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<tmlind> freemangordon: heh finally got the ocp reg fix done.. https://lists.goldelico.com/pipermail/openpvrsgx-devgroup/2021-October/000465.html
<tmlind> as an extra bonus we now have basic register read/write support in pvr-drv :)
<tmlind> i also did patches to add interrupt handling to prv-drv, but the patch kept sprawling to several thousands of lines of pvr code to remove.. needs more time
<tmlind> and testing. i only tried the fix above to init sgx on few omaps i have in my rack
<Wizzup> great work :)
<tmlind> thanks, it's a pleasure (TM)
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<uvos> Wizzup: ERROR: Permission to maemo-leste/clown-boot-kexec.git denied
<uvos> so the sphone with greatly redisgned backend is on the way to devel
<uvos> needs testing
<uvos> also its in need of a address book plugin and other backends etc
<uvos> also its stable again now to the point that patches are welcome
<uvos> interface wise
<Wizzup> uvos: added
<uvos> Wizzup: i think that pusing the modules there is gona fail
<uvos> Wizzup: because it contains the linux kernels history
<Wizzup> ok, so you want multiple repos, one per?
<uvos> no its fine
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<uvos> looks like github is not rejecting the push
<Wizzup> you can do diff branches too
<Wizzup> oh right
<Wizzup> you just mean size wise
<lel> IMbackK edited a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste/clown-boot-kexec
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<Wizzup> uvos: I am thinking of making the droid3 dts now use motorola,droid3 as compatible
<Wizzup> I suppose that shouldn't break things?
<Wizzup> also added the pstore patch now
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<uvos> did you add the compatible to the cpcap regulator quirk?
<uvos> or rather the assignment
<uvos> cpcap driver needs to know the d3 is wired like xt875
<uvos> arch/arm/mach-omap2/pmic-cpcap.c of_machine_is_compatible("motorola,droid-bionic")
<Wizzup> ok
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<Wizzup> uvos: so I'll make that || droid3 then
<Wizzup> since it seems to work (?)
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<uvos> yeah sure
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<Wizzup> uvos: hm, not sure if this relates to pstore patch or my dts changes, but running into this atm, will try to figure out what triggers it https://dpaste.com/D4885QHTC
<Wizzup> smells like pstore though?
<Wizzup> maybe the ramoops entry in the dts is not ok for the droid3
<uvos> yes thats pstore crashing
<uvos> maybe the ram area it allocates is out of range for d3
<Wizzup> mhm
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<Wizzup> yeah with the reserved-memory stuff gone in the dts it boots fine
<uvos> well where is the reserved memory?
<Wizzup> no idea :) I haven't been able to decode the dtb properly
<Wizzup> not in android dmesg either it seems
<Wizzup> the default android shell truly is a crime against humanity
<uvos> xD
<uvos> the shell or the teminal emulator?
<uvos> or both
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<Wizzup> both I guess
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<Wizzup> this works now apart from the install.sh assuming /sdcard is writable
<uvos> what about /emstorage/0/ or something like that
<Wizzup> I did some magic as root
<uvos> accuatlly i think that was introduced in android 4.0
<Wizzup> mkdir /preinstall/foo ; chmod 777 /preinstall/foo
<Wizzup> and then just use that
<Wizzup> that works
<Wizzup> in any case this is without pstore
<Wizzup> I think for me to properly fix brightness and modem I'll need to look at getting dtc to read the old motorola dtb things
<Wizzup> basically figure out what tmlind did at the time and recreate the code :p
<Wizzup> (also for pstore / reserved memory)
<uvos> so do you plan on leaving it like that?
<uvos> im not terribly happy
<Wizzup> uvos: what, the clown boot tree?
<uvos> yeah
<Wizzup> no
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> I think at this point we can figure out what the best way would be to merge it, if you want it merged
<uvos> sure mostly i dont want to maintain the kernel image in 2 palces
<uvos> and most of the other sutff is common as well
<uvos> bb and su and so on
<Wizzup> I am not sure if it's the same, so I just went with what the root exploit provided
<uvos> also you did try root404.sh on solana right?
<uvos> the stuff in root is built agains 2.3 sdk
<uvos> so should work fine
<Wizzup> pretty sure I did and I don't think it worked
<Wizzup> (404)
<uvos> ok
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<Wizzup> just squashed some commits
<uvos> boot.img isent needed at all
<Wizzup> ok, I wasn't sure why you flashed it in the README
<Wizzup> I've just taken the assumption that whatever you had in there was necessary
<uvos> on xt875 we use the 3.0.8 kernel to kexec from
<Wizzup> aha
<uvos> the one that shipped with 4.0 and is identical to the d4 one but android 4.1 comes with a slightly different kernel
<uvos> so i have everyone downgrade the kernel
<Wizzup> in any case this will just do nothing at worst, at best it prevents folks from flashing a bad boot.img
<Wizzup> but sure I can remove it, as long as boot.img is also gone
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<Wizzup> so regarding maintaining kernel images
<uvos> also allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin is probubly unessecary
<Wizzup> I think the first step is for you or me to verify that the 5.10.74 that I made also works for you
<Wizzup> no, that is necessary I think
<uvos> its not needed to flash bspw on old versions of mbm
<Wizzup> I was not able to flash bwsp otherwise
<Wizzup> IIRC
<uvos> on d4 /targa at least
<uvos> ok
<uvos> maybe d3 mbm is to new
<Wizzup> (maybe it was just for boot, cannot remember)
<Wizzup> I was thinking of testing new kernels for kexecboot purposes simply from kexecboot
<uvos> idealy i think we should just install the kernel and have kexecbootstart.sh figure out what dts to use at runtime imo
<Wizzup> should work, I think
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> we will still need different directories or branches for bionic and d4
<Wizzup> er d3
<uvos> only a different allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin, root234.sh the motofail binary should be different
<Wizzup> parazyd: idk if you're going to be around one of these days but I have a few changes for the mapphone kernel to add d3 support
<uvos> and dtb that gets installed on both
<Wizzup> uvos: what about the kexec modules
<uvos> oh right
<uvos> yeah
<Wizzup> basically everything in kexecboot/*
<Wizzup> apart from kernel
<Wizzup> and maybe kexec binary
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> updated this a bit https://leste.maemo.org/Motorola_Droid_3
<Wizzup> parazyd: also I think the wiki icons are still broken
<uvos> maybe make the page title recognize that the device is sold as Milestone 3 outside of US
<Wizzup> with various codenames you mean
<Wizzup> ?
