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<bslsk05> ​godbolt.org: Compiler Explorer
<heat> RIGHT??
<Griwes> it;s commonly agreed in some circles that like 85% of the uses of VLAs is accidental, by people who thought that they'd get an error if the array size was not a constant expression
<Ermine> not so intelli sense
<zid> https://godbolt.org/z/ssoTh4YWW yup, gcc's vla output is still.. very strange
<bslsk05> ​godbolt.org: Compiler Explorer
<netbsduser> microsoft's c compiler if i remember rightly hews close to an antiquated C and doesn't implement things that have been around for years like mixing of declarations and statements
<heat> that's not true
<zid> no, microsoft's C compiler's issue was that it only supported C++99 or whatever the closest standard was
<Matt|home> https://pastebin.com/gdiM20YJ <-- this is the code snippet giving me the error in vscode
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: /* For now, we are assuming an extremely standard game, will implement diffe - Pastebin.com
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<netbsduser> it's to be expected as microsoft are C parvenus and were never part of its living tradition like the unix world was and is
<Matt|home> line 13
<Matt|home> im sorry to be anal about this, but just to be absolutely clear: that _is_ valid C code?
<heat> yep, that's fine
<heat> and valid
<zid> it's gross, mind you
<Ermine> You can always download clang
<zid> VLA + trying to declare something inside a switch
<Matt|home> thank you
<heat> but in all honesty you probably want to malloc instead
<heat> most uses of VLAs are just malloc for lazy people
<zid> VLAs are banned in most codebases these days I feel
<zid> They're impossible to police
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<Matt|home> i don't know what VLA is, but i do like vs code :\
<zid> [x]
<zid> is a VLA
<zid> variable length array
<Matt|home> ah
<netbsduser> Matt|home: i'm sorry but at a glance i believe you have written code which is neither accepted by most compilers nor syntactically sound by the iso standards
<Matt|home> i just asked if it was valid and you said yes ;_;
<heat> fyi vscode supports clangd
<heat> that's 200% correct
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<netbsduser> i haven't checked the grammar but i don't believe it's acceptable to have a bare declaration in that position at line 13
<netbsduser> while if you encased it in {} it would be
<zid> yea I think that's the case
<zid> I'd n ever ever ever dream of writing code like that, so I don't remember the rules on where/how you can dec inside things like cases
<heat> oh wait, there's a syntax error there
<Matt|home> okay , { } seems to have appeased vscode
<heat> numdecks = optarg;
<heat> should be numdecks = atoi(optarg);
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: c11 grammar · GitHub
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: c11 grammar · GitHub
<bslsk05> ​godbolt.org: Compiler Explorer
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<netbsduser> as you can see what is demanded is a `statement` and a `declaration` is not tolerated there
<zid> There's hairy ass rules for these dangly bois
<heat> huh, weird
<Matt|home> okay..
<zid> there's a nice pdf but I don't remember what it's called ever
<zid> that has all sorts of C parser gotchas in it
<zid> and which version of gcc they had to be fixed in :P
<heat> n1256.pdf!
<Matt|home> https://pastebin.com/oh ffs screw you pastebin, screw you
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: Pastebin.com - Not Found (#404)
<zid> no it was all dangling else things and quotes from the spec
<zid> with references to gcc versions that were buggy wrt it
<Matt|home> i've made the adjustments you guys said to, thank you
<netbsduser> i still advise against VLAs
<zid> I could probably find it by grepping my irc logs
<zid> I still advise against declaring shit in ranom places, on top of VLAs
<netbsduser> because in the solely acceptable case for a VLA - when you know that the size of the array is well-bounded - you could just as well use the upper bound instead
<Matt|home> yep. with my code the way it is now, because the array was created inside an if/else in a switch, i can't seem to access it from outside
<Matt|home> the scope issue i ran into last time
<netbsduser> and if you use a VLA when the size is not guaranteed to be appropriately bounded, you are one of the 4 CVEs issued against systemd for doing so
<heat> systemd
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<Matt|home> so i guess i really do need to use malloc for this
<heat> hurr durr
<zid> malloc won't fix your scope issue
<netbsduser> well systemd actually used alloca() in this case, but they are devil twins
<zid> alloca is just vlas for linux nerds
<zid> my mouse has ran out of electricity
<Matt|home> alright, time for a break. i wasted six hours today basically writing comments -_-
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<Ermine> rob pike said windows is better than linux
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* blockhead wonders, did he step into 4troll by mistake?
<netbsduser> rob pike says a lot of things
<heat> Ermine, he's correct
<netbsduser> he even said smalltalk spelt out words like "create" in its methods, rather than "creat", because there was no grep in smalltalk-80
<netbsduser> he even said a lengthy piece which is called plan 9
<zid> I only hear good things about rob pike
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<heat> mjg, fyi i needed to organize some patches so i created a dir named patchen
<heat> it won't be long until i start using it unironically
<Ermine> heat: seems like I'm not too far away fron screaming "linux pessimal, windows optimal!!!"
<immibis> why did grep prohibit spelling words properly?
<bslsk05> ​commandcenter.blogspot.com: command center: Notes from a 1984 trip to Xerox PARC
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<netbsduser> "The way defaults work in methods (isomorphic to procedures) is interesting, but necessary because the generality of the design leads to argument-intensive methods. There are too many big words, which stems partly from the lack of a grep (making it necessary to have overly descriptive names) and partly from a desire to have the language look a little like English."
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<heat> gog, i took inspiration out of your efi makefile
<heat> good shtuff
<gog> where
<heat> your efi loader makefile
<heat> for clang
<heat> but i have a major annoyance with it
<heat> you're calling CC LD