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<uvos__> Wizzup: ok i ll check later today
<uvos__> i probubly forgot to push something
<rafael2k> Wizzup: what about kernel? sorry, did not get it
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<rafael2k> I hear X will be dropped for 10 yrs already
<rafael2k> : )
<Daanct12> well it'll soon be dropped because everything runs on wayland these days now lol
<Daanct12> even the nvidia prop driver loves wayland now.. sometimes..
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<rafael2k> everything runs on X too
<dreamer> there are still way too many issues with wayland imo
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<rafael2k> yeap... and old school Unixes like Solaris will keep with X for the time being
<Daanct12> dreamer: i agree, there's still no good vnc server
<Daanct12> i found wayvnc but doesnt support gnome and kde
<rafael2k> I never really used wayland apart of the very few moments I loaded Ubuntu Touch in the PinePhone
<dreamer> I use a lot of audio software, and wayland can't deal with things like extended plugin GUI managed by a host
<Wizzup> rafael2k: re: camera/kernel work
<rafael2k> just writing the same thing does not help
<rafael2k> :P
<lel> rafael2k opened a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/pine64-kernel/pull/6 (rebase to 5.15.50 plus fixes)
<rafael2k> ^
<Wizzup> rafael2k: it was regarding libcamera working, the gst stuff
<rafael2k> ah
<rafael2k> : ))
<rafael2k> btw, now we have a rock solid 5.15.50 with this latest PR
<rafael2k> I hope to jump to 5.18 at some point
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/pine64-kernel/pull/6 (rebase to 5.15.50 plus fixes)
<Wizzup> do you still get X crashes in lima some times>
<Wizzup> rafael2k: so I pull mobian-5.15?
<rafael2k> from HEAD
<Wizzup> fatal: Need to specify how to reconcile divergent branches.
<rafael2k> latest commit is:
<Wizzup> I guess they rebase their stuff
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<Wizzup> aa6d1417dfd8b2f3fdc2f597ac4ea0784e759c35 ?
<rafael2k> d/changelog: release version 5.15.50+sunxi64-2 ( aa6d1417 )
<rafael2k> yes!
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<rafael2k> Wizzup: about X crashes, latest was my daugher playing madbomber
<rafael2k> Wizzup: there are still some small glitches... but waaay better than in the beginning of the year
<Wizzup> yeah, that is the lima fixes fmg and I did
<rafael2k> indeed, it is pretty much working, I never looked back to "NoAccel" in xorg.conf
<rafael2k> : )
<rafael2k> much more stable than any other distro tbh
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<Wizzup> I haven't tried others, so idk tbh
<Wizzup> we need sphone and conversations
<Wizzup> (to be ready enough)
<Wizzup> then it'll be grand
<rafael2k> I just miss the "+" key in sphone
<rafael2k> converstions with vkb would be nice too
<Wizzup> yup yup
<Wizzup> both of that is known for sure :)
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<rafael2k> cool
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: I think it mostly passed
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<rafael2k> yay!
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<norayr> well i can believe 'they' would like to drop support for xorg, because that's a redhat policy - to force everyone to use what they want - systemd or wayland.
<norayr> so if they realize the customers are ok with it they'll do that.
<norayr> they still cannot get rid of perl, btw, because many customers depend on it.
<norayr> but to me, i don't care at all if gtk5 drops xorg support.
<norayr> if it drops, then i'll not use gtk5, that's all.
<norayr> and gtk will become less portable. it'll be linux only toolkit.
<norayr> if that's what they want - that is okay.
<norayr> not even linux only. linux some-distros only.
<Wizzup> *shrug* I'd be happy with wayland if it didn't involve so much porting work
<norayr> i don't like when things are imposed like that. so i start doing the opposite.
<norayr> i have -wayland flag in my gentoo.
<norayr> which means nothing will ever bring or link to wayland.
<norayr> if something really requires it, it won't work.
