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<missMyN900> the stock minimal brightness on the Pinephone is way too high. After some trial and error I finally managed to lower the brightness with redshift (which I use on my computers to reduce blue light in the evening)
<missMyN900> I mean the brightness with status area applet, of course
<missMyN900> smplayer froze multiple times for some reason during opus playback
<missMyN900> (with mplayer as backend)
<missMyN900> using mplayer from the terminal app I did not experience this problem with the Opus files
<missMyN900> I think I also experienced some general Hildon/X freezes
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<missMyN900> the audio experience still stucks on the PP
<missMyN900> status area volume applet still does not work
<missMyN900> with devel enabled (after rebooting)
<missMyN900> and updating sinks.ini (after rebooting, again)
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<missMyN900> pavucontrol-qt is useless because you can't scroll to access the lower output sink, which happens to be the relevant one...
<missMyN900> only pavucontrol (GTK3) works
<missMyN900> however, I discovered that it is also not a good idea to leave pavucontrol running because it causes high CPU usage
<missMyN900> the application itself uses 22% but pulseaudio usage for some reason jumps from 8 to 20% as well
<missMyN900> and Xorg also uses a lot of CPU when pavucontrol is running
<missMyN900> hmm
<missMyN900> according to pactl info: Default Sink: alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_PinePhone_0__sink
<missMyN900> looks like it was not a good idea to change sinks.ini
<missMyN900> and this is with a fresh install (05-29 image with devel enabled)
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<Wizzup> 23:57 < missMyN900> norayr: I have an excellent porting suggestion for you: desktop command execution widget!
<Wizzup> didn't sicelo do thta?
<Wizzup> missMyN900: that's a lot of interrupts
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<_uvos_> intterupts whilest on ac power dosent tell us mutch
<_uvos_> some drivers ajust behavior
<_uvos_> crust allows suspend & reaction to modem, not the same kind of pm as omap afaik
<_uvos_> that widget is in the repo allready
<_uvos_> try QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.5 pavucontrol-qt -platform xcb -style fusion
<Wizzup> right, omap pm is different
<_uvos_> i gues you could try implementing some kind of ip push notifications on the crust uc
<_uvos_> to further paper over the pm gap on pp
<humpelstilzchen[> iirc wifi can not wakeup the PP from crust. Only the modem, rtc and a few others
<_uvos_> that (or mp3 decoding) would also be really neet on omap4's cortex m4 cpus
<_uvos_> which you can use for anything
<_uvos_> humpelsilzchen: ok not sure what crust has access to in hw
<_uvos_> on omap4 the equivalent can access any bus iirc
<_uvos_> and could directly talk to the wifi chip
<_uvos_> this would involve the linux driver somehow handing hw resources over to the uc firmware.. diffiult
<_uvos_> but possible
<Wizzup> are there hidden services for devuan repos?
<Wizzup> i.e. like
<Wizzup> ah they do
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<Wizzup> ok, I'm able to update using only tor for devuan and maemo repos
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<bencoh> nice
<bencoh> :)
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<missMyN900> alright, so looks like I finally got the status menu volume applet to work
<missMyN900> changed the sink to the "default sink" in the pactl info output
<missMyN900> and rebooted and now I can see the slider in pavucontrol responding to the slider in the status area
<missMyN900> but the sink suggested in that GH issue with "platform-sound" definitely does not work
<missMyN900> maybe it worked on older images or maybe it does on older (distro edition?) 2/16 GB PPs but it certainly doesn't with my setup
<missMyN900> _uvos_: I doubt crust depends on the modem. Remember, the A64 is a tablet SoC (that is also used in SBCs such as the Pine A64 and laptops such as the original Pinebook)
<missMyN900> the majority of A64 devices does not have the Quectel/Qualcomm modem
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<missMyN900> the same applies for the other SoCs supported by Crust, which are settop box SoCs that are used in SBCs (except for A83T)
<humpelstilzchen[> missMyN900: (slider) cool, what exactly did you write in the file and maybe you should add that to the ticket
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: [9:35:34 pm] <missMyN900> according to pactl info: Default Sink: alsa_output.0.HiFi__hw_PinePhone_0__sink
<missMyN900> I put that sink in sinks.ini
<missMyN900> I did not have time to test it yesterday, so I just powered off the PP for the night
<missMyN900> and booted it up today and now it seems to be working
<missMyN900> still need to test with (s)mplayer though
<Wizzup> missMyN900: check @ getting it to work
<Wizzup> missMyN900: I think crust depends on the modem to wake it up is the point
<missMyN900> it is working with mplayer!
