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how am I supposed to calibrate the battery on d4, give that device shuts down on 3.5V?
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it shuts down at 3.35v wich is below the cal threshold
"uvos__: what about "display stay lit while charging" setting?" is not implemented. it got lost when spinal replaced the old battery handling with the upower module. the upower module is without functionatliy (its interfaces are used nowhere and it dose nothing internaly besides read upower (except the battery guard module i added later that dose shutdown on low voltage))
i plan to reintroduce the feature by taking the uevent code from kerecv, but have not done so
also in defense fo spinal the old code dident work either beacuse it read a sysfs file.
anyhow mce dosent know or do anything with charging or usb state really, the bug might be related to the banner appearing (this kicks mce via the dbus if iirc)
otherwsie idk, i have never seen it bug out at all, please give steps to repo
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I dont see the updated PP kernel in the repo, something happened in the build?
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uvos__: IIRC upower module was pulled by me from nemo/mer/sailfish, but I might be wrong, it was long time ago :). Not important though.
ok, I'll capture a video next time it happens and will try to gather some dbus traces, maybe
re battery it seems there are some temporary voltage drops which lead to those shutdowns
maybe some spike filtering shall be done, dunno
now charging in android, to see what it will do
uvos__: also, do you know which module/code reads battery eeprom in android?
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rafael2k: I didn't do it yet, sry, had other things on my mind
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freemangordon: the kernel also has its own force shutdown on low battery afaik
which might be more sensitive to spikes
freemangordon: battd its a closed source motorola thing
freemangordon: the eeprom is extremly unlikely to be usefull
freemangordon: it dose not contain any callibration
freemangordon: as it is read only it can not
Wizzup: ?
freemangordon: indeed the kernel has its own force shutdown too and its not filered at all. the battery voltage is a bit sensetive to spikes in mce too but filtering that is really upowers resposability.
please also note that pulling the battery below 3.0 under load causes damage, its not the open circut volage thats relevant.
a problem here is that the d4 has a massive resistance between the battery and cpcaps voltage probe, for some reason
(an aditional)
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* sicelo
also just had that shutdown fmg is referring to
uvos__: well, battery voltage is measured by cpcap, so a temp spike on *that* voltage should not lead to immediate shutdown
also, this shutdown seems to happen @ < 3.2V
that would guarantee that the battery itself is well above 3.0, no?
yes we dont shutdown early beacuse it would damage the battery
umm, sorry, can't parse
we shoutdown early beacuse the user cant easly recover from the state wehre the device is fully discarged
becasue of bootloader trouble
that's fine
not really
but its the best we can do atm
the point is that IMO we shall not shutdown as soon as we see < 3.2
yeah thats a kernel thing
upower dose filter the spikes
if its enough idk
mhm, we shall filter too
in the kernel driver that is
shall I implement some filtering there?
yessss please :-)
yes sure
but atm this would change nothing in leste
battery issues are the main reason i don't enjoy using my the d4
but still yes
it will prevent random shutdowns
i dont think the kernel ever hits its shutdown
its .3v away
it certenly dosen for me
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it does, when you stop mce :D
(kernel shutdown = no white light)
sure yeah then
also, to me 3.5V is too high
mce is 3,35
why don;t we shutdown @ 3.25?
mce is 3.35
freemangordon: we shoutdown early beacuse the user cant easly recover from the state wehre the device is fully discarged
well,, I guess spikes again
when are you mesureing 3,5v
if thats afterwards its useless you need to measure under load
even with charge mode?
charge mode helps only a little
ok, 3.35 then
the problem is the device dieing before the kenrel finishes booting
(and the android kernel and kexecboot it all just takes to long)
but, we stall shall filter better
and no pm during that time either
upower dose filter as i saied
even in mce, if needed
but maybe to fast
does not seem enough
no idea how possible this is - but i really don't mind 3.5v or any other voltage *IF* the shutdown is not initiated immediately, but we test over a couple of seconds to be sure the voltage has really dropped (it's not just a spike)
mce cant really filter
becasue it gets voltage changed events
not some polling rate
but, if we filter in kernel, then upower will filter the already filtered value :)
dont filter the voltage_now value
that breaks spec
its defined as a snapshot
the kernel can filter for its shutdown thresh
not uapi
check if voltage_avg is a thing (current_avg) exists
in uapi
then filter that, as its defined to be the filtered value
anyhow ttyl
* freemangordon
looks at how mce takes shutdown decisions
rafael2k: the kernel build
uvos__: yes, it can filter, just not the voltage, but the state
like, it receives 'empty' message with voltage < threshold from upower and starts timer. if after the timer expires we didn;t receive anything from upower with voltage > threshold we initiate shutdown
if voltage comes that is > threshold, then we abort "shutdown sequence"
Wizzup: lemme know if there is something wrong
Wizzup: wiki down again
uvos__: re battery eeprom - at least we'll be able to understand if this is high voltage battery or not and charge properly
iven if not @ 4.35, but 4.25 or 4.3 sounds sane to me
uvos__: the "speaker" button in sphone does not change the audio output to the speakers in the PP
sicelo: hm looks like the vm freezes
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sicelo: that's not great :)
DoS attack?
