<Wizzup> yeah could be binfmt reg
<Wizzup> where does
<Wizzup> this come from: /wrapper/amd64-divert.sh
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<freemangordon> on n900, glmark2 Score: 24, using 3d blit
<freemangordon> will try with 2d blit, to see if there will be any difference
<Wizzup> freemangordon: from the targetfs, which device do we want
<Wizzup> ti443x ?
<Wizzup> or do you want to different ones for the n900?
<Wizzup> e.g. ti343x
<freemangordon> yes, we want different ones per device
<freemangordon> d4 - 443x
<freemangordon> n900 - 343x
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> so there's headers, shared objects, ahd maybe pvrsrvinit (although you said we don't need it)
<freemangordon> we don;t need the headers from there
<freemangordon> only libs
<freemangordon> headers are mesa headers
<freemangordon> no, everything comes from mesa
<freemangordon> besides blobs and SGX specific headers
<Wizzup> or shall we just make it sgx-ddk-1.17-443x-libs
<freemangordon> yes
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> we need only the blobs from that repo
<Wizzup> ok, but -
<Wizzup> please let me know which blobs we don't want
<freemangordon> IOW:
<freemangordon> we want only those with 1.17.xxxxxx in the name
<Wizzup> ok, so we don't want libEGL
<freemangordon> no
<Wizzup> and no libgdm
<freemangordon> comes from mesa ;)
<Wizzup> ok, that's clear
<Wizzup> ty
<Wizzup> isually libGLES_CM also comes from mesa :p
<Wizzup> oh actually that does also come from mesa here
<Wizzup> juts libGLES_v1_PVR_MESA does not
<freemangordon> yes
<Wizzup> ok, so I will make -dev have the stuff in targetfs/ti443x/include and targetfs/ti443x/lib/pkgconfig
<Wizzup> do you want the drirc.d packaged anywhere? I guess nit part of this
<Wizzup> s/nit/not/
<freemangordon> no
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> easy
<freemangordon> re -dev:
<Wizzup> I'll start with this
<lel> MerlijnWajer created a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste/sdx-ddk-um
<freemangordon> we don't want anything from here, besides libpvr2d.so, for example
<Wizzup> I don't undenrstand what you mean, there is no pkg-config or specific header for it there
<Wizzup> oh, right, the gl/khr headers also come from mesa
<freemangordon> yes, you shall create one (pkg-config)
<freemangordon> but, headers in -dev package (an maybe libs) are those I pushed yesterday in omap-vide
<lel> MerlijnWajer renamed a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste/sgx-ddk-um
<freemangordon> and they are not device specific
<Wizzup> freemangordon: those are shared for device?
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> yes
<Wizzup> well let me get blobs packaged first
<Wizzup> then I will worry about libpvr2d and -dev and headers from omap ddx
<freemangordon> ok, but do not include .so files, besides libpvr_dri_support.so
<freemangordon> hmm, hmm
<freemangordon> scratch that
<Wizzup> I don't understand - you don't want the symlinks?
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> I think .so symlinks belong to -dev package
<freemangordon> not .so.1, but .so only
<freemangordon> but I am not sure what links to what
<Wizzup> $ ls -lsh targetfs/ti443x/lib/libglslcompiler.so
<Wizzup> 4.0K lrwxrwxrwx 1 merlijn merlijn 31 Nov 14 10:37 targetfs/ti443x/lib/libglslcompiler.so -> libglslcompiler.so.1.17.4948957
<Wizzup> $ ls -lsh targetfs/ti443x/lib/libglslcompiler.so.1
<Wizzup> 4.0K lrwxrwxrwx 1 merlijn merlijn 31 Nov 14 10:37 targetfs/ti443x/lib/libglslcompiler.so.1 -> libglslcompiler.so.1.17.4948957
<freemangordon> and for sure we need libpvr_dri_support.so in binary package
<freemangordon> links are clear
<Wizzup> > 10:54 < freemangordon> and for sure we need libpvr_dri_support.so in binary package
<freemangordon> yes, because pvr_dri dload()'s it
<Wizzup> I was going to include it anyway per your instructions to include *.so*1.17*
<Wizzup> oh right
<Wizzup> I see now, symlink wise
<freemangordon> mhm
<Wizzup> shall I just do all then
<Wizzup> I think it makes more sense than special casing
<freemangordon> yes, better do
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> also, make sure that every binary package you build provides sgx-ddk-um and sgx-ddk-um-1.17.4948957 (for example)
<freemangordon> so that -dev package deps to sgx-ddk-um-1.17.4948957 and (maybe) omap-video deps to sgx-ddk-um to be satisfied nop matter the device package installed
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<Wizzup> ok, I'll try
<Wizzup> both src/pvr/hwdefs/ and src/pvr/include4/ - do you want them in /usr/include/sgx/ or something?
