I will revoke parazyd's access this month
/win 26
Wizzup: what happened, totally unknown?
hope he's ok
norayr: you should be all set
buZz: honestly I don't care at this point, I am sure he has had the opportunity to reach out to us
I just want my fxtec back
yeah :(
norayr: I think you're all set
Wizzup: i remember, back on maemo 4/5 , it was kinda common to see 'alternative kernel builds' as packages in the repos
with overclocking or whatever
maybe i should package a 'EB41 kernel' ? :)
this 15% extra capacity imho is supernice, and seems to work well
buZz: no, we shouldn't have additional kernels, we have full control over this
right, ok
let's see what your changes are and what uvos and Tony think
they're 'unsafe'
this is charging the battery to like 4.35V?
-better- would be getting nvmem functional and actually identifying the batteries
yeah we decided not to do it after we all had several droid4's with batteries as balloons
with EB41s ?
or as in, accidentally had the 4.35V charging on a normal lipo that wasnt HV?
no, just having it on 4.35V for proloned times seems to really decrease life time of battery
oh, right, yeah i assume so, its a battery from 2012 anyway ;)
its on 4.35V for almost no time though :P charging voltage is 4.35V but when it reaches that it almost directly declares 100% and drops to ~4.3V
maybe i can try charging only to 4.31V instead, see what the difference in mAh will be
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buZz: right but I often keep my d4 plugged in over night
and then suddenly it's 25% of the time (yeah 6 hr sleep :p) on 4.35V
in any case, open a pr and we can discuss the best way
gee, well, i'll try 4.31 or 4.3
'best' would be have the kernel identify batterytype, and also actually read charge cycles and temperature
norayr: reminder that you have to accept the invite
Wizzup: yeah but afaik its not functional, if you check dmesg you'll see cpcap report that it wasnt able to detect batterytype
at least, i've never seen it work , something about nvmem not working yet? plus preventing something else from working? cant remember exactly. i'll open a issue anyway
Wizzup: oh btw, since my mod, i'm -finally- for the first time able to hit that 'charge mode' we added this year(?) or recently anyway
with the cpcap-charger.c still running 4.2V , it would never do that, with it on 4.35V , it -always- hits it when i boot with USB connected
Wizzup: oh actually, wait, it didnt hit it this boot
might just be the 'power supply connected before power-on, doesnt appear as power supply connected when kernel boots'
it depends on the battery state and also on the cable
hm right
but i do think cpcap-charger is somehow involved in how it reads the USB , if it calls it 'lets be charging' or not
which then triggers charge-mode or not
thusfar i havent pinpointed the exact requirements to hit it
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i still need to find where that 'battery low at 3.4V! going to shutdown now!' is coming from :P i think that should follow the MIN VOLTAGE of cpcap-battery aswell
or well, with some margin for shutdowntime obviously
is there a way to start the appmanager without it breaking my nonproper gprs connection? :D
btw i've had >48hr connections on gprs now :D
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buZz: hm, with ssh or mosh?
yeah mosh running
(really sucks battery though)
often i leave it hooked up to a usb powerbank with 2x 18650
or on external power
so yeah, i'll be monitoring puffyness of battery for sure
maybe i'll redo as 4.3 or 4.31 anyway just to be a bit closer to safety
I use ssh, so I think/thought that used a lot more power
buZz: didn't mena to scare you, that's just what we found
hehe np , i've been calling my modification 'bermbom' anyway
I'd love to try a bionic with uvos' battery choices
I feel like I have to charge my d4 a bit too much still
if i can lower that powerdown voltage a bit more, i think i can do ~10hr of screen+mosh on the d4
+gprs, on battery alone
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so telepathy-idle facilitates being online on IRC
d4 people will have the device in their pants /whatever
and travel around
i.e: the device will reconnect all the time
yes, unless they connect to a bouncer
result: IRC channel gets spammed with quit/join
this is inherently an irc problem
hehe yes
we don't need to solve it
there are clients that allow you to use both the ncurses part and also use it as a bouncer -- I think weechat?
not sure
in any case I'd probably consider the irc use case mostly for testing
it's not super likely that avif irc users will keep it connected all the time, also because the protocol doesn't do anything wrt push notifications etc, to save battery
Here in Moscow, I never managed to make VoLTE work tbh... but also there is no specific VoLTE profile for MTS
but CSFB just works, and the modem automagically switches to 2G or 3G in a voice call
I might try beeline just in case... but at some point I'll try the open source firmware for the quectel modem
then I'll have some motivation to understand a bit more what is going on when a call goes CSFB or VoLTE
rafael2k: they do on d4 ;)
iirc n900 aswell?
the default on PP is not this
do you remember the config file to set the actions for the volume buttons?