<missMyN900> this is a big improvement
<missMyN900> Wizzup: most A64 devices do not even have a modem. Crust runs on the Allwinner AR100 (an OpenRISC microcontroller) of the Allwinner SoC.
<missMyN900> "Similarly, Crust is the lowest-level firmware component that runs on $FRUIT (Banana, Orange, Lichee) Pi single-board computers and other Allwinner-based devices, such as the Pine64 Pinebook and PinePhone."
<missMyN900> "Note that Crust only provides the mechanism for deep sleep. It does not dictate any system sleep policy. Specifically, Crust does not decide when to go to sleep; the Linux kernel or userspace does that. And with one exception (listening for IR remote control key presses), Crust does not decide when to wake the system up, either; the hardware, as programmed by Linux, does that. Crust is designed to be a mostly-invisible
<missMyN900> implementation detail of the Linux power management interface."
<humpelstilzchen[> check /sys/class/wakeup
<humpelstilzchen[> there are a lot wakeup sources
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: ok but my point is crust does not depend on the modem. And I don't think that ML should rely on the modem since it would be nice if the pm transferred to the Pinetab, which does not have a modem
<missMyN900> furthermore, it would be nice if the pm still worked properly with the modem kill switch enabled (or the modem otherwise turned off) on the PP
<humpelstilzchen[> missMyN900: if in doubt just use the rtc to wakeup
<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: are you saying there is a manual way I can put it into deep sleep?
<humpelstilzchen[> you might want to keep the modem wakeup source enabled for e.g. wakeup when there is a call.
<humpelstilzchen[> missMyN900: manual way see
<missMyN900> it uses systemd though :/
<missMyN900> oh there is non-systemd option
<missMyN900> so basically I can just experiment with this?
<humpelstilzchen[> sure
<missMyN900> interesting :)
<missMyN900> I am also interested in the unofficial modem "firmware"
<missMyN900> it can lower the Quectel A7 frequency to 100 MHz from 800/400 MHz
<humpelstilzchen[> missMyN900: you can also spy on e.g. sxmo how they are using it:
<missMyN900> so they are doing all this stuff from userspace?
<missMyN900> I thought I would have to become a kernel hacker to do this myself
<humpelstilzchen[> the kernel part is mostly done it seems
<humpelstilzchen[> firmware: You are talking about I guess.
<Wizzup> missMyN900: the point is that crust without any way to wake it up on action doesn't help
<missMyN900> yes
<missMyN900> is there a way to use the power button to wake it up?
<humpelstilzchen[> I can't say anything about it, since I don't have a sim in the PP, but I've installed the open firmware. GPS still works
<humpelstilzchen[> power button is already active wakeup source
<missMyN900> so it is already going to deep sleep?
<missMyN900> when the screen is locked?
<missMyN900> battery life does not seem to reflect that...
<humpelstilzchen[> no, leste does not do that yet. You still need to manually start the crust sleep
<humpelstilzchen[> but you can that with the simple echo mem > /sys/power/state
<missMyN900> oh but I can just put it in suspend and it will already automatically wake up when pressing the power button?
<sicelo> Yes
<missMyN900> why didn't anyone tell me this before? :D
<missMyN900> it is working!
<missMyN900> I did it over ssh and then the command appears to "hang" (since it has already gone into deep sleep)
<missMyN900> and when I press the power button the command "returns"
<humpelstilzchen[> wakeup crashes my pp from time to time. Had no chance to debug that yet. Also I still have not soldered myself a pp debug cable yet
<humpelstilzchen[> also you might want to disable some wakeup sources in /sys/class/wakeup/ or the PP will just randomly wakeup
<missMyN900> the entire device or just X/Hildon?
<humpelstilzchen[> ?
<missMyN900> can you still access it over SSH?
<missMyN900> when that crash occurs?
<humpelstilzchen[> no network, no x, nothing.
<missMyN900> so kernel panic?
<humpelstilzchen[> I guess so
<missMyN900> maybe you could add some logging code that executes on wakeup?
<humpelstilzchen[> the notification led is white, everything else is dark. The only thing I can do is long press the power button until it turns off
<missMyN900> hmm noti LED is always white when it turns off
<missMyN900> it always takes a little while for the LED to turn off
<humpelstilzchen[> does not help since a flush is needed to write the disk. I will solder myself a serial debug cable one day
<missMyN900> hopefully it will get fixed upstream
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<missMyN900> there may be people experimenting with this with SBCs (such as Pine A64)
<missMyN900> if anyone wants to get a quick list of the PP wakeup sources, this is the easy way to get it: "cat /sys/class/wakeup/*/name"
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<missMyN900> humpelstilzchen[: one question that I have been wanting to ask (somewhere) but forgot to is, does the alternative modem firmware work with ofono too?
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