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<mighty17[m]> tried to run plamo with powervr (on pmOS) and i get https://pastebin.com/rqZAMp6j
<mighty17[m]> tmlind: maybe you have any clues, are we missing egl extensions again?
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<uvos> Wizzup: mce chargeing pattern should be fine now
<uvos> (once ci finishes building it)
<Wizzup> uvos: great
<Wizzup> btw, is it hard to disable the green led going on by default on the d4, I recall I asked before
<Wizzup> is this also a 'cpcap magic' thing?
<uvos> yeah its cpcap magic
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> it tends to mess with the notifications
<uvos> there might be a register
<uvos> or it might be controlled by cpcap mcu
<Wizzup> ok, no big deal really, just wondered
<uvos> never looked
<Wizzup> regardin cpcap mcu, should we ever try to dump the fw and compile it or something?
<Wizzup> decompile*
<uvos> sure
<uvos> but idk how
<uvos> moto never updated the fw
<Wizzup> it's a ST Ericsson CPCAP 6556002?
<uvos> im not sure cpcap even allows you to read it
<uvos> depends
<uvos> there are 2 versions used
<uvos> they are not 100% compatible
<Wizzup> well it probably doesn't allow reading, but there are tools that might be able to do it
<uvos> sure
<uvos> anyhow its a MC13783UG hevaly modified to motorola specs and then oemed by nxp and ericsson
<uvos> critically the MC13783UG has no uc
<Wizzup> fun: The MC13783 supports booting on USB. The boot mode is entered by the USBEN pin being forced high
<Wizzup> which enables the USB transceiver and the VUSB regulator supplied from VINBUS. The 1.5 K pull up is
<Wizzup> connected to UDP and the USB transceiver will operate in the mode as determined by the UMOD0 and
<Wizzup> UMOD1 pins.
<Wizzup> ok I suppose maybe just understanding the android src for cpcap might be an easier way to understand what it does
<uvos> sure
<uvos> it uploades some code snypets to the mcu
<uvos> couple 100 bytesworth
<uvos> and calls these macros
<uvos> and then enables and disables them
<uvos> there is also a mailbox it uses to comunicate with the mcu
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> so on n900
<uvos> when the headphone is plugged in
<uvos> where dose this go?
<uvos> interface wis
<uvos> e
<Wizzup> let me try now
<Wizzup> /dev/input/event6:RX-51 AV Jack
<Wizzup> Supported events:
<Wizzup> Event type 0 (EV_SYN)
<Wizzup> Event code 2 (SW_HEADPHONE_INSERT) state 0
<Wizzup> Event code 4 (SW_MICROPHONE_INSERT) state 0
<Wizzup> Event type 5 (EV_SW)
<Wizzup> Event code 8 (SW_VIDEOOUT_INSERT) state 0
<Wizzup> Event: time 1633599392.339202, type 5 (EV_SW), code 2 (SW_HEADPHONE_INSERT), value 1
<Wizzup> Event: time 1633599392.339202, type 5 (EV_SW), code 4 (SW_MICROPHONE_INSERT), value 1
<Wizzup> I think that's it
<uvos> this seams wierd tho
<uvos> im sure the mainline intention isent to use the evdev interface to report the headphone jack
<uvos> how dose this work on laptops
<uvos> my pc dosent have sutch an event
<Wizzup> maybe acpi or something?
<Wizzup> actually it might be in alsa directly
<Wizzup> iirc
<uvos> dose plugging in the headphone jack on n900 switch pulse to that sink ?
<Wizzup> it expects to get it through alsa
<parazyd> On laptops there's an ACPI event for plug in
<Wizzup> it seems to be in kernel alsa interface if I read it correctly
<parazyd> Yeah in /proc/asound I think
<Wizzup> don't know the exact api/interface
<uvos> ok
<uvos> well i figured out that you can unmask an intterupt bit and cpcap fires its general intterupt when the hp gets plugged in
<uvos> thats not enough information by itself (it also fires when its unplugged)
<uvos> but now i need to know where the information is even supposed to go
<bencoh> as long as you can read some register, it should be enough
<uvos> i cant
<bencoh> oh
<bencoh> well
<uvos> bencoh: i cant there is none
<bencoh> right, you mentioned that before
<uvos> bencoh: the android kernel dose some werd stuff
<uvos> bencoh: it comunicates with the mcu
<bencoh> weird in what way?