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<freemangordon> hmm, seems 2d blit is faster
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: not sure, see how is kernel tree
<freemangordon> we better follow it
<Wizzup> kernel tree?
<freemangordon> TBH, this -dev package shall come from the kernel build
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<freemangordon> yes, headers kome from PVR kernel driver
<freemangordon> *come
<freemangordon> sec
<freemangordon> not sure if all kernel headers shall be packaged
<freemangordon> but we already have something similar, so maybe check how it is packaged there
<freemangordon> have to run, ttyl
<Wizzup> ok, pvr-omap4 doesn't have these headers at least (our old droid4 ddk pkg)
<freemangordon> we have some pvr ddx
<freemangordon> for omap3?
<freemangordon> not ddx, but blobs
<freemangordon> for omap3 I think there is a package with headers
<freemangordon> ttyl
<freemangordon> but again, I think -dev shall come from kernel build
<bencoh> Wizzup: I included a copy of the -divert scripts at the end of that notes file
<Wizzup> ah..
<Wizzup> # cat /wrapper/amd64-divert.sh
<Wizzup> cat: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<Wizzup> looks like it's propertly hosed now
<Wizzup> heh
<bencoh> hm
<bencoh> you should setup the lib folders first though :]
<Wizzup> if you mean the amd64 symlinks, I did that already
<Wizzup> the dash divert did something to my lib paths it looks like
<bencoh> hmm ... if you want you can probably try that version http://bencoh.notk.org/maemo/maemo-leste-armhf-lxc-crossbuilder.tar.xz
<bencoh> it's slightly old and probably misses a few optimizations
<bencoh> (ie a few diverts)
<bencoh> well, diverting dash means dash is now amd64
<Wizzup> maybe I just need to restart the shell
<Wizzup> # lxc-attach maemo-leste-armhf
<Wizzup> /bin/bash: error while loading shared libraries: libtinfo.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<bencoh> yeah, something's missing then
<bencoh> I remember having that error back when I started
<bencoh> you know what, maybe I should try building one from scratch again
<Wizzup> would appreciate i t
<Wizzup> I was going to use it to try the mesa packaging mostly, but I'll do the pvr ddk stuff first
<bencoh> duh, my laptop (host) is running debian, and looks like upgrading to stable messed with the devuan keys again ... that's sill
* dreamer running updates
<dreamer> heuhm. the d4 just decided to reboot ..
<Wizzup> if you haven't upgraded in a long time, that's an old issue that's hopefully solved
<bencoh> hmm, I'll have to update the devuan repositories btw
<dreamer> month or two at most
<dreamer> hmm
<dreamer> The following packages have been kept back: hildon-meta
<dreamer> have we moved to chimaera yet?
<Wizzup> dreamer: try dist-upgrade wrt meta
<Wizzup> wrt chimaera no, that's a while out I think
<dreamer> yes, thnx
<dreamer> yeah just checking
<dreamer> do I need to restart hildon now?
