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<sicelo> They're doing it to spite leste/fmg for finally supporting it :-D
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<bencoh> june 16? that's pretty close ....
<bencoh> hangout works with libpurple btw
<freemangordon> hmm?
<bencoh> freemangordon: 01:53 < Wizzup> tl;dr after june 16 2022, xmpp on google talk won't work
<freemangordon> :(
<bencoh> yeah
<bencoh> hmm, that one is no longer maintained though :/
<bencoh> (no commit for a year)
<Wizzup> bencoh: doesn't mean it doesn't work :)
<freemangordon> do we have it?
<freemangordon> in devuan/leste taht is
<Wizzup> well I don't know if I want to use it if it's not the same and not with the same users
<Wizzup> well I don't use it anyway but yeah :P
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I can pkg it if you want to try it with haze
<freemangordon> sure
<Wizzup> but I don't have an account or know anyone that uses googlechat
<bencoh> apparently googlechat retains the same users/convs/whatever
<Wizzup> aha
<freemangordon> what is googlechat? gtalk?
<freemangordon> ok, will see
<Daanct12> i haven't heard of google chat in a while
<bencoh> I think that's the chat windows that you get in the gmail interface
<bencoh> (many people use that thing at $job here)
<bencoh> supposedly it's the nextgen hangout
<Daanct12> i'm surprised that not many actually uses it
<bencoh> I might give it a try, lemme see
<bencoh> the tricky part is the oauth2 token thing, as usual ...
<freemangordon> does it have some UI integration?
<bencoh> apparently you still need to get it by yourself and feed it to some dialog
<freemangordon> ugh
<bencoh> yeah
<freemangordon> ok, thats not user-friendly
<bencoh> I had it working once (only once)
<freemangordon> guys, I would really appreciate if you halp me designin (or pointing me out to) a framework to deal with this shit
<freemangordon> apparently we won;t be able to ignore oauth2
<freemangordon> *help
<freemangordon> does anyone have experience with gsignond?
<bencoh> hmm, I don't, but ... let's see
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<bencoh> wow, alright, looks like it works
<bencoh> I finally understood what was needed
<bencoh> technically you have to open a specific link and check for a header / cookie, so ... I wonder if we could somehow work it out programmatically
<bencoh> if not, we'll have to apply for the verification process
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<freemangordon> bencoh: we'll have to
<freemangordon> I don;t want to go the hacky and user-unfriendly route
<Wizzup> might I suggest we put it off a bit, I'm sure we'll have to wait for a long time on this stuff and it'll be demotivating
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<norayr> i didn't even know it worked since they moved to hangouts. maybe only federation didn't work then. i have learnt it worked only recently in this chat.
<norayr> but well. how telepathy is going to support hangouts?
<norayr> or... how does it support hangouts, via jabber or by their protocol?
<norayr> sorry, my laptop overheated in the night and last thing i received was that xmpp won't work since june 16, i don't know what happened in chat later.
<norayr> overheated and died.
<norayr> hunged.
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<buZz> norayr: if only this channel was logged :P
<buZz> norayr: also ; 11:05:32 < bencoh> apparently googlechat retains the same users/convs/whatever
<buZz> so hangouts is kinda pointless to implement if googlechat already works
<buZz> norayr: also 16 june is in 3 days :P
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<bencoh> buZz: both have a working opensource purple plugin, but they both have a non-userfriendly auth mechanism
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<buZz> hmhm
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: is this ok or I shall use something else?
<Wizzup> I have no idea, sorry, I don't know about this stuff
<freemangordon> me neither
<freemangordon> I just found it over the inet
<freemangordon> well, will use it, if someone complains it is not that hard to change
<freemangordon> uvos: any comment ^^^ ?
