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<kona> freemangordon: i extracted the contents and control file of the modest-providers deb you linked to me, and i guess i am to follow the notes here ?
<kona> i'm not sure what to do about the lack of upstream, i suppose we need a new repo and then to package from that?
<freemangordon> create new git repo in your github space, I'll push it to leste when it is ready
<freemangordon> kona: ^^^
<freemangordon> all you need basic debian/ stuff (control, changelog, rules, install, compat)
<freemangordon> if you have never dne debian packaging and don;t want to learn, LMK, I'll do it
<kona> I want to learn, but I don't want to hold you up.
<kona> Will create a new repo in my github :)
<kona> After sleep!
<freemangordon> ok :)
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<Wizzup> kona: what might make sense is to look at some other packages we did
<Wizzup> for example, see the 'initial commit' here which is just the tar file, and then various commits to modernise debian/ dir
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: not really applicable, as this is a binary package we want one data file from
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> in any case I'm happy to help real time if it makes sense
<freemangordon> me too
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<dgamer69> why does the maemo leste vm take ages to boot up?
<kona> ages?
<dgamer69> I've been waiting for like three minutes
<dgamer69> I rebooted it with more threads and memory
<dgamer69> but it's still so sloooow
<kona> amd64?
<dgamer69> qemu-system-x86_64 -hda maemo-leste-1.0-amd64-20210926.qcow2 -m 4G -smp $(nproc)
<dgamer69> (command I used)
<kona> host is also amd64?
<dgamer69> yeah
<dgamer69> I think the mouse finally showed up
<dgamer69> :D it booted!
<kona> hmm. i haven't tried it with qemu, but it seems pretty fast for me in virtualbox
<dgamer69> huh
<kona> but for virtualbox i have to disable pointer integration or the mouse cursor never shows :)
<dgamer69> mouse cursor showed for me without any extra settigns
<kona> excellent :)
<dgamer69> yeah!
<parazyd> dgamer69: -enable-kvm
<dgamer69> lemme try that
<dgamer69> qemu-system-x86_64: invalid accelerator kvm
<kona> oh, good call
<dgamer69> no worky :(
<kona> which host os?
<dgamer69> macos
<dgamer69> I'm using my school mac lmao
<uvos> dgamer69: you lack the kvm kernel module or your cpu lacks vm extensions ie its a intel part (low end) or its disabled in bios
<uvos> your host is macos?
<dgamer69> Intel i5-5350U (4) @ 1.80GHz
<dgamer69> yes
<uvos> it its not a mac runing linux?
<dgamer69> I can't
<dgamer69> the bootloader is locked by the school
<uvos> ok now idea how/if hw accelerated vms work on macs
<uvos> kvm is linux specific
<dgamer69> oh gotcha
<uvos> without hw accel of some kind the vm will be very slow
<uvos> there is nothing you can do about that
<dgamer69> dang
<dgamer69> my lima instance is faster than my computer though
<dgamer69> it runs ubuntu server, headless
<dgamer69> sshed in automatically
<dgamer69> for some reason it compiles faster than my host os
<uvos> looks like the cpu supports hw accel at least
<uvos> but no idea how to use it on macos
<Wizzup> dgamer69: you need to use kvm accel, you might need to specify it
<dgamer69> I already tried that
<uvos> Wizzup: kvm is linux specific
<uvos> he is on macos
<Wizzup> add -enable-kvm
<Wizzup> oh..
<Wizzup> yeah then maybe use virtualbox
<dgamer69> I can't
<dgamer69> I'm on my school mac
<Wizzup> aha
<Wizzup> they do not allow virtualbox?
<dgamer69> I tried installing it
<dgamer69> basically they tried to not allow any third party applications
<uvos> but qemu
<uvos> okay...
<uvos> LD
<dgamer69> but did so by locking the applications folder
<Wizzup> lame
<uvos> *:D
<dgamer69> and that's it
<dgamer69> so all you have to do is move your apps to the desktop lmao
<dgamer69> even homebrew works fine
<dgamer69> which is how I installed qemu
<uvos> ok
<uvos> seams silly
<dgamer69> but virtualbox does not let you pick a directory
<dgamer69> yeah
<dgamer69> our schools it has 2 iq
<dgamer69> I use tor to go around school netowrk restrictions lmao
<Wizzup> leste has tor integrated :)
<dgamer69> really?
<dgamer69> thats cool
<uvos> maybe its a 200iq move
<uvos> make students lern about tech by forceing them to find soltions to locks :P
<dgamer69> lmao
<dgamer69> thoretically you could unlock the bootloader
<dgamer69> but the only method I know of risks frying the mobo
<dgamer69> I can even run pidgin from terminal
<kona> dgamer69: haven't tried it myself but this might help with perf
<dgamer69> installing right now
<dgamer69> I swear, google has NOTHING on irc
<kona> i found it via DDG
<dgamer69> I come with some obscure tech problem, complain about it, and them someone pulls a link out of their ass that is exactly what I'm looking for
<dgamer69> whats ddg
<dgamer69> tell me wizard
<kona> duck duck go :)
<dgamer69> oh
<dgamer69> I use searx
<kona> cool
<dgamer69> you know
<dgamer69> theoretically
<dgamer69> I might be able to run steam games under qemu now
<kona> did the leste vm boot faster?
<dgamer69> I'm stil installing the 3d accelorator thingy
<kona> oh, hmm.
<dgamer69> I'm compiling on a cpu with 2 cores
<dgamer69> it might be a little while
<dgamer69> not to mention I'm on battery
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<dgamer69> still compiling lmao
<Wizzup> as a gentoo user, sounds familiar
<uvos> how do you identify a gentoo user?
<uvos> no gas bill.
<Wizzup> basically true for me, but I can just stand cold
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<Wizzup> uvos: so is it possible that you run some kernel that's different that made audio calls work for you but not for me and sicelo?
<sicelo> i did have working calls in the past with my own audio config. maybe the issue is ucm related? i wasn't using that then
<sicelo> anyway, just speaking off my head. haven't done proper testing
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<uvos> Wizzup: i just hardcoded some register values in my kernel yes
<uvos> Wizzup: this makes ucm partially impotent
<uvos> so yeah
<uvos> but note that it dosent really work anyhow
<uvos> as soon as you switch away from hifi all DAPM widgets are immidatly disconnected from power
<uvos> this sets a bounch of registers in cpcap to turn off various hw devices
<uvos> the fact that anything works at all is essentaly UB in cpcap hw
<Wizzup> heh
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