Wizzup: about X crashes, latest was my daugher playing madbomber
Wizzup: there are still some small glitches... but waaay better than in the beginning of the year
yeah, that is the lima fixes fmg and I did
indeed, it is pretty much working, I never looked back to "NoAccel" in xorg.conf
: )
much more stable than any other distro tbh
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I haven't tried others, so idk tbh
we need sphone and conversations
(to be ready enough)
then it'll be grand
I just miss the "+" key in sphone
converstions with vkb would be nice too
yup yup
both of that is known for sure :)
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rafael2k: I think it mostly passed
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well i can believe 'they' would like to drop support for xorg, because that's a redhat policy - to force everyone to use what they want - systemd or wayland.
so if they realize the customers are ok with it they'll do that.
they still cannot get rid of perl, btw, because many customers depend on it.
but to me, i don't care at all if gtk5 drops xorg support.
if it drops, then i'll not use gtk5, that's all.
and gtk will become less portable. it'll be linux only toolkit.
if that's what they want - that is okay.
not even linux only. linux some-distros only.
*shrug* I'd be happy with wayland if it didn't involve so much porting work
i don't like when things are imposed like that. so i start doing the opposite.
i have -wayland flag in my gentoo.
which means nothing will ever bring or link to wayland.
if something really requires it, it won't work.
qt would like to stay more portable, many qt customers have software that should run on other unixes than redhat driven linux.
so such a move would only make gtk less competitive.
well the gnome folks have a history of doing whatever they want
in any case, it's not going to affect us for many, many years
yes, so they might do. but i am personally not worried about it.
gtk3 apps would look weird with maemo ui :)
we don't have a gtk3 theme yet
i use evince
because the pdf reader sometimes crashes.
and it's ok.
i mean it is gtk3
i mean our maemo pdf reader crashes
i'd be concerned if the maemo pdf reader is vulnerable to exploits
on the other hand, having no community also makes you less desired target for the attack.
someone just found a bug in my code. i am so happy. we just need more eyes and more community.
you can update it to the latest xpdf if you're up for it
we're like a small footprint in the linux mobile community :P
also i think many exploits won't work on my system just because they use features i didn't enable while building it.
i try to not enable any feature in my gentoo system which i don't really need.
so same program on my system usually is linked to much less libraries than on any linux.
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or even bsd
+ works in sphone
you longpress 0
btw 00 and + are identical
(even in us the only contry that dosent use 00 natviely)
because ofono converts 00 to whatever the international dialing code is
just like +
uvos__: thanks, indeed, holding "0" makes the +!
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just installed conversations
So SMS "official
" UI will be conversations, right?
I guess yeah
atm the 'sphone sms history' is more usuable though
regarding pdf, I have a feeling we'll leverage mupdf at some point
I was using sphone sms indeed, it works fine
conversations thusfar cant send messages
the devel branch does
buZz: probably @ mupdf
errr bencoh
Oeldruesen is now known as meldrian
sphone sms history will continue to be maintained however
since i want to use sphone as a full stack outside of maemo
(it has not mameo depends)
but yes ui on leste will be converations at some point
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is there a way to see 'missed calls' from sphone?
someone called my d4 this morning, no clue who, didnt recognize the number
sphone writes the entries slightly wrong in the rtcom db, but you should be able to find it using its ui
the sphone dailer UI ? its got 'recent' as a button , but only shows actual calls i think?
buZz: should show missed
in recent
its really call history
as the window is also called
oh ok, guess it doesnt help that its written with 01-01-1970
should be clearer
it should not be
(works here)
wrt date
its correct here -sometimes- but also very weird, MM-DD-YYYY for instance
hm yeah
it is us format
also doesnt display name for contacts often, replaces it with <unkown> ( your typo i guess? :) )
maybe soemting with locale
it looks up contacts in evolution
if you have working address book in evolution it works fine
my typo yes
you know me :P
the evolution adress book also needs to be marked as default btw
well, the -same- numbers are sometimes using the name in the normal maemo contacts
or you have to tell sphone what book to use
but most their entries turn into <unkown>
works fine here, will have to investigate that
i think abook used the evultion addressbook wrong
maybe still dose
not sure
well, its very inconsistent :) same @ sphone sms history
well for one thing
sms history remembers the look up when the event happend
so if you change/add the contact it wont change the names for old events
so maybe theres just a race condition?
its not racy
where -sometimes- the sphone tools can get the correct name
but -sometimes- it does not
at least not that i know
well, maybe start using maemo to test? :P
i do use maemo
maybe log sphone verbosly
ah , thought you were still running your own WM etc
i do that too
does sphone have a log?
see if it complains about somehing
i didnt see one in /var/log or /var/log/maemo
buZz: just runn it with -v -v in console
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btw, new kernel on the PP, all good
Linux devuan-pinephone 5.15.50 #1 SMP Mon Jul 4 07:51:00 UTC 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux
I'm not certain building/using opera 12.15 is relevant nowadays anyway
unless you really want every other site to just break in some way
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meh, livewallpaper removed all my desktop widgets :(
eh, no actually they are still there but invisible O_o
eh wtf, 'add widget' brings them back one by one, lol
does it work on the d4?
I think norayr said it didn't work
it kinda works? but seems to render to n900 size
only the default setting seems to work though? all others seem to glitch out
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ufff, the Bayer converter in libcamera has problems indeed indeed
"I half recall that the RAW8 debayering shader implementation in qcam
still had issues, it may not have been fully debugged. Patches would be
welcome "
<- from one of the devs...
at least I'm managing to pinpoint the issue