<norayr> qt would like to stay more portable, many qt customers have software that should run on other unixes than redhat driven linux.
<norayr> so such a move would only make gtk less competitive.
<Wizzup> well the gnome folks have a history of doing whatever they want
<Wizzup> in any case, it's not going to affect us for many, many years
<norayr> yes, so they might do. but i am personally not worried about it.
<Daanct12> gtk3 apps would look weird with maemo ui :)
<Wizzup> we don't have a gtk3 theme yet
<norayr> i use evince
<norayr> because the pdf reader sometimes crashes.
<norayr> and it's ok.
<norayr> i mean it is gtk3
<norayr> i mean our maemo pdf reader crashes
<Daanct12> i'd be concerned if the maemo pdf reader is vulnerable to exploits
<norayr> on the other hand, having no community also makes you less desired target for the attack.
<norayr> someone just found a bug in my code. i am so happy. we just need more eyes and more community.
<Daanct12> true
<Wizzup> you can update it to the latest xpdf if you're up for it
<Daanct12> we're like a small footprint in the linux mobile community :P
<norayr> also i think many exploits won't work on my system just because they use features i didn't enable while building it.
<norayr> i try to not enable any feature in my gentoo system which i don't really need.
<norayr> so same program on my system usually is linked to much less libraries than on any linux.
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<norayr> or even bsd
<uvos__> + works in sphone
<uvos__> you longpress 0
<uvos__> btw 00 and + are identical
<uvos__> (even in us the only contry that dosent use 00 natviely)
<uvos__> because ofono converts 00 to whatever the international dialing code is
<uvos__> just like +
<rafael2k> uvos__: thanks, indeed, holding "0" makes the +!
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<rafael2k> just installed conversations
<rafael2k> So SMS "official
<rafael2k> " UI will be conversations, right?
<bencoh> I guess yeah
<buZz> atm the 'sphone sms history' is more usuable though
<bencoh> regarding pdf, I have a feeling we'll leverage mupdf at some point
<rafael2k> I was using sphone sms indeed, it works fine
<buZz> conversations thusfar cant send messages
<Wizzup> the devel branch does
<Wizzup> buZz: probably @ mupdf
<Wizzup> errr bencoh
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<uvos__> sphone sms history will continue to be maintained however
<uvos__> since i want to use sphone as a full stack outside of maemo
<uvos__> (it has not mameo depends)
<uvos__> *no
<uvos__> but yes ui on leste will be converations at some point
<rafael2k> cool
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<buZz> is there a way to see 'missed calls' from sphone?
<buZz> someone called my d4 this morning, no clue who, didnt recognize the number
<Wizzup> sphone writes the entries slightly wrong in the rtcom db, but you should be able to find it using its ui
<buZz> the sphone dailer UI ? its got 'recent' as a button , but only shows actual calls i think?
<uvos__> buZz: should show missed
<buZz> where?
<uvos__> in recent
<uvos__> its really call history
<uvos__> as the window is also called
<buZz> oh ok, guess it doesnt help that its written with 01-01-1970
<uvos__> should be clearer
<uvos__> it should not be
<uvos__> (works here)
<uvos__> wrt date
<buZz> its correct here -sometimes- but also very weird, MM-DD-YYYY for instance
<uvos__> hm yeah
<uvos__> it is us format
<uvos__> wierd
<buZz> also doesnt display name for contacts often, replaces it with <unkown> ( your typo i guess? :) )
<uvos__> maybe soemting with locale
<uvos__> it looks up contacts in evolution
<uvos__> if you have working address book in evolution it works fine
<uvos__> my typo yes
<uvos__> you know me :P
<uvos__> the evolution adress book also needs to be marked as default btw
<buZz> well, the -same- numbers are sometimes using the name in the normal maemo contacts
<uvos__> or you have to tell sphone what book to use
<buZz> but most their entries turn into <unkown>
<uvos__> hmm
<uvos__> works fine here, will have to investigate that
<uvos__> i think abook used the evultion addressbook wrong
<uvos__> maybe still dose
<uvos__> not sure
<buZz> well, its very inconsistent :) same @ sphone sms history
<uvos__> well for one thing
<uvos__> btw
<uvos__> sms history remembers the look up when the event happend
<uvos__> so if you change/add the contact it wont change the names for old events
<buZz> so maybe theres just a race condition?
