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<kona> not as wacky as advertised... booted up just fine. :)
<kona> oh my goodness y'all have been busy, this is the smoothest maemo experience i've had since OS2008
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<lel> freemangordon closed a pull request: (avoid passing NULL causing assert when fallback_sound_file dosent exist)
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<_uvos_> hmm so i tried using the alarm to wake me today
<_uvos_> it dident work
<_uvos_> i had a android device ring 1 min later than the d4
<_uvos_> the android device woke me first and the d4 only rang when i pressed the power button to wake it up
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<freemangordon> uvos: could it be mce misbehaving?
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<uvos__> freemangordon: no i just checked the sound plays even when mce is not running
<uvos__> so it cant be mce
<freemangordon> hmm
<freemangordon> well, but in order for sound to play, scrren has to be unlocked
<uvos__> i have this problem too
<uvos__> where the device isent reacable via ssh sometimes
<uvos__> untill you touch it
<freemangordon> ah
<uvos__> might be not returning from ret
<freemangordon> kernel issue?
<uvos__> on timer source for some reason
<freemangordon> yeah
<uvos__> yeah
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<uvos__> would be my guess
<freemangordon> I see :(
<freemangordon> maybe build systemui with logs enabled and enable all mce logs
<uvos__> yeah
<uvos__> ill try and investigate this evening
<freemangordon> this will give us clue what happens
<freemangordon> :nod:
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<Wizzup> morning
<Wizzup> uvos: my d4 alarm did go off
<Wizzup> uvos: hmm, you expected the d4 to power on and alarm you? or do you mean press power button to unlock?
<Wizzup> it went off exactly one minute before my n900 one, and I snoozd them both ;)
<Wizzup> only to wake up again 10 minutes later
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<uvos__> Wizzup: no ofc not the d4's rtc alarm isent implemented
<uvos__> it was on
<uvos__> i wasent locked either
<uvos__> i use lock-generic with no lockscreen
<uvos__> it was just screen off
<Wizzup> hmm
<Wizzup> 5.16?
<uvos__> yes
<Wizzup> ok
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<Wizzup> uvos__: btw sphone routing, I would argue that the routing calls upon hangup maybe have to be called in reverse
<Wizzup> uvos__: sorry s/btw/wrt/
<Wizzup> also we really need to increase the amount of rows in the status applet list in portrait mode
<Wizzup> uvos__: the problem right now is that my mapphone-hack regs setting should run -after- pulse when the call profile is set, but -before- pulse when switching back to normal non-call audio
<Wizzup> of course it's a hack, I just kind of wanted it to work well
<Wizzup> in the current implementation pulseaudio just doesn't do any audio anymore, unless it is restarted
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<kona> ~.
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<luci[m]> test
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<kona> does the battery calibration work for pinephone?
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<norayr> hey folks
<norayr> i prepared dvorak layout
<norayr> i named the file en_dvorak.vkb, it is generated from en_dvorak.xml.
<norayr> because there is no country, it is recognized as English (null)
<norayr> in Settings app.
<norayr> so please tell me what to do so that you'll accept it because i need dvorak layout.
<Wizzup> can you make an issue so we can work on it there?
<norayr> i didn't touch the changelog. but it builds, i checked, and i like the kbd.
<Wizzup> or a pull req I suppose
<norayr> should i make a pull request?
<norayr> oh
<norayr> wrong, sorry
<norayr> it's not in master.
<kona> also, the pinephone kb layout for maemo doesn't seem to have + or |
<lel> norayr opened a pull request: (dvorak layout)
<norayr> yay it went.
<norayr> kona, the layouts are the same on all devices. i mean virtual kbd layouts.
<norayr> there is | sign in the special characters i believe.
<kona> yes, will work for now. i was digging around the wiki to see if there were any notes on the hw keymap but havn'e seen any yet
<kona> so, maybe if i dig around on mobian wiki and find some, i could write something up
<norayr> i'll upload here screenshots to be able to insert those to the issue.
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<norayr> and landscape shots for github issue.
<norayr> i am so sorry, mistakenly posted other things. will do other way, without this group.
<norayr> i mean i posted landscape again, instead of portrait.
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