<freemangordon> hmm, hmm, seems "here maps" provide the same/similar api as Nokia maps, I wonder how to check if API key works
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<Wizzup> here is commercial and not community maintained
<Wizzup> I also doubt anything is better than osm
<freemangordon> sure, but we already have provider for Nokia Maps
<freemangordon> so if maemo api key still works with here, it could be a stop-gap solution
<Wizzup> doubt it
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> {"error":"Unauthorized","error_description":"apiKey invalid. apiKey not found."}
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: hmm, seems free servers provide only day map tiles
<Wizzup> I don't understand what that means
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<uvos__> im not a great fan of downloading maptiles/ bitmap maps
<uvos__> if the api requires bitmap tiles
<uvos__> why not just render them from osm vector data on device?
<freemangordon> uvos__: resources?
<freemangordon> we talk mobile phones here, we shall consider battery usage etc
<uvos__> i have allways been using purely vector maps
<uvos__> never been a problem
<uvos__> even on d1 (n900 equivalent perf)
<uvos__> admittly the mapp data was less detailed back then
<uvos__> but for mapphones android proves that its possible at considerable speed even with modern data
<freemangordon> uvos__: ok, but shall we download all the data locally?
<uvos__> sure like the various android apps just have the user select regions
<uvos__> its not that big really
<uvos__> ofc it will use some more data (maybe having 3g/4g active is also quite expensive)
<uvos__> but i think this is a good tradeoff for not broadcasting your position to the map provider
<uvos__> s/data/power
<uvos__> anyhow there are various tile rendering serivces for linux that work with osm data
<uvos__> that you could then run localy or not with the same code otherwise
<freemangordon> I would appreciate if you provide a list, besides
<freemangordon> also, we need geolocation, not only map tiles
<freemangordon> uvos__: actually maybe it is not that bad if we can query OSM for data to render tiles locally
<freemangordon> either ways those get cached
<freemangordon> so it will be one time only
<uvos__> geolocation is totaly runlated
<uvos__> *unrelated
<freemangordon> keep in mind I have no idea how this all works
<freemangordon> sure
<uvos__> no i have never used any of those
<uvos__> so we should just use geoclue really
<freemangordon> what is this? ?me asks google
<uvos__> all other mobile des use it and it sythesises location based on lots of factors
<uvos__> (ie various plugins)
<freemangordon> ah, no, dbus service
<uvos__> not sure what you mean
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<uvos__> geoclue is a dbus service yeah
<freemangordon> we already have the framework
<freemangordon> what we need is a provider
<uvos__> geoclue has various provider plugins
<uvos__> i works fine on desktop/phosh
<uvos__> *it
<freemangordon> that can do address to location resolution and vice versa
<uvos__> right
<uvos__> thats something else
<uvos__> you can obviously also do this ofline on osm data
<uvos__> thats what the aforemention various android mapping apps do
<uvos__> maybe there is a widely used implementaiton
<uvos__> id have to check
<freemangordon> yes, but I would prefer to not download the whole world on device
<uvos__> its farily unlikely the user suddenly needs the whole world
<uvos__> usualy letting him download regions is sufficant
<uvos__> but ok
<uvos__> why not both
<freemangordon> both?
<freemangordon> uvos__: again, keep in mind I don't know how OSM API is supposed to work
<freemangordon> so it is possible I am talking bullshit
<uvos__> weill osm api really isent a thing
<uvos__> theres various services that use osm data
<freemangordon> I have look at and didn't grok it
<uvos__> both offline and online implementaions
<freemangordon> right
<freemangordon> that's why I asked for help to choose the most appropriate :)
<uvos__> unfortionatly i cant say that i have used these in any developmental capacity so im no help there
<freemangordon> but, basically, I need providers that are able to implement ^^^ dbus specification
<freemangordon> implement == have API that will allow me to implement
<freemangordon> uvos__: so, do you know what query I shall use and how to render a region on the map?
<uvos__> no i dont, and the android applications doent use this directly they preporcess the data first
<uvos__> i ques looking at thair implementations might help
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