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<Wizzup> heh not enough space :)
<Wizzup> building again
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<arno11> failed again
<Wizzup> yeah ipv6
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<Wizzup> going again now
<arno11> cool
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<arno11> Wizzup: big fail this time
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<Wizzup> ha, another issue
<Wizzup> I think I'll turn off the archiving of the artifacts in jenkins
<Wizzup> we scp them anyway
<Wizzup> sounds good?
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<arno11> Wizzup: ah ok, yes sounds good
<arno11> will try the new img a bit later: i'm currently running the old img from sept and works fine apart input stuff !
<arno11> just as a reminder: it is very very slow OOTB
<arno11> but with all tweaks from wiki, that's a lot faster
<arno11> it is smooth with no overclock
<arno11> and u3 ofc
<arno11> but i understand new users frustrations
<arno11> it is easy to handle on n900 when you know enough about M-L, but a real pita for others
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<arno11> imo, to continue using n900 with newer debian's, we definitively need to block non essential stuff like gnome trackers, mafw, apt-worker and others by default on n900 to keep enough cpu power for the 2-3 first boots
<arno11> and lowering transitions effects
<Wizzup> which exactly tweaks?
<Wizzup> which exact*
<Wizzup> I think apt-worker is important, I don't like disabling it entirely - we want it ti run every now and then
<arno11> yes ofc, maybe once a week or month should be enough
<arno11> but if user starts wifi on first or sec boot, the device becomes unusable for a while...
<arno11> *tweaks from wiki
<Wizzup> right, but apt-worker should not kick in immediatel during boot
<arno11> it starts a soon as you connect to wifi iirc
<arno11> but anyway, after 2 years using Leste daily on this low power device, the only real issue i see is the type of sdcard in use.
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> we'll get new tracker with daedalus
<Wizzup> hopefully it's better :)
<arno11> apparently yes !
<arno11> gnome tracker 2 was really buggy
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<arno11> Wizzup: back to my 'clean' install. so here is what i did on the fresh install to get good perfs: u3 card, block apt-worker, block mafw, .nomedia in $HOME, custom transitions with low radius, renice -n -8 systemui/Xorg/hildon-desktop/mce, min freq 500MHz
<arno11> that's it i think, and it is as fast as my old install
<arno11> will do the same this evening with the new img from today
<arno11> i use samsung evo plus on my old install and sandisk extrem on fresh one, perfs are similar with our old driver btw
<Wizzup> what does blocking mafw do when tracker is disabled, btw?
<arno11> good question lol really don't know
<arno11> but we already talked about that with fmg and something seems buggy with mafw
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<arno11> iirc, even with no tracker, mafw uses cpu and sometimes a lot
<arno11> oh scratch that, it is not cpu usage but ram iirc
<arno11> anyway, will doublecheck this evening
<Wizzup> ram yes
<Wizzup> but it still powers omp :)
<arno11> i removed it atm btw
<arno11> it uses too much cpu on n900 :(
<arno11> even for basic mp3's
<arno11> there is a huge diff using audacious
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: shall we match devuan versions in our image names? currently they all say 1.0, from ascii to beowulf to chimaera and soon daedalus
<Wizzup> but maybe we shouldn't do that and instead make daedalus 5.0
<Wizzup> ?
<Wizzup> it's just the name of the img file, nothing else
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: makes sense
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<Wizzup> ok
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: I have a question about connection to dbus signal
<freemangordon> what is the modern way of doing it?
<freemangordon> (I am on mafw-tracker-source BTW)
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: sorry, don't really have a good answer @ dbus signal
<Wizzup> maybe gdbus has something for it - if that is used?
<Wizzup> great @ mafw soruce
<Wizzup> I use OMP a lot :)
<freemangordon> too late (dbus):
<freemangordon> :p
<freemangordon> it has issues though
<freemangordon> I'll have to fix the wueries
<freemangordon> *queries
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<sicelo> there's no modern way. since our stack is mostly g_*, g_dbus does make the most sense
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<sicelo> the only major difference is, do you create a proxy or use raw messages ... each option has its pros and cons, but most prefer a proxy
<freemangordon> I used gdbus-codegen
<sicelo> iirc that uses proxies. btw what signals you wanted to connect to? tracker's?
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> they dropped libtracker-control in tracker 3
<sicelo> ah yeah, i can see
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<arno11> i just tried the last img, works very well. the only issue i've seen is with network widget: i can't see my gsm network on the screen (it was without devel)
<arno11> i'll have a look tomorrow
<arno11> oh and it is still kernel 6.1 with emmc swap so sometimes the screen freezes for few sec
<arno11> (should not be a problem with -devel)
<Wizzup> we should move more to stable
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<arno11> agree
<Wizzup> also probably to daedalus soon :)
<arno11> :)
<arno11> do you think i can attempt a dist-upgrade btw ? (if n900 can boot on 6.12 ofc)
<Wizzup> I don't think daedalus is on 6.12 yet (not sure)
<Wizzup> but yes, we can try dist-upgrade later, I wouldn't do it yet
<arno11> ok
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