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freemangordon: I think if we remove that, it will 'fail' to start due to some openrc timeout
though so, just wanted a confirmation :)
Wizzup: are you aware of any type of signal that is send by gnome, kde, whatever when it starts/is started?
uvos removed MCE_BOOTUP_SUBMODE but we shall restore that. the issue is that it is cleared on hildon-desktop specific dbus signal
before I start arguing on whether mce should care about anything non h-d, I would like to know if there exists a standard way of understanding when bootup sequence is over
yes, we need that
I don't know if there's any standard way, probably not...
* freemangordon
checks what nemo guys do
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ok, I guess we can create "boot" modules that are specific for each usecase and detect boot process end
and we can have hildon_boot module that waits for h-d to start
i strongly doubt that a boot state is needed, what for? because of blanking pause?
but, it is not that simple
mce should not be a system deamon at all, thats a hangover from fremantle bad arch
it only dose session things and should be started with the session
and should only affect its session, thats the direction im working
mce controls display blanking, so you should know when to blank and when not to
this also obviates any problems beacuse mce will only start with the session too
how's that? what if we want to display some "session start" vide?
start mce after, the fact that mce, for instance, changes the blanking state of other sessions is highly broken
and that other sessions all talk to the same mce
because what it manages is session state, not system state really.
honestly, I don;t understand why do you think mobile phone shall act as a workstation
this multisession thingie brings absolutely nothing to improve UX
ofc it dose
it just makes things overcomplicated without any gain I can see
also, adding one more module does not stop mce from being whatever you like
just din't load it, right?
1. sane interoperatbility with other uis (you can install hildon and plamo at the same time for instance) giveing user choice. 2. security, currently many things on leste run with root permissions that realy dont need to. 3. mapphones are transforming devices, they DO turn into workstations on demand,
in leste there wil never be multisession stuff, as long as it depends on my opinion
so, leste *is* hildon more or less, amd all daemons shall support hildon, in the first place
everything else is not mission critical
leste should not exist imo
then I wonder what do you do on the channel
idealy it would just be hildon-session and be a part of debian/devuan whatever normal distro
this means dealing with sessions
how feasible do yo think this is?
so that installing leste dosent break the whole system
in 10 years? ... maybe
pretty feasible imo
no, it tooks years to push a single patch in distros, take my glib patch for example
and they constantly remove things
we simply don;t have the manpower to play that gamne
either we are distro or we stop doing anything as it does not make sence
your optinon not mine
efforts were done back then by way more powerful players that 3 of us to push hildon in debian
if these efforts where as uncompromizing wrt functionaltiy as you sure
there was someone who became a pmos maintainer for hildon. i think we all want hildon to work on as many distros as possible, we'd like it to be in mobian and maybe debian as well.
sure, because I want a mobile I can count on
i can count on means 100% fremantle parity and behavior in detail
norayr: hildon itself works whatever you compile it
ofc that makes everything way more work
the point is that hildon as such does not make a mobile OS
and *mobile* support is non-existent in big distros
that's why we do what we do
the other mobile uis work fine as sessions, sure they still have lots of stuff forked to but they actively work on becomeing closer to being "simple desktops"
wayland helps alot with that ofc
ah, yeah, the next best thing
mce really is only a thing beacuse hildon is a wm
how exactly mutisession helps?
how wayland helps mutisession?
UX wise
we were discussion multisession, you brought WL to the table
so, ignore WL
i awnsered this question
"1. sane interoperatbility with other uis (you can install hildon and plamo at the same time for instance) giveing user choice. 2. security, currently many things on leste run with root permissions that realy dont need to. 3. mapphones are transforming devices, they DO turn into workstations on demand"
point 1 is also sane install process on manny devices
pushing months of effort in multisession to cover some corner usecaes when we miss basic functionality is not really helpful for the project
I care no for other UIs, so this is not an argument
like, it is good to have
but if we don;t have it, well...
but being a regular xdg session would free lots of time to
because we are currently stuck messing with hw support for a handfull of devices
how exactly, if we speek in terms of the boot process. how do you imagine managing the boot session in terms of visual lock, for example?
while really we should focus on our session and pool the hw stuf with the other uis by being part of some distro
agreed on the HW part
but that's not what I am talking about
but that requires us to be a sane session
ok, what about doing it like this:
anyhow so boot with lock
1. phone boots, nodm runs, our session is default, we run tklock as normal
thats how other uis work...
lets have some meeting or, dunno, each of us to draft how s/he thinks boot process shall look like
so ofonod would not run until our session starts?
and then discuss and have a clear picture what we shall aim for
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Wizzup: maybe sure, that would not be our choice but the distros
I don't think that's a maybe, I think that's important, also wrt emergency calls
but ofono running only when our session starts is no problem
either that or the login manager has to handle calls
as we would reccomend nodm as default
this is also why open nource and democratically governed projects are way better than proprietary ones? nokia or some company would need a product at the market asap, and they would be (and they was) ok with lots of dirty things, they even forked debian, without caring to be at least compatible with sarge repos. and then people were 'porting' mcabber like programs to maemo.