<uvos> well its not that wierd
<bencoh> sounds like something we could do as well I guess
<uvos> it just communicates with the propriatary fw
<Wizzup> btw, looks like kernel makes input devices on my laptop too
<Wizzup> *through* alsa
<Wizzup> (probably using the phantom_jack=true)
<Wizzup> uvos: not sure if you need more pointers but it looks like include/sound/jack.h it helpful, as is sound/soc/soc-jack.c
<bencoh> yeah, alsa uses evdev to report jack events
<bencoh> at least that's how many devices do it
<Wizzup> you need to register the jack controls and then use snd_soc_jack_report like other drivers do (grep -r snd_jack_report sound/soc/)
<Wizzup> bencoh: yeah alsa has an option to do this, but pulse doesn't use that alsa interface, it's just an extra to not have drivers re-implement input devices IIUC
<bencoh> indeed
<bencoh> well, iiuc as well
<bencoh> (alsa isn't exactly the simplest linux API ...)
<uvos> asoc drivers dont use snd_jack_report
<Wizzup> huh?
<Wizzup> they use snd_soc_jack_report
<uvos> no existing driver uses that fn
<Wizzup> which is provided by sound/soc/soc-jack.c
<uvos> asoc drivers a genererally are really ideosnycranous
<Wizzup> random pick from the grep:
<Wizzup> sound/soc/codecs/rt5645.c:snd_soc_jack_report(rt5645->hp_jack, report, SND_JACK_HEADPHONE);
<uvos> ah snd_soc_jack_report
<uvos> not snd_jack_report
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> yeah snd_soc_jack_report wraps snd_jack_report
<Wizzup> I had the same confusing when I was grepping just now
<uvos> ok
<uvos> by assumeing that the jack is empty when the kernel starts i can make something that works at least in a proof of concept way
<Wizzup> cool
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<uvos> actually its not that simple
<uvos> we only have a audio codec not a snd soc driver
<uvos> and use the generic driver
<uvos> so we cant snd_soc_card_jack_new
<uvos> so i need to figure out how to register a jack with the generic soc driver
<uvos> asoc really is...
<uvos> dificult to weed through understand
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<tmlind> uvos: oh so you figured out some interrupt happens when pluggin/unplugging the headset?
<tmlind> uvos: which interrupt is it triggering?
<tmlind> mighty17[m]: sorry i have really no idea on what all goes wrong with the pvr stuff :( barely have wlroots working
<uvos> maybe that should not have been so suprizing :P
<uvos> <&cpcap 9 0>;
<uvos> on mainline
<uvos> but since there is not gpio to read when the irq fires
<uvos> im not sure how to determine if the headset was plugged or unplugged
<tmlind> oh ok, maybe that's all there is to it :) we just need the direction
<uvos> well the mainline kernel also querys the mcu
<uvos> but it looks like this is just to determine what kind of plug
<tmlind> ok
<uvos> yeah wrt the direction
<tmlind> i think we just need to read the status register for direction as it's not a gpio controller
<uvos> ok yeah
<uvos> i need to know if TRIGGER_RISING or TRIGGER_FALLING was the casue of the irq fireing
<uvos> i guess i have to read the status regsiter myself
<uvos> or is there an api for that
<uvos> (other than reading it in the regmap)
<tmlind> hmm well see what we already do in cpcap_charger_get_ints_state()
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> sure it will be potentially racy with plugging and unplugging :)
<uvos> especcaly if its not hw debounced
<tmlind> yeah
<uvos> (duno if it is)
<Wizzup> https://wizzup.org/sigmakey.png getting somewhere...
<tmlind> Wizzup: i bet a beer all it does is enable the gsm frequencies in the nvram reg :) maybe do a tcmdrw dump before and after?
<uvos> well hopefully not since that would not be sufficant to remove the simlock
<Wizzup> tmlind: we will find out soon - this is the droid 3 that is networked locked and will not connect to anything even with the freqs set
<Wizzup> I have 7 more here, so if that works we can try to do those dumps
<tmlind> ok, interesting
<Wizzup> looking forward to that beer if it works :P
* dreamer puts stack of droid4s on buZz desk
<tmlind> yeh me too :)
<uvos> but d3 look mutch fancier on a desk
<tmlind> i'm pretty sure bionic is only connecting to 3g with some sim cards here, not sure why, the frequency should be the same not depending on the operator
<tmlind> uvos: are you able to use your bionic with 3g?
