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<rafael2k> for those using T-Mobile is US, please set the VoLTE profile manually: https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/PinePhone#VoLTE
<rafael2k> enable VoLTE: AT+QCFG="ims",1
<rafael2k> Set T-MO: AT+QMBNCFG="select","Commercial-TMO_VoLTE"
<rafael2k> this obviously it is for voice... for data it is working fine already
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: this can go on the wiki :)
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<Wizzup> so I was on a trip to austria for a week and I've used leste everywhere, it works great on the d4
<Wizzup> usual problems still exist, but I've used it for calls, sms, gps, mobile data, wifi hotspot
<Wizzup> I would use it for navigation, but modrana routes don't work
<buZz> alright! 1183mAh with my kernelmod turned into 1357mAh
<buZz> 14.7% more :D
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<norayr> parazyd: please open me 3 repos, as i requested on bugtracker. ports done, i need only to add gpb.conf and test in builder.
<norayr> i enjoy rught now msid - which downloads and plays sid (c64 sid) music.
<norayr> would like to share it with others too.
<Wizzup> parazyd is mia/gone
<norayr> oh.
<Wizzup> I will do it
<Wizzup> norayr: do you have a link to the requests?
<Wizzup> oh, got it
<lel> MerlijnWajer created a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/msid
<lel> MerlijnWajer created a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/shermans-aquarium-maemo
<lel> MerlijnWajer created a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/live-wallpaper
<buZz> cool :)
<Wizzup> I will revoke parazyd's access this month
<dsc_> /win 26
<buZz> Wizzup: what happened, totally unknown?
<buZz> hope he's ok
<Wizzup> norayr: you should be all set
<Wizzup> buZz: honestly I don't care at this point, I am sure he has had the opportunity to reach out to us
<buZz> :(
<Wizzup> I just want my fxtec back
<buZz> yeah :(
<Wizzup> norayr: I think you're all set
<buZz> Wizzup: i remember, back on maemo 4/5 , it was kinda common to see 'alternative kernel builds' as packages in the repos
<buZz> with overclocking or whatever
<buZz> maybe i should package a 'EB41 kernel' ? :)
<buZz> this 15% extra capacity imho is supernice, and seems to work well
<Wizzup> buZz: no, we shouldn't have additional kernels, we have full control over this
<buZz> right, ok
<Wizzup> let's see what your changes are and what uvos and Tony think
<buZz> they're 'unsafe'
<buZz> :)
<Wizzup> this is charging the battery to like 4.35V?
<buZz> -better- would be getting nvmem functional and actually identifying the batteries
<buZz> yes
<Wizzup> yeah we decided not to do it after we all had several droid4's with batteries as balloons
<buZz> with EB41s ?
<buZz> or as in, accidentally had the 4.35V charging on a normal lipo that wasnt HV?
<Wizzup> no, just having it on 4.35V for proloned times seems to really decrease life time of battery
<Wizzup> brb
<buZz> oh, right, yeah i assume so, its a battery from 2012 anyway ;)
<buZz> its on 4.35V for almost no time though :P charging voltage is 4.35V but when it reaches that it almost directly declares 100% and drops to ~4.3V
<buZz> maybe i can try charging only to 4.31V instead, see what the difference in mAh will be
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<Wizzup> buZz: right but I often keep my d4 plugged in over night
<Wizzup> and then suddenly it's 25% of the time (yeah 6 hr sleep :p) on 4.35V
<Wizzup> in any case, open a pr and we can discuss the best way
<buZz> gee, well, i'll try 4.31 or 4.3
<buZz> 'best' would be have the kernel identify batterytype, and also actually read charge cycles and temperature
<Wizzup> it can do that afaik
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/bugtracker/issues/31 ([REQ] msid)
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/bugtracker/issues/30 ([REQ] shermans aquarium)
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/bugtracker/issues/29 ([REQ] live-wallpaper)
<Wizzup> norayr: reminder that you have to accept the invite
<buZz> Wizzup: yeah but afaik its not functional, if you check dmesg you'll see cpcap report that it wasnt able to detect batterytype
<buZz> at least, i've never seen it work , something about nvmem not working yet? plus preventing something else from working? cant remember exactly. i'll open a issue anyway
