<unege[m]> <sicelo> "unege: elaborate a bit" <- Running an apt-get while then moving to the graphical app manager and clicking downloads simply says operation failed, where with M5 it was more verbose
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<missMyN900> unege[m]: you should check out the GSMArena N900 review :D: https://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_n900-review-421.php
<missMyN900> finally, PP is booting Mobian
<missMyN900> managed to install it
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<lel> rafael2k opened a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/pine64-kernel/pull/5 (Added proper v4l support for PP cameras)
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<sicelo> unege[m]: that's a candidate for a github issue
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<rafael2k_> dual boot in maemo's u-boot is supported out-of-the-box through holding "key up" and "key down" volume keys
<rafael2k_> always when I wake up is the same monologue by missMyN900... mamma mia!
<rafael2k_> morning people!
<rafael2k_> (maemo's pinephone u-boot)
<rafael2k_> at some point I'll document this in wiki
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<sicelo> rafael2k: actually not volume keys. just have the keyboard slider open, then it'll kick in
<sicelo> ah, you mean pinephone?
<rafael2k> right, in N900 right?
<rafael2k> yes, I was mentioning the PP
<sicelo> in maemo :-p
<rafael2k> in maemo, yes!
<sicelo> i'm just being pedantic ...
<rafael2k> -Opeđantic
<sicelo> nice work on the PP! not a pinephone user myself, but really appreciate it
<rafael2k> trying a advance a bit... now I'll try to get stop-gap solution for a user to be able to take pics in ML beowulf, before going to chimaera (that will be needed for libcamera + gstlibcamera)
<rafael2k> I can hear the camera shutter already
<rafael2k> : )
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<rafael2k> https://github.com/raspberrypi/libcamera-apps <- I like these command like tools... code could be put in a simple hildon gtk2 for taking pics
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<rafael2k> yay, both cameras are working!
<bencoh> \o/
<rafael2k> front camera image seems a bit greenish
<rafael2k> but the rear one (main one I'd say) is pretty ok
<rafael2k> two samples from the phone holding in the hand... a bit shacky, so far from optimum
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<rafael2k> also poor light
<rafael2k> and this just with command line tools
<rafael2k> libcamera "cam" sample app, plus ffmpeg to convert from raw to jpg
<Wizzup> nice :)
<bencoh> rafael2k: the ov5640 has a builtin ISP if you want
<bencoh> you can use it to convert from raw (bayer) to rgb or yuv, and do some automatic whitebalance
<rafael2k> interesting... forgot what ISP is
<rafael2k> I'm using this to convert to jpg:
<rafael2k> ffmpeg -f image2 -vcodec rawvideo -s $size -pix_fmt bayer_bggr8 -i $input $output.jpeg
<bencoh> image signal processing
<rafael2k> ah yes, sorry
<bencoh> ffmpeg's bayer conversion is kinda flaky imho
<rafael2k> should I use ImageMagic one may bẻ
<bencoh> oh, if you're looking for a good raw image tool, look at ufraw
<bencoh> (and dcraw)
<rafael2k> right, I have it here, MegaPixels use it
<bencoh> it needs a DNG header, but you can add using makeDNG
<rafael2k> hopefully we'll not need to call system() from our app... eheheheh
<bencoh> nah, it's just for debugging purpose
<rafael2k> sure, indeed, I'm still in the "initial bringup" phase
<bencoh> libcamera should have some kind of support for that (assuming you're still willing to use it)
<rafael2k> I'm using it
<bencoh> :)
<rafael2k> these images where captured with libcamera "cam" sample application
<bencoh> :)
<rafael2k> cool
<rafael2k> it might me I'll leave gstreamer aside a but
<rafael2k> *bit
<rafael2k> as libcamera gstlibcamera is a bit clunky, could not really make it work, even in bullseye / chimaera
<rafael2k> but libcamera I'm hopefully to make it compile in ML beowulf... with some small backport work (plus newer meson)
<rafael2k> *I'm hopeful
<bencoh> I wonder how good libcamera is with 3A
<bencoh> (if at all)
<rafael2k> what 3A is?