<uvos> yes
<tmlind> ok
<uvos> it worked once on o2
<uvos> but i cant retest now
<uvos> since umts network is gohne in germany
<tmlind> ok well i can't see any networks with my sim on bionic for some reason
<uvos> also not gsm?
<tmlind> not sure if i tried that, my us sim shows another operators network on 3g
<Wizzup> well it's definitely reading the 128Mb flash
<uvos> what 128mb flash?
<Wizzup> don't know :)
<Wizzup> I'll share the log in a sec
<uvos> the lte modem on d4 has 128mb flash
<uvos> but...
<uvos> i gues the qcom modem might too
<mighty17[m]> <tmlind> "mighty17: sorry i have really no..." <- oh ok, i'll ask xc racer
<Wizzup> yes, it connected to my XS4ALL network :)
<uvos> log usb packets & decompile sigmakey?
<Wizzup> uvos: yes, would be nice to do one day, but not this day :)
<Wizzup> maybe when leste is my daily driver
<buZz> 4droid4s even :P niiiice
<uvos> looks like the qcom modem has a H8BCS0QG0MMR
<buZz> 8 core mobile!
<buZz> :D
<The_Niz> :)
<uvos> and android can clearly read it
<uvos> sooo
<uvos> hmm
<Wizzup> uvos: yeah it requires a rooted device
<uvos> the shit they hide in these things
<Wizzup> I suspect it's a matter of reading certain info like IMEI and up front knowledge about how verizon does things for specific phones
<uvos> (the phones)
<Wizzup> and then they have a way to send that key, perhaps to the modem
<Wizzup> there is an android gui to enter an unlock key
<Wizzup> it did also write to the 'security area' so idk what it does exactly
<Wizzup> but we can figure it out in the future since I have (counts...) 7 more
* tmlind probably owes another pint of beer
<tmlind> Wizzup: maybe also give it a try on your droid4 to see if it can dump out some info
<Wizzup> I think the software advertises just changing the frequencies on the droid 4, but yeah, can try, I think it requires to be booted to android (of course)
<Wizzup> (for the d4 specifically, wrt frequencies I mean)
<tmlind> Wizzup: also, i posted a patch to add module options to phy-cpcap-mapphone to expose the mdm6600 to the pc usb port
<uvos> neat
<Wizzup> ah, cool, so one can run ofono on their pc
<uvos> well the gpios wont work
<uvos> but sure qmi only
<Wizzup> right
<tmlind> that's for reflashing the modem so two usb uart modes, that's probably what the sigmakey also needs
<tmlind> then there's another mode not yet implemented that just puts the booted modem to the usb port for pc for qmi
<tmlind> i think it's just another variation of the mode gpios or something trivial like that
<Wizzup> sigmakey did everything from adb as far as I can tell
<tmlind> oh interesting
<Wizzup> and it requires a rooted android, so it probably uploads software to it to read stuff
<tmlind> maybe it did adb reboot bootloader to some modem service mode
<Wizzup> no, the device was unlocked and then restarted
<tmlind> hmm
<Wizzup> once it did that it also lost the qemu usb, so there's no way it could do more
<tmlind> from android the modem can be put into flash mode yeah
<Wizzup> so what we can do is stuff all the adb traffic and also somehow try to intercept what sw it uploads to the device and strace it, but that'll be involved
<Wizzup> s/stuff/sniff/
<Wizzup> but it also performs some calc on the pc itself afaik
<Wizzup> in any case we can do this as often as we want for free now
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<uvos> at Wizzups house anyways
<uvos> doing it remotely will also be involved
<uvos> btw adb works over the network too
<uvos> so if it really only uses adb
<uvos> ...
<tmlind> i think it's the update-binary that can be used to reconfigure mdm6600 for flash mode on android, it just uses the /sys entries for gpios to reboot the modme to flash mode
<tmlind> the update-binary is there in the modem firmware blob
<Wizzup> uvos: I think usbip should work, I will try that next
<Wizzup> it was already confirmed to work on the android forums
<Wizzup> tmlind: ah
<Wizzup> uvos: actually qemu has usbredir so that's easier
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<Wizzup> can work with*
<Wizzup> I remember doing that many years ago to forward a usb cd drive to my home from sofia
<Wizzup> in any case the point was that this can be done networked
<Wizzup> otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the damn dongle :p
<uvos> "forward a usb cd drive to my home from sofia" lol
<Wizzup> it was slow to rip but it worked :)
<dgamer69> I'm trying to get decent perfomance on my maemo leste qemu instance
<dgamer69> and I got reccomended accelerated grphics
<Wizzup> dgamer69: it will be hard to get that unless you get ownership or your device I fear, if you don't have cpu accel then cpu 3d rendering will be even slower than normal
<uvos> that sounds like the least sane way to rip a cd to some place over the network
<uvos> but ok :P
<Wizzup> uvos: yeah, well it was like this, I had this intel nuc at home with my sw, and my laptop with a cd drive in sofia
<Wizzup> and I had to test ripping
<Wizzup> only later I found cdemu which was slightly easier ;)
<dgamer69> :(
<dgamer69> nooooooooo
<Wizzup> you got that to work?