<buZz> Wizzup: oh btw, since my mod, i'm -finally- for the first time able to hit that 'charge mode' we added this year(?) or recently anyway
<buZz> with the cpcap-charger.c still running 4.2V , it would never do that, with it on 4.35V , it -always- hits it when i boot with USB connected
<lel> buzztiaan opened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/621 (Droid4: identify batterytype to get charger to work for HV)
<buZz> tagged uvos in the issue too
<Wizzup> it always works for me fwiw
<buZz> weird
<buZz> Wizzup: oh actually, wait, it didnt hit it this boot
<buZz> might just be the 'power supply connected before power-on, doesnt appear as power supply connected when kernel boots'
<Wizzup> it depends on the battery state and also on the cable
<buZz> hm right
<buZz> but i do think cpcap-charger is somehow involved in how it reads the USB , if it calls it 'lets be charging' or not
<buZz> which then triggers charge-mode or not
<buZz> thusfar i havent pinpointed the exact requirements to hit it
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<buZz> i still need to find where that 'battery low at 3.4V! going to shutdown now!' is coming from :P i think that should follow the MIN VOLTAGE of cpcap-battery aswell
<buZz> or well, with some margin for shutdowntime obviously
<buZz> is there a way to start the appmanager without it breaking my nonproper gprs connection? :D
<buZz> btw i've had >48hr connections on gprs now :D
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<Wizzup> buZz: hm, with ssh or mosh?
<buZz> yeah mosh running
<buZz> (really sucks battery though)
<buZz> often i leave it hooked up to a usb powerbank with 2x 18650
<buZz> or on external power
<buZz> so yeah, i'll be monitoring puffyness of battery for sure
<buZz> maybe i'll redo as 4.3 or 4.31 anyway just to be a bit closer to safety
<Wizzup> I use ssh, so I think/thought that used a lot more power
<Wizzup> buZz: didn't mena to scare you, that's just what we found
<buZz> hehe np , i've been calling my modification 'bermbom' anyway
<Wizzup> I'd love to try a bionic with uvos' battery choices
<Wizzup> I feel like I have to charge my d4 a bit too much still
<buZz> if i can lower that powerdown voltage a bit more, i think i can do ~10hr of screen+mosh on the d4
<buZz> +gprs, on battery alone
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<dsc_> so telepathy-idle facilitates being online on IRC
<dsc_> d4 people will have the device in their pants /whatever
<dsc_> and travel around
<dsc_> i.e: the device will reconnect all the time
<Wizzup> yes, unless they connect to a bouncer
<dsc_> result: IRC channel gets spammed with quit/join
<dsc_> timeouts*
<Wizzup> this is inherently an irc problem
<dsc_> hehe yes
<Wizzup> we don't need to solve it
<dsc_> fair
<Wizzup> there are clients that allow you to use both the ncurses part and also use it as a bouncer -- I think weechat?
<Wizzup> not sure
<Wizzup> in any case I'd probably consider the irc use case mostly for testing
<Wizzup> it's not super likely that avif irc users will keep it connected all the time, also because the protocol doesn't do anything wrt push notifications etc, to save battery
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/rtcom-eventlogger/pull/1 (RTCOM_EL_OP_STR_LIKE)
<buZz> yeah i messed with it a bit but its weird to use on device
<Wizzup> well, we can use it to test 'group chats' (channels)
<dsc_> yeah
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<Wizzup> can anyone with pinephone confirm? https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/615
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<humpelstilzchen[> I'm op of #615, still valid
<Wizzup> and the proposed solution?
<humpelstilzchen[> I also got my entry from pactl info | grep "Default Sink"
<Wizzup> yeah, but the applet needs more info, like there's also call volume sink later on
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<uvos> merging what buZz did is a non starter ofc
<uvos> since xt875 and mz6xx have stock non hv batterys
<uvos> the solution is to change the one wire driver to not use huge amounts of power
<uvos> so the detection code that exists allready can do its job
<uvos> in practice
<buZz> indeed, it cant be used as default nor as option (as wizzup made clear)
<buZz> the issue is mostly about the whole deal of it currently defaulting to the safe stuff
<buZz> uvos: or maybe load driver , do thingies , and unload/stop it ?
