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<parazyd> Wizzup, freemangordon: The newpid issue is something happening on arm but I haven't had time to investigate it well enough.
<freemangordon> parazyd: ok, but it prevents new glib from entering the repos
<freemangordon> what about disabling ADT temporarily?
<freemangordon> just to build the package?
<parazyd> What I usually did is remove/rename the tests directory in the repo.
<freemangordon> shall I do that for glib and retry?
<freemangordon> Also, isn't it better to spend some CPU cycles trying to find why the issue?
<parazyd> AIUI it's a kernel issue and I've no time to dig into that at the moment. It's also not easy to reproduce by hand.
<parazyd> So yeah, temporarily do that for glib, and at some point later we can figure it out.
<freemangordon> parazyd: SIGBUS doesn;t look like kernel issue to me
<freemangordon> but ok, I'll rename test directory
<parazyd> I'm pretty sure it's kernel related, because we had the same issue before on the same arm64 machines that Wizzup and I had, and they were the same rootfs.
<freemangordon> ok
<parazyd> Only difference was the kernel. And because of this it worked on one device, but not on the other.
<parazyd> Didn't manage to trace the exact setting.
<freemangordon> renaming tests/control should be enough, right?
<parazyd> I think the entire tests directory is safer.
<freemangordon> ok
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<Wizzup> parazyd: so I tried newpid on the host raspi and it worked fine
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<Wizzup> I would still recommend building glib on the pinephone just to check
<Wizzup> uvos: so I think sigmakey also provides access to some customer only firmware download place
<Wizzup> uvos: if we're really lucky we might find the firmware you've been looking for there
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<dgamer69> is this devuan mobile?
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<Wizzup> dgamer69: hi
<Wizzup> this is maemo 5 (a mobile os that has existed since ~2010 or so), built on top of devuan
<dgamer69> hi
<dgamer69> that's really cool
<Wizzup> how did you find us if I may ask
<dgamer69> I asked in the devuan irc
<Wizzup> ah, cool :p
<dgamer69> yeah! I might try nd install this on my linux phone, when it eventually ships
<Wizzup> which one is that?
<dgamer69> the f(x)tec pro 1 x
<dgamer69> idk if it will work though
<Wizzup> oh, cool. parazyd has mine and was going to look at a port
<Wizzup> we do't have a port yet
<Wizzup> don't*
<dgamer69> ooooh
<dgamer69> but there might be something in the works?
<Wizzup> just to set expectations, we support a few devices atm and are working on making the os usable as every day driver on those
<Wizzup> until we hit that we might not spend -too- much time on porting
<dgamer69> gotcha
<Wizzup> we'd be happy to help you try, though ;)
<dgamer69> what kind of mobile desktop enviroment deos it use
<dgamer69> I saw something that looked kinda funny on the screenshots
<dgamer69> oh and I could help report bugs
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<Wizzup> dgamer69: maemo is based on hildon
<Wizzup> or uses hildon, really
<dgamer69> what's hildon
<dgamer69> that looks really dated
<dgamer69> it looks like ios 5
<dgamer69> is it a good user experience?
<freemangordon> well, it looks like hildon :)
<Wizzup> we think so
<Wizzup> it's not like android/os
<Wizzup> it's not like android/ios
<dgamer69> okay
<Wizzup> funny that the hildon page actually doesn't have a proper maemo5 hildon screenshot
<dgamer69> well, I'm interested to try it at least
<freemangordon> Wizzup: it used to have
<Wizzup> well now it shows pmos :p
<freemangordon> dgamer69: this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maemo
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<Wizzup> right, the news post :)
<freemangordon> mhm
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: I had power outage again, so, what has happened with glib?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: build passed, -repos did not because of udeb stuff
<Wizzup> uvos: got the compass app somewhere?