<dgamer69> not really
<dgamer69> I get this error:
<uvos> maybe try with just the Hypervisor.framework patches
<bencoh> I had a qemu/qxl setup working iirc
<bencoh> lemme check
<bencoh> haven't tried with leste though
<dgamer69> Couldn't open libEGL.dylib: dlopen(libEGL.dylib, 5): image not found
<Wizzup> bencoh: the problem here is that he's on a mac he cannot root or install on what he wants
<Wizzup> bencoh: so all normal ideas are out of the window
<bencoh> oh, macosx
<uvos> dgamer69: try without 3d accel
<uvos> there is a Hypervisor.framework fork for qemu
<dgamer69> qemu works without 3d accel
<uvos> somewhere
<bencoh> I eventually stopped bothering with macosx a year ago
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<uvos> dgamer69: sure but you have not cpu accel either then
<tmlind> Wizzup: the command to reflash mdm6600 is update-binary 3 1 radio.zip, you can repack radio.zip to leave out the w3glte firmware
<uvos> dgamer69: since it needs patched qemu
<dgamer69> about a year ago I teid every display option, and they all worked
<dgamer69> I downloaded patched qemu from homebrew
<dgamer69> check the github page
<uvos> you downloaded 3d accel patched qemu
<dgamer69> yeah
<uvos> with also cpu accel patches
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<dgamer69> I think so
<dgamer69> possibly?
<uvos> but you need a version with just the cpu accell patches
<dgamer69> why? don't I want 3d acceleration as well?
<uvos> because its not working
<uvos> dlopen(libEGL.dylib, 5): image not found
<dgamer69> okay
<uvos> just cpu accel wont run into that
<uvos> and will be fast enoughish
<dgamer69> but I also want to try to run steam
<uvos> well that wont work
<uvos> and is out of scope here
<dgamer69> rip
<dgamer69> I'm trying to find a way
<dgamer69> regardless I'm curious
<Wizzup> so it is out of scope, but also steam has a mac port doesn't it?
<dgamer69> so how do I get the patch?
<dgamer69> it does
<Wizzup> If I were you I'd try to just root the device and get admin access
<Wizzup> but yeah this is a bit off topic for this channel :p
<dgamer69> I am able to install steam using homebrew with no admin
<dgamer69> qemu channel is not responding lmao
<dgamer69> but whenI run steam, the steam servers are blocked
<dgamer69> and it gets stuck trying to update
<uvos> they filterd the ip addresses
<Wizzup> or dns
<uvos> or maybe just the dns requests
<dgamer69> maybe
<uvos> if they are dumb
<dgamer69> our school uses fortinet
<Wizzup> maybe we need to re-instate the offtopic channel hehe
<dgamer69> lmao
<dgamer69> is there a way to route traffic on a per application basis without admin?
<dgamer69> I know tor does it
<uvos> i dont think anyone here knows that mutch about macos
<Wizzup> just google, you'll find it
<dgamer69> that's for the exe
<bencoh> I used to know quite a bit, but I didn't upgrade past osx.7
<dgamer69> does that work on macos?
<bencoh> so ... I doubt it would help :>
<Wizzup> but really just read/search before you ask pls ;)
<dgamer69> oh sorry
<Wizzup> bencoh: I stopped at os 9 :p
<dgamer69> but thanks, I will try this
<Wizzup> dgamer69: np
<bencoh> Wizzup: oh, a Classic user! :)
<Wizzup> yeah mostly 7.6.1 I think
<uvos> uvos only ever used system 7
<bencoh> i went from system ~6 to osx.7, skipping a few updates here and there
<Wizzup> I was basically a kid when I used system 7, and switched to windows at some point
<bencoh> (funny to think that system6 is older than me)
<dgamer69> “steam_osx” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.
