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<freemangordon> pvr_drv seems to be dead-end too, IIUC it was written for omapfb
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<tmlind> fremangordon: not sure i ever tried glmark-es2-drm on droid4, only the wayland version
<tmlind> freemangordon: not sure it helps, but the 2d blit is implemented in the kernel for psb500, git grep -e PSB_RSGX32 -e PSB_WSGX32 drivers/gpu/drm/gma500/
<Wizzup> freemangordon: written for omapfb in the sense that it takes specific handles to pixmaps or something?
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<uvos> freemangordon: maybe you sould be looking at omap_pvr for xf86-video-omap
<uvos> since thats the pvr module for the kms/drm omap ddx
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<uvos> i remember having omap_pvr.so for omap4/ddk1.9 somewhere
<uvos> but im not finding it rn
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: in the sense that it calls functions like PVR2DGetFrameBuffer
<freemangordon> which are missing in ddk 1.17
<freemangordon> uvos: started doing that, immediately hit missing PVR2DUpdateEventReq
<uvos> :(
<freemangordon> uvos: btw, do you know if there is 'upstream' version of that?
<uvos> i got it from some ti repo
<uvos> but i cant find it rightnow
<uvos> might be some version of the sdk
<uvos> or what do you mean by upstream?
<uvos> for xf86-video-omap?
<freemangordon> yeah, something like that
<uvos> ok so for omap_pvr.so
<uvos> im pretty sure it got it form a ti sdk archive
<uvos> hmm? thats what we use on d4
<uvos> for exa its what loads omap_pvr.so
<uvos> or falls back to sw
<uvos> (witch is how we use it)
<freemangordon> ah, so we don't have pvr accelerated exa?
<freemangordon> hmm
<uvos> no on d4 it uses software for all 2d
<uvos> and only gles clients are 3d accelerated
<freemangordon> but, woudn't that work with 1.17 as well?
<uvos> yes
<uvos> except that xf86-video-omap is dri2 only
<uvos> so we would need to port it to dri3
<freemangordon> ok, then I guess it makes sense to start from here and try to implement pvr exa, no?
<uvos> yes
<freemangordon> ah
<uvos> thats what i was talking about on fr :P
<freemangordon> oh, ok :)
<uvos> and had you look at how the fallback path works
<freemangordon> lots of things happened since :p
<uvos> you reported it uses a special omapdrm ioctl
<freemangordon> I more or less know them from glamor
<uvos> to present
<freemangordon> this is for dri2
<uvos> right
<freemangordon> for dri3 it should be standard
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> sec to get my coffee
<uvos> so updateing xf86-video-omap to dri3
<uvos> and removing the glamor requirement for dri3 in modesetting
<uvos> is essentaly equivalent
<freemangordon> yes, but I would rather add dri3 to omap driver than trying to splict the can of worms modesetting is
<uvos> sure
<freemangordon> we need to find vendor driver that has dri3 support
<freemangordon> do you know any other driver but modesetting?
<freemangordon> that's foss that is
<uvos> well -nouveau -ati and -intel
<freemangordon> yeah, intel
<uvos> -nouveau and -ati support dri3 without glamor
<uvos> all of these are depricated tho
<uvos> in favor of useing modesetting on everything
<freemangordon> in favor of ms?
<uvos> yes
<freemangordon> hmm
<uvos> ms is used universaly
<uvos> amd havent updated xf86-video-amdgpu or xf86-video-ati in ages
<uvos> and just tell everyone to use modesetting
<uvos> intel still occaisonally updates -intel
<uvos> but they also tell people to use modesetting often
<freemangordon> tmlind: the point is that it used to work in 5.10, but is broken on 5.15 and I suspect your patch. Didn;t have time to test to revert it though, but will do ASAP
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<tmlind> freemangordon: too many bugs, not sure which patch you need to test to revert..
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<Wizzup> uvos: so shall I try to make it work on 5.10 then (kexecboot d3)
<uvos> idk whats the trace related to mmc?
<uvos> i would prefer lts 5.10 for clownboot anyhow
<Wizzup> will need to dig it up
<Wizzup> I am not sure if it is related to mmc
<uvos> since dealing with the bootloader not working is no fun
<Wizzup> right
<uvos> i gues you can do 5.10 clownboot first
<uvos> and then deal with brining up 5.15
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> any patches I should throw on top of the lts that come to mind?
