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<tmlind> freemangordon: i think i implemented that thalia int fix as a quirk for drivers/bus/ti-sysc.c to bring up the module, no idea why it's needed
<tmlind> hmm looks like commit d7f563d it's needed for 36xx though, maybe 34xx needs it too or some other quirks
<tmlind> or i mistyped 36xx instead of 34xx
<tmlind> freemangordon: oh the quirk you found is also for 36xx so it should be ok, afaik 34xx has those regs somehow broken
<tmlind> uvos: so you mentioned bionic gets way better power consumption compared to d4 when idle? what's the difference in average mw if you run droid4-pm status once a minute?
<tmlind> maybe it's some external i2c device on d4 that should be powered down
<uvos> tmlind: so my d4 sometimes manages 90mW but often it just uses 120mW-180mW with no explanation i can find, this is unrelated to the modem related touch ttyUSB workaround.
<uvos> the bionic allways idles at 70mW
<uvos> pretty mutch no matter what
<tmlind> weird
<tmlind> do you have omap4-keypad loaded on bionic also?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> its needed for vol-up/down
<tmlind> ok
<tmlind> that's a big difference for the idle consumption
<uvos> ok interesting
<uvos> should we be suspending that?
<uvos> the only one keeping it open on leste is mce
<uvos> i could have mce close it
<tmlind> droid4-keypad should autoidle itself when no input
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> no need to do anything unless there's a bug
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> could it be some mismuxed line on d4?
<uvos> maybe
<tmlind> i'd suspect one of the different i2c devices
<tmlind> maybe we need to toggle gpio reset for one of them on droid4
<uvos> sure the sensors are different for instance
<tmlind> the easy way to test would be to temporarily disable them in the dts, then toggle their reset gpios vi /sys/kernel/debug
<uvos> yeah
<tmlind> i guess it could be some difference in the lcd panel too
<uvos> i doubt
<uvos> the cpcap firmware is clearly different
<uvos> on bionic i manages the button backlight for instance
<uvos> (problematic because it isent fully turned off when the mainline kernel powers down)
<tmlind> have you tried bionic fw on d4 and see if that brings down the power consumption?
<uvos> no
<tmlind> i guess there could be some config issue with the different voltage regulators on d4
<uvos> true bionic has different voltage config in android
<uvos> generaly higher tho
<tmlind> i mean the of_machine_is_compatible() different config done in arch/arm/mach-omap2/pmic-cpcap.c
<uvos> ah right
<uvos> yeah some regulators move around
<tmlind> you do have phy-cpcap-loaded or unloaded on both?
<uvos> let me check
<tmlind> that's a power hog for the serial port
<uvos> unloaded on d4
<uvos> unloaded on bionic too
<tmlind> ok
<uvos> the bionic runs from internal mmc the d4 from sdcard
<uvos> that might be some of the difference
<tmlind> yeah maybe
<uvos> to test the sensors
<uvos> should it not be enough to blacklist the drivers and then trigger a reset
<tmlind> should work
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<uvos> Wizzup: i cant install any of the libicd-provider-{tor,openvpn,wireguard}
<uvos> ERROR: requested network_type DUMMY does not exist in /system/osso/connectivity/network_type (['WLAN_ADHOC', 'WLAN_INFRA', 'GPRS'])
<uvos> tmlind: its not the keypad
<uvos> it idles the same with it blacklisted
<uvos> it = xt894
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<tmlind> ok
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<Wizzup> uvos: check @ dummy, will fix
<Wizzup> (in a few hrs)
<Wizzup> ty for trying
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<freemangordon> IIUC, for SGX 121 no quirk will be applied, but I am not really sure how SYSC_QUIRK() is supposed to work
<freemangordon> however, I would say that if THALIA_INT_BYPASS is applied to 3430, this is a bug, unless you have some access to docs that are not publicly available that describe 0xff00 - 0xffff registers in SGX address spaces
<freemangordon> also, I was not able to find anything in Nokia (fremantle) kernel that touches those addresses
<freemangordon> later on I will dump 0xff08 on fremantle while some 3d application is runnig
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<tmlind> yeah that's the quirk, no i don't have special docs, just guessing based on the earlier reference code
<tmlind> checking the sgx rev register would show if that quirk is wrongly applied to 34xx also
<tmlind> so that would be reg 0x5000fe00, and hopefully it's not 0x40000000
<freemangordon> ok, but even if sysc does not apply it, SGX driver does the same quirk
<freemangordon> unconditionally
<freemangordon> OTOH, I am not sure I grok what that quirk does
<tmlind> ok we should just leave out the sgx quirk then, the ti-sysc quirk also works for cases when there is not sgx driver
<tmlind> like the mainline kernel
<tmlind> i think it configures some interrupt routing register
<tmlind> freemangordon: so what's your ddk-1.17 kernel branch like now, do you have some reverts on the pvrsgx tree?
