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<missMyN900> but yeah even if I sell my PP and end up not having a ML device anymore, I will definitely mod qtwebbrowser if I have the time
<missMyN900> that is not going to change because I have some Qt5/QML experience and I want to see alternative search engines being options in that browser
<missMyN900> also, qtwebbrowser is cross-platform so it is hardly ML-only
<missMyN900> besides I can always run ML in QEMU
<missMyN900> I gained some QEMU experience recently (ran Haiku in QEMU briefly)
<missMyN900> and I will definitely check in every now and then because I want to see ML succeed, even if it is only for a bunch of people in Europe and West Asia with mapphones ;) :D
<missMyN900> chroot interests me as well but I don't know how hard it would be
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<missMyN900> hmm looks like VoLTE will only be supported with the (expensive) Xperia 10 III and not e.g. the XA2
<missMyN900> also, "Sailfish X is currently available in the countries of the European Union, UK, Norway and Switzerland ("Authorized Countries") and the use of our website and services to purchase Sailfish X outside of the Authorized Countries is prohibited."
<missMyN900> I have read about people using a VPN but I honestly don't like relying on that and then there is the legality...
<missMyN900> I am glad pmOS and ML do not have those restrictions and anyone can use them wherever they like
<missMyN900> I wish I had a touch screen laptop; that would be nice for ML
<missMyN900> some day, I guess...
<missMyN900> Actually those new Mediatek Chromebooks that are getting mainline support could be interesting ML devices
<missMyN900> I think they have touch screen as well
<missMyN900> at least as dev devices they could be interesting
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<rafael2k> Wizzup: tks
<rafael2k> compilation finishing... running lintian now
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<missMyN900> rafael2k: good morning. It is evening here ;)
<rafael2k> morning
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<norayr> morning
<norayr> everyone: msid package is already in repos. it doesn't work on fremantle anymore, but it works in leste.
<norayr> Wizzup: why do i get this in builder: pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy : Depends: maemo-optify which is a virtual package and is not provided by any available package ?
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<norayr> (i understand optification is not desirable now but anyway, it is not a virtual package, i am able to list binaries from it on my pp)
<rafael2k> msid is a commodore emulator?
<sicelo> norayr: you probably have that maemo-optify in debian/control?
<norayr> yes
<norayr> sicelo
<norayr> oh i don't know wait.
<sicelo> Hehe, actually you know, because I see your last commit adds exactly that :-P
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<norayr> yes i added it, but i added it because when it was only in rules
<norayr> it didn't work
<norayr> now i remember
<norayr> so i should remove it and leave in rules?
<norayr> let me try now but i remember it failed with not finding maemo-optify
<norayr> that's why i added it to control.
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<sicelo> You probably need to find why it looks for it
<Wizzup> norayr: we don't do maemo-optify
<Wizzup> norayr: please burn that with fire
<sicelo> norayr: it's debian/rules that asks for it. Remove line 100
<Wizzup> yeah but likely also debian/rules and other stuff rely on /opt stuff
<sicelo> norayr: also i wonder why this package ships an el.db ... I'd say nuke it
<Wizzup> missMyzN900: agreed @ interesting dev devices
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<Wizzup> MartijnBraam[m]: even so, apis still aren't necessarily open, but yeah, I guess it's something...
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<norayr> sicelo: hmm that's sqlight db, will try to remove it, don't know if it has function.
<norayr> or actually it is a link to that db.
<sicelo> It's really not needed
<rafael2k> btw, if Pine64 sends me a PPP, I'll be happy to ađd support for it in Maemo-Leste
<Wizzup> norayr: it sounds a lot like the event logger db
<Wizzup> rafael2k: maybe once we do our new news post we can request that
<rafael2k> Wizzup: lets try, indeed
<Wizzup> maemo leste could also fund one otherwise
<rafael2k> imho, Maemo-Leste is the best Linux distro to use with the PP keyboard
<rafael2k> keyboard and mouse, if needed... having the cursor on the screen make a great difference
<rafael2k> I'm still negotiating in Pine64 support center for them to send me a new PP keyboard and not just the mainboard of it
<rafael2k> now MartijnBraam[m] mentioned, checking the pogo-pins connection... they don't seem very stable
<rafael2k> may be I just buy a nice bt keyboard for my pp, and forget about the pp keyboard
<Wizzup> I checked, it charges fine
<Wizzup> but the input doesn't happen
<Wizzup> I might just buy a new one, but it takes a while to ship
<rafael2k> me toọ..