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<freemangordon> oh, maybe I should have removed udeb stuff from debian/control too
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: probably
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<_uvos_> hi
<_uvos_> so redgarding sphone sms
<_uvos_> im fine with either improving it and adding other protocolls or replacing it with another app
<_uvos_> if this other app becomes maemo specific i would like to keep the sms subsystem at least in its current state so that sphone on plain debain etc remains with sms support of some kind
<_uvos_> but we could just add a cmd line switch to sphone that disables rining on sms and remove the desktop file from the leste package
<Wizzup> _uvos_: so I'm planning to make a separate program for sms/conversations that uses tp, so disabling sms in sphone could work
<Wizzup> regarding it being maemo specific or not, I don't think it has to be, but some of it might be, but we could maybe make it possible to disable
<Wizzup> I'm aiming for telepathy though, not ofono
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<Wizzup> baw
<Wizzup> also, now that I found out that just running some simple telepathy-python program keeps telepathy-ring alive, I should see if that helps with audio routing on n900 (since then tp will be avail)
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<Wizzup> _uvos_: I replied wrt sms, can you check logs
<_uvos_> and no fremangordon i dont like the interdependance
<Wizzup> catching up with the logs I see :)
<_uvos_> Wizzup ok id like to keep something that works on plain ofono
<_uvos_> but yeah adding disableing is no issue
<_uvos_> wrt working on sphone
<_uvos_> sure if you like
<_uvos_> my next task would be to look into moduloarizing it a bit
<_uvos_> but rn i am working on removing gconf interfaces from stuff that talks to mce
<_uvos_> or rather gconf interface usage
<Wizzup> what interfaces are that?
<Wizzup> btw, does your bionic still boot with latest kernel
<_uvos_> 5.15? no idea the bionic i only use with leste
<Wizzup> I mean latest leste-devel kernel
<_uvos_> i think so
<Wizzup> I think whatever broke my d3 also broke my bionic
<_uvos_> ill try when i get home
<Wizzup> hmm let me check again
<_uvos_> accutally i think i run my own branch on it
<_uvos_> so maybe leste kern is broken
<Wizzup> _uvos_: ok, also I was wondering about the compass app, got a repo somewhere?
<Wizzup> and finally, I ordered the sigma key
<Wizzup> I hope to get it this week
<_uvos_> those
<_uvos_> Wizzup no but i can post it to git
<Wizzup> do those get used by other applications?
<_uvos_> yes
<_uvos_> most anyhow
<_uvos_> nothing uses als_diables
<_uvos_> *disabled
<_uvos_> the incoveniant thing with gconf genneraly on maemo is that they used it as ipc as well as config
<Wizzup> gconf as ipc is used in quite some places I think
<_uvos_> yeah
<Wizzup> same is true for many status applets
<_uvos_> so now mce has dbus getter and setter methods for all of these
<Wizzup> ok, but what about our other apps?
<_uvos_> and im slowly replacing it
<Wizzup> also, doesn't it make sense to keep this in gconf?
<_uvos_> in other apps
<Wizzup> it sounds sane to me
<_uvos_> id like all external interfaces to be dbus only
<_uvos_> config store then can be perfomed by gconf
<Wizzup> those are not stateful, so you cannot change the values when mce is not running
<Wizzup> uh so it would still be gconf backed but it would ignore changes?
<Wizzup> (made directly to gconf)
<_uvos_> no
<_uvos_> so there is a slectable backend
<_uvos_> gconf/ini/or gsettings
<_uvos_> chaning the key there updates the value
<_uvos_> and there are dbus methods
<Wizzup> ah, ok, so for maemo things wouldn't necessarily change
<_uvos_> well yes
<_uvos_> becuase i will be dropping the gconf backend
<Wizzup> not for the maemo build I hope
<_uvos_> and porting the applets to dbus
<_uvos_> sure ofc
<_uvos_> gconf needs to go
<Wizzup> we need to migrate to gsettings when we move to the next debian iiuc
<_uvos_> right but for mce (as its allways running and system global) dbus makes more sense
<Wizzup> ok, but I don'
<Wizzup> 't think it makes sense to break the interface just because, but uw, we'll see
<Wizzup> s/uw/uh/
<_uvos_> its not just because
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<dgamer69> I am back
<Wizzup> dgamer69: 18:36 < freemangordon> dgamer69: this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maemo
<Wizzup> _uvos_: so on my bionic:
<Wizzup> gzip: invalid magic
<Wizzup> rmmod: can't unload module 'board_mapphone_emu_uart': No such file or directory
<Wizzup> Could not uncompress initrd.gz
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<Wizzup> [...]
