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< zoq> In case you have 7 minutes to spend:
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< sreenik> That video was a great one! Nice thing to start my day with :)
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< rcurtin> that was highly entertaining :)
< rcurtin> it reminded me of my favorite technical talk of all time:
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< janek_> hey, I'm having a bunch of issues installing mlpack on macOS, would you guys be willing to help? should be easy enough
< zoq> janek_: If you can post some error message, we can see what we can do.
< Viserion> After I fork the repository and do some changes how could I effect my changes locally?
< janek_> zoq: please see this for how it went with trying a pip installation (it's brief, I hope) -
< janek_> and with building from source, when I do `cmake ../` - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/Users/janek/Developer/mlpack-3.0.4/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
< janek_> and then in the log there's nothing about an error, only one deprecation warning
< janek_> but if I try to go to the next step (make) - I get make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
< zoq> The python bindings are also available via pip for manylinux platforms, not sure mac OS is included. But the build from source works just fine.
< zoq> can you post the direct output for cmake?
< zoq> probably some dependency is missing
< zoq> btw. nice terminal style
< janek_> thanks! it's mostly from here iTerm is a terminal for mac, but zsh is crossplatform, so I'm sure you can use some of it
< janek_> I'll double check my dependencies, try again and come back with cmake output if it doesn't work
< Viserion> After I fork the repository and do some changes how could I effect my changes locally?
< zoq> Viserion: What do you mean with effect?
< zoq> janek_: Using iTerm and zsh as well :)
< janek_> ah ok, nice ;)
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< Viserion> I mean I changed few functions so would I have to again execute make command?
< zoq> Viserion: Yeah, make should only build the changes.
< Viserion> Yes when I do it I get error: In file included from /home/viserion/MLPACk/mlpack-master/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_model.hpp:183:0, from /home/viserion/MLPACk/mlpack-master/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_main.cpp:18: /home/viserion/MLPACk/mlpack-master/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_model_impl.hpp:29:7: error: prototype for ‘void* mlpack::cf::GetValueVisitor::operator()(mlpack::cf::CFType<DecompositionPolicy, NormalizationTyp
< zoq> janek_: Recently switch the font to Fira Code, I think you use monaco?
< zoq> Viserion: The error got cut off.
< janek_> yeah pretty sure I use monaco, saw the Fira Code repo and wanted to try it though :) can I see how it looks in yours?
< Viserion> class ‘mlpack::cf::GetValueVisitor’ void* GetValueVisitor::operator()(CFType<DecompositionPolicy, NormalizationType>* c) const....remaing part
< zoq> Viserion: hm, any chance you can push the code to your fork? Difficult to point something out, you can also change smaller parts and see what changes breaks the code.
< janek_> oh sweeet. would love to make my vim look like this. is it nvim+plugins?
< janek_> installation worked, btw. it was the dependencies. So I'm at fault here for not checking them, I got mislead by the fact that I was warned about missing one
< janek_> so then I installed it and I assumed I would be warned about missing others, if applicable, but I wasn't
< janek_> anyway, thanks a lot, I'll hang out here for a bit longer if you don't mind and try to get it to run with python before I leave ;)
< janek_> how many contributors do you guys have btw?
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< zoq> janek_: Right nvim + plugins
< zoq> janek_: should give you a pretty good impression, I think Ryan mentioned we have contributors from almost every continent, only Antarctica is missing.
< zoq> So if you know someone from Antarctica, let us know :)
< janek_> haha I'll keep an eye out
< janek_> would it be easy for you to share what plugins you have? I haven't gottent into that yet but would like to
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< zoq> I think it would be easier if I push my zsh and vim config, I'll see if I have a chance to do this later today.
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< zoq> rcurtin: Agreed, great talk :)
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< Hemal> Are there any graph based algorithms implemented in mlpack?
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< janek_> zoq : thanks, that would be very cool. but no stress about that, I'll do my own diggin at some point and I'm sure there's staff out there
< janek_> I would really appreciate some help with this last step, i.e. getting python keybindings to work
< janek_> 1. I can verify that mlpack is installed by writing mlpack_knn in terminal
< janek_> 2. I did export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ and when I echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH it does indeed point there
< janek_> 3. There are indeed mlpack files there, such as mlpack_knn
< janek_> 4. but if I try `import mlpack` or `from mlpack import knn` in python, I get an import error
< janek_> I'm following this and there is nothing more there
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< rcurtin> janek_: saw your bug report, actually the pip package name is 'mlpack3':
< rcurtin> somebody had already claimed the name mlpack and we have not been able to recover it yet even though the issue has been open for many months at this point
< rcurtin> I'll respond to the issue you opened shortly, but I think 'pip install mlpack3' should work
< rcurtin> oh wait, you said OS X. nevermind... I think we only have them available for manylinux
< rcurtin> I don't know how to package them for OS X
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< rrs_> hey Ryan, thanks for responding! I also found the package on PyPI, that's why I was confused it doesn't work. I was not aware installing packages through pip can be platform-specific
< rcurtin> rrs_: yeah, I was surprised by that too, but at the end of the day the mlpack bindings do depend on the platform-specific mlpack libraries
< rcurtin> I should probably open an issue on Github about OS X versions of the Python bindings
< rcurtin> (and Windows too)
< rrs_> I'll edit my issue to be clear that it's macOS, if it isn't not
< rrs_> now*
< rcurtin> anyway, I have to run for now, but I'll be back in a little while and respond to the issue and also try and help with the build
< rcurtin> it may have already said that and I may have overlooked it :)
< rrs_> I got logged out and may have missed some messages because of that, but did anyone respond to getting python bidnings to work once it's insalled?