<Wizzup> I don't think so if it was just the meta
<Wizzup> but you could I guess
<dreamer> is there an idea how to fix the annoying charge notification *woosh*? it randomly keeps doing that :#
<dreamer> I'm on silent profile
<Wizzup> on silent profile it should not make that noise, and no, if it is fully charged it will feel switching between discharging and charging atm
<Wizzup> s/feel/keep/
<dreamer> I hear all desktop sounds/notifications
<Wizzup> maybe a reboot is in order them, uvos changed the gconf keys for those
<Wizzup> s/them/then/ more coffee
<dreamer> hmm. ok :)
<dreamer> still wooshing and notifying
<dreamer> I guess I'll just mute the audio then
<Wizzup> weird, I don't have this problem on mine
<Wizzup> maybe it's a -devel thing (not sure)
<dreamer> are there any recommended build flags for the d4?
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<Wizzup> dreamer: for what in particular
<dreamer> I want to build gl4es :)
<dreamer> it uses cmake
<Wizzup> is it not in -extras ?
<dreamer> oh hey, indeed it is
<dreamer> Version: 1.1.4-1+2m7.4
<dreamer> didn't expect that somehow. thnx parazyd ;)
<dreamer> (saw he packaged it hehe)
<Wizzup> yeah we worked on it a long time ago
<Wizzup> still, maybe check debian/rules and see if it uses the right flags/defines
<Wizzup> iirc gl4es can be quite device specific
<dreamer> yeah it has all kinds of tweaks
<dreamer> but some things you can overload with envvars
<Wizzup> looks like we're quite a bit behind on upstream too
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<dreamer> yeah, although on latest release
<dreamer> loading it in LD_LIBRARY_PATH seems to work though :)
<dreamer> hard to test (using pd+Gem) if it works properly though
<dreamer> is there an easy way to fullscreen applications? ie `alt+f11` on typical xorg
<dreamer> ah, libgl is automatically overloaded already. well the testpatch I got from buZz is super smooth :)
<buZz> dreamer: alt+f11 isnt xorg specific, just something common in different window managers
<dreamer> ja ok
<dreamer> but it's "typical" shortcut
<buZz> hmhm
<dreamer> something like it for hildon would be nice
<dreamer> <shift><ctrl>f maybe?
<dreamer> and lol @ `hildon-dekstop`
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<buZz> hmm, does hildon-connectivity-wlan now depend on libicd-network-wpasupplicant-dbus-n900 ?
<Wizzup> might depend on the device?
<buZz> maybe ..
<buZz> seems i have a flaky install now
<Wizzup> d4?
<buZz> 'sudo reboot' seems to not reboot my d4 , or at least take a very long time to do so
<Wizzup> are you on -devel?
<buZz> yeah, and just installed a bunch of updates from apt
<freemangordon> n900, glmark2 Score: 28 :D
<freemangordon> and, this is with close-to-zero CPU load
<buZz> nice :)
<freemangordon> -drm is 37
<buZz> ah, after a long time it -does- reboot
<buZz> wonder if its just some watchdog triggering :P
<Wizzup> freemangordon: amazing
<Wizzup> buZz: watchdog kicks in quickly
<Wizzup> buZz: I have the same problem on devel kernel, there is some oops perhaps
<Wizzup> I wouldn't bother with it right now since we will go to 5.15 momentarily
<dreamer> indeed `hildon-connectivity-wlan` seems to be upgradable but won't
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<bencoh> Wizzup: well, got the same issue
<bencoh> I guess I forgot something there ...
<bencoh> (diverting dash breaks everything)
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> thanks for looking into it
<bencoh> I wonder if I patched the loader as well and forgot about it
<bencoh> Wizzup: ln -s /amd64/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/
<bencoh> looks like this is enough
<bencoh> hmm, yeah, I had that link in my previous container as well
<bencoh> my bad :(
<Wizzup> ok, I'll retry in a bit again
<Wizzup> thanks
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<tmlind> freemangordon: so do you want me to apply omap3 prm patch and your posted omapdrm and sgx patches into droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.15?