<uvos__> no
<uvos__> its not racy
<buZz> where -sometimes- the sphone tools can get the correct name
<buZz> but -sometimes- it does not
<uvos__> at least not that i know
<buZz> well, maybe start using maemo to test? :P
<uvos__> i do use maemo
<uvos__> maybe log sphone verbosly
<buZz> ah , thought you were still running your own WM etc
<uvos__> i do that too
<buZz> does sphone have a log?
<uvos__> see if it complains about somehing
<buZz> i didnt see one in /var/log or /var/log/maemo
<uvos__> buZz: just runn it with -v -v in console
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<rafael2k> btw, new kernel on the PP, all good
<rafael2k> Linux devuan-pinephone 5.15.50 #1 SMP Mon Jul 4 07:51:00 UTC 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<rafael2k> tks Wizzup
<Wizzup> tks rafael2k ;)
<rafael2k> ooops sorry, my eyes read arm64 but it was amđ64
<Wizzup> hdmi works nicely on the d4 on native res btw
<Wizzup> xrandr --newmode "960x540_60.00" 40.75 960 992 1088 1216 540 543 548 562 -hsync +vsync
<Wizzup> xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 960x540_60.00
<Wizzup> xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 960x540_60.00
<Wizzup> this is perfect for screen capture
<Wizzup> (maybe only in landscape, but hey)
<bencoh> do you use it in mirror mode?
<Wizzup> yeah
<bencoh> I could drive 1080p displays with the d4 on hildon-less installs, I wonder how would hildon do with that
<bencoh> (non-mirror setup)
<rafael2k> cool! need to test HDMI with the PP also!
<rafael2k> In theory, it should work too
<Wizzup> bencoh: probably shit with pvr and also h-d not working well with multiple non-mirror outputs
<bencoh> Wizzup: because of highres?
<Wizzup> yup
<bencoh> if so I wonder if we could disable compositing in those cases
<bencoh> (and/or allow the user to do it)
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<rafael2k> just found my copy of opera 12.15
<rafael2k> will try to make a package for ML for historical reasons
<Wizzup> doubt it'll work, but there is one on the fremantle repo as well afaik
<rafael2k> (I found the leaked sourcẹ..)
<Wizzup> kind of a waste of time I think, but ok :p
<rafael2k> it just scp and start the build
<rafael2k> just for fun
<Wizzup> :p
<rafael2k> it is gtk2
<rafael2k> : ))
<Wizzup> would be interesting
<Wizzup> not sure it will run in your aarch64 though
<rafael2k> I'm applying the patches to remove SSE cruft, and it should compile
<rafael2k> at least in x86_64, it runs... still need to update the certs - ssl is hard
<Wizzup> aha
<rafael2k> some patches from here: https://github.com/PrestoXen/openopera-patches
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<bencoh> I'm not certain building/using opera 12.15 is relevant nowadays anyway
<bencoh> unless you really want every other site to just break in some way
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<buZz> meh, livewallpaper removed all my desktop widgets :(
<buZz> eh, no actually they are still there but invisible O_o
<buZz> eh wtf, 'add widget' brings them back one by one, lol
<Wizzup> does it work on the d4?
<Wizzup> I think norayr said it didn't work
<buZz> it kinda works? but seems to render to n900 size
<buZz> only the default setting seems to work though? all others seem to glitch out
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<rafael2k> ufff, the Bayer converter in libcamera has problems indeed indeed
<rafael2k> "I half recall that the RAW8 debayering shader implementation in qcam
<rafael2k> still had issues, it may not have been fully debugged. Patches would be
<rafael2k> welcome "
<rafael2k> <- from one of the devs...