<buZz> instead of keeping it around
<uvos> id rather have the kernel not behave like an idiot
<uvos> than hacking around it in userpsace
<buZz> right, fine too, cant kernel unload it? :)
<uvos> btw when mesureing the voltage
<uvos> plase note that d4 has a huge resitance between the battery and cpcap for some reason
<uvos> at 100mA it drops ~0.15V
<buZz> yeah one of my EB41 has horrible contacts towards the phone, the current one i'm using seems much better
<uvos> no i mean mesured on the screws
<buZz> ah even there? gee
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<uvos> yeah
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<uvos> so it droping to 4.1v right after disconnecting the charger is fine
<buZz> hmhm
<uvos> if you mesure it at the battery its 4.2
<buZz> but, with 4.2V charging, it drops to 4.0v after disconnecting
<uvos> right thats then 4.15V ish
<uvos> on the battery
<buZz> oh could be, i ment 4.0v on the phoneside
<uvos> the bat also has some internal drop, i would not worry to mutch about the 0.05V
<buZz> my DMM is mia it seems
<buZz> uvos: either way, i was superimpressed by gaining 15% of life :P
<buZz> imho quite significant
<uvos> thats a bit more than you "should" gain based on discarge curves
<uvos> the callibration procedure also has a lot of slac
<buZz> that 1181mAh calibration was after ~10-20 redo's
<uvos> since the kernel takes the low side as whenever it drops below 3.4v iirc
<buZz> i'll redo the HV version more often too
<uvos> thats really inaccurate
<uvos> buZz: ok
<uvos> you should gain about 7%
<buZz> thusfar the >10% seems to be quite true
<uvos> ok
<buZz> maybe i'll just order a couple of your(?) pcb design on flex stuff
<buZz> and try to find a nice HV lipo on aliexpress :P
<uvos> not sure why you want hv
<uvos> they kinda suck a bit
<buZz> perhaps :)
<uvos> they last less cycles than the normal chemestry
<uvos> so idk if i would want one
<uvos> some power density advantage ofc
<buZz> haha , could put a LTO battery if you want high life ;)
<buZz> all HV cells i own now are >10 yo and do >60% of original capacity ;)
<uvos> sure
<uvos> you could
<uvos> right thas not that great really
<uvos> the regulars i have of same age do mutch better
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<uvos> but yeah i gues 5 or so years till 80% is fine
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<buZz> perhaps :) imho thats still totally fine
<buZz> also, those HV cells were used as HV most their life
<uvos> Wizzup: so regarding the volume applet
<uvos> Wizzup: it using the default sink for hifi should be fine
<uvos> Wizzup: for voice calls it should just check what devices have a voicecall profile
<uvos> and then gang all of those
<uvos> right now the voice call volume goes nowhere anyhow
<uvos> btw
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<Wizzup> we can provide device specific configs and give those the same names
<Wizzup> afaik
<uvos> yeah but theres no real reason to do so
<uvos> you are able to interogate pa to gain all the info you need
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<rafael2k> I want my volume keys to work as volume keys
<rafael2k> : )
<rafael2k> PP wiki updated with VoLTE info: https://leste.maemo.org/PinePhone
<rafael2k> Here in Moscow, I never managed to make VoLTE work tbh... but also there is no specific VoLTE profile for MTS
<rafael2k> but CSFB just works, and the modem automagically switches to 2G or 3G in a voice call
<rafael2k> I might try beeline just in case... but at some point I'll try the open source firmware for the quectel modem
<rafael2k> then I'll have some motivation to understand a bit more what is going on when a call goes CSFB or VoLTE
<buZz> rafael2k: they do on d4 ;)
<buZz> iirc n900 aswell?
<rafael2k> the default on PP is not this
<rafael2k> do you remember the config file to set the actions for the volume buttons?
<rafael2k> I remember I already changed them to open vkb, do crazy Xorg things, but can not remember its path
<buZz> ehw, no not really, sorry
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: the bug report mentions it
<Wizzup> rafael2k: oh, isn't that just hildon or mce?