<bencoh> auto exposure/whitebalance/focus
<bencoh> once you have that and decent bayer conversion, you'll be good to ship :)
<rafael2k> uhum, afaik, libcamera has API for all these
<bencoh> (you could also rely on the ov5640 for that part btw, but that would be very specific/non-reusable, and iirc it's not *that* good/reliable)
<rafael2k> ov5640 support is indeed getting good
<bencoh> did you have a working example for the MIPI/CSI part btw?
<bencoh> (on sunx6i)
<bencoh> -x
<rafael2k> a guy from libcamera mailing submitted lots of improvements (which will be in our kernel as soon as Wizzup accepts the PR)
<rafael2k> yes!
<bencoh> ah, nice
<rafael2k> ^^
<bencoh> :)
<rafael2k> with these kernel, we can already start to play in the userland... of course there are things to improve in the drivers, but the minimum is there already
<rafael2k> *this kernel
<bencoh> yeah ... honestly that's super cool :)
<rafael2k> : ))
<rafael2k> indeed!
<Wizzup> poke me in a few hrs and I'll merge ;)
<Wizzup> rafael2k: do you think you could rebase/squash the commits a bit?
<Wizzup> otherwise, looks good!
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<rafael2k> Wizzup: If you think this is better, can't you just eđit the changelog, patches/series, and ađd patches/maemo/24[4-7]-* ?
<rafael2k> : )
<Wizzup> it's more like fix for sun6i rework
<Wizzup> @rafael2k
<Wizzup> sorry for the @ highlight there
<Wizzup> you can mark those as fixup right/
<Wizzup> but I can do it if you want
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<sicelo> rafael2k: wow! that looks great indeed
<rafael2k> yes indeed, I forgot to put in the changelog a more meaningful text
<rafael2k> indeed, there are both cameras patches plus sun6i-csi patches
<rafael2k> Wizzup: if you can do, perfect! if not, lemme know I edit the changelog
<rafael2k> <- taking a look on pixel formats and conversion stuff... checking for next steps tbd
<Wizzup> rafael2k: it's not about the changelog, it's about the 'fixup' commits
<Wizzup> also using the same tag is bound to give trouble
<Wizzup> in our build system
<rafael2k> cant you just copy over the patches and ađd the lines to series?
<rafael2k> : )
<Wizzup> kk
<rafael2k> if you leave to me, I'll just use rm -r, delete repo, fork repo
<rafael2k> :P
<Wizzup> kk
<Wizzup> sec
<rafael2k> I'll get better eventually
<rafael2k> :P
<Wizzup> I can help with git stuff
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<rafael2k> : )
<rafael2k> ok, but for this new features, can you just import and trigger the packages creation?
<Wizzup> if I do that as it, it will fail, as we alread y have a source package for this kernel
<Wizzup> for this specific version
<rafael2k> I don't get it
<rafael2k> I added a -2 to the kernel version in the changelog
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<Wizzup> let me check
<Wizzup> https://www.ebay.com/itm/174585831228 razr m lot's available
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<uvos__> Wizzup: xt907 is not a mapphone
<uvos__> its xt91x that are mapphones
<uvos__> (and called razor *)
<uvos__> and xt890 is a phone with efi and a an atom processor (but medfield, kernel dropped support recently)
<uvos__> was well supported in the past iirc
<uvos__> (another "razr" phone)
<Wizzup> uvos__: ah
<uvos__> right
<Wizzup> but I have some of those here
<uvos__> but i would buy xt910
<Wizzup> I think I might have those here on my desk
<uvos__> since xt910 is xt912 with a unlocked bootloader
<uvos__> (sold in europe)>
<Wizzup> ah
<Wizzup> like this then I guess https://www.ebay.com/itm/125268934939
<uvos__> i would look on eu ebay
<uvos__> since they where sold mostly in eu
<uvos__> you can ususly have some on german ebay
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<Wizzup> yeah I think I see some
<tmlind> i recall xt910 modem is custom.. qmi over spi, no support for that likely ever in the mainline kernel
<tmlind> same modem but on spi
<uvos__> same ith xt912 or?