<freemangordon> yes
<tmlind> ok
<freemangordon> thanks
<freemangordon> it seems omapdrm will need more patches, for example it refuses to export dma (not cma) allocated memory
<freemangordon> IOW-if a buffer is not contiguous or tiled, omapdrm will not export it
<freemangordon> I don't see the reason for that, it will be perfectly valid do construct scatterlist and provide it to the importer
<freemangordon> if importer can handle non-contiguous memory is out of scope of omapdrm, no?
<tmlind> yeah i guess
<tmlind> so two sgx fixes and one omapdrm fix for now?
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> and I am yet to touch VRFB :D
<freemangordon> tmlind: I think I found a way to allocate TILER buffers through GBM
<tmlind> ok, will apply, then we can update again later based on comments etc
<tmlind> oh cool
<freemangordon> it will need omapdrm patch ofc
<freemangordon> gbm has 3 flags to set a BO format:
<freemangordon> so, my idea is - if GBM_BO_USE_LINEAR is not provided, allocate TILER buffer
<freemangordon> desription of this flag is : "Buffer is linear, i.e. not tiled."
<freemangordon> so, if it is not set, allocate tiled buffer
<freemangordon> does that make sense to you?
<freemangordon> or on the opposite
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<tmlind> yeah ok, not that i know much about it at all, but sounds like at least worth trying that :)
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<bencoh> freemangordon: in your opnion who is supposed to set the LINEAR flag then?
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<tmlind> freemangordon: pushed out updated droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.15 to github with stable v5.15.2 merged in
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<uvos> dreamer: system sounds should be slient on the silent profile
<uvos> (and works for me)
<uvos> also i did not change anything about this, they where always part of the profile and not related to gconf
<uvos> if it dosent work, please changing the volume of the sounds in settings->profile->general
<uvos> maybe your silent profile is broken some how
<uvos> please share your profile.ini if this works but silent dose not
<uvos> Wizzup: dont forget to binary patch the blobs for old libc
<dsc_> uvos: Re: QML performance; you previously said something like "opengl copies the whole buffer each time" <-- is this a software/driver issue or just how QML works, thus it will never perform well on older hardware?
<uvos> driver issue
<dsc_> gotcha
<uvos> but not sure if qml will ever be fast on n900
<uvos> its pretty resource intensive either way
<uvos> maybe try it
<bencoh> qt4/qml on n900 (fremantle) wasn't exactly fast, but it was bearable for most apps
<uvos> yeah but he is writing the conversations ui
<bencoh> (except that it kept the device awake way more that it should)
<uvos> this will probubly allways be in ram
<uvos> so not sure if its a good idea
<uvos> needs profileing first
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<bencoh> in that case, I'd rather not use qml, yeah
<dsc_> QtWidgets would be most performant but am time limited atm
<bencoh> (unless for stuff limited to UI only)
<uvos> rather than dissmissing it out of hand i think checking it out make sense
<uvos> performance wise
<uvos> qt5 should be a bit better than 4
<uvos> if the qt company is to be belived
<uvos> perf wise
<dsc_> yeah some QML performance changes between the minor versions too
<dsc_> we're on 5.11
<dsc_> thats somewhat recent
<dsc_> anyway, for now this is just a MVP
<bencoh> well, if they fixed the idling (or lack of) issues, then it might be worth a try yeah
<bencoh> (and/or if it doesn't impact our usecase)
<uvos> yeah def check for if it idles well
<uvos> if not thats k.o.
