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< mee> where did GANs go in the new docs? I don't see them under mlpack::ann
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< mee> That's odd. In the link you sent me it exists, but when I go by myself through the left pane in a new tab, GAN is not listed
< rcurtin> weird, I used 'namespace list' to narrow down to mlpack -> ann -> gan
< rcurtin> what route did you use?
< rcurtin> or, sorry, I used 'class list'
< rcurtin> the search box also works
< sreenik> Thanks zoq and rcurtin. I had thought of using combinations as the last resort but rcurtin’s comment should shorten up the Thanks :D
< rcurtin> uh, hang on, having trouble with the search box
< rcurtin> mee: that's the 3.0.4 documentation, change to the 'git' version and you can find it
< mee> ah
< rcurtin> GAN is not released as part of 3.0.4 :)
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< mee> Yeah wasn't the concept founded in like 2014 or something?
< mee> Quite new
< mee> Compared to lots of other algorithms
< rcurtin> yep :)
< mee> Thanks
< rcurtin> sure :)
< rcurtin> looks like I have to figure out what's up with the search in the doxygen documentation...
< mee> The search doesn't work for me either,
< rcurtin> yeah, I suspect that it's some javascript issue
< rcurtin> not my favorite thing to debug :(
< mee> that's why I usually google search whatever + mlpack. Unfortunately the old docs are dead lol
< rcurtin> right, hopefully google will update its indexes soon
< rcurtin> if not, I'll have to add a symlink or something
< rcurtin> anyway, yeah, doxygen search is not great even when it works... google might be better
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< mee> also, what makes a Sparse AutoEncoder "Sparse"?
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< anduser> Is there any function to to do scaling on input data*..?
< anduser> Transofrm feature by scaling up or down*
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< shine_> zoq: i went through the reinforcement learning code on mlpack. It already implements DQN and DDQN in its algorithm of deep reinforcement learning for atari games. I need a little help with proposal. Do i need to implement only the improvements made in other papers over the classic DQN or is there something i am missing?
< shine_> I have just started going through reinforcement learning tutorials for the project and don't know much about them. Sorry, if my questions seem a bit wierd
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< shine_> By DDQN i mean Double DQN and not Dueling DQN
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #275: FIXED in 3 hr 39 min:
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< riaash04> zoq: rcurtin: I have submitted a draft proposal using the dashboard, on the NEAT project. If you get time, it would be good to get some review and comments to improve it. Thanks.
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< mulx10> zoq: should I create a PR for the Concat layer. Also we may need Reshape layer. It would be helpful for 'Application of ANN algorithms '
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< zoq> mulx10: yeah, good idea
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Did we end up finalizing the time and date for the meetup?
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< rcurtin> ShikharJ: that was on my todo for today, did you get the email I sent?
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< mulx10> In the documentation of python (mlpack-3.0.4) the import statements are wrong :( .
< rcurtin> mulx10: nice catch, just gotta drop the () from the generated documentation
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Regarding the meeting? Yes. I forgot to fill in my timings though.
< rcurtin> sounds good
< rcurtin> once you do that, tonight I'll find the best time from there
< rcurtin> might need to email one or two people to see if they can move their availability a little bit
< ShikharJ> Great.
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< Toshal> rcurtin: Hi sir, sorry this is quite unprofessional, are we allowed to join the meetup or it's only for members?
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< rcurtin> Toshal: not unprofessional at all---the meeting will be open to everyone, I just wanted to find a time where all the primary maintainers can make it
< rcurtin> I'll send an email to the list once everything is finalized (next day or so)
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< Toshal> rcurtin: Okay thanks, Should I reply to the mail you sent on mailing list for appending my name to the list?
< rcurtin> it'll be a public video call, you can just join, but if you'd like to RSVP you can feel free to
< rcurtin> (might as well wait until I send the actual meeting info)
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< Toshal> Okay, I will reply to your mail. :) Thanks for the reply.
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< kushagra> can you tell me something about the particle swarm optimisation idea
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< Shubhangi> When some change is made in source code file do I need to run 'make' command again?
< Shubhangi> I am trying to change .pyx file but changes are not visible. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
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< rcurtin> Shubhangi: read the tutorial about the automatic bindings and how they work; the pyx files are autogenerated during the build
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< Subham_> Hi Ryan,I( had sent email in mlpack mailing list.Although i got reply for my first-two queries(on QGMM and general purpose-EM),I had a l'il hard time deciding on few issues.I would be highly grateful if you could respond to my mail as it would help prepare my proposal
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #136: UNSTABLE in 41 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Ryan Curtin: Merge branch 'whoopityDoop-master'