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<missMyN900> uvos: how do you feel about buying a brand new battery for a DB? Is it a good idea or is it better to buy a used one that has actually been charged?
<missMyN900> after some consideration I have dropped the idea of buying a T100TA; I would rather buy a new/open box DB
<missMyN900> so yeah I will probably sell my PP and buy a DB
<missMyN900> DB + HW8X is absolutely massive though; I love it, reminds me of my N900 <3
<norayr> Wizzup: so i am here, sorry wasn't here. But i understand if it's not convenient anymore.
<missMyN900> norayr: would you consider backporting elisa as I see you are on a packaging spree again :)?
<missMyN900> it is in chimaera repos
<Wizzup> extras isn't really for backports
<Wizzup> norayr: so what did you try so far?
<norayr> yes... but
<norayr> the problem is
<Wizzup> this flash script and android? https://maedevu.maemo.org/images/droid3/
<norayr> let me explain
<norayr> yes
<norayr> flash script from the wiki page.
<Wizzup> the wiki doesn't link to one, does it?
<norayr> yes yes from there
<Wizzup> ok
<norayr> so
<norayr> i had android4
<norayr> and solana page mentions something about how up to date your system is
<missMyN900> Wizzup: oh nvm then
<norayr> minute i'll open it and wiki and will be able to tell
<norayr> but anyway, after i flushed it is now like android2
<Wizzup> missMyN900: we could do it depending how useful it is, but genrally better to foucs energy on porting -to- chimaera
<norayr> i found an image like that on the internet, it says tap the droid to start
<Wizzup> norayr: ok, so you used the exact android image on maedevu?
<norayr> but when i tap on droid image it doesn't start.
<norayr> yes
<norayr> and no kexecboot
<Wizzup> and you can't get past the boot screen where it asks for a sim?
<missMyN900> yes, that is what I thought at first but I learned that moving to Chimaera is a bit more difficult than I thought
<norayr> i got android downgraded from 4 to 2 but no kexecboot
<norayr> and i cannot use that android 2 for some reason either
<norayr> to go to settings and do things
<Wizzup> for some reason?
<norayr> well probably i flushed images with that script that are android2
<Wizzup> I don't quite understand
<norayr> i yeah
<norayr> ok
<norayr> so it says tap on droid image to start
<Wizzup> you can flash the maedevu image, riht?
<Wizzup> and you then get an android that doesn't let you go past some startup screen?
<norayr> yes
<Wizzup> ok, so there is some pattern that you have to press to get past it
<Wizzup> it took me many attempts and probably more than a few minutes
<Wizzup> it should be on youtube
<Wizzup> it's just touching the corners clockwise, -I think-
<norayr> i found similar image on ebay, it looks like this: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/E~4AAOSwoHBitf0D/s-l1600.jpg
<rafael2k> Wizzup: which bug report?
<norayr> minute.
<Wizzup> I might have done it in landscape or portrait
<Wizzup> norayr: I just googled for this problem
<Wizzup> and found the solution somewhere on youtube I think
<Wizzup> maybe we need to add it to the doc
<norayr> ok let me try to search
<rafael2k> found
<rafael2k> /usr/share/hildon-desktop/shortcuts.ini
<missMyN900> Wizzup: is all that also necessary for DB or only for D3? Sounds very complicated
<rafael2k> [Shortcuts]
<rafael2k> RaiseVkb=XF86AudioRaiseVolume
<rafael2k> LeftButton=XF86AudioLowerVolume
<rafael2k> but I'm not sure how to make the volume buttons really change the pa volumes...
<Wizzup> missMyN900: would have to check
<Wizzup> bbiab
<norayr> ok the video said tap on four points of the screen and it'll take you to os.
<norayr> it says 'communicating with server' and there was a rotating wheel
<norayr> and now connection failed, complete the setup by setting up a wifi etc
<norayr> let me try to skip it
<norayr> but do i really really need the os to function?
<norayr> ok i got it
<norayr> i got android
<norayr> minute i'll figure out the version of os
<norayr> yeah, i was right:
<norayr> Android 2.3.4
<norayr> it was 4.something.
<rafael2k> Wizzup: who should do this automation, mce or hildon or anything else?