<tmlind> i'm still seeing crashes for omap3 with the prm sgx patch applied and no SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT
<freemangordon> I see crashes with your omap3-prm-gfx.patch
<freemangordon> applied that is
<freemangordon> so I removed it and now am trying to figure out what is wrong, besides it
<freemangordon> a057d283a8926e5f9824ae41798d41bfbbd56a0d (HEAD -> pvr-5.15) gpu: pvr: Enable runtime PM autosuspend for pvr-drv
<freemangordon> 614eb7536d3adad342b04fd1666bb3880e660dab gpu: pvr: Use PVR_LINUX_MEM_AREA_USE_VMAP to load driver properly
<freemangordon> e4e737bb5c170df6135a127739a9e6148ee3da82 (tag: v5.15-rc2) Linux 5.15-rc2
<freemangordon> 4a75f05f070785db5ffcbe21bd45b1482ef99e37 ARM: omap2plus_defconfig: Use ddk-1.17 by default
<freemangordon> b98125a4f1287bc29df93c43abe49cc661030ff4 Merge tag 'v5.15-rc2' into droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.15
<freemangordon> f7b5e1683a28c6ecb7ce3a32ba9d7c12364868e9 gpu: pvr: Drop all old ddk versions
<freemangordon> this^^^
<freemangordon> this works stable with SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT disabled
<freemangordon> SYS_USING_INTERRUPTS is enabled
<freemangordon> didn't have chance to spend time trying to find what's wrong with clocks/prcm/whatever with SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT enabled though, hopefully will have spare time during the weekend
<tmlind> ok yeah so something else is still broken somewhere
<freemangordon> mhm
<tmlind> hmm so are you saying v5.15-rc1 is not good and v5.15-rc2 must be merged in?
<freemangordon> not, I just pulled your tree
<tmlind> ok
<freemangordon> pity I didn;t have chance to play more with that, but RL job took all my time/power the last few days :)
<tmlind> that PVR_LINUX_MEM_AREA_USE_VMAP is the mystery patch as you probably noticed too
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> but I think it is of lower prio compared to PM
<tmlind> yup
<tmlind> well the sgx registers are readable after echo on > control for sgx module, so the pm should be pretty close
<tmlind> something in the pvrsgx driver code goes wrong for sgx530 somewhere
<freemangordon> my gut feeling tells me it is the kernel, not the driver :)
<freemangordon> because SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT enables only small code segments that call PM kernel functions
<tmlind> intuition is a good path to follow :)
<freemangordon> but yeah, I need to prove that by comparing fremantle kernel CM/PRCM regs with usptream when clocks are enabled
<tmlind> a shell script toggling between on and auto for the pvr sgx sysfs entry should be tested
<freemangordon> s/I need/I have to
<freemangordon> I suspect there is some small interval in which clocks are still disabled after pm_runtime_get _sync()
<freemangordon> and I plan to test that as soon as I find spare time
<freemangordon> tmlind: also, please, if you *grok* what THALIA_INT_BYPASS does, explain it to me, it seems my English is not good enough for me to understand the explanation in the TRM
<freemangordon> what is IPG register?
<tmlind> no idea, my guess it's some interrupt routing register in the target module for sgx
<freemangordon> which gets set by the driver?
<tmlind> yeah it needs to be set on enable, i think otherwise the interrupt won't trigger
<tmlind> for 36xx
<freemangordon> hmm, ok
<tmlind> on 34xx, i think the whole ocp target module registers are broken and should not be touched at all
<freemangordon> yeah, but the driver does it
<freemangordon> that might be the issue
<tmlind> for 34xx?
