ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< rcurtin> Suryo: there's no page or word limit, but if the proposal is excessively long we are not guaranteed to read every word of it :)
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< jeffin> Memory leakes in jenkins mean..??
< rcurtin> jeffin: they mean that there was a memory bug found in that PR
< jeffin> Umm, what could be a good reason, could you give an example for one.?
< rcurtin> I thought Jenkins generally said what the issue was, but you're right, it's not particularly helpful
< rcurtin> so try compiling with -DDEBUG=ON (that's part of the CMake configuration)
< rcurtin> and then building mlpack_test, and then you could use valgrind directly, i.e.
< rcurtin> valgrind --leak-check=full bin/mlpack_test -t LoadSaveTest/MalformedCSVTest
< rcurtin> and that should be helpful at figuring out where the problem might be :)
< jeffin> Ohh thanks a ton :-)
< jeffin> Rcurtin : would you be free to take a look at my gsoc proposal and just briefly tell if any big blunder is there or not
< rcurtin> no time at the moment, but maybe in the upcoming weeks
< rcurtin> too many PRs to try and review :)
< jeffin> Sure, I wont pester you much
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< rcurtin> no worries---I help as I'm able to :)
< jeffin> Carry on , good luck
< rcurtin> thanks
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< mrkeremyilmaz> \HELP
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< jeffin> Rcurtin : please terminate the job in memory check pipe code takes 3 hours it would just waste memory..i would check locally what the issue is just like you quoted then submit for check in jenkins
< rcurtin> sounds good, let me do that now
< rcurtin> I cancelled #1145, should I also cancel #1146?
< rcurtin> it looks like both were different versions of your PR
< jeffin> Yes cancel it
< jeffin> Too
< jeffin> No issues...i would do a fresh one later this afternoon
< rcurtin> sounds good
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< mulx10> rcurtin, jeffin: I happen to know the issue you are facing. It happened with my PR #1756 as well. If load_and_save test is edited, jenkins executes `LoadSaveTest`. One of the test namely `CaseTest` blocks because data::LoadARFF gets stuck in an infinite loop when the file it is looking for is not found (it terminates after 180 mins). I opened an issue #1791 and proposed a PR #1793 for the same . Once the PR gets merged then the memory c
< jeffin> Mulx10 : yup i figured out it too after seeing your pr , I commented out the test and then ran a mem check and it was fine ,
< mulx10> Once the PR gets merged then the memory checks wont fail.
< jeffin> Cool
< mulx10> I repeated the message because somehow it got cut. :)
< jeffin> Haha :) no issues
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< Viserion> Anyone for help in building support for normalization in cf?
< zoq> Viserion: Did you see my last message?
< Viserion> No, sorry.
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< zoq> Viserion:
< Viserion> Yah I fixed that
< Viserion> But I don't see why this pops up?
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< Viserion> In file included from /home/viserion/MLPACK/build/src/mlpack/bindings/python/generate_pyx_cf.cpp:34:0: /home/viserion/MLPACK/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_main.cpp: In function ‘void AssembleFactorizerType(const string&, const string&, arma::mat&, size_t)’: /home/viserion/MLPACK/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_main.cpp:399:95: error: no matching function for call to ‘PerformAction(arma::mat&, const size_t&, const size_t&, const double&)
< zoq> Is this part of your fork?
< Viserion> PerformAction<NMFPolicy, CombinedNormalization>(dataset, rank, maxIterations, minResidue);
< whoKnows> can anybody help me out how I can use mlpack in dev c++
< zoq> Viserion: Did you update your fork (github)?
< zoq> whoKnows: should be helpful.
< zoq> whoKnows: If you like to contribute I would clone the github master branch.
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< Viserion> Yah all chqnges r in there
< Viserion> @zoq
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Are you there?
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< rcurtin> ShikharJ: yep, I'm here now
< ShikharJ> I just wanted your opinion on
< rcurtin> sure, let me look
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< rcurtin> it was on my list but hadn't gotten to it quite yet
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Yeah, even I've found the daily load to be quite on the high side these days.
< rcurtin> I started using a Github project board to manage what I was working on, but I'm not sure it's really working very much better than what I did before (which was just a giant list of flagged emails from issues that I wanted to do something with)
< rcurtin> yesterday the 'needs review' category had like 17 in it, 'needs implementation' had 8, 'needs response' had 6, 'waiting on activity' had like 15
< rcurtin> so I think I need to rework the categories. the way it currently is doesn't seem to be helping me prioritize and foucs
< rcurtin> focus*
< rcurtin> March is always crazy though with GSoC :)
< ShikharJ> Yeah, though we can't rush either :)
< rcurtin> the actual summer itself has always seemed to be less work (except for that year where I stupidly thought that mentoring 5 students was something I could do...)
< ShikharJ> I kind of wish it was like this throughout the year, imagine the amount of work we could get done and things we could explore.
< rcurtin> that's true but my inbox would be really scary year-round :(
< ShikharJ> Oh yes, most definitely.
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< Viserion> @zoq yes it is updated
< mulx10> Hello everyone, I am Mehul Kumar Nirala third year undergraduate in the department of Computer Science at IIT Kharagpur. I congratulate MLPACK for being accepted in Google Summer of Code 2019. I have been working on NLP for the past one year as Course Project and on Reinforcement learning as a self-project. I want to take up String Processing Utilities. I have started contributing to mlpack. I am currently building up small necessary
< mulx10> I am currently building up small necessary packages that would help me implement String Processing Utilities. A sincere thanks to all the mentors and the contributors for the support I received.
< rcurtin> mulx10: hey there; thanks for the contributions you've made and bug you've fixed so far---it's definitely helpful :)
< mulx10> rcurtin: Thanks.
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< gauravcr7rm> zoq: Hello sir , currently i am working on the neat project and i remember you once mentioned that one of the task to be done here is to figure out a way for fast add/remove of nodes from the graph.
< gauravcr7rm> zoq: Can i implement it using GRAPH X cross over technique which dont need sorting or other things but for that we have to figure out a way for speciating. Can you please give a comment here which can help me. Thanks in advance.
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< abdullah_> hi
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< zoq> gauravcr7rm: Are you talking about: ?
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