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<Wizzup> uvos: shall I make a fixup commit to disable speaker right pga?
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<Wizzup> uvos: so yeah I think CPCAP_REG_RXOA.CPCAP_BIT_A1_EAR_EN is required at least for the earpiece
<Wizzup> but we do have the earpiece pga in your force enable
<Wizzup> oh yeah, that's why I did hear things :)
<Wizzup> uvos: yeah ok so we don't enable the mic capture pga's it seems
<Wizzup> should I enable the "Left Capture Route", or do something else?
<Wizzup> could also just enable Microphone 1 PGA and Microphone 2 PGA
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<Wizzup> uvos: fyi I called this one 5.18.14exp
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<Wizzup> uvos: so on top of my latest patch I also need this:
<Wizzup> python set CPCAP_REG_CC.CPCAP_BIT_MIC1_CDC_EN 1
<Wizzup> then earpiece works ok
<Wizzup> and then headphone works for input, but not for output
<Wizzup> uvos: so that register is "ADC Right" in the codecs/cpcap.c
<Wizzup> ok, kernel that builds now should work out of the box for speakerphone and handset
<Wizzup> not yet for headset, only mic works there
<Wizzup> (no android dump to compare with)
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<Wizzup> uvos: ok with latest experimental it should work ok for speaker and earpiece
<Wizzup> uvos: I suspect we should just make the dapm force enable list a little more exhaustive just in case
<Wizzup> uvos: one time it didn't work, but I had pavucontrol open (the gtk version), maybe that somehow affected it, I did run a reg cmp and there was a small difference
<Wizzup> here:
<Wizzup> so maybe I should at least also enable the left adc
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<eloy> I was looking into porting FBReader from Fremantle, what is the logical place where the svn repos are located? I could only find this:
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<uvos> ok
<uvos> ill try and dump headset at some point
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<Wizzup> eloy: there is no one repos for the svn, but let me search for you
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<Wizzup> eloy: so normally I look at but it seems to be down (atm)
<eloy> ah, well thanks already :)
<Wizzup> I asked about garage, let's see
<Wizzup> easiest might be to just take the patches (assuming they are patched applied onto orig source) and see if they can be forward ported
<Wizzup> (assuming you want to use latest fbreader as a base)
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<Wizzup> uvos: ok, that'd be nice
<uvos> musscle memory really kills me when using the d4 with android
<uvos> capslock/shift, home is not tasknav the menu button is instead
<uvos> Wizzup:
<Wizzup> thanks
<Wizzup> and the cpu recording txt, do you know what the output was when recording
<Wizzup> (I can try to guess, just wondering if you remember)
<uvos> pretty sure i dident change it
<uvos> ie its default - earpiece
<eloy> Wizzup: yeah, I'd like to use the latest. I tried compiling the latest Fremantle source, but I'm running into all kinds of C++ errors, so that sounds like a better approach. Modern compilers are less tolerant I think.
<Wizzup> eloy: either that or some of the libs it uses changed
<Wizzup> uvos: ok, ty, will investigate what is needed momentarily for headset
<Wizzup> uvos: looks like we need CPCAP_REG_RXOA.CPCAP_BIT_ST_HS_CP_EN to be 1
<uvos> Wizzup: sensible
<uvos> dose some widget controll this bit/
<uvos> ?
<Wizzup> will check momentarily
<eloy> btw, the latest status link in the topic here still links to the fourteenth update instead of the sixteenth
<Wizzup> eloy: fair enough...
<Wizzup> we'll have another newspost soon
<eloy> :D
<uvos> newspost: mapphone calls work!!!!!
<uvos> Wizzup: do you know whats needed in sphones pulse output swtiching callback?
<uvos> i want to takle this nex
<uvos> t
<uvos> unless you have this laying around
<Wizzup> I looked into the api, but didn't have it working, -yet-
<Wizzup> let me find the code
<Wizzup> 5 mins multitasking a bit too much...