<uvos__> iirc
<uvos__> *with
<tmlind> i think xt912 is wired the same way as bionic and droid 4
<uvos__> Wizzup: if you want something new maybe buy mb865
<uvos__> there are lots on us ebay
<uvos__> i dont think anyone of us has one of those
<humpelstilzchen[> uvos__: for PP sleep/crust. Change to mce.ini worked
<Wizzup> ah, yeah
<Wizzup> I also have like 20 xt610's here still
<Wizzup> humpelstilzchen[: what change was that?
<uvos__> mb865 is a mapphone
<uvos__> xt610 is not .)
<uvos__> :)
<Wizzup> yeah
<Wizzup> also have a bunch of mz617 here
<Wizzup> did I ever send you one of those?
<uvos__> yes
<uvos__> i have one
<uvos__> it runs mainline
<uvos__> with no display thus far
<Wizzup> right, that I do remember
<uvos__> but most stuff works
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> heh
<uvos__> Wizzup: humpelstilzchen[ is talking about disabeling the power button handlin in mce
<uvos__> Wizzup: it interfers with waking up from sleep
<Wizzup> hmmm
<uvos__> so the problem is
<uvos__> that when you go to sleep mce dosent run
<uvos__> obviously
<uvos__> and then you press power to wake
<uvos__> by the time the phone wakes up the timestamp of the powerkey press is really old
<uvos__> so mce thinks its a long pres
<uvos__> and the action of longpress is shutdown
<uvos__> so it looks like the phone crashes on resume
<uvos__> we need to reagange the default key actions anhow imo
<uvos__> make singepless lock the device
<uvos__> etc
<uvos__> current setup is nonsensical on anything not the n900
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> uvos__: not for now, but later I'd love to try to make the mz617 run mainline, even without display
<uvos__> Wizzup: its fun
<Wizzup> wrt the Motorola ATRIX 2 MB865, that's not a mapphone I guess?
<uvos__> Wizzup: since you can brick it if you look at it wrng
<uvos__> yes it is
<uvos__> http:/uvos.xyz/maserati/mapphones.ods
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos__> please refer to the spreadsheet
<Wizzup> sorry, I forgot
<Wizzup> maybe we can put it on the wiki :)
<uvos__> its exaustive
<Wizzup> *nod*
<uvos__> since it comes from a dump of motorals update tree
<Wizzup> rafael2k: do I need to change the tag, or is it the same mobian kernel otherwise?
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<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/pine64-kernel/pull/5 (Added proper v4l support for PP cameras)
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<rafael2k> Wizzup: same tag!
<rafael2k> some mobian kernel as base
<rafael2k> *same
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: it's running now, but I think it will fail
<Wizzup> we'll just see
<Wizzup> easier this way
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<rafael2k> tks!
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<rafael2k> : )
<rafael2k> I can see a spinner!
<Wizzup> the failure will be at -repos
<Wizzup> after the full kernel build
<Wizzup> but we'll see
<rafael2k> hum, ok
<rafael2k> it will clash with the source of the older kernel?
<Wizzup> yes, that's what I said :P
<Wizzup> afaik the source packages don't care about -1 or -2
<Wizzup> but we'll see
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<rafael2k> right, I'm with fingers crossed
<rafael2k> btw, we'll need to backport a newer meson, can I just put in git the bullseye / chimaera version and we build it for ourselves (this is for libcamera)?
<rafael2k> I don't see any problem on having a newer meson
<rafael2k> (of course I'll do the needed changes for it to build and play nice in beowulf(
<rafael2k> or, we build add a libcamera package built somehow in a đirty system
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: looks like it passed
<Wizzup> rafael2k: want to check that it works?
<rafael2k> sure
<rafael2k> linux-image-pine64 arm64 5.15.48-2+2m7
<Wizzup> :)
<rafael2k> I think I'll have to buy another pp keyboard by myself... pine64 does not even answer me anymore
<rafael2k> uname -a Linux devuan-pinephone 5.15.48 #1 SMP Fri Jul 1 14:32:07 UTC 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<rafael2k> all good
<rafael2k> any advice on libcamera ? I'll just go ahead backporting the need stuff, _if_ it is not too much...