<dgamer69> why
<dgamer69> this is the worst
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<dgamer69> nope I got it
<Wizzup> tmlind: uvos said that you discovered something wrt droid4 memory timing not being entirely within what motorola specced, is that correct?
<Wizzup> I had one or two droid 4 resets in the past ~3 weeks
<Wizzup> every time pstore had nothing relevant
<uvos> the memory interface registers get ajusted based on the opp. if that means that its out of spec on d4 after kexec remains tbd
<uvos> unless tmlind as new information
<uvos> and i was supposed to check the registers on bionic but forgot
<uvos> i should go do that :P
<tmlind> yeah so crank up the cpu frequency to full speed before kexec, so we should have the 1.2ghz timings in place for the new kernel
<tmlind> still needs to be checked though
<uvos> tmlind: in the mean time maybe push out new kexecboot that dose this
<dgamer69> hey does anyone know how to forward an application's traffic through a proxy without admin?
<uvos> also please ajust it to use the max freq from sysfs instead of using 1.2ghz hardcoded
<uvos> since rn that would fail on old mapphones like d3
<tmlind> uvos: we already do it, but we only do it for cpu1.. i think that should be enought though afaik they're coupled
<tmlind> have not verified though
<Wizzup> how would that work in clown boot scenarios where we have already kexec'd before getting to kexecboot?
<uvos> Wizzup: the kexec scrippt
<uvos> has to do it
<Wizzup> dgamer69: there are various ways but I suggest looking at getting admin on your device instead
<Wizzup> uvos: yeah ok so we do it in two places then
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> kexecboot doing it again on the mainlike kernel is not effective
<dgamer69> how would I even do that? the bootloader is locked so I can't boot into a different os
<uvos> (or damaging)
<tmlind> uvos: i made some kind of shell script to dump out all the android timings, depends on rwmem binary
<uvos> tmlind: neat
<uvos> where? :P
<Wizzup> dgamer69: maybe just google around, I'm sure there are loads of people with a similar situation to yours
<tmlind> uvos: i'll upload, i dropped the ball when i figured my mz609 has broken memory..
<uvos> ok
<dgamer69> how to get the admin password?
<dgamer69> I guess I'll look
<uvos> great that your mz609 has broken memory, that means i have a better change of working mz617 :D
<tmlind> yeh i want to use mz617 for topo maps with gps for fishing eventually :p
<tmlind> hmm hopefully my script is not on the flakey mz609..
<uvos> if so its nbd
<uvos> its not like its hard to check the registers with the register manual in one hand and rwmem in the other
<uvos> id be courious if sgx also changes the state
<uvos> since sgx is the main consumer of memory bandwith
<uvos> that would make sense
<tmlind> uvos: script updloaded to muru.com/linux/d4/d4-dump-emif-android.sh
<uvos> tmlind:
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> uvos: it assumes rwmem is in /data/local/tmp/
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> ill need to see if you can fix sgx clocks too
<tmlind> when diffing values, you need to ignore timer regs in the emif
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> i'm pretty sure we already have 1.2ghz values for both emif1 and 2 but have not verified
<tmlind> i patched kexecboot scripts to set the speed the same way as d4-dump-emif-android.sh, but not sure if that's really needed
<uvos> cant hurt
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<uvos> meanwhile
<uvos> hp detection works!
<uvos> but pulse dosent switch
<uvos> but i can see it in dmesg :)
<Wizzup> sweet
<tmlind> nice :)
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<Wizzup> uvos: does it also create an input device?
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<uvos> no something is wrong
<uvos> i have a fn pointer set to .set_jack in snd_soc_component_driver
<uvos> but it never gets called
<uvos> so the jack isent registerd
<uvos> im likely just missing something
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<bencoh> uvos: hp detection works? wait, so you reused that weird code from android's kernel?
<uvos> no so right now im just assumeing if the what the irq means
<bencoh> you use the irq as a toggle?
<uvos> yeah but it looks like you can infer what way the jack is going via irq direction
<uvos> i have to check that
<bencoh> like rising/falling edge?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> the wierd android code seams to only be needed if you want to know
<bencoh> hmm
<uvos> if the plug has a mic and buttons and so on
<bencoh> sounds tricky, you should test booting with jack connected/disconnected
<bencoh> to see it if inverts it
<bencoh> if it*
<uvos> yeah
<bencoh> also there could be other events
<uvos> yeah for sure
<uvos> rn im still strugelling with asoc
<bencoh> :)
<uvos> in accutally getting the stuff out to userspace
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<dgamer69> okay I'm back
<dgamer69> I've determined, with the bootloader locked, there is no good way to get the administrator password
<dgamer69> so now I'm curious
<dgamer69> is there a way to make a terminal instance with a keylogger?