<freemangordon> unconditionally
<freemangordon> sec
<tmlind> ok yeah sounds like it might be a problem then, should be removed from the driver as ti-sysc does it for 36xx
<freemangordon> see EnableSGXClocksWrap()
<freemangordon> and SGX_OCP_REGS_ENABLED define in general
<tmlind> looks like toggling sgx sysfs control in a loop between on and auto works reliably btw
<freemangordon> how do you know? by reading regs from userspace?
<tmlind> afaik based on the ti-syc enable/disable tinkering a while back we should not touch the OCP regs like SYSCONFIG at all for 34xx, so SGX_OCP_REGS_ENABLED sounds like should not be set
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> but, that gets defined as soon as SYS_USING_INTERRUPTS is defines
<tmlind> yeah ok might be a problem
<tmlind> #!/bin/sh
<tmlind> while true; do echo ${module} > ${driver}/bind echo ${module} > ${driver}/unbind
<tmlind> driver="/sys/bus/platform/drivers/ti-sysc"
<tmlind> module=""
<tmlind> done
<tmlind> oh sorry bad formatting, needs to be on separate lines or needs ;
<tmlind> so actually not toggling between on and auto, but re-enabling in a loop
<freemangordon> anyway, I will spend more time on it during the weekend, if you find something in the meanwhile, please LMK
<tmlind> yeah ok, zzz time here, ttyl
<freemangordon> ttyl
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<freemangordon> oh, ok, commenting SGX_OCP_REGS_ENABLED make it work with SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT and SYS_USING_INTERRUPTS
<freemangordon> uvos: do you know how to check if SGX module is powered down?
<freemangordon> sgx_pwrdm (OFF),OFF:6,RET:0,INA:0,ON:6,RET-LOGIC-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK1-OFF:0
<freemangordon> I guess this means it is off, no?
<uvos> there is a register for it
<uvos> i dont know it by heart sorry
<uvos> omapconf can read it for omap3 (but not omap4)
<uvos> also there is the clock gating reigster in the dpll/devider section
<uvos> depends on what you mean by "off"
<freemangordon> but kernel provides all this info already, no? in /sys/kernel/debug
<uvos> er omap4 but not omap3 i mean
<uvos> freemangordon: yeah probubly
<freemangordon> ok, I'll wait tmlind to confirm
<freemangordon> lemme check clocks
<uvos> on omap4 its just more conveniant/definitive to use omapconf most of the time
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<freemangordon> clk_enable_count is 0
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> so I am almost sure SGX is powered down
<uvos> know what cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/ it is?
<freemangordon> /sys/kernel/debug/clk/sgx_fck
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> and /sys/kernel/debug/clk/sgx_ick
<uvos> check the idle blockers PMI-CM2 in omap4 TRM
<freemangordon> while glmark runs clocks enable count changes to 1
<freemangordon> and sgx_pwrdm (ON),OFF:7,RET:0,INA:0,ON:8,RET-LOGIC-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK1-OFF:0
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<uvos> sounds like it works yeah
<freemangordon> mhm
<uvos> the way they made register adresses unsearchable in the TRM is evil
<freemangordon> this is with SUPPORT_ACTIVE_POWER_MANAGEMENT and SYS_USING_INTERRUPTS enabled
<uvos> great
<uvos> what was the problem?
<uvos> net
<uvos> neat
<freemangordon> pvr driver touching OCP registers
<uvos> also know why vbo underperforms on omap4?
<freemangordon> it should not with SYS_USING_INTERRUPTS enabled
<freemangordon> define "underperforms"
<uvos> 2 fps
<freemangordon> last time I tried it is was > 100 fps
<freemangordon> oh
<freemangordon> then SYS_USING_INTERRUPTS is disabled
<freemangordon> it behaves the same on n900 with SYS_USING_INTERRUPTS disabled
<uvos> ok but only on -drm
<freemangordon> yeah
<uvos> works fine on wayland
<freemangordon> same on n900
<uvos> perf wise
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> but, we must have SYS_USING_INTERRUPTS enabled
<uvos> ok ill check tomorrow
<uvos> for omap4 kernel
<freemangordon> I should also pester tmlind to fix tiler patch to not break omap3
<freemangordon> but anyway, this is great progress
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> neat
<freemangordon> and I think I deserve some rest :D
<uvos> good work :)
<freemangordon> yeah. good night!
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