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: how much do you need
<rafael2k> ok
<Wizzup> what packages I mean
<rafael2k> I'll not build gstlibcamera for now, as I don't plan to backport gstreamer... as it is waaay to invasive
<rafael2k> my dream plan is just meson
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<rafael2k> we leave that for ML chimaera
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<rafael2k> but just with libcamera we can already have a simple hildon app
<Wizzup> rafael2k: we need meson for libcamera?
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<rafael2k> a newer one, yes
<rafael2k> hummm, wait, it is in buster-backports
<rafael2k> is there a beowulf-backports?
<rafael2k> yay
<rafael2k> libcamera is already in sid, lemme see if I get it "for free"
<rafael2k> just tweak a bit the rules
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: yeah imported is not usually too hard, although in sid it might need a lot of really new stuff
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<rafael2k> libcamera itself (without tools and plugins) does not need that much dependencies
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<rafael2k> wow, installing just meson and debhelper from beowulf-backports compilation started... that is good news... only build tools, so the package (if compilation finishes) will be fine to be in the distro
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<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> so just libcamera then?
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<rafael2k> uhum!
<rafael2k> it was creating the package, but my daugher playing madbomber plus package creation crashed the phone - but it worked!
<rafael2k> just debhelper and meson from beowulf-backports
<rafael2k> : )
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<rafael2k> I forgot to set the cpu scheduler to powersave
<rafael2k> X still has some glitches, I need to disable auto-reboot
<rafael2k> my 4 yr old daughter sometimes still manages to crash it
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<rafael2k> I'm doing some last tweaks for us
<rafael2k> but generally, we'll keep tracking libcamera git
<rafael2k> the tweaks are just in "debian" folder, we'll use stock libcamera, as it should be
<rafael2k> : )
<rafael2k> which gtk2 / hildon widget should I use to display the image in a simple app?
<rafael2k> I think for now I would want the simplest possible app the select front / back camera, and take a pic
<rafael2k> (and record the jpeg or heif somewhere)
<rafael2k> I'm not if these sensors can get 10-bit depth... but reading "bayer" it seems they dont do not even 8 bit... eheheheh
<rafael2k> (per channel)
<rafael2k> bencoh: some insight?
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<rafael2k> btw, is the N900 camera supported somehow?
<rafael2k> (people asked in the libcamera mailing)
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<uvos> the n900 could take (terrible) images with the mainline kernel in the past
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<uvos> i dont think anyone has tried it half way recently
<uvos> in theory all bits are floating around
<rafael2k> right
<rafael2k> we could advance it a bit... in case it is something wish for
<uvos> oh sure would be neat
<rafael2k> may be have a common low level camera stack
<rafael2k> (for Maemo-Leste)
<rafael2k> I'm learning a bit about modern v4l2 drivers and its fancy ioctl for controls
<rafael2k> libcamera in theory can take care of the rest (control management / post-processing)
<rafael2k> N900 has a OMAP3 based ISP right?
<uvos> ofc
<rafael2k> right
<rafael2k> may be I'll want to have a N900 again
<rafael2k> : )
<rafael2k> so much memories, I'm not sure I should, but anyway
<rafael2k> libcamera has a concept of pipelines to support ISP, need to understand it a bit better
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<rafael2k> ok, this is libcamera-0.1
<rafael2k> I just create libcamera_0.1.orig.tar.gz for source, I packages build with debhelper and meson from beowulf-backports
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<norayr> we also don't have portable flashlight, right? which will work on all devices.
<norayr> we need to have a default configuration of long press to become right click.
<sicelo> no application yet, yes, because in most cases the torch is controlled over v4l, and in most devices the camera isn't working (fully?) yet
<sicelo> however you can use the torch on both droid 4 and n900 at least by manually playing with i2c. instructions in the wiki. something similar should be possible with pp i guess, although probably that one can already be controlled over v4l
<norayr> yeah, because i was in need of a flashlight several times, and droid is the default device i am carrying with me, sometimes also with pp.
<norayr> so i was thinking maybe i need to write a simple non-portable app which will only work for my devices.
<norayr> but this default xorg configuration for long press is really necessary. to open links in other tabs for example.
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