<Wizzup> or shall I just try
<uvos> no just keep it vanilla
<uvos> we dont want patches interfering with 5.10.y either
<Wizzup> k
<uvos> other than your dts ofc
<uvos> and the needed change for d3 in the cpcap driver
<uvos> wrt regulators
<uvos> ah wait
<uvos> Wizzup: tmlind wanted the pstore patch in the bootloader kernel
<uvos> because otherwise pstore is not preserved
<uvos> that makes sense to add
<Wizzup> got a link?
<uvos> 8eca717fce6b7c87b12b3a5b805cd0a2177598c5
<uvos> in tmlinds pending kernel
<_inky> what is pinephone's bluetooth driver? bluetoothctl tells me 'no default controller available'
<Wizzup> uvos: ok, ty
<uvos> Wizzup: yes
<_inky> i have btrtl, hci_uart, btbcm,bnep, bluetooth modules loaded
<_inky> ok i see in dmesg: bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for rtl_bt/rtl8723cs_xx_fw.bin failed with error -2
<_inky> installing firmware-linux-nonfree
<_inky> where should i take the file rtl8723cs_xx_fw.bin ?
<_inky> it's not in firmware-linux-nonfree
<_inky> he relevant forum thread https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=12125 says they have it probably on manjaro but had to rename
<Wizzup> maybe search for debian and that fw name
<_inky> searched. i think debian's firmware is old and doesn't have the package
<_inky> :/
<Wizzup> possible
<Wizzup> maybe just download it manually?
<_inky> it's not there. i need to find the file.
<_inky> trying firmware-realtek package
<uvos> _inky: if need be just grab it from upstream kernel.org linux-firmware
<uvos> instead of tying to find a debain package
<_inky> thank you. meanwhile it seems that firmware realted doesn't have it: https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/firmware-realtek
<_inky> ok now the firmware is loaded
<_inky> but bluetoothctl and scan on still says
<_inky> that 'no default controller available'. :/
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<_inky> may it be i need some newer or older versions of that firmware?
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<_inky> i solved it
<_inky> needed to add user user to bluetooth group
<_inky> should it be default for the user?
<_inky> also, don't you want to add that pinephone bluetooth firmware repo as well
<_inky> i just built deb from it and installed
<Wizzup> _inky: yeah we haven't done much with bt yet
<Wizzup> that should be a relatively simple fix though
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<_inky> so
<_inky> should i ask to create a repo
<_inky> and would you include that bt-firmware package by default?
<_inky> also can you add to your scripts to automatically add user to bluetooth group?
<Wizzup> not sure about the best approach for the former, maybe a pinephone-firmware package, and about the latter, yeah, I think parazyd can make that happen
<_inky> this is how it's called: linux-firmware-pine64-rtl8723-bt
<_inky> in ubports.
<_inky> i built it, and installed the deb file.
<Wizzup> maybe open an issue on the tracker to get this going async
<_inky> let me try
<lel> norayr opened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/bugtracker/issues/25 (bluetooth support on pinephone)
<Wizzup> I am not sure if it should go in maemo-leste-extras
<uvos> yeah no
<_inky> you said bugtracker
<_inky> is there other bugtracker?
<uvos> yeah the not extras one
<_inky> yes
<lel> norayr opened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/581 (bluetooth support on pinephone)
<lel> norayr closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/bugtracker/issues/25 (bluetooth support on pinephone)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/27 (Call/Phone support)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/171 (Implement Safe Shutdown on Battery Empty Condition (N900))
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/236 (Display brightness UI slider doesn't follow finger)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/275 (Import osso-mahjong)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/276 (Import osso-lmarbles)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/277 (Import Osso-chess-ui)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/239 (Accelerometer as an input device/joystick)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/369 (SDL2 games not getting keyboard input.)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/342 (libicd-network-wpasupplicant: scan results seem to return before we expect them)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/581 (bluetooth support on pinephone)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/217 (Import/port modrana)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/224 (network applet doesn't work as expected)
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<_inky> parazyd: as far as i understand, the pinephone issue can be easily closed by you now.
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<_inky> you need to add this debian package - it is already debianized, only need to build https://github.com/ubports/linux-firmware-pine64-rtl8723-bt
<uvos> _inky: it was a dupe
<_inky> and all devices need user 'user' to be a member of bluetooth group.