<Wizzup> [ 25.625549] ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00007f00 ]---
<_uvos__> porting to gesettings is equvalent effort
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<Wizzup> sh: exec: line 1: /init: not found
<Wizzup> hmm let me dig in some more
<_uvos__> porting to dbus removes a dependancy on gome tech
<_uvos__> that tends to be unstable over time
<Wizzup> _uvos__: ok, nvm for now wrt bionic not working I think
<_uvos__> also gives plain debain/ini config an interface to this stuff
<Wizzup> sure but it breaks existing interfaces, but this is a conversation we've had many many times in similar forms :P
<_uvos__> porting to gesettings is equvalent effort :P
<Wizzup> if nothing uses the gconf interface beyond our cp applet then it's fine
<Wizzup> but I am pretty sure maemo.org/packages has quite some that use it
<bencoh> I'm pretty sure a lot of things use gconf
<_uvos__> maybe but either way with new debain version
<bencoh> (as in, I know for sure)
<_uvos__> gconf is not an option
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<bencoh> what do you mean by dbus btw? does it have some kind of configuration thing?
<_uvos__> no the interface to change display brightniss is just now a dbus method
<_uvos__> not a gconf key
<bencoh> ah
<_uvos__> mce stores the value elswhere
<Wizzup> gconf currently is being used and it is an option, and we could replace all gconf usage with gsettings in the future, it is a possible path
<_uvos__> (either ini file or gconf atm)
<Wizzup> specifically for disabling/enabling the leds I think gconf also maskes sense since it is a static setting
<_uvos__> sure it dose
<Wizzup> oh
<_uvos__> and it will also be on gsettings once you implement a rtconf backent for gsettings
<Wizzup> I missed the other statement
<Wizzup> ok, it'd just be nice if changing the values via gconf would still work
<Wizzup> (or later gsettings)
* Wizzup back to doing stuff
<_uvos__> Wizzup: wrt the fw no way thay have it
<_uvos__> mz617 isent even unlockable
<_uvos__> so why would they have anything on it
<Wizzup> they allow unlocking locked bootloaders in some devices, but not for those I think
<Wizzup> it does list mz605
<Wizzup> but that might not be close
<Wizzup> yeah looks like that is qcom
<Wizzup> _uvos__: maybe, they seem to make a living out of this stuff though
<bencoh> wait, what is this magical device
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<Wizzup> bencoh: do you mean sigmakey?
<bencoh> yeah
<Wizzup> sigmakey is sw, but it requires a hw dongle to use
<bencoh> I'm not certain I really understand what it is supposed to do
<Wizzup> repair IMEI, unlock devices, reset lock counters, root any android in existing, etc etc
<Wizzup> I think it's mostly meant for phone repair shops
<Wizzup> but I got it to unlock my droid 3's
<Wizzup> but since it mostly works over usb, I was hoping I could get usbip to work
<Wizzup> (so we can do it remotely too)
<Wizzup> I think it also has unlock code calc just based on IMEI depending on the device (should work for d3)
<_uvos__> oh did you buy it allready
<_uvos__> ?
<Wizzup> yes
<_uvos__> ah
<Wizzup> I ordered it yesterday night
<_uvos__> did it work
<_uvos__> oh ok
<Wizzup> still waiting on dhl
<_uvos__> ok
<Wizzup> anyway I'm not advertising it, it just seemed like a useful thing to have in the end
<Wizzup> _uvos__: wrt my bionic, nvm for now
<_uvos__> ok good
<_uvos__> side note particularly egregious usage of gconf as ipc: the slider state is only exposed on a gconf key on leste
<_uvos__> that i also added a dbus interface to mce for
<Wizzup> makes sense
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<Wizzup> _uvos___: lmk when you're home btw
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<Wizzup> uvos: I resolved my d3 problem
<Wizzup> I upgraded the kernel but forgot that the new modules would not work with the older zImage I manually copied
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<_uvos_> Wizzup: heh
<Wizzup> yeah.
<Wizzup> well that's good news
<_uvos_> yeah
<_uvos_> so have you got it booting kexecboot yet?
<Wizzup> no, but that will be one of the next step(s)
<Wizzup> (I didn't try yet, so no fail to report either)
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<Wizzup> dgamer69: welcome back
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<freemangordon> kona_: did you manage to package modest-providers?
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<uvos> Wizzup: im home
<uvos> what do you want?
<Wizzup> ah
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<kona_> freemangordon: not yet, could work on it tonight.
<kona_> oh, wow, i'm unverified.
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<kona> perhaps nickserv is happy now
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