nodm just starts the default session and dose nothing else
Wizzup: emergency calls would work as before, currently you cant place one untill our "session" starts anyhow
its just that session has leaks all over the place is the difference
now if the user decides to install some other dm other than nodm thats his problem
if we require mce to be part of our session, it still needs to collaborate with us, no?
uvos: even in that scenario, mce should know when the init is done
this feels quite fringe to me atm
i dont see why
it starts at almost the same time as hildon then
to not blank the screen before it is needed
why would need to know anyhtin
since mce is -our- project
if you want to display some video on session start, fine
run a window that blocks mces balnking via the inhibit dbus interface
no need to invent some new global state
no, I don;t want it to blank the screen before DE has finished whatever it has to in its startup
a problem in theory, but not in pactice
no, sorry, that's overkill
whats happeing that the startup of the de is longer than the blaning interval?
this is the problem in practice and I will capture a video to show you
this is not caused by what you think
exactly this is the point
mce has 25 sec on the timer
when your blank occures
something is triggerin an immidate blank either external or some missbhavieing module
this is not related
I think we need to strike a balance between how much effort we put in 'making everything fdo compliant' and actually getting something that works well. from my perspective getting something that works well and is single session is a good point to start looking at multi session behaviour, because we have a known-good state
if you set blanking to 10 seconds, it blanks 10 seconds after dsme reports "init finished"
(and we're not at that state yet imho)
right because mce is a system deamon its starting to early
thats why i was talking about where im taking it
(makeing it session only...)
sure, but until we have multisession we shall fix that
and I think I proposed the least intrusive way
whi, BTW, will continue work even after we have multisesson
the least intrusive way is just to write a xessesion script that kicks mce
no need for any interfaces or modes
not now
if ever I am going to
no i mean just restart mces timer
as the first xsession script
you can just do that with no change to mce
also btw
and what if it takes 120s for h-d to start?
something external to mce is missbehaveing in your bootup log
and its not in mine so im gona say systemui
could you elaborate?
something is contiously checking display state and forceing it on via dbus..
so yeah
and the blank there as i said
is not beacuse of the inactivity timer
its something else
what else?
but the timer never expires
ok, but this happens only lemme provide you with some extended logs
there is no reason for mce to trigger a lock at that time
it dose so erroniously
as I said, mce shall not touch the display until DE had started
it should not, with no requirement for any bootstate
as mce has no reason to trigger a lock until the timer expires is the point
sicelo, btw i forgot to tell you one very bad thing about phosh: you cannot run pidgin on it, as well as any multiwindow program: it gives the focus only to the last opened window of that program and other windows are not responsive at all.
but, it does now because it has no clue if DE has started ot not
anyway, lunch time, ttyl
its not preventing it becasue it has no clue
the trigger is still comeing from somehwere
i also wonder whats spamming mce with display reqests...
ok, I will put traces on the pipe
but, that will not solve the other issue mce shall wait for DE ti signal 'ready' before doing any blanking or whatever
multisession or not
i dont see that as nessecary at all really
its a solution in search of a problem
because you have determined startup procedure that way
we may want to switch to parallel bot at some point
and startup times (esp on a fast device) will be very short
even less of an issue then
no, sorry
unless you mean to say "mce might start even earlier relatvie to other suff then" well depdens helps with that.
mce shall have deterministic, not random behaviour when it comes to when to start blanking it terms of startup
so, blanking period shall start after DE is ready
no way to achieve that without signal from DE
so, I am going to write that module. ofc, if you know better/cheaper way to achieve, please share
there needent be a difference significant to care about, and a bit of randomness is no problem as long as it is a small time compeared to the overall blank interval
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besides the blaning interval was totaly broken on fremantle an no one seam to notice
sorry, lunch
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(the tlock issue wasent the only one....)
I'll capture a video later on to show you why I think UX is broken if we don't serialize
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freemangordon: the video dosent show anything
freemangordon: it shows the same thing as the log
freemangordon: some interaction with systemui/tklock causes mce to turn off the display, this interaction is a bug
its not related to when hildon starts at all
or the timeout or so on
we need to figure out what is (explicitly) telling mce to blank
disregarding if its nessecary for other reasons, papering over the problem by adding a global mode that makes mce happen to ignore this request is not the solution
ok, I'll put additional trtaces
if id have to gues
id say its because there blanking timers in mce tkloc.c
that do sepcial timeouts for vtklock
usualy tklock blocks these with dnd
so they would seam vestigial
i have 'sapwood-server' MUST be started before applications' messages if i run pidgin or other gtk apps from console.
what does that mean? can i start that sapwood?
norayr: whats your DISPLAY?
oh i see sapwood server is started
uvos - right question. i tried to run pidgin with x forwarding now to reconfigure.
so it's only when the display is not local?
sapwood breaks x remoteing
then other question - which is the default gtk theme? alpha, default, raleigh?
your DSIPLAY needs to be :0.0 and nothing else
i'd like to change it temporarily with gtk-chtheme because this theme doesn't draw some things in pidgin. some edit boxes.
yes also not :0
there is a terrible bug somwhere
where something dosent know zaphodhead is a thing
and :0.0 and :0 are aliases
or which theme should i install temporarily?
which is used now? i cannot see even that by running gtk-chtheme.
im not sure what your asking about themes
hildon draws everything on black, right?
so that's some maemo gtk theme. how is it called?
