It would be nice drive Pinephone like car: four gear (cpus) and accelerato pedal (cpu freq)...
...seriously it would good some powersavings when battery is under 10%.
I tried switch off core on fly, but Maemo did not allowed do that.
wait a minute, it works!!! htop shows only 3 cores.
have to use su command not sudo, to get it work.
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That cpu freq setting on the fly needs more linux knowledge than I have, I can show available settings that are in Pinephone: 648000 816000 912000 960000 1008000 1056000 1104000 1152000, but when I try change it says argument missmatch
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uvos__: no idea what do WL do, but I assume WL does not use separate scanout buffer for the cursor
or, does not render it directly to the front buffer
maybe they fix possible cursor tearing this way, dunno
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from kernel.org: "The CPUfreq governor "userspace" allows the user, or any userspace
program running with UID "root", to set the CPU to a specific frequency
by making a sysfs file "scaling_setspeed" available in the CPU-device
directory.". I think that Leste has not have governor "userspace" so I cannot have scaling_setspeed...someboy who knows more can correct me, I hope I am wrong.
kiva: yes, we use this on d4
On PP scaling_available_governors shows only: performance schedutil
well we manually set them to off
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PP works fine with one core. Not even feel slow in light Firefox use.
with defaul cpu freq.
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