<dsc_> ill keep business logic on the C++ side so switching out the renderer is not a huge undertaking :P
<bencoh> :)
<bencoh> if you really follow MVP I guess one could always replace the QML parts with 'native' qt bit by bit once it works anyway, assuming we feel the need to
<dsc_> MVC you mean? Yeah something like that. Not going to claim I am an expert in C++/Qt, more of an UI person, but yeah switching to QtWidgets wont be as painful
<dsc_> ive been on projects where most business logic is in QML
<dsc_> so you can never drop it for something else unless you rewrite everything
<bencoh> yeah I've seen such apps
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<dreamer> uvos: hmm. I'll have to try that indeed
<dreamer> uvos: made a new profile with all sounds turned off -> still hear the woosh
<dreamer> no wait, it keeps switching back to General
<dreamer> yeah ok, if I turn everything off in General profile it's silent
<dreamer> the problem is that it doesn't save the profile change. it just resets back to General
<uvos> how are you changing profiles?
<dreamer> `Settings > Profiles`
<dreamer> select one. done?
<uvos> dreamer: that dosent change prfiles
<uvos> your just selecting one to edit
<dreamer> then how?
<uvos> click the battery item
<uvos> *icon
<uvos> in the status bar
<uvos> and change it in hildon-status-menu
<dreamer> oh derp
<uvos> or open the power menu
<dreamer> I haven't been on maemo for too long -_-
<uvos> and click silent there
<uvos> profilesx is a bit wierd yeha
<uvos> but thats works as intended
<dreamer> yeah, sorry
<dreamer> what is "power menu"?
<dreamer> bbl, food
<uvos> the one where you switch off the deive
<uvos> *device
<uvos> also has a "silent" that changes the profile
<dreamer> ah yes
<dreamer> ok, check. gotta re-learn old habbits (or rather: I set my maemo profile once ~decade ago and never changed it. I hate all forms of notification sounds and vibrations)
<sicelo> or you can do it via dbus if you don't mind the long string (setting silent ... unless things work differently now)
<sicelo> dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=com.nokia.profiled /com/nokia/profiled com.nokia.profiled.set_profile string:"silent"
<uvos> that should also work yeah
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<sicelo> freemangordon: there's a Lucas Fryzek in the openpvrsgx ml. i wonder if he also would have some insight for anything you still need :-)
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<Wizzup> uvos: freemangordon says we do not need bin patching with mesa
<uvos> parazyd: Wizzup: in what pacakge are the maemo icons?
<uvos> im particularly looking for the sms/phone icon
<Wizzup> themes?
<uvos> to use with sphone outside of maemo
<uvos> oh ok
<Wizzup> try dpkg -S filepath
<uvos> i dont know the filepath either :P
<uvos> Wizzup: are you sure i had to patch some for use with chromeos mesa
<Wizzup> he told me irl just now
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> we'll see I guess
<uvos> wierd
<uvos> https://github.com/IMbackK/pvr-omap4 these are the exact blobs i use, you can diff arm-linux-gnueabihf-untainted and arm-linux-gnueabihf to see what i had to patch
<uvos> there are deff. some glibc symbol version tags in there that are newer than ours
<uvos> so no idea how that should work
<Wizzup> do you use the zeus ranch?
<Wizzup> branch*
<uvos> its ti-img-sgx/zeus/1.17.494857 @ 551665bf9c321bc3e7721416e6ebbc9f65c18155
<uvos> *ti-img-sgx/zeus/1.17.4948957
<uvos> actually those 2 branches share a head
<Wizzup> we use a different one I think
<Wizzup> fmg does at least
<uvos> ok
<uvos> that explains it
<Wizzup> fmg told me to use 1.17.4948957-next
<uvos> that dident exist last time i fetched
<uvos> looks like
<uvos> we asked someone to rebuild agains older glibc some time ago
<uvos> maybe they finaly did :P
<Wizzup> hehe
<freemangordon> no, they didn;t
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<freemangordon> it is just that blobs that depend on newer glibc are replaced by the ones we have in MESA
<Wizzup> right
<freemangordon> that's why it is so fast ;)
<uvos> freemangordon: except thats not true objdump -T libglslcompiler.so.1.17.4948957
<uvos> GLIBC_2.29 pow
<uvos> this is for 551665bf9c321bc3e7721416e6ebbc9f65c18155
<freemangordon> hmm, is it?