< rrs_> ok, thanks so much for writing!
< rrs_> I'll check back here from time to time, hope to talk to you later :)
< sreenik> rrs_: You can check the logs if you think you've missed something
< rrs_> thanks, yeah. sorry for missing that, I realized after I wrote :)
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< rrs_> i dug into the issues a bit more and this comment from Ryan solved it for me:
< rrs_> but it only works for python 2, in 3.7 I get an error
< rrs_> is mlpack compatible with 3.7 or just 3.6?
< rcurtin> it should work for 3.7 too, but the key would be whether CMake configured the build to use python2 or python3
< rcurtin> you can configure with -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/preferred/python
< rcurtin> i.e. -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 for instance should work and build for python3
< rrs_> understand. is there a way of checking it now, or should I reinstall?
< rrs_> or does the fact itself that it works with 2 and not 3 mean that it's this?
< rrs_> this is the error I get in 3.7, in case that's relevant
< rcurtin> you can take a look at the output from CMake if you have it, or you can look through CMakeCache.txt for PYTHON_EXECUTABLE and see what it is
< rcurtin> but I'd bet that it's configured for Python 2 and not Python 3 and that's the source of the problem
< rrs_> ok started reinstalling just this moment anyway ;d
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< rcurtin> rrs_: thanks for the comment on pypa/warehouse#5365
< rcurtin> I was disappointed to see, last time I looked at that repository, that it is primarily sadness and desperation and, when I looked at it last, nobody's package had been successfully claimed at all
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< rrs_> no prob. and ouch, that doesn't sound good :/
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< rrs_> yay, it works! thanks a lot for the help rcurtin, zoq
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< rcurtin> sure, glad you got it working :)
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< Toshal> zoq lozhnikov ShikharJ rcurtin:Hi sir, I am planning to implement StackGAN, ConditionalGan and if possible LAPGAN this summer. What are your thoughts about it? Also, are they implementable in the given time?
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< atulim> @zoq @rcurtin is there a support for sigmoid kernal? If not, wouldn't it be a nice idea to include it.
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< Viserion> @zoq. here's my changed repo: pls have a look at it that why it is giving the error
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< Viserion> i am not able to remove the bug...after changing functions for building support for normalization when executing make command for building.
< Viserion> Error: In file included from /home/viserion/MLPACK/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_model.hpp:183:0, from /home/viserion/MLPACK/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_main.cpp:18, from /home/viserion/MLPACK/build/src/mlpack/bindings/python/generate_pyx_cf.cpp:34: /home/viserion/MLPACK/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_model_impl.hpp:29:7: error: prototype for ‘void* mlpack::cf::GetValueVisitor::operator()(mlpack::cf::CFType<Dec
< Viserion> ‘void* mlpack::cf::GetValueVisitor::operator()(mlpack::cf::CFType<DecompositionPolicy, NormalizationType>*) const’ does not match any in class ‘mlpack::cf::GetValueVisitor’ void* GetValueVisitor::operator()(CFType<DecompositionPolicy, NormalizationType
< Viserion> Github repo:
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< pranit> will the projects based in mlpack bestrictly based in cpp or we have projects in python as well?
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< rcurtin> pranit: mlpack is a C++ library...
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< Suryo> Guys, I hope that there isn't a word or page limit for the GSoC proposals?
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< Viserion> s
< Viserion> In file included from /home/viserion/MLPACK/build/src/mlpack/bindings/python/generate_pyx_cf.cpp:34:0: /home/viserion/MLPACK/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_main.cpp: In function ‘void AssembleFactorizerType(const string&, const string&, arma::mat&, size_t)’: /home/viserion/MLPACK/src/mlpack/methods/cf/cf_main.cpp:399:95: error: no matching function for call to ‘PerformAction(arma::mat&, const size_t&, const size_t&, const double&)â€
< Viserion> PerformAction<NMFPolicy, CombinedNormalization>(dataset, rank, maxIterations, minResidue);
< Viserion> Why did this error pop up and not before adding Normalization template
< zoq> Viserion: Did you fix the first issue? It looks like in your header file you used a void pointer but not in the implementation file.
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< zoq> Toshal: I don't think it's feasible to impelement/test and document all three over the summer. So my recommendation is to focus on one or two. Maybe you can think of a second one that builds on the first one or on something we already have.