<uvos> no rush
<Wizzup> it was this, but it doesn't work atm, I probably made some mistakes, I didn't debug it at all yet and iirc it hard crashed
<Wizzup> that's all I have in any case
<uvos> Wizzup: ok
<Wizzup> probably even some string corruption mistake or so
<Wizzup> but that should at least be the right pa call :)
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<Wizzup> uvos: so the corresponding entry is "Headset Charge Pump"
<Wizzup> DAPM wise I think we're ok
<Wizzup> "Headset Right PGA"
<Wizzup> "Headset Left PGA"
<Wizzup> uvos: not sure if I see any code at all that sets this reg
<Wizzup> well, I see a line that sets it to 0
<Wizzup> maybe the headset charge pump needs a dapm entry, let me debug
<Wizzup> great now ofono ignored the 'accept call' :D
<uvos> i mean if its nessecary for the pga to work at all
<uvos> it should just be set with the pga
<uvos> imo
<Wizzup> it is
<Wizzup> {"HSR", NULL, "Headset Charge Pump"},
<Wizzup> {"HSL", NULL, "Headset Charge Pump"},
<uvos> right then i dont see the point of add antoher widget
<Wizzup> and:
<uvos> wait the widget exists?
<Wizzup> {"HSR", NULL, "Headset Right PGA"},
<Wizzup> {"HSL", NULL, "Headset Left PGA"},
<uvos> and it dosent set the reg?
<Wizzup> exists where?
<uvos> in the widget array
<Wizzup> I think so...
<uvos> SND_SOC_DAPM_SUPPLY("Headset Charge Pump",
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> right, but it's not in the list, but it is referred to from the widget
<uvos> it sets the reg
<Wizzup> it sets it to 0 though?
<Wizzup> but yeah, it might set it to 1 later
<uvos> no it sets it to 0 at startup
<Wizzup> in any case our current code -does not- set it
<Wizzup> maybe it's dapm messing with it, let me try to find out now
<uvos> because the Headset Charge Pump is not active probubly
<uvos> check in debugfs
<Wizzup> active dapm wise?
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> yes, I wsa at that point
<uvos> its a dapm widget
<Wizzup> and then ofono played a joke on me
<uvos> he
<Wizzup> yeah I think that's it
<Wizzup> so we just force enable the charge pump?
<Wizzup> # cat Headset\ Charge\ Pump
<Wizzup> Headset Charge Pump: Off in 0 out 0 - R2076(0x81c) mask 0x200 out "static" "HSL" out "static" "HSR"
<Wizzup> weird though, I figured HSR or HSL being forced on would power this up
<uvos> no
<uvos> forcing somethign dosent affect the other nodes at all
<Wizzup> ah
<uvos> theres a special check for that
<Wizzup> well, let me build a kernel with added then :)
<uvos> anyhow setting them on by changeing the struct dosent work either
<uvos> because the chain isent checked for some reason
<uvos> (that i dont understand at all)
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> let me just add this one for now and test
<Wizzup> building now
<eloy> okay this might not be the most popular choice here, but I'm amazed that I could clone a NodeJS project on my Droid 4, install a whole bunch of dependencies using npm and run a local webserver that does audio stuff and it just worked flawlessly :D
<Wizzup> :D
<Wizzup> eloy: btw is back up now, but I can't find fbreader stuff on it (I am not very proficient with
<Wizzup> uvos: the recording to cpu part I suppose would just reroute the call audio to ... what exactly?
<sicelo> eloy: which source did you want to use? fbreader is closed source since a while ago, iirc
<Wizzup> sicelo: you sure? I don't think so
<Wizzup> oh, maybe it is now...
<Wizzup> FBReader is not open-source since 2015. For developers, we offer FBReader SDK: a library that allows creating own ebook readers.
<Wizzup> I have 0.99 locally on my computer, which is foss for sure
<eloy> yeah, it's sad, but the latest foss version will live on forever :P
<sicelo> there's not FBReader 2.x :-)
<Wizzup> uvos: so re: sphone, I will try to fix the rtcom logging now, and then next step I think is to try to make a glib telepathy plugin for calls (and sms, but I want to be able to turn that off)
<sicelo> eloy: anyway, so yes, there was no garage repo for it. using garage was not a requirement.