<Wizzup> this is a bit too off topic I think :)
<dgamer69> gotcha
<dgamer69> channel reccomendation?
<Wizzup> not really
<Wizzup> but keylogging your school machine to get an admin pw is def off topic here :p
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<dgamer69> lmao
<dgamer69> alright
<dgamer69> thanks for all the help though!
<buZz> why not buy a computer instead of being a thief
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<uvos> lets not get into this....
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<dgamer69> theif?
<dgamer69> I'm doing this for my friend who can't afford a gaming computer
<dgamer69> and how is this theft regardless
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<uvos> more wierdness
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<uvos> the cpcap register fires only when the cpcap headphone pga was turned on at least once
<uvos> as you know you know cpcap turns off the pga when the jack is removed
<uvos> and fires an itterupt
<uvos> and then it fires again when its plugged
<uvos> but if you disable the pga in kernel it dosent fire an itterupt
<uvos> wth cpcap
<uvos> looks like CPCAP_REG_INTS1
<uvos> (ie itterupt source riseing falling is stable not matter what at least)
<Wizzup> getting there
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<Wizzup> hmmm so I updated my n900, and the ts is still weird (-devel)
<Wizzup> everything maps to the top button
<uvos> check xinput
<Wizzup> what in particular? matrix?
<Wizzup> Coordinate Transformation Matrix (156):0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
<uvos> list-props in general
<uvos> uh thats bad
<Wizzup> the native orientation is landscape I think of this screen
<uvos> yeah mulitplying everything with 0 will make the event allways be at 0 0
<uvos> what dose xinput map-to-output do?
<uvos> set the Coordinate Transformation Matrix to the identiy matrix first
<Wizzup> 1,0,0 0,1,0 0,0,1
<uvos> whats that?
<uvos> when dose this appear
<Wizzup> is that the identity you mean?
<uvos> yeah ofc the 3x3 identity matrix
<uvos> what you wrote is wrong
<uvos> you have to manny 0
<uvos> no nvm
<uvos> its correct
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<Wizzup> uvos: map to output does that
<Wizzup> (as well)
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<buZz> hi Guest3
<Guest3> Hey! You are doing interesting things! And when will the beta on the n900 be ready? I'm not a developer, just a user!
<Wizzup> I think the beta is at least a few months out, probably jan 2021 or so?
<Wizzup> I mean it's very much not set in stone, but for the n900 we need a few more things. (1) call audio routing (2) better power management, which relies on (3), (3) newer powervr driver
<Wizzup> (1) I am working on now, (2) and (3) are more vague but progress has been made
<Wizzup> and I think currently the n900 touch might be broken on all devices, so I have check what's up with that :)
<Wizzup> uvos: regarding ^ any idea what could cause this?
<Wizzup> Guest3: anyway it might still be too optimistic, we seem to hit problems everywhere we go, so everything takes time ;)
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<Wizzup> uvos: some libinput vs evdev thing maybe?
<Guest3> I wish you good luck guys! I've been following the project for a long time! I root for you very much!
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<Wizzup> :)
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<uvos> Wizzup: no
<uvos> its proubly the omap ddx being broken
<uvos> gimmy xrandr output
<Wizzup> but it wasn't a problem with the rotation script
<uvos> because we never installed the script on the n900
<Wizzup> ah.
<Wizzup> # xrandr
<Wizzup> Screen 0: minimum 800 x 480, current 800 x 480, maximum 800 x 480
<Wizzup> LCD connected primary (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 800x480 6020.32 +
<Wizzup> TV unknown connection (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 800x480 6020.32 + 480x800 6020.32
<uvos> full output please
<uvos> or is that it
<Wizzup> that's it
<uvos> or the equivalent in xinput
<uvos> i have had this problem with the omap ddx before
<uvos> "I think the beta is at least a few months out, probably jan 2021 or so" heh
<Wizzup> uvos: what do you think? :p
<uvos> i think its october 2021 allready
<uvos> but ymmv
<uvos> i also think jan 2022 is optimistic
<Wizzup> uvos: possible yeah
<uvos> so plugg detection is with asoc-audio-graph-card is impossible
<uvos> the only way it can work is if the plug is on a gpio see asoc_simple_init_jack
<uvos> tmlind: ^^^^
<uvos> so haveing plugg detection based on just a cpcap interrupt and snd_soc_component_driver soc_codec_dev_cpcap.set_jack is only possible if we abandon the generic asoc-audio-graph-card and write a whole driver for cpcap-audio
<uvos> also the generic asoc drivers are terribly documented (that is not documented at all)
<uvos> so that royaly sucks
<tmlind> heh
<uvos> tmlind: any ideas?