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there is a way to call gtk apps with different theme
I do this for qcam and other apps which misbehave with default maemo theme
for qt stuff at least, I need to use "-platform xcb -style=fusion"
otherwise I get some black on black things
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uvos: which pipe shall I watch?
I guess this comes from alarm_state in tklock
also, I still don;t understand who is going to display alarms if there is no session (like when we are in charge mode)
but that's anotehr story
rafael2k_: how is the state of libcamera?
do you also consider other devices, not only pinephone?
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will we have camera working on pinephone?
will we have camera working on droid?
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eventually, yes
eventually i know, and i believe!
it's interesting how is the state, maybe already we can use some cam software (not megapixels), and i don't know?
rafael2k_: i remember i was doing this, yes, running with different gtk themes. i should have scripts somewhere...
oh i was exporting like this:, and i had several different gtkrc files: export GTK2_RC_FILES=~/gtkrc_grqi-2
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freemangordon: charge mode simply exits to a script on alarm
this script can do anything
rn it switches runlevels to boot to hildon
conciveably it could start some session too
freemangordon: so 2 things in your log looks really off
freemangordon: one is someone is hammering display_status_get_dbus_cb via dbus
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I will have extended traces in 2-3 minutes
norayr: status is "works for me" state, as nobody else tested
building ATM
and the other thing is after Submode changed to 513 someone requests display off via display_state_pipe
norayr: the idea on using libcamera is exactly for having a low-level which can support multiple hardware
someone is also hammering display on at the same time
(probubly dbus it comes right agter display_status_get_dbus_cb)\
(probubly dbus it comes right agter display_status_get_dbus_cb)
I don't have any idea how to check who calls that
need to leave now, but anyone wants to discuss the the camera architecture on maemo, we can talk tomorrow
(dbus call I mean)
btw, camera is working on pinephone, we just don't have proper userland support yet
well some other process is calling display_status_get_dbus_cb and then the display on req several times per second in your log
thats.. not great even if its not the cause of the current problem
pretty sure its systemui as it dosent occure in my log
several times per second?
yes look at 9:12:58 in your first log
but it also continues elsewhere
anyhow it stoppes before the real problem starts
so its unlikely to be related
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hmm, right
uvos: we geg device_inactive_trigger in display.c
hmm, maybe this happens after timeout
so the only users of device_inactive_pipe are: camera (not loaded), inactivity-inhibit (dosent call inactive), lock-generic (not loaded), battery-upower (hmm), inactivity (not it), lock-tklock (this one maybe), event-input
so it comes 2 or so s after the timer expires
by that time something reset the timer again
but that should cancle the dim
so its the same bug as your other bug
is it possible it the the same bug
alrighty then
ok, please fix as you have time, I will test and will see if we still need startup module
probubly yes
for 10s
unfortinatly for now
I will make it listen for h-d startup event
this module will be specific to hildon
sure but
maybe a xsession script that runs last is sufficant? it could be shipped with mce and would work anyhere
it is the same
also dont we have some init script that waits for hildon
whats that for anyhow?
its just some hack with a sleep
wait a minute
this is that "ready" signal I am talking about
exactly what you said
right ok
it is not signalled by h-d itself
great that we have a deal :D
maybe also add a fallback that exits booting mode after some time
(long ofc)
actually it is
but that's another story
oh also dont re-add the signal to display.c
it belongs in inactivity.c now
but, I'll re-add to tklock
well, ok, will see
it might not be needed
that seams like the wrong place
but I need that dim bug fixed first
I won;t have reliable test case otherwise
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Maemo Leste
norayr: about phosh ... you can submit an issue in their bugtracker. they're very welcoming
it's on gnome gitlab right?
i commited something to squeekboard about a year ago.
i think so, yes. they have a matrix room too
sicelo, i had an impression it is such a limitation they won't be able to overcome.
what makes you think so?
i don't know, the talk in pmos room probably. they didn't give me hope it is possible to overcome the focus issue.
i'll try to open the issue, thank you for suggestion.
it didn't come to my mind.
pmOS != phosh. pmOS are just consumers
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i don't use pidgin on my desktop, but i don't think wayland and/or sway (wlroots) has a special reason for multi-window applications to have issues. phosh is wlroots based, so i doubt there are real reasons why they couldn't support multi-window
they might choose not to, but i guess that's not a technical limitation
s/that's not/that would not be/
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im probubly not totaly up to date on pidigin development, but isent pidgin still gtk2/x11 only? ie it runs in xwayland on wayland display servers?
if so i would not be terribly suprized if phosh devs have more serious issues to work on than fixing a multi-window x11 app
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* numonyx
on pidgin+sway. no window focus issue
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