<uvos> ofc -next might differ
<freemangordon> I doubt
<freemangordon> well, my bad then
<freemangordon> btu at least we shall not LD_PRELOAD anythibng
<uvos> yeah
<freemangordon> *anything
<uvos> because pvr_dri is fine
<freemangordon> mhm
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<freemangordon> so, omap_pvr_drv.so is what I am now REing into 1.17
<uvos> sgx accell plugin for -video-omap?
<freemangordon> yes, this is what d4 uses with ddk 1.9
<uvos> wel no
<freemangordon> wel,, yes
<uvos> because its compiled against old xorg api
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ah
<uvos> hmm it dosent load
<freemangordon> no, this is not pvr_drv.so
<freemangordon> ah
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ./usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/omap_pvr_drv.so
<freemangordon> well, no idea then
<freemangordon> Wizzup: yes, I know
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> uvos: may I see Xorg.log from d4 with ddk 1.9?
<uvos> yes ofc
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<freemangordon> oh, maybe you are right
<freemangordon> well, I have no idea then
<uvos> so what dose omap_pvr_drv.so contain that we need?
<uvos> /want
<freemangordon> Failed to load module "omap_pvr" (module does not exist, 0)
<uvos> yeah
<freemangordon> how does it rotate then?
<uvos> tiler
<uvos> that part works for sure
<uvos> you can see it in debugfs
<freemangordon> not with 1.17
<uvos> sure
<uvos> i mean in ddk1.9
<freemangordon> why?
<uvos> why what?
<uvos> why dose it work
<uvos> no idea :D
<freemangordon> yes, why does it work and why it doen;t with 1.17
<uvos> i dont know
<freemangordon> are you sure we don;t have some omapdrm pacthes with 1.9 kernel?
<uvos> maybe it uses one of the ioctls omapdrm ioctls shiped with the sgx kernel driver removed in ddk1.14
<uvos> sure the ddk1.9 has omapdrm patches
<freemangordon> hmm
<freemangordon> which tree is that?
<uvos> so tmlind allways claims (this is why he wanted to drop this version for new kernels, since omapdrm changed lots over time)
<uvos> sec
<uvos> i gues you should diff the drm driver folder
<freemangordon> this is for ddk 1.17
<uvos> no
<uvos> v5.10 also still has ddk1.9
<uvos> and ddk1.17 too
<freemangordon> we have the same patches in 5.15
<freemangordon> uvos: so, this^^^ is the tree on d4?
<uvos> yes
<uvos> well no we patch it more
<freemangordon> hmmm
<uvos> but this is where we get the ddk1.9 from
<freemangordon> but no omapdrm patches, right?
<uvos> we dont patch any gpu/ stuff after this
<uvos> no
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> weird
<freemangordon> ok
<uvos> tmlind: ^^^^^
<uvos> he should know
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<uvos> github search is really fustratingly bad
<uvos> like you can copy a string from the file your looking at into the search and have it search "this repository" and it wont find the string
<uvos> like how can you even manage to fail this badly
<Wizzup> yeah
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<tmlind> hmm so what part of the old ddk-1.9 hacks are you guys missing? hopefully none..
<freemangordon> tmlind: no idea, but somehow rotation works without my TILER fixes
<tmlind> heh
<uvos> really some detail on what these hacks entail might help
<freemangordon> mhm
<tmlind> well should we revert some of the hacks then?
<uvos> tmlind: some pointers as to what commits contain these hacks i think is in order
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<freemangordon> tmlind: how to know, without knowing what those hacks are :)
<tmlind> heh right :)
<freemangordon> building 5.15.2 ATM
<tmlind> well we could add a comment saying "acceleration with rotation works mysteriously" :)
<freemangordon> tmlind: it is not about acceleration
<tmlind> ah right just tiler rotation?