<tmlind> uvos: keep top level asoc driver generic, add more generic or custom child devices to it?
<tmlind> that's what might help with the voice calls
<tmlind> as linux knows nothing about it really
<tmlind> we don't have cpcap-gpio driver as we have not needed it, but i guess it could set that up as another gpio?
<uvos> tmlind: not sure how to approch that
<uvos> let me explain the current dilemma:
<uvos> so i want to snd_soc_jack_report in the cpcap codec in the lower half of the threaded interupt, so i need a snd_soc_jack and i need to register it with the frame work
<uvos> so far so good
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<uvos> so i need to asoc_simple_init_jack for wich i need to snd_soc_card. snd_soc_card is asoc-audio-graph-card for us.
<uvos> other drivers like all the sound/soc/intel deal with this by creating a jack and calling set_jack on the codecs snd_soc_component_driver with this jack
<uvos> the codec then uses this jack to report its plug state
<uvos> but since asoc-audio-graph-card dosent do this im in bind
<uvos> i could go a head and create another snd_soc_card just to report the jack
<uvos> but then pulse would not know where to apply the route to
<uvos> so i really dont see any way forward other than to fork asoc-audio-graph-card to call set_jack on its componants
<tmlind> uvos: yeah i don't know about that stuff, maybe send an email to kuninori morimoto asking how it should be handled with audio-graph-card?
<uvos> but that becomes really messy
<tmlind> right..
<uvos> because it shares all the componant handling with snd-soc-simple-card
<uvos> so i would also have to fork snd-soc-simple-card-utils with it
<uvos> not great
<tmlind> yup
<tmlind> so before heading for a custom codec driver, the voice call stuff we should be able to deal with a separate child device
<tmlind> right now the voice call codec is a child of mcbsp, while it really should be a child of the cpcap audio driver
<uvos> yeah
<tmlind> that should solve the voice mixer issues
<uvos> i helps when it dosent get powerd off when there is no audio on mcbsp
<tmlind> yeah and if we want to add voice recording, we add something else that is a child of mcbsp and listens on the traffic
<tmlind> so is there some gpio specified for the audio-graph-card binding for set_jack?
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<uvos> simple-card-utils grabs a gpio via of_get_named_gpio_flags for a jack, snd_soc_component_driver.set_jack just gives you a jack to report on see what the rt711 driver and codec do
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<tmlind> maybe export a notifier function from audio-graph-card that the codec can call?
<uvos> i gues but that seams like reimplmenting what set_jack seams to be for anywhays
<uvos> also i was hoping to not add api to audio-graph-card
<tmlind> heh
<uvos> considering my merge sucess so far
<tmlind> uvos: so if you need to call set_jack from audio-graph-card, you need to provide something for the codec to use too?
<tmlind> sounds like set_jack would be a nice generic feature to add..
<uvos> hmm not sure if i understand, if audio-graph-card called set_jack on the codec
<uvos> the rest would just be in the codec
<tmlind> i guess i don't follow where you need to call set_jack from..
<uvos> as it would just call snd_soc_jack_report on the jack it got
<uvos> from the codec
<uvos> the codec owns the jack
<tmlind> ok
<uvos> er from the card
<uvos> i mean
<uvos> the card ie audio-graph-card owns a jack
<tmlind> ok
<uvos> and we need the jack in the codec
<uvos> and set_jack gives the codec a jack to use
<uvos> but audio-graph-card dosent use it
<tmlind> maybe you can add something to find jack
<uvos> there is no api in the snd_soc framework to get a previously registerd jack from a snd_soc_card
<uvos> so no dosent look like thats possible
<uvos> with out going and pulling it via private api :P
<tmlind> yeah kuninori morimoto might have some good ideas there though
<tmlind> sleepy time here now, ttyl
<uvos> ttyl
<Wizzup> uvos: is this new h-d already in non-devel btw?