<norayr> i cannot find 'usb debugging' on this android 2. is it there at all? do i need it?
<norayr> tapping build number in 'about phone' doesn't help.
<norayr> to bring 'you are a dev'
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<norayr> i got 'waiting for device' shell i run root234.sh in 'pc mode' or some other mode?
<norayr> no 'usb debugging' found
<norayr> no, i can only enter 'usb connection' setting by sliding from up to down and choose from 'pc mode', 'windows media sync', 'usb mass storage', 'charge'.
<norayr> right now i try 'pc mode'
<norayr> ok i found allow usb debugging in 'applications'
<norayr> the root script rebooted the phone
<norayr> rooted
<norayr> rebooting second time
<uvos> missMyN900: no idea really
<uvos> the only datapoint i have is that the bw8x from 2012! has almost rated capacity (~2000mah versus 2200mah rated)
<uvos> but i have only one of those
<uvos> i also have 2 hw4x and 6x eb41 (same cell, different case), all of those have <60% rated capacity left
<norayr> but i got things like Unable to chmod /system/bin/logwrapper: Read-only file system
<norayr> is it ok?
<uvos> no
<norayr> shell i try to use install.sh in fastboot mode?
<uvos> no
<uvos> that cant work
<uvos> usually if anything goes wrong your screwed
<norayr> ok booting android again.
<uvos> you have to reflash the stock android image
<norayr> i sort of did, not purposefully.
<norayr> i guess.
<norayr> somehow.
<norayr> ok trying again.
<uvos> please follow the instrcutions extreamly carefully
<uvos> its very very fagile
<uvos> and i think your only the 3rd persion to ever do this
<uvos> after Wizzup and me
<buZz> 22:54:21 < Wizzup> it's just touching the corners clockwise, -I think-
<buZz> i think that is in docs already?
<uvos> yes thats correct
<norayr> buZz: yeah it helped me.
<uvos> it is for bionic
<buZz> same on d4
<uvos> right but you dont need it on d4
<uvos> you do need it on bionic (if not upgraded to android 4+) and on d3
<buZz> oh, ok
<uvos> (to install lexte)
<uvos> *leste
<uvos> or los
<uvos> you would need it to use motorola android, not sure why you would want to over los
<uvos> :P
<buZz> welp, its the only android on my droid4's anyway :P
<uvos> missMyN900: yes the bionic also has a convoluted install process (much better tested than d3 tho)
<uvos> missMyN900: the d4 is unique in its very easy install process
<uvos> (honestly easer then even n900's uboot ironicly)
<norayr> i hope when it says 'prepare sd card' it doesn't do anything to my sdcard with leste.
<buZz> nope, it doesnt
<uvos> not unless you touch it
<uvos> it then lets you do a format
<uvos> obv thas bad :P
<norayr> allowed 'unknown sources' and rooting again.
<norayr> hope it'll help.
<norayr> not able to boot it to recovery to reset device with vol up+vol down kes
<norayr> yet
<buZz> whats the goal?
<norayr> no still 'unable to chmod'
<norayr> i don't know i am trying to follow instructions to be able to install kexecboot
<norayr> to boot leste from sdcard
<missMyN900> uvos: hmm interesting; thanks for sharing
<buZz> norayr: then why are you rooting it?
<buZz> its not really needed for leste, we arent using anything from android
<uvos> buZz: thats not true for b3 or xt875
<uvos> *d3
<buZz> oh, i thought it was a d4 ^_^
<uvos> its a 3
<buZz> ahhhh
<buZz> :D
<norayr> i don't know. i am following this manual: https://github.com/MerlijnWajer/bionic-clown-boot/tree/solana
<missMyN900> uvos: is it a good idea to upgrade a DB to ICS or not?
<uvos> ics is fine
<missMyN900> because I thought the whole problem was norayr's came with 4
<uvos> dont upgrade to 4.1
<missMyN900> oh so no JB?
<uvos> yeah jb ones are way more annoying
<missMyN900> well, if I buy a new one, it should be on 2.3.4 then :)
<uvos> or ics
<missMyN900> that is another advantage
<uvos> no they also came with ics later i think
<uvos> but its not a problem
<norayr> i cannot boot it to recovery
<norayr> how do i do that?