<uvos> its nota code name
<uvos> code name is solana everywhere
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> the marketing name for droids released outside the us is Milestone
<uvos> because lucas arts has the exlusive rights to the name "droid"
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> lol
<Wizzup> shall I rename the wiki page, or just make it a clear note at the top?
<uvos> whatever you prefer
<Wizzup> done
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<Wizzup> interesting it's also suffering from the screen redraw problems the d4 had before you fixed it
<Wizzup> so probably some pvr clock rate problem
<uvos> well its not really fixed, it happens whenever sgx takes over a certain amount of ms to render the frame. due to some timeing issue somewhere tiler or dss fails to pickup the frame.
<uvos> uping the clock rate just made it happen less
<uvos> it sill happens just the same if you load sgx enough
<Wizzup> ah
<Wizzup> well it might be gone with 1.177
<Wizzup> 1.17(
<uvos> spoiler allert: its not
<Wizzup> hehe
<Wizzup> so I made notes of all the things currently broken https://leste.maemo.org/Motorola_Droid_3#Notes
<Wizzup> I think it's about time I'm going to call it done for now and pick it up later
<Wizzup> uvos: btw, how are you sure it's not gone, it might be with modesetting ?
<uvos> i happens in wayland
<Wizzup> aha
<uvos> *it
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<Wizzup> well, wayland is not the gold standard
<Wizzup> but yeah
<uvos> you can see it happen in plain drm too
<freemangordon> YAY, fast path works :)
<uvos> ;)
<uvos> freemangordon: sweeeeet
<uvos> freemangordon: on n900 i presume
<freemangordon> on d4
<freemangordon> will try on n900 in couple of minutes
<uvos> dident you have issues with sgx crashing?
<uvos> not that im complaining
<Wizzup> freemangordon: cool!
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<Wizzup> uvos: hm now I wonder how 5.11 boots since it should have pstore enabled
<Wizzup> it's possible that the patch that I applied is ok for 5.11 but not for 5.10
<Wizzup> as in I didn't remove that from the 5.11 mapphone dts, and it's enabled in our -devel kernel
<uvos> pretty sure we have been using exactly that patch since like 5.8
<Wizzup> right, will have to think about what it could be then
<uvos> but do check
<uvos> if it wasent ajusted at some point
<parazyd> Wizzup: Yeah I'm coming back from my trip in two days so I can look at everything
<parazyd> I'm at a conference in Portugal
<freemangordon> uvos: on n900 it is way more stable than on d4
<uvos> freemangordon: ok
<uvos> hows perf?
<uvos> how soon can we get this packaged
* uvos excited
<freemangordon> hmm, not good :(
<freemangordon> glmark2 Score: 20
<freemangordon> something happens on CPU
<uvos> n900 or d4?
<freemangordon> despite I am issuing GL commands
<freemangordon> n900
<uvos> sounds like how ddk1.9 performs
<uvos> d4 also pegs the cpu doing something
<freemangordon> "slow" path ( using mmapped memory) is a bit faster
<freemangordon> this is weird
<uvos> pretty sure ddk1.9 on d4 runs into the same bottle neck
<uvos> glmark dose like 35 ish iirc
<uvos> suggests cpu is doing a copy no?
<freemangordon> with chromeos dri?
<freemangordon> yeah, it is doing copy it seems
<uvos> freemangordon: no with ddk1.9/xorg
<freemangordon> ah
<uvos> chomeos dri is fast on wayland
<uvos> and cant get glmark dri to run
<freemangordon> seems the drivers are ok, it is just dri that misbehaves
<freemangordon> will try through shim tomorrow, to see what happens
<freemangordon> uvos: what is "can't get to run" means? it just hangs?
<freemangordon> ugh
<freemangordon> sorry, I am tired
<uvos> yeah with cromeos mesa it hangs
<uvos> with full blobs it works fine
<freemangordon> same here
<uvos> last time i tried
<freemangordon> ah, ok
<uvos> (long ago)
<freemangordon> yeah, same here (hangs with chromeos
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> anyway, going to have some rest, will investigate tomorrow
<freemangordon> ttyl
<uvos> ok good night :)
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