not sure if tiler currently gets used at all, it was used with ddk-1.9
on train and mostly offline the weekend fyi
not much of a difference with fps between portrait and landscape mode on sway at least i recall
glmark2 Score: 25
n900 this is
in xorg, now checking with -drm
at some point please also check difference between portrait and landscape, would be interesting to know :)
no need, it is huge
modesetting does SW rotation ;)
glmark2 Score: 36
this is -drm
hmm, why such a big difference?
if fb is rotated and xorg is rotated?
no, native orientation
36 is glmark drm
25 is glmark xorg
well, this is with 'my' glamor
have to check with upstream, but I doubt it will be better
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parazyd: are we ready to move wireguard and tor to non-devel? I think there's testing the ipv4 change I made, and then if your wg package is fine
Looking at repodiff, there's a bunch
also modest and the dependencies, connui changes for providers (I think), libhildonmime, some calendar stuff, osso-xterm, some more
maybe repodiff can say if the package exists at all in any form or now
or not
oh it's bash
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Wizzup: There's something new in reprepro I want to test
Wizzup: Are you in a hurry to migrate?
Because we m
hmm, not in a particular hurry, but I'd like to have stuff in stable before we publish the news post
Because we might be able to promote packages now without rebuilding.
that'd be cool to test
let me know if/how I can help
Maybe have a fresh vm without devel ready
And update it fully before
I need to have breakfast and then gonna look into reprepro
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Wizzup: btw. there is no need to build l10n packages for devel
Wizzup: You can always build them for stable