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< Suryo> zoq: yeah, absolutely. The proposal season begins in ten days so I'll begin documenting my ideas anyway.
< Suryo> Some of my current ideas are specific to PSO, but I believe that for the most part, the ideas that I have for handling constraints can be applied to various methods in ensmallen.
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: I was hoping to wrap up on CycleGAN. I have the test scripts ready on my local machine, but I have lost track of the savannah login details since I formatted my system. Do you think I could get a spare account
< ShikharJ> ?
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< rcurtin> ShikharJ: no problem, check your PMs :)
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Thanks
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< favre49> zoq: For GSoC, besides NEAT i was thinking of implementing UNSGA-III. With that, I could also implement MM-NEAT (in the models repo) which we could teach to play PacMan or any other multiobjective task. Of course, NEAT and UNSGA-III would come with the needed tests. Please let me know what you think.
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< favre49> MM-NEAT used NSGA-II, but i think any multiobjective optimizer should work.
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< braceletboy> zoq: Are you around?
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< zoq> favre49: I like the idea of MM-NEAT
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< zoq> braceletboy: yes, don't hestiate to ask, we get back once we have a chance
< favre49> zoq: awesome, would you have the time to review a proposal pre-submission?
< zoq> favre49: If I have the time, happy to provide feedback
< favre49> zoq: Great, I'll try to send you one in a day or so. Thanks :)
< zoq> favre49: Sounds good
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< braceletboy> zoq: It's okay I figured it out. I couldn't understand why base.yaml had no shogun_path in it. But, I see that you don't really use it in the benchmarking scripts
< braceletboy> Thanks anyways :)
< zoq> braceletboy: Ahh, sorry for the confusion, since shogun is part of the PYTHONPATH, there is no need to do so.
< braceletboy> Okay. Thank you!
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< braceletboy> zoq: The test.yaml file that you wrote cannot support multiple values for the same build option right?
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< rajiv_> zoq: I have narrowed down to YOLO and ROI pooling as my final idea list after discussing with you in the mailing list... what do you suggest to do next?
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< shubhangi> Is python version 2.7 is okay for mlpack ?
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< rcurtin> shubhangi: should be just fine :)
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< Toshal> /server add BNC -ssl -username=usernamy
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< Toshal> Sorry that was an accident.
< shubhangi> When I ran 'import mlpack ' in python I am getting this error 'ImportError: cannot open shared object file' can anyone help me through this?
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< Toshal> shubhangi:Run this in your terminal "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"".Let me know if this helps.
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< shubhangi> Yes, issue resolved 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/' this command worked out for me.
< zoq> braceletboy: Not sure I get what you mean
< zoq> rajiv_: If you like you can work on the proposal.
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< braceletboy> zoq: Yes that's what I meant
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< braceletboy> Sorry about that, didn't check the file properly
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< travis-ci> shitian007/mlpack#1 (test-travis - d8cbd39 : Shi Tian): The build passed.
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