<rafael2k> I just don't want it to break the very first day of use
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<rafael2k> Now the ov5640 is in place, there is still some missing bits in sun6i-csi in order to have camera support in PP
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<rafael2k> more specifically, implement the V4L2_CAP_IO_MC capability to sun6i-csi driver
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<rafael2k> here we go, compiling the kernel again... I think if I don't get it right, I'll accept help for compiling the kernel not in the device
<rafael2k> : )
<Wizzup> it's truly trivial to not compile on the device
<Wizzup> what distro do you use
<Wizzup> well, I guess with the whole mobian setup with all these patches applied from debian it is maybe just a bit less trivial
<bencoh> debian-style patches and the way those are handled makes building a kernel less trivial yeah
<bencoh> (not that it's difficult per-se, but it's easy to use the wrong branch, or build it the wrong way)
<bencoh> (personally I have no idea what should be used nowadays, btw)
<Wizzup> what about just git :)
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<rafael2k> debian
<rafael2k> debian bullseye
<Wizzup> hm?
<rafael2k> are there arm64 gcc and toolchain already available to be apt-getted?
<rafael2k> (^ Wizzup: what distro do you use)
<Wizzup> oh
<Wizzup> yeah those exist already
<buZz> :D
<buZz> rafael2k: i did kernel on droid4 , took ~5 hours for a full build :D
<buZz> i -think- mostly because SD access is so slow
<buZz> maybe i could retry from a emmc partition .. hmm
<Wizzup> guys stop with this :D
<rafael2k> I'm running the build on emmc now
<rafael2k> :P
<rafael2k> Wizzup: tks!
<rafael2k> I'll create a chroot with arm64 env...
<rafael2k> buZz: just lintian run took more than 1 hour... I run now with --no-lintian
<buZz> ^_^
<buZz> never used lintian in my life
<buZz> for me, 'compiling kernel' is just make oldconfig; make -j2 ; sudo make modules_install ; cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot/boot/newkernel; sudo reboot
<buZz> :D
<bencoh> building on device :'(
<buZz> bencoh: many distros do it by default even
<rafael2k> debian dpkg-builđpackage run lintian unless you ask it not to
<buZz> or at least, on the right architecture
<buZz> rafael2k: dpkg-buildpackage doesnt work for the droid4 kernel .deb package, sadly
<buZz> as there's no source package that works, it seems
<bencoh> would it help you move to crosscompiling if I told you that a cute kitten dies for every on-device compiler call?
<rafael2k> hummm
<buZz> bencoh: fuck cats
<buZz> :D
<bencoh> aww
<buZz> hehe
<rafael2k> native compilation has a nice feeling
<rafael2k> :P
<buZz> bencoh: in my mind, kittens are most useful as ballistic projectiles
<buZz> slinging cats at attackers' face
<bencoh> alright, nevermind, strike that :(
<buZz> ;)
<buZz> hehe
<dsc_> native compilers generate artisanal machine code
<bencoh> I should really try and streamline that lxc hybrid builder script more I guess ...
<buZz> bencoh: i really dont see the issue, its my own time ;)
<buZz> and its great fun to sit in public transport with a >40C device, building code
<buZz> hahaha
<bencoh> I have to admit building on device with people around has a nice appeal to it
<bencoh> but still :)
<bencoh> (personally I build on a remote server but connect to it on the go)
<bencoh> (if and when I need it)
<buZz> ^_^
<buZz> can i make the d4 wifi use less power?
<buZz> maybe force it to be slower?
<buZz> seems wifi connected cuts batterylife almost in two , vs GPRS
<dreamer> buZz: time to move back to gentoy? :)
<buZz> ^_^
<bencoh> what is "gprs"?
<bencoh> ah, gprs
<bencoh> nevermind :D
<bencoh> maybe have a look at the wifi powersaving settings, I don't remember what we do there
<buZz> hmm :)
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<Wizzup> buZz: iphbd on the n900 did some stuff there by forcing not sending packets too often
<Wizzup> there is also power_save with iw, but that should be on already
<buZz> first time i looked at iphbd :P
<buZz> IP heartbeat daemon?
<bencoh> yeah
<buZz> > It provides synchronization services for applications. For example it synchronizes IM status updates that they happen at the same time in order to save battery.
<buZz> ah, cool stuff!
<Wizzup> we don't have it atm
<buZz> ah ok
<Wizzup> we might also not get it quite like that, there might be more modern ways to do the same (traffic shaping)
<buZz> ah, hmhm
<buZz> as soon as 'all IM' is one application, it'll be easier to bundle too , i guess
<bencoh> not sure you'd be able to do that with tc, but maybe
<bencoh> (usually it's the other way around)
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<norayr> hello people
<norayr> checking for MAEMO... yes
<norayr> checking for OSSO... yes
<norayr> checking for CONTROLPANEL... yes
<norayr> what is that pkg-config check for MAEMO?
<norayr> what's that?
<norayr> i guess i don't see it in builder, but i'll make sure soon.