not likely I think
but we'll see
hm I think it froze again already
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even the vnc session of qemu disappears
well, it hangs
well, I don't understand atm :)
I will have to debug this later today
I will keep it down for now
freemangordon: this is allready implemented @hv voltage or not
freemangordon: its just that we cant modprobe the one wire bus driver
freemangordon: becasue it blocks idle
freemangordon: also theres a small bug in the code that makes it work on only some phones, but thats small fry and i could fix it immidatly if the other issue is solved
rafael2k: probubly ucm issue
uvos__: indeed. Will try to debug this a bit
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freemangordon: sure you could do that @ timeout, but thats sortof a hack vs just filtering the voltage itself so its not so noisy
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i also have to note thtat i dont have the "noisy battery voltage" problem at all
mine shuts down very reliably at 3.3 ish volts
i gues that may be becasue my battery is new and the really old degraded batteries have greateer internal resistance
thus having great magnitude spikes when the load changes
in your filtering please also note that spikes upwards might also exitst
when for instance the phone enters ret for a tiny period of time while otherwise loaded
this may cause you to shutdown to late (again the closed circut voltage is important, not the open circut one)
your timer proposal would be subject to this problem
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uvos__: sure the issue appears because of my old battery
then again - if you say filtering VOLTAGE_NOW will break the specs, I am not sure which voltage to filter
freemangordon: so cpcap gives the kernel a voltage low irq
freemangordon: (btw we should throttle it, it comes way to often below a thresh)
@ what voltage?
hw defined
3.3 or so i think
I see
but it comes repeatably below that thresh
and then the driver checks the voltage when the irq fires
so you think we shall filter in irq
i think it dose that 3 times and makes a avg
but it needs to be longer i gues
I see
well, counting to 3 is wrong I would say :)
if irq rises every ms
sure but i think the irq handler dose 3 mesurements by itself
iirc, but dont have the code infront of me rn
* freemangordon
ckecks the code
I see no filtering whatsoever, maybe I can;t find it
maybe the 3 mesruements was for someting else (callibration maybe)
anyhow that needs filtering somehow (irq handler)
also throtteling, while at it
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do we have some standard API to do that? or we shall invent it
or, you mean we shall not call power_supply_changed() more than once every few seconds?
from the irq handler that is
throtteling is achived by disabeling the irq for some seconds
by changing cpcaps irqmask
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do you know how often does it come now?
not exactly if you want a ms number
very often sometimes
btw the thing is qutie suspect to me anyhow
im not srue cpcap even guarentees the irq will fire ever again after thresh
it might just because noise
anyhow tmlind obviously thought it did
maybe he can enlighten us
yep, I'll pester him on that one
i get the fealing maybe we should just disable the irq after geting it once and poll after that, untill we shtudown or the charger is plugged
lemme see in the logs, yesterday I had mce stopped
so I should have several "low" messages in dmesg
dmsg absolutly spamms you will low becasue of the irq below a thresh
umm, then I don't understand "im not srue cpcap even guarentees the irq will fire ever again after thresh"
the code as is
assumes that cpcap will fire the low irq repeadbly after crossing the threshold
in reality i suspect its just a comperator
that will fire only when the voltage passes thresh
that means the kernel may never shutdown
it did yesterday
if the irq fires, the kernel thinks voltage is high enoguh and cpcap thinks its low and has done its duty
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freemangordon: right so tmlinds assumption was wrong
and wee nedd to " i get the fealing maybe we should just disable the irq after geting it once and poll after that, untill we shtudown or the charger is plugged"
yep, I see irq storm in th elogs
about low battery
what is weird though is the voltage
I see battery low @ 3661 mV
oh ok
i never see it before 3.3 or so
i gues its old battery spikes again
seeing it very early is not that unusual if your battery is really bad i gues
ok, but @ 3.6V :)
the irq is unfiltered ofc and very fast
that means your droping below 3.3
I guess this drains it even faster :)
even while mostly charged
thats bad
that means your droping > .3 volts
d4 hw has ram erros below 2.9 or so
so you might be even flipping bits with that
the storm continues for 5 seconds
and then it stops
seems irq is triggered every 20-30 ms though
hmm, no
it is not on interval
its probubly triggering on noise after that, is my suspicion
not a time
why do we need to start poling once we have 'low' irq?