<Wizzup> (with the touch screen problems on the n900)
<uvos> Wizzup: no
<uvos> did you stepp it with gdb
<uvos> im pretty sure omap ddx's flaky reporting of the display size is the problem
<uvos> either way there is likely something wrong on the n900 side consierding xinput is broken too
<Wizzup> do you mean map-to-output?
<Wizzup> yeah
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> step through xinput map-to-output with gdb especcaly what happens in set_transformation_matrix
<uvos> that function i just copyed from xinput
<uvos> and clearly the parameters it calculates are just 0
<uvos> so some input must be 0 too
<uvos> you can also trace hildon if you like instead
<uvos> dosent matter same code
<Wizzup> I'll file a bug report and look at later, there's too much going on :)
<uvos> well its pretty severly broken
<lel> MerlijnWajer opened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/577 (N900 touchscreen is broken with latest -devel hildon-desktop)
<uvos> maybe its the wrong crtc
<uvos> could you try different values for crtc in --map-to-output $(TSDEVCIE) $(crtc)
<uvos> i mean it clames that LCD is the "connected primary"
<uvos> so that would be a bug in and of itself
<uvos> but still
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<Wizzup> how do I get a list of the crtcs?
<Wizzup> ah, --verbose
<Wizzup> there is only one crtc it seems
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<Wizzup> uvos: how do I trigger h-d to recalc the matrix
<Wizzup> (i.e. so I can break and analyse)
<uvos> you cant
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<uvos> you have to start it in gdb
<uvos> it runs it on starup once
<Wizzup> looks like it happens right away when I press the power button
<Wizzup> lol
<uvos> oh ok
<uvos> hmm
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<uvos> oh right h-d reregisters the xinput devices
<uvos> so that they have a chance to close to save power
<uvos> yeah thats right/fine
<Wizzup> (gdb) print crtc_info->x
<Wizzup> $1 = 0
<Wizzup> (gdb) print crtc_info->width
<Wizzup> $2 = 0
<Wizzup> (gdb) print crtc_info->y
<Wizzup> $3 = 0
<Wizzup> height is empty too
<uvos> great
<uvos> what is in output_info?
<uvos> output_info.name should be interesting
<Wizzup> (gdb) print output_info->name
<Wizzup> $6 = 0x7101b8 "LCD"
<uvos> ok
<uvos> yeah looks broken
<uvos> on xorgs side
<Wizzup> int width = DisplayWidth(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)); int height = DisplayHeight(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
<Wizzup> these are fine though
<Wizzup> 198in hd-xinput.c
<Wizzup> (gdb) print width
<Wizzup> $9 = 800
<uvos> yeah
<Wizzup> so we have to fix the ddx, or have the code treat the screen size being 0 separately ;)
<Wizzup> *cough*
<uvos> check what output_info->crtc struct RRCrtc contains
<uvos> maybe
<uvos> but grasping at straws
<uvos> but yes looks like ddx is broken
<uvos> dose n900 share the same ddx as d4?
<uvos> i thought it did
<uvos> so its a bit wierd that it works ok on d4
<uvos> yeah we could sanity check the matrix
<uvos> and not apply anyhting if its not sane
<uvos> (ie some axis is 0)
<uvos> time for sleeping, ttyl
<Wizzup> (gdb) print output_info->crtc
<Wizzup> $13 = 66
<Wizzup> hrm
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<Wizzup> uvos: droid4 uses xserver-xorg-video-omap, n900 uses xserver-xorg-video-pvrsgx
<Wizzup> so mm_width in output_info is also 0
<Wizzup> uvos: correction n900 uses xf86-video-pvrsgx
<Wizzup> (repo)
<Wizzup> but to be clear that is *not* n9xx-xf86-video-fbdev-sgx
<lel> MerlijnWajer opened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/578 (N900: screen rotation segfaults in sgx_exa_update_pixmap)
<Wizzup> I think xf86-video-pvrsgx might not be building with debug symbols
<Wizzup> yu[
<Wizzup> we need to fix that
<Wizzup> rebuild with debug symbols
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<Wizzup> ok so the qPixmap is a null pointer in sgx_exa_update_pixmap
<Wizzup> maybe PVR2D_PostFBReset should not be calling that on zeroed pixmaps
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<Wizzup> yeah so the pixmaps are deleted pvr2d_flip_put_bufs and never re-allocated it looks like (on rotation)
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