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< Suryo> Hello zoq! I have pushed the changes pertaining to PSO into a branch on my GitHub. I've also included the tests for the same. The project successfully compiles using cmake and make.
< Suryo> I was wondering if now would be a good time to submit a PR regarding the same and to have a discussion with Chintan about his code and authorship.
< Suryo> However, the flow of control is the same as before. I've not gotten on with parallelization within ensmallen or armadillo and I would like to have a discussion on this. I
< Suryo> I've also been thinking of the problem of casting different kinds of functions for different methods.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #236: FAILURE in 1 day 3 hr:
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< zoq> Suryo: Let's open a PR and discuss what we could do.
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< Suryo> Okay I'll open a PR soon.
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< zoq> Suryo: Sounds good.
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< zoq> rcurtin: Does the automation on your Needs labels/ingest column work for you?
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< rcurtin> zoq: no, the automation doesn't work at all; I was thinking of either writing a bot to do it, or maybe seeing what Zenhub offered?
< rcurtin> so I have to move cards around manually, which is kind of tedious
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< zoq> agreed, it would be really helpful if everything new issue/pr would automatically show up in my inbox card
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< zoq> Zenhub might be an alternative
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< zoq> looks promising, the inbox works
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< sreenik> Hello. I am looking forward to contributing towards the translation of Tensorflow(and PyTorch, etc) models to and from mlpack. As mentioned in the GSOC idea, a separate repository is to be made for that. I have started writing the code, please tell me where to put it in the PR after considerable work is done.
< zoq> sreenik: Hello there, what about you open an issue with the link to the repo?
< zoq> sreenik: We can either transfer the repo or create anew one.
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< sreenik> Okay, I will open the issue as soon as I finish some part of it
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< mulx10> Hello everyone!
< mulx10> I am opened a pull request, can someone please review it
< mulx10> thank you
< zoq> mulx10: Hello, we will review everything once we have a chance, thanks.
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< heytitle> hi, may I ask questions regarding setting up mlpack's benchmarks locally?
< zoq> heytitle: Hey, yeah sure.
< heytitle> I got this error when I ran
< zoq> so the install scripts don't install the dependencies for each lib, in case for mlpy and shogun it looks like the missing package is python3-dev
< zoq> Perhaps it makes sense to provide a docker
< heytitle> do you have the docker file already?
< zoq> unfortunately no
< heytitle> ok.
< heytitle> should I try to create one?
< zoq> That would be great :)
< heytitle> what base image should I use?
< zoq> alpine or I guess ubuntu is also just fine
< heytitle> ok.
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