becasue how would you know when to shutdown?
you can rely on noise triggering the irq again
we have 2 irqs
one for low and one for empty
i dont think we use the empty one directly
sure we do
without mesrueing the voltage?
wit measuring
the problem is
empty irq fires
well, it uses the last measurement
we messure voltage
we think its ok to not shutdown
now what?
the irq may never come agian
obviously it comes
because of noise
does not matter
idk if you cna rely on that
hmm, I see
even if it mostly works
the voltage may be very clean for some reason
what we can do:
phone is is continuous off mode or whatever
once we have "empty" irq, start polling every 10 seconds or so
thats what i said :)
if we see voltage < 3.2, shutdown
"i get the fealing maybe we should just disable the irq after geting it once and poll after that, untill we shtudown or the charger is plugged"
you were talking abot "low" not "empty" :)
well both
both have the sam eproblem
we should disregard empty
once it comes
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we shall not start poll on "low" only on "empty"
if you want the low indicated to uapi to be realiable
you have to do the same thing to it too
its not as important i gues
but otherwise it holds
obviously it went below the threshold, no?
so it is low
but yours is obviously totaly bonkers
the point is that it does not really matter how much "low" it is, from the shutdown perspective
so, once we detect low, we disable the irq and enable it back only on charger connected
or reboot yes
well, power-up will enable it for us, obviously :)
hmm, wait
well avoid writeing the state to nvmem xD
you are right we shall start some polling for couple of seconds
or not?
* freemangordon
checks how mce decodes to shutdown
mce just gets the voltage from upower
and descides to shutdown on thresh
not by default at all btw
its a device specific config activated on mapphones
it dosent use that
it uses the voltage
and decides itself
right both but the voltage is allways sooner
ok, so upower does not filter enough
* freemangordon
is afk for few minutes
uvos__: ok, what I think I will implement for now, is to disable 'low' interrupt for 30 seconds and then re-anable
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freemangordon: ok well thats not really a final solution, but may at least defer the problem so that its not too annoying for people with batteries that are close to death
hehe yeah, that 'low battery' poweroff is kinda annoying, i even had it happen on ~80% charge
thats upower misbehaving, but that's another story
uvos__: oh, BTW, I checked GFX domain and it enters OFF when screen is on
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freemangordon: i mean yeah it should, but it dident in the past at some point post ddk 1.9
so good
for sure it does now
also iirc on android dss enters off too
and dosent on leste
(screen on)
did you check?
sure yeah when i was debugging power things
1 year ago
so its more of a check this again, not a its broken
yeah, it stays ON
ok i gues the android kernel has special handlig for the command mode dsiplay
on a regular display dss cant be off ofc
hmm, wait
I am playing video :)
lemme stop it
another problem is
that we have just one gfx clock
while android scalles it
we just have off and full blast
android ussually never even needs full sgx clock in the ui
uvos__: hmm actually OFF counter increases when the display is on
so I guess this is some artificial VSYNC that's going on
not that it is good, I will have a look at it
well that means the code path at least is sorta there
to suspend dss with cm mode pannel
ok, I see no ioctls with display enabled
DRM ioctls that is
well, there are few, every 10 seconds or so
but nothing to keep it ON
maybe gsm signal strenght gets updated
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maybe check if its sill a poblem in a vt
(disable the cursor ofc ;))
will do
but not now
lets first see the battery low patch
:) oh that display thing is weird too
sometimes it seems X thinks the screen is turned off, and you need to press a button for it to 'turn on' before the button arrives at (say) xterm , but the screen would already be on
feels kinda like DPMS is enabled but not supported, or something
wow did something in charging change? i see d4 charging a lot faster now
hmmz, wiki seems offline, or at least superslow
btw, I have a very strange behavior with the screen backlight when I connect a USB mouse, the screen starts to dim, until it turns off.