<eloy> sicelo: I see
<Wizzup> sicelo: yeah we were just searching for a svn or git repo
<Wizzup> but in some cases those don't even exist and it's just a source tarball upload I think
<uvos> Wizzup: the call recording path cant really work at all rn
<uvos> i just ignore it
<uvos> we dont even have the dai to use it
<uvos> Wizzup: so can you switch outputs via pactl?
<uvos> i dont get i - or pactl is buggy
<Wizzup> uvos: let me try to do it now
<uvos> pactl list
<Wizzup> yeah I know how it should work, let me try :)
<uvos> Sink #0
<uvos> ok
<uvos> alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_Audio_0__sink, Ports: Earpiece: Internal Earpiece (priority: 200)
<uvos> pactl set-sink-port alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_Audio_0__sink Earpiece
<uvos> Failure: No such entity
<uvos> ???
<uvos> pactl set-sink-volume alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_Audio_0__sink 0.1
<uvos> works
<Wizzup> I am looking at set-sink-port, but it's not clear to me how to ref the sink
<eloy> Wizzup: yeah, so I guess I'll try to extract the Maemo specific stuff from the tarball and add that on top of the latest open source fbreader repo + other deps
<uvos> alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_Audio_0__sink works for volume
<Wizzup> uvos: got it
<Wizzup> pactl set-sink-port alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_Audio_0__sink '[Out] Earpiece'
<uvos> ie set-sink-volum
<uvos> ah out
<uvos> silly
<eloy> might be worth to look for fbreader forks that occured since 2015
<Wizzup> uvos: yes, silly
<Wizzup> it also works with number
<Wizzup> pactl set-sink-port 20 '[Out] Earpiece'
<Wizzup> (#20 for me)
<Wizzup> (useless otherwise, just fyi)
<uvos> sure
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> so that's probably why my code did not work :)
<uvos> yeah
<Wizzup> (the [Out] missing)
<Wizzup> loll
<uvos> we need a real way to figure out what sink to use tho
<uvos> i gues you can query the default sink somehow
<uvos> checking
<Wizzup> so I think we can probably configure this
<Wizzup> i.e. we don't need it to be alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_Audio_0__sink
<Wizzup> we have /etc/pulse/
<uvos> sure but just using the default sink should be fine
<Wizzup> but yes, that is another thing my code didn't do yet - enumerate the sinks to find the 'right' one
<Wizzup> probably
<uvos> its alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_Audio_0__sink in hifi mode
<Wizzup> I would find one that has the ports we want
<uvos> and changes to alsa_output.0.Voice_Call__hw_Audio_0__sink
<uvos> when in voice call
<uvos> so that tracks
<Wizzup> ok, latest kernel is in experimental, will test hp
<Wizzup> I need to get a new sd card for my d4 I think, I/O is so slow now
<Wizzup> kernel upgrade makes the device not usable for some time
<Wizzup> all I/O just blocks
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<Wizzup> uvos: now CPCAP_REG_RXOA.CPCAP_BIT_HS_L_EN and CPCAP_REG_RXOA.CPCAP_BIT_HS_R_EN need to be set manually
<Wizzup> maybe that's a different problem
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<Wizzup> idgi
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<Wizzup> uvos: also if you figure this out, please default to earpiece (ofc hp if hp is plugged) :)
<Wizzup> not speaker
<uvos> Wizzup: sphone dose this alleady
<uvos> it sets earpiece when it switches profiles
<uvos> ofc this dosent do anything atm
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> right
<uvos> Wizzup: seting routs works now
<uvos> Wizzup: did you change rtcom yet?
<uvos> if so please push so i can make a sphone release for both
<Wizzup> not yet @ rtcom
<Wizzup> probably tomorrow
<Wizzup> :)
<uvos> Wizzup: anyhow new sphone with working audio_route_triggeris on the way
<Wizzup> sweet
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