<uvos> duno check in the buildsystem what its checking pkg-config for
<uvos> maemo isten a package i know of
<uvos> i gues its maybe just assuming its running on maemo if it finds libhildon or something
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<Wizzup> norayr: check configure.ac for that
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<norayr> i know. i thought maybe you know by heart.
<Wizzup> nah, configure.ac can use whatever name/alias for any check they want
<Wizzup> and MAEMO is clearly something someone made up
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<Wizzup> norayr: let me know if you want me to take a look anyhow
<Wizzup> https://mozilla.github.io/geckoview/ wonder if this can be used on non-android
<Wizzup> I guess that might just be gecko
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<missMyN900> buZz: what SD cards are you guys using? I only buy endurance cards (meant for dashcams) for SBCs and phones
<buZz> ehw, sandisk i think
<rafael2k> the cheapest
<buZz> sandisk ultra 16gb
<missMyN900> you should never buy random Sandisk
<missMyN900> Sandisk estimates that 1/3 of "Sandisk" cards in the world are fake
<buZz> i didnt buy it for this purpose
<buZz> i bought a pile of legit 16gbs when they first hit ~4 euro a pop
<missMyN900> I only buy from their only official web stores (Sandisk and Samsung), although that may not be an option in all countries
<buZz> for my chromebook i got a samsung evo 128gb microsd for 16 euro :D
<missMyN900> I mean for media it is fine
<missMyN900> just not for running on OS on it
<buZz> its running arch
<missMyN900> *an
<buZz> from microsd
<missMyN900> yeah I would get their Pro Endurance instead
<missMyN900> I also have Sandisk High Endurance and Max Endurance
<buZz> i just try to make backups to spinning rust often of important stuff
<buZz> and dont really care if they burn up
<missMyN900> it can still cost you a lot of time though if corruption causes mysterious issues
<missMyN900> and even when buying Endurance cards, I would retire them after a certain amount of time and only use them for media etc then
<missMyN900> rafael2k: I would not buy no-name cards, especially if you are compiling large stuff on your phone
<missMyN900> if Sandisk is expensive/hard to get in your country; Samsung and Transcend are always options
<missMyN900> Kioxia (Toshiba) too
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<rafael2k> missMyN900: especially as I'm compiling large stuff... better use cheap ones, as I'm destroying them
<rafael2k> : )
<missMyN900> rafael2k: endurance cards are meant for heavy writing
<missMyN900> you won't destroy them
<missMyN900> they are designed to be used in dashcams that are constantly recording and exposed to high heat
<missMyN900> that I why I started buying them years ago
<missMyN900> *is
<missMyN900> because I read about people having issues with cards dying in Raspberry Pis
<rafael2k> I don't care tbh... I'm using a 32GB cheap one for more than a year in the PP... still going!
<rafael2k> if I had a critical system, then yes... of course
<rafael2k> and when I need something... I use NVME
<rafael2k> not a SD card
<rafael2k> :P
<rafael2k> not bad
<rafael2k> but I really don't trust SD
<rafael2k> if I need something to be trusted, I just one a SSD or nvme
<rafael2k> (or an HD, in the good ol' times)
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<norayr> i did expect that removing optification for live-wallpaper will break something. and indeed, some of the live wallpapers, and the sherman, for which i started it all, don't load now for some reason.
<norayr> i am afraid i'll spend days to figure that out, especially given my load these days at work.
<missMyN900> rafael2k: by the way, regarding PPP I saw this the other day: https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/PINE64_PinePhone_Pro_(pine64-pinephonepro)
<missMyN900> it has different WiFi (probably Broadcom) and cameras
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<rafael2k> missMyN900: no problem
<rafael2k> we can still support PPP, the to the same level as all other distros (or better : ) )
<rafael2k> with the advantage of Maemo - providing a true tablet PC experience, much beyond a traditional phone UI, from phone calls to emacs, X, glibc and good ol' debian/devuan base
<rafael2k> : ))
<rafael2k> (for the PR team ^)
<rafael2k> :P
<rafael2k> at least the modem is the same in PPP, so we can use the same ofono for PP
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<Wizzup> hw
<rafael2k> at least the modem is the same in PPP, so we can use the same ofono for PP ^
<rafael2k> diđ it happened to you that all the people left and came back? ***** has quit (*.net *.split)
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<buZz> rafael2k: yeah its normal on irc
<buZz> its called a netsplit
<missMyN900> buZz: what does it do?
<buZz> irc is made of networks, and each network is multiple servers
<buZz> sometimes those servers die or lose connection
<buZz> then ppl move to a random other one usually
<buZz> one thats the same network
<missMyN900> ok that makes sense thanks
<buZz> just a tiny hickup
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