also, most likely a WiFi regression, maemo does not connect to an available network, but always try to connect to the latest network, even if it is not available
I dunno if it was always like this, but it does not seems right
rafael2k: hm? thats kinda normal? i mean 'dimming and then off' is the normal maemo 'idle screen off'
ohhh, you mean, its still turning off even though you are giving external inputs?
that connection stuff is about auto-connecting to wifi?
buZz: no no, as soon as I connect a USB mouse, it starts to dim off
thats bizar, lemme try :D
indeed, very bizar
*digs around for a usb mouse*
buZz: auto-connecting to wifi - yes - it has a problem
it does not try to connect to an available network, but to the last one
initially? or all the time? does it never get on the available one?
I need to manually choose the available one
eh, i just connected a usb mouse, and screen doesnt dim
rafael2k: you're using a d4 aswell?
strange, here the issue starts imediatelly
nope, just the PP
oh ok, i dont have a usb-c mouse or adapter
USB is indeed working fine, apart of this issue... I dunno if when we have usbnet back things will keep working
aha! screen did dim -eventually- like from normal timeout on maemo
BUT , moving usb mouse does not undim!
tapping screen -does- undim directly
weird issue :P but feels related to my eh 'screen is on but needs a keypress before working'
but the strange thing for me is that just plugin the USB mouse triggers the dimming
hmhm, i'm not using PP a lot
was great to see the GPU finally getting somewhat fast though :)
also, the mouse wheel makes lots of system clicks sounds... unless I set the system to be silent
: )
not a big issue thou
hmhm? well 'mousewheel' usually is >1 button, isnt it?
its 'down X lines' or something
i'll try to make a issue from this topic
I dunno, but mouse wheel movements makes the same system sound as a left or right click
yeah that regressed, it was working briefly before
oh, it does work on d4 running -devel
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rafael2k: are you on -devel?
rafael2k: what does it mean "does not connect to the available network?" it connects only to networks that are in the connections list
like, you should have connected at least once
buZz: yes, on -devel
freemangordon: it was connected to a known network, then this network goes out of range, the phone does not connect to a known available network automatically
hmm, weird
is it set to do it?
in settings
'autoconnect' isnt tested a lot yet, btw
i guess i should enable it now that gprs is working so well <3 <3
it is not tested, but at least on my d4 it works fine
rafael2k uses a PP
rafael2k: you autoconnect to 'any' or just wifi?
rafael2k: do they, by chance, share the same SSID?
right, but why even use voltage_now , that drops a ton even if you just turn on the screen
voltage_avg is the filtered one
not everyone supports it it seems
d4 for example :)
it does?
wait, i think it does
see /sys/class/power_supply/battery
oh, indeed
buZz: BTW I know rafael2k uses PP, it is just that icd2 does not care if it is PP or d4
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maybe we could add a voltage_avg output to cpcap-charger.c ?
or cpcap-battery.c
just eh. average of last X samples
that wouldn;t help upower
yeah , not as-is, unless we flip _now and _avg on the lines you linked
oh, this is again spinal
"Subject: [PATCH] Add voltage estimated percentage fallback"
"This is common code for status-area-applet-battery and mce"
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so, I think we shall fix that by trying _avg first and if there is no, average _now
or, provide both voltage_avg and voltage_now and leave users decide what they prefer
does upower even support providing both?
upower supports neither
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this is code added by at
the same guy that made a rage quit
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because I 'stole' *his* clutter code
so the scrollwheel making sounds is as designed
thats the mousebutton click in mis
the mouse not undiming the screen is probubly mce misscharacterizing the mouse as a keyboard
could you post the evtes output of that mouse
idk whats going on with the display dimming when you insert a mouse but just on pp
mabybe this is a hw interaction between vbus and the light sensor or sometheing
no idea
could be the same issue I see on d4
maybe run mce with --verbose --verbose and give me the output
freemangordon: at least buZz repoted it dident happen to him
I am seeing it when I connect a charger
hmm, lemme try to repro and see the logs
freemangordon: your screen dims when you connect a charger?
not here, indeed
when I disconnect it
not here either
do you have 'screen on when charging' set?
i dont
pretty wierd behavior
all around
does not happen all the time though
uvos__: you want me to post something about a usb mouse?
the list of events it supports
hmmm , i dont have evtest, what package is that in?
i think evtest
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indeed :)
* buZz
waits for dpkg lock to release after connecting wifi -_-
how do i disable that behaviour? :D
funny, a mouseclick does undim screen , movement just doesnt
uvos__: hmm, you said 'screen on when charging' does nto work, but it seems it works now
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it does not work correctly (like, it does not turn the display on when charger is connected), but at least display stays lit when connected
unless i forgot that i partally implmented this again (very unlikely), its not mce
we see MCE_DISPLAY_ON in /build/mce-1.9.17+2m7/src/modules/display.c display_on_req_dbus_cb 446, which in turn calls display_state_filter
however, noone sets inactivity to FALSE
also, why is dbus call allowed to turn display on unconditionally?