<rafael2k> at least I'm managing to pinpoint the issue
<rafael2k> :/
<rafael2k> that is a good script for anyone wanting to grab a picture in the pinephone without much hassle: https://github.com/OpenMandrivaAssociation/pinephone-tools/blob/master/camera-setup
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<rafael2k> added info about taking pictures in the PP wiki
<humpelstilzchen[> rafael2k: apt does not find libcamera-tools
<rafael2k> hum, so I think the package was not created
<humpelstilzchen[> I'm on beowulf-devel
<humpelstilzchen[> Wizzup: Does libcamera gets build?
<rafael2k> I'm not sure how to trigger package creation... in the meantime, I put them here: https://www.abradig.org.br/maemo-crazyness/libcamera/
<rafael2k> just updated the libcamera packages in that directory
<Wizzup> humpelstilzchen[: not yet
<Wizzup> I didn't know it was ready
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<unege[m]> Just read some of the above, do i understand correctly that the plan is to integrate signald with ‘conversations’ using telepathy?
<unege[m]> Or do I not understand the function of these components yet?
<unege[m]> And, been looking around, but did you guys unlock the droids yourself?
<unege[m]> If so, how?
<sicelo_> droid 4's are not unlocked. the bootloader just happens to have bugs making it possible to kexec something else
<unege[m]> I mean the sim-lock
<unege[m]> Or is that irrelevant
<Wizzup> unege[m]: correct @ telepathy
<Wizzup> simm lock is not relevant for d4 outside us
<Wizzup> d3 and bionic work everywhere, d3 has sim lock potentially
<Wizzup> but I can help with unlocking
<unege[m]> Just cannot find any outside us
<Wizzup> d4 will not work in the us at all
<unege[m]> So question is, can I buy a sim-locked (verizon) version and import and use it in EU with ML :p
<sicelo_> the droid 4's aren't sim locked either :-)
<sicelo_> so yes you can buy one
<unege[m]> Wizzup: K thanks, any expected arrival date? Saw some pictures online, got me excited
<unege[m]> Says it is ?
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<sicelo_> yes as far as US is concerned, it's effectively SIM locked. but, 22:12 < Wizzup> simm lock is not relevant for d4 outside us
<Wizzup> unege[m]: couple weeks
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<uvos> hdmi out at 1080p works fine on d4
<uvos> its even not that slow really
<Wizzup> with hd?
<norayr> i just afraid that because of that our repos will be shut down by court.
<norayr> because of opera.
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<unege[m]> <sicelo_> "yes as far as US is concerned..." <- Ok awesome, thanks!
<unege[m]> <Wizzup> "unege: couple weeks" <- Nice! You guys are seriously devoted and making steps!
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<uvos> Wizzup: what branch are you bulding the kernel from?
<Wizzup> maemo-5.18 I think
<uvos> what reppo?
<Wizzup> droid4-linux
<Wizzup> I pushed the tag I guess maemo-kernel-5.18.0
<Wizzup> now the branch is there too
<buZz> oooo 5.18, so fresh
<buZz> straight up 5.18.9 ? :D
<buZz> oh 5.18.8? :) still, thats june 2022
<uvos> Wizzup: was some clean build issue
<uvos> could you retrigger the build?
<Wizzup> should I retag?
<Wizzup> or did you?
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<Wizzup> uvos: restarted
<Wizzup> with new tag and changelog
<uvos> Wizzup: and it dosent boot
<uvos> i was to hasty
<uvos> there is a problem with changes to 5.18.8 vs 5.18.0
<uvos> and the modem
<uvos> sec let me try soemthing
<uvos> Wizzup: ok 5.18.9 works again
<uvos> it pushed it
<uvos> should be fine now
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<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> tomorrow morning
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