<freemangordon> mhm
<tmlind> could it be the sgx code just masks in the rotation bit to the address to change it?
<freemangordon> why sgx?
<freemangordon> it has nothing to do
<freemangordon> plain 2d stuff
<tmlind> ah ok
<freemangordon> oh, wait
<freemangordon> actually it works
<freemangordon> plain 2d that is
<freemangordon> hmm
<uvos> maybe on ddk1.9 tiler usage goes through sgx driver
<freemangordon> no
<uvos> look at services4/srvkm/env/linux/mm.c
<freemangordon> what there
<uvos> make two separate allocations via the tiler omap_ion_tiler_alloc
<freemangordon> no ion here
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> this is android thing
<uvos> ok
<uvos> no idea what is #if defined(CONFIG_ION_OMAP) :P
<freemangordon> "ION is a generalized memory manager that Google introduced in the Android 4.0 ICS "
<freemangordon> something like CMA, IIUC
<uvos> ok
<uvos> there are also some ifdefs that react to CONFIG_TI_TILER
<uvos> not sure what they contain
<uvos> looks like translateing tiler addresses
<tmlind> omap_framebuffer_update_scanout() is not what you are trying to find is it?
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<jk_0> hello! newbie here ^^ ehm... how can I connect to my wlan over command line
<uvos> hi
<uvos> why? is something wrong with the gui? using wpa_cli works, but i think there is a dbus interface you can use too
<uvos> Wizzup: should know about the dbus interface ^^^^
<jk_0> uvos: ehm, yes, I can't get into hildon after trying to apt full-upgrade
<uvos> oh thats bad
<uvos> what device
<jk_0> :)
<jk_0> droid4
<uvos> and what where you upgrading to
<uvos> devel or regular
<jk_0> regular
<uvos> ok
<uvos> so what happens exactly?
<jk_0> everything seemed normal
<jk_0> but at some point while eiher installing unpacking or setting up I had a black screen and a white led
<uvos> how old was your install
<jk_0> very :) 2020
<jk_0> may?
<uvos> ok this is a known issue i think
<uvos> we had this problem where a deamon failed and caused dsme to reboot the device during an upgrade
<uvos> you need to finish the upgrade
<jk_0> alright
<Wizzup> can you log in over ssh with usbnet?
<uvos> jk_0: if you have the new emergency shell boot mode
<jk_0> I have the amazing rescue shell :)
<uvos> that should work too
<uvos> great
<tmlind> nice if that works :)
<Wizzup> cool
<uvos> tmlind: works even on bionic :)
<jk_0> yes, I'm all ears. what do I do next?
<uvos> Wizzup: remember how to make dpkg finish configuring pacakges
<uvos> ?
<tmlind> dpkg-reconfigure -a maybe?
<Wizzup> yes
<jk_0> let me try...
<jk_0> nope
<uvos> Unknown option: a
<uvos> yeah thats not it
<jk_0> I did a successfull $ dpkg --configure -a before connecting here
<Wizzup> no errors?
<jk_0> whith reconfigure I got the help-info
<Wizzup> what does 'apt upgrade' say
<jk_0> with --configure -a I saw no errors. 80% secure cuz I only scaned stout
<jk_0> then I rebooted and "boot loop" persists
<jk_0> wizzup: donde,done 0 installed, 0 upgraded, 0 to remove, 0 not upgraded
<Wizzup> so it reboots when exactly?
<jk_0> it does the normal loadig of ... hat I think is openrc
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<jk_0> then it goes balck and I suppose it tries to load hildon
<uvos> dose it reboot with or without white led?
<jk_0> but goes back to console and shows some erros
<jk_0> the white led was only the 1st time. the boot-loop is w/o led
<uvos> thats quite wierd
<uvos> either its happening before mce loads or its not the maemo stack innitaing the reboot
<jk_0> let me see what I can type here from the console before reboot
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<uvos> you could look at /var/log/daemon.log for errors too
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<jk_0> rebooting...
