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< robbb> is there a ZeroInitialization ?
< robbb> scratch that
< robbb> , what's MKL's library called so I can link it?
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< ruskin> Hello everyone. I just got to know about ML pack from GSOC organizations page. Im good with ML and C++ both, although it will take me some time to understand how ML pack works.But I'm sure I will be able to do it by 25th March. So is it too late to start contributing to ML pack?
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< rcurtin> ruskin: hello there, welcome, and it is definitely not too late :)
< ruskin> rcurtin: Thanks for your reply :)
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< aman_p> can anyone tell, what kind of tensorflow translator is required? It has to be a command line converting the already stored mlpack.bin model to tensorflow models, and then evaluating it?
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< aman_p> hey
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< travis-ci> Soonmok/models#2 (master - f805b5a : Soonmok): The build is still failing.
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< mulx10> Hello :)
< mulx10> I have a doubt regarding NEAT implementation idea GSoC '19
< mulx10> I see 4 PRs all of which implement NEAT.
< mulx10> So what exactly do we need to do?
< mulx10> Should the implemenation incorporate ensmallen?
< mulx10> I am asking it because the PRs include almost complete implementation of NEAT.
< mulx10> Thank You
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< trancenoid> Hello Everyone ! I was reading through the GSOC projects for this year and would like know more about the project titled "Application of ANN Algorithms implemented in mlpack " , I have successfully built mlpack on my machine, ran the example code. I just need a push in the right direction to get familiar with mlpack so that I can know if I can take up this (or any other project) or not.
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< Mina_> zoq: Hi again. I've been examining the issues and other GSoC projects to decide on my self-assigned qualification task. I found this - "String Processing Utilities" - project to be interesting for this matter. Maybe we can discuss this more so I can start implementing it.
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< Mina_> rcurtin: Might be interested in my last message since you are the potential mentor I presume.
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< travis-ci> Soonmok/models#3 (master - 6b38068 : Soonmok): The build is still failing.
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< Suryo> zoq: a small update for you. I had an exchange with Chintan regarding his code over email. He's completely cool with me refactoring his code in any way. I could forward the email thread to you for you to take a look.
< Suryo> Let me know if I should!
< Suryo> Thanks.
< Suryo> zoq: reference -- implementing PSO
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< Suryo> rcurtin, zoq: that ive spoken to one of the previous developers of pso for this project is also kind of like background work. While applying for gsoc, is it okay to mention this, too?
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< zoq> Suryo: Sounds good, I think the PR is a good basis and is defently worth mentioning.
< zoq> mulx10: None of the PR's is in a state that we could merge it in. Also, they partially depend on the ann modules which aren't available in the optimizer framework (ensmallen). One point of the project is to figure out how the graph can be implemented that it's fast to delete/add connections. One idea was to sort the nodes, but that is somewhat slow if the graph becomes bigger and bigger.
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< niteya_> rcurin: can you please tell me what to do about my ensmallen pr #79?
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< travis-ci> manish7294/mlpack#31 (master - ecca300 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build passed.
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< rob> what happened to ZeroInitiailization ?
< rob> for ANNs
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< mulx10> zoq: Okay, now I understand. Thanks.
< mulx10> zoq: Also, can 'nes' be used ?
< mulx10> for performing tests.
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< rcurtin> niteya: I'll respond to the ensmallen PR when I have time (that may be a while)
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< tavishjain> Hey everyone
< zoq> tavishjain: Hello!
< tavishjain> I am Tavish Jain, and I have a keen interest in developing solutions based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning, although I am a beginner currently. I wished to contribute into this organisation this time in Google Summer of Code
< tavishjain> I'll surely have a look at them
< zoq> tavishjain: Sounds good :)
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< deepak___> hi
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< travis-ci> manish7294/mlpack#32 (linearScan - a2db2ab : Manish): The build was broken.
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< zoq> deepak___: Hey
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< rob9> hey, I just built armadillo with MKL libraries, but when I try to build ensmallen it gives me a bunch of undefined references
< rob9> for example, undefined reference to `sgemv_'
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< rob9> i got it by adding MKL to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH
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