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<Wizzup> uvos: so I don't think telepathy will do any echo cancel for us
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<buZz> whatsupboy: did someone answer you yet?
<buZz> oh, yes
<buZz> whatsupboy: in theory, it could run on any (arm?) linux device that can run debian
<Wizzup> we also have amd64 repos
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<buZz> ah, cool
<buZz> hmm
<whatsupboy> buZz: yeah got it
<buZz> maybe i can find some x86 tablet with modem to mess around with leste on :P
<whatsupboy> buZz: I can run maemo linux on my device
<buZz> Wizzup: no armv5 , right?
<buZz> whatsupboy: what device do you have?
<whatsupboy> which is lenovo chromebook duet
<Wizzup> buZz: no
<buZz> Wizzup: so no nokia 770 with leste, aww :D
<buZz> whatsupboy: oh that looks cool, MediaTek Helio P60T octa-core , 4GB ram
<buZz> thats ARMv8 , right?
<buZz> i have a ARMv7 octacore chromebook with 4GB ram
<buZz> (samsung xe503c32) typing on it right now
<sicelo> whatsupboy: the way to answer that question is - how well does linux run on your device
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<sicelo> And is the gpu supported in Linux? (Software rendering can be painful)
<buZz> yeah, can you run your own kernel and how good is GPU then
<buZz> lenovo says the GPU is ; ARM G72 MP3 800 GHz
<buZz> not sure what that means, i suspect some Mali
<buZz> 800 ghz sounds like bullshit
<whatsupboy> buZz: thats the processor but how did you figured out it is armv8
<buZz> i just guessed/asked :P lemme look it up
<buZz> 4x ARM Cortex-A73, 4x ARM Cortex-A53,
<whatsupboy> sicelo I can run libre office even on my chromebook now
<buZz> those are ARMv8 yeah
<buZz> not ARMv9 yet
<buZz> whatsupboy: how well does a 3D game run? :D
<buZz> apt install openarena perhaps?
<whatsupboy> lag playing asplat9
<whatsupboy> but then I uninstalled it and had vscode and other libraries and so far issues ...I am chatting from there
<whatsupboy> installing openarena
<buZz> iirc openarena is opengl though , hmm
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<buZz> es2info or something , hmm
<whatsupboy> buZz openarena is smooth
<buZz> nice, high hopes for leste then :P
<buZz> backup, install a clean devuan (or maybe debian? not sure if systemd is supported really) image, and add the leste repos? :D
<whatsupboy> buZz: I will have day job from tomorrow So I wont be able to focus much but I will keep an eye here and follow and try to install it slowly and come here
<whatsupboy> for any help
<whatsupboy> one problem is this tab dont have usb ports
<buZz> oh? are the usb ports on the keyboard half?
<whatsupboy> nowhere So I have to get some usb connector
<buZz> ah hmhm
<buZz> weird lenono :P
<whatsupboy> Yeah also I am hating chromeos
<whatsupboy> Reason to hate chromeos is that I must need google account
<whatsupboy> Lenovo USB-C to USB-A Adapter because lenovo also selling them
<whatsupboy> they might intentionally not have usb ports on their devices
<whatsupboy> or this tab also very tiny hence they can justify
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<buZz> oh, right, its got USB-C
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<buZz> whats the problem then :D
<buZz> USB-C has USB2.0 pins aswell
<whatsupboy> Yeah no prob
<sicelo> What needs usb2.0?
<buZz> sicelo: well, all USB-A devices for instance ;)
<buZz> would get connected to the USB2.0 pins
<buZz> (on a USB-C port with adapter)
<buZz> there's no differential pair in a 4 pin usb connector :P
<buZz> i mean, not more than one :D
<buZz> lol
<buZz> usb3 is what, 4? 8? such pairs nowadays for 3.2gen2? and just a single pair for usb2/1
<buZz> (usb3-A has 9 pins iirc)
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<uvos> Wizzup: so alarm sounds being broken has nothing to do with pulse
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<uvos> systemui never enters the code space of at all
<Wizzup> uvos: I think this is because the pulse callback is not fired, no?
<uvos> no
<uvos> this is before the pulse callback
<uvos> the notification isent ieven registered
<uvos> pluse is not involed yet at all
<Wizzup> hmm
<uvos> that comes later
<Wizzup> uvos: btw tomorrow I hope to have decoded what exactly needs to change for various audio call parts
<Wizzup> and have some scripts at least for now so I can toy with it
<uvos> Wizzup: ok great
<Wizzup> the calls work great on handset, I've called some people already
<uvos> idealy also write a new driver for cpcap tomorrow
<uvos> Ok?
<uvos> :P
<uvos> do you happen to know where the entry point for the alarm dbus call is in systemui?
<Wizzup> I think knowing what regs we need is the first step :)
<Wizzup> no, sorry, I don't
<Wizzup> but I greatly appreciate the effort :D
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<uvos> Wizzup: you have most of leste cloned right?
<uvos> could you grep -RI over it for who calls nsv_sv_play_event?
<uvos> its not in any of the repos i have cloned
<uvos> and gihub search is useless
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> one sec
<Wizzup> you probably know this one: ./osso-systemui/src/systemui.h:extern guint nsv_sv_play_event(void*, guint type, const gchar* sound_file
<uvos> yeah but its not used
<Wizzup> grep still running, there's also some .img files in there
<Wizzup> ./hildon-plugins-notify-sv/lib/nsv.c:nsv_sv_play_event(void *plugin, unsigned int event, const char *sound_file,
<Wizzup> ./hildon-plugins-notify-sv/include/nsv.h:gint nsv_sv_play_event(void *plugin, unsigned int event, const char *sound_file,
<Wizzup> ./osso-systemui-alarm/osso-systemui-alarm.c: nsv_sv_event_id = nsv_sv_play_event(plugin, 3, sound_file, 1,
<Wizzup> ./osso-systemui-alarm/debian/changelog: * Fix nsv_sv_play_event call
<Wizzup> bd47fd20b42154f17a419542d3c2867c9889ec46 seems to change the params
<Wizzup> in osso-systemui-alarm
<uvos> thanks
<Wizzup> grep still running, not sure if I will find more
<uvos> i still dont get how gh can be so bad at finding a string
<Wizzup> that's the end of grep
<uvos> great
<Wizzup> iirc parazyd had some backups of all repos, but he's gone so idk, maybe we should set it up too
<uvos> btw 5.16 works fine on xt894/875
<uvos> no issues
<Wizzup> great, we should upgrade
<Wizzup> brb 10-15 mins
<uvos> i have most of your patches seperated into feature branches
<uvos> ill finish that tomorrow, hopfully i dident miss any
<Wizzup> great, ty!
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<sicelo> At least it doesn't look like 5.16 is LTS (yet)
<sicelo> In fact, unless I misunderstand kernel versioning, 5.16 is EOL (there's no 5.16* on front page). Why not go with 5.17, or even 5.18?
<sicelo> Wizzup: at least 5.18 boots on N900 (i didn't test powervr)
<Wizzup> I think it was maybe 5.18
<Wizzup> maybe uvos just got the numbers wrong
<sicelo> *boots and runs well :-)
<Wizzup> sicelo: great
<Wizzup> uvos: can you confirm you meant 5.18?
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