<norayr> i shut it down, then i press both volume buttons
<norayr> then i press power
<norayr> or maybe if i just press both volume buttons for longer it'll boot?
<norayr> can i reset it from menu somehow?
<uvos> no
<uvos> norayr: press vol up hold, press vol down hold, press power, release power, release volume buttons
<missMyN900> only if you have CyanogenMod ;)
<uvos> CyanogenMod? what decade are you from :P
<missMyN900> I know it is LineageOS now ;) I have used it
<missMyN900> I ran CyanogenMod on my first smartphone though (low-end Samsung) before I got my N900
<missMyN900> back then Android was still somewhat interesting
<missMyN900> you could easily root CM and I overclocked my CPU to squeeze the most out of the 600 MHz ARMv6 processor :D
<uvos> pff i had a d1 running at 1.1GHz
<uvos> (for referance, stock is a omap3 at 550MHz :P)
<missMyN900> N900 was a glorious upgrade 320x240 -> 800x480
<missMyN900> I was running at 700-800 MHz IIRC
<uvos> the d1 even still works
<missMyN900> from like 140 mb memory or something to 32 GB
<missMyN900> RAM was the same (256 MB)
<missMyN900> but most importantly ARMv6 -> ARMv7
<missMyN900> ARMv6 was always a second class citizen
<missMyN900> many apps were not compatible, even in the F-Droid store
<missMyN900> and with v7 you get NEON too (and with the N900 the TI DSP as well of course)
<uvos> yeah the n900 and d1 are really simmular
<uvos> (both based hevly on the ti referance platform)
<uvos> the d1 has a mutch mutch nicer case tho
<uvos> all metal
<uvos> and i do mean all metal
<missMyN900> I also ran ICS on that Samsung, even though the last official upgrade was Gingerbread
<missMyN900> at first camera did not work because Qualcomm refused to release the OpenMAX drivers or something like that
<missMyN900> idk I was a noob back then
<missMyN900> just going off of what I read on XDA LOL
<missMyN900> but yeah, if I look at the situation with current Android phones compared to that super low-end phone, it is really sad
<missMyN900> locked bootloaders, very little dev going on, hard to root etc
<missMyN900> no microSD, no 3.5 mm jack
<missMyN900> no removable battery
<missMyN900> uvos: I liked the ergonomics of the N900 a lot
<uvos> Wizzup: wee hp detection works again
<missMyN900> and its metal frame too
<uvos> 5.18 tomorrow then
<missMyN900> for which devices?
<uvos> missMyN900: i dont like the keybaord really
<uvos> its to cramped
<missMyN900> only hwkb I ever used except for my BB Classic
<uvos> missMyN900: mapphones
<missMyN900> nice
<uvos> also n900
<missMyN900> they have surpassed the PP
<uvos> porobubly
<missMyN900> it is too long ago for me to compare the Classic and N900 keyboard
<uvos> *probably
<missMyN900> I am sure the Classic keyboard was nicer in some ways
<uvos> the d1 is slightly better than the n900 i think
<missMyN900> the touchpad/trackpad was really cool on the Classic
<uvos> and the d3/d4 more or les blows it out of the watter
<missMyN900> even cooler than the stylus of the N900 honestly
<uvos> but its subjective ofc
<missMyN900> Classic was a beautiful phone too
<missMyN900> reminescent of the iPhone 4/5
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<norayr> hey people
<norayr> anyway i entered fastboot mode
<norayr> and i flushed allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin
<norayr> then kexecboot.img - not sure which, manual isn't stating it explicitly
<norayr> flashed the one which mentioned on wiki page
<norayr> now need to flash boot.img
<norayr> which one?
<norayr> i have one in bionic-clown-boot
<norayr> and in VRZ...
<norayr> ok flashed from bionic-clown-boot
<norayr> no... fastboot reboot boots android
<norayr> :/
Pali has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<norayr> also used kexecboot.img from tlmind repo, where it is in current
<norayr> as said in manual
<norayr> and then boot.img from bionic-clown repo.
<norayr> boots to android.
<missMyN900> norayr: I think everyone in Europe is sleeping now ;)
missMyN900 has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]