I remember I already changed them to open vkb, do crazy Xorg things, but can not remember its path
ehw, no not really, sorry
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rafael2k: the bug report mentions it
rafael2k: oh, isn't that just hildon or mce?
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uvos: how do you feel about buying a brand new battery for a DB? Is it a good idea or is it better to buy a used one that has actually been charged?
after some consideration I have dropped the idea of buying a T100TA; I would rather buy a new/open box DB
so yeah I will probably sell my PP and buy a DB
DB + HW8X is absolutely massive though; I love it, reminds me of my N900 <3
Wizzup: so i am here, sorry wasn't here. But i understand if it's not convenient anymore.
norayr: would you consider backporting elisa as I see you are on a packaging spree again :)?
Wizzup: is all that also necessary for DB or only for D3? Sounds very complicated
but I'm not sure how to make the volume buttons really change the pa volumes...
missMyN900: would have to check
ok the video said tap on four points of the screen and it'll take you to os.
it says 'communicating with server' and there was a rotating wheel
and now connection failed, complete the setup by setting up a wifi etc
let me try to skip it
but do i really really need the os to function?
ok i got it
i got android
minute i'll figure out the version of os
yeah, i was right:
Android 2.3.4
it was 4.something.
Wizzup: who should do this automation, mce or hildon or anything else?
i cannot find 'usb debugging' on this android 2. is it there at all? do i need it?
tapping build number in 'about phone' doesn't help.
to bring 'you are a dev'
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i got 'waiting for device' shell i run root234.sh in 'pc mode' or some other mode?
no 'usb debugging' found
no, i can only enter 'usb connection' setting by sliding from up to down and choose from 'pc mode', 'windows media sync', 'usb mass storage', 'charge'.
right now i try 'pc mode'
ok i found allow usb debugging in 'applications'
the root script rebooted the phone
rebooting second time
missMyN900: no idea really
the only datapoint i have is that the bw8x from 2012! has almost rated capacity (~2000mah versus 2200mah rated)
but i have only one of those
i also have 2 hw4x and 6x eb41 (same cell, different case), all of those have <60% rated capacity left
but i got things like Unable to chmod /system/bin/logwrapper: Read-only file system
is it ok?
shell i try to use install.sh in fastboot mode?
that cant work
usually if anything goes wrong your screwed
ok booting android again.
you have to reflash the stock android image
i sort of did, not purposefully.
i guess.
ok trying again.
please follow the instrcutions extreamly carefully
its very very fagile
and i think your only the 3rd persion to ever do this
after Wizzup and me
22:54:21 < Wizzup> it's just touching the corners clockwise, -I think-
i think that is in docs already?
yes thats correct
buZz: yeah it helped me.
it is for bionic
same on d4
right but you dont need it on d4
you do need it on bionic (if not upgraded to android 4+) and on d3
oh, ok
(to install lexte)
or los
you would need it to use motorola android, not sure why you would want to over los
welp, its the only android on my droid4's anyway :P
missMyN900: yes the bionic also has a convoluted install process (much better tested than d3 tho)
missMyN900: the d4 is unique in its very easy install process
(honestly easer then even n900's uboot ironicly)
i hope when it says 'prepare sd card' it doesn't do anything to my sdcard with leste.
nope, it doesnt
not unless you touch it
it then lets you do a format
obv thas bad :P
allowed 'unknown sources' and rooting again.
hope it'll help.
not able to boot it to recovery to reset device with vol up+vol down kes
whats the goal?
no still 'unable to chmod'
i don't know i am trying to follow instructions to be able to install kexecboot
to boot leste from sdcard
uvos: hmm interesting; thanks for sharing
norayr: then why are you rooting it?
its not really needed for leste, we arent using anything from android