<jk_0> ... how can I share an image here?
<uvos> only by uploading it somewhere public and posting the link
<jk_0> what is the analog to paste.bin?
<Wizzup> maybe imgur?
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<jk_0> i'll have a look
<jk_0> I hope these work
<uvos> nothing to see tehre
<Wizzup> hm, do you have more info up?
<Wizzup> the error is up
<Wizzup> daemon.log might be more interesting
<Wizzup> or perhaps rc.log
<jk_0> so /var/log/rc.log??
<Wizzup> if that contains useful stuff yes :)
<Wizzup> also if it reboots you can touch a specific file thatmakes it no reboot, then you can use the tty there
<Wizzup> from 'non emergency env
<jk_0> ... sorry for the links full of advertising...
<jk_0> ehm... I dont get the no reboot part. but I am comfotable in the console :)
<uvos> touch /etc/no_lg_reboots
<jk_0> just,could I connect to mlan fromthe console?
<uvos> sure start wpa_supplicant
<uvos> and use wpa_cli
<uvos> the dbus stuff wont work
<uvos> in emergency env icd2 is not loaded
<Wizzup> I'd try usbnet
<Wizzup> that's much easier
<uvos> i would touch /etc/no_lg_reboots in emergency env
<uvos> then openrc default
<uvos> to switch runlevel
<jk_0> is that $ touch /etc/no_lg_reboots with underscores?
<uvos> and then usbnet should work
<uvos> yeah like i wrote
<uvos> oh its echo 1 > /etc/no_lg_reboots
<Wizzup> you might need to load the gadget but we have bins to do that
<Wizzup> uvos: just touch is fine
<uvos> it needs the 1 in there i think
<uvos> ok
<jk_0> my irc client earases the _
<jk_0> hexchat...
<uvos> we should make /etc/no_lg_reboots the default (yes again this)
<uvos> lifeguard is just painful
<jk_0> so, echo 1 or no echo?
<uvos> dosent matter
<uvos> either is fine
<Wizzup> I think just touch is fine.
<Wizzup> but yeah
<jk_0> ok
<jk_0> rebooting...
<uvos> switching runlevel would have been fine
<jk_0> ok. how do I switch run level?
<jk_0> I was too slow to reboot
<uvos> openrc $(RUNLEVEL)
<uvos> default in this case
<jk_0> read your message 1st
<jk_0> ok. in progress
<Wizzup> when you get any kind of ssh access please share some part of daemon.log
<jk_0> loading hildon...
<jk_0> hildon has loaded! :D
<uvos> some deamon is still failing
<Wizzup> yeah, 'rc-status' might help
<Wizzup> although it could be part of startup too
<uvos> pstree
<uvos> maybe
<Wizzup> maybe wifi works
<uvos> or just look at deamon log
<Wizzup> let's see
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<jk_0> ehm... what do I do now to give you useful info?
<uvos> [22:54] <Wizzup> when you get any kind of ssh access please share some part of daemon.log
<jk_0> ... system froze -__-
<Wizzup> wonder what happened
<uvos> it froze?
<uvos> thats unusual
<Wizzup> yeah that is
<Wizzup> maybe you can read the sdcard and share daemon.log
<Wizzup> or the last ~500 lines or so
<Wizzup> then we can probably help efficiently
* Wizzup back in 10-15 mins
<jk_0> ok... well, this is way more than I expected from an # apt update && apt full-upgrade -y
<jk_0> ^^
<jk_0> the full system is back and seems functional
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<Wizzup> jk_0: interesting, just touching the file seems like it made it work for you - stiull something must be wrong
<Wizzup> maybe you can share ps xua or pstree so that we can see what is not running
<Wizzup> we'd probably want to know what's up so we can prevent it from happening to others
<Wizzup> and yeah, we're in >alpha< so occasionally things break :)
<Wizzup> have you been using it since 2020? that's nice
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<jk_0> I managed to get ps xua for you
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