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hmm, it is the same on fremantle
besides that it does not reset inactivity to false on OFF
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ok, I was able to repro: if you send display on request while it dims
seams wierd that something would force mce to turn the display on on usb unplugging
trying to find who sends that
that behavior should probubly be added to mce while reimplmenting the keep display on while charging thing
and removed where its now
there is no such code in stock mce
I guess it is you that added it at some stage
no what code?
but, that's not the point
in inactivity
right yes i split the display module into several
still, that's not important
no and i wasent asking that
I think there are no other issues, besides that there is some problem while it dims
also, "stay lit while charging' works when started from ssh session
but not when started as a service
at least this is waht I saw
but I'll investigate later
after I find who TF sends req_display_blanking_pause on unlock
tklock prob
i dont see it
(and i dont run tklock)
why tklock shall send that to mce?
no idea
no way, afaik
* freemangordon
im just checking whats different
do you know how to find pid from service id?
buZz: re _avg, i think the kernel api says sysfs shall only contain what is reported by device/hardware ... not extrapolated data. so if cpcap has no concept of _avg, then it shouldn't exist in sysfs. at least that's how i understand it
that is correct
altho the cpcap modules allready violate that
but this is also what breaks <30sec timeouts
< 60 I would say
becasue req_display_blanking_pause is for at least 60 sec
ok, but why it works on fremantle
it dosent
its broken on freemantle too
try 10s timeout
anyway, we find 2 issues
and unlock via vtklock
it could be my REing
have to check what stock code is doing
rught ill fix mce issue later
and buZz's mouse issue to
great, thanks
that one looks easy
<3 not my issue uvos , just confirmed and described it ;)
uvos: maybe there is issue in mce
I will check in fremantle mce how it decides to stop blank prevention
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generating locales took a while so I went to do other things. now after the dist-upgrade I rebooted. now the wifi connection doesn't seem to work any more. cannot bring up the internet connection widget
any changes in this in the last months?
actually, the keyboard also doesn't respond
terminal closes after starting ..
so. I guess I'll just have to reflash the damn thing ..
dreamer: sounds like a bad upgrade experience for sure
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Wizzup: my role as "dumb user that upgrades once every couple months" pays off again ;)
(in generally a pretty good metric for how stable an OS is for the general public, imo)
* sicelo
has burned image only once. everything else is just apt-get (dist-)upgrade
the commonly stated reason for migrating away from ofono to MM within mobile linux communities has been 'ofono development is slow and they do not accept contributions'
Wizzup: hmhm. will reflash when I have time :)
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freemangordon: the display module is nolonger involved in the blaning inhibit
i move that to its own module
freemangordon: so your adding a new interface that allows you to remove the blaning pause?
ok, by why dose tklock need to do this at all
it gets its own submode in mce anyhow
it sets DND on tklock window
so mce could just do whatever beavior wise
no dnd needed
and infact it dose
i think the tklock module disables blanking anyhow while in vtklock
well, it is not about tklock, but about hildon_gtk_window_set_do_not_disturb()
sure, im just questioning why tklock needs to call this
every application that calls this will break blanking period for 60 seconds
not sure
yes i know
the patch is fine
So, my fix is in that regard
we may remove hildon_gtk_window_set_do_not_disturb() from vtklock, but that's another story
ok, so I'll push that to mce and will fix h-d to use the new interface
uvos; what will happen if some application requests MCE_DISPLAY_OFF while vtklock is active? maybe this is why they set DND
realy hard to say what did they have in mind
mce should/could ignore it in tklock mode anyhow
dnd or no
yes, but does it ignore it now? maybe that pisece was/is missing so that's why they set DND
anyhow it was broken in fremantle so im not sure they had something sane in mind.
could be
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btw, we passed the first round for nlnet funding, but there is another round, if we pass that, the organisation will get more funding