<_inky> uvos: i see but there was no link to the firmware source, only to the package, and i added there as well this link. and it was not mentioned that user must be a member of bluetooth group.
<_inky> btw now that i have bluetooth keyboard on pinephone, the only really dusturbing issue remains the display driver or display something, don't know.
<uvos> that link is proubuly the wrong place to get the firmware
<uvos> need to find where i comes from anyhow
<uvos> but ok ill add the link to the other bug
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/491 (More sophisticated led patterns in led-sw)
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/521 (Benchmark liblocation in car and on foot)
<lel> IMbackK reopened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/521 (Benchmark liblocation in car and on foot)
<uvos> Wizzup: whats the status of https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/489
<_inky> i need to make a video: frozen bubble on pinephone and on droid4
<lel> IMbackK opened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/582 (Gtk2 sliders are broken)
<_inky> pinephone under maemo shouldn't be recommended to run people with epilepsy. the screen flickering can make healthy human to have headache.
<uvos> freemangordon: btw the pinephone also would benifit from a dri3 without glamor ddx
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<uvos> if you can make it generic
<uvos> since gles2 glamor is buggy
<uvos> and opengl on the pp is buggy
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<uvos> and pp's driver needs dri3 too
<_inky> yes please do something with it.
<uvos> _inky: might happen as a by product of us working on the droid4
<uvos> _inky: but it dont think we have the bandwith to tackle the pps driver bugs otherwise
<_inky> my friend has pinephone and runs it under manjaro posh. obviously.
<_inky> and it's veeeery slooooow
<_inky> under maemo it's very fast, but has this screen driver issues.
<_inky> under posh it becomes unresponsive often. under kde plasma too.
<_inky> i think something is very wrong with plasma, and probably posh.
<uvos> yeah this is desktop opengl support on being broken, you should complain to mesa people mostly
<uvos> *on it
<_inky> no i mean on maemo it is fast.
<uvos> iirc
<_inky> under maemo
<_inky> it is very fast.
<_inky> but yes, gfx bugs.
<uvos> yeah sure thats unrelated
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<_inky> because pinephone usually is used under wayland (posh and plasma i guess use wayland) i have no idea if someone works on something that may improve its graphics under x11.
<uvos> afaik its not xorg per say but opengl the wayland wms use gles
<_inky> droid 4 feels much faster and more usable only because of gfx drivers.
<uvos> but i dont have one i just read the bugreports
<_inky> i actually tried to understand this many times, but was not able.
<_inky> so i understand opengl
<_inky> as technology
<_inky> and mesa as its implementation
<_inky> and mesa can have implementation for different chipsets
<_inky> right?
<_inky> but what is egl, gles, gles2 etc?
<uvos> right
<_inky> also mesa can be used from both wayland and x11?
<uvos> gles is different api tagentaly related to opengl
<uvos> that is also implemented by mesa
<_inky> oh
<uvos> opengl|es
<uvos> the wayland wms use that
<uvos> x11 uses opengl proper
<_inky> okay!
<uvos> egl is a method of aquireing a surface to render on with opengl or gles
<_inky> so i guess, when we'll have current debian in maemo, that will update mesa and may bring more fixes?
<uvos> no
<uvos> we have updated mesa allready
<_inky> oh great.
<uvos> you could maybe try mesa git
<_inky> and is gallium something radeon related?
<uvos> gallium is another low level api that mesa uses internally to allow drivers for different chips to only implement one api
<uvos> so that a driver dosent need to implement opengl and gles (and directx too) but can just implement only a gallium driver
<uvos> and the rest is generic wrappters that translate opengl -> gallium or gles -> gallium
<uvos> every modern mesa driver uses gallium
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<Wizzup> uvos: last I tried, !489 was solved
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/489 (Cannot connect to hidden wireless network)
<Wizzup> uvos: do we have chess imported?
<uvos> no i just dont think it belongs in non-extras
<uvos> reopen it in extras if you want it
<Wizzup> well we could just move the issue
<Wizzup> now I need to go over the ones you closed and move them :p
<uvos> sorry
<uvos> i cant move them
<uvos> [20:45] <lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/275 (Import osso-mahjong)
<uvos> [20:45] <lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/276 (Import osso-lmarbles)
<uvos> [20:46] <lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/277 (Import Osso-chess-ui)
<uvos> just these where for moveing
<Wizzup> the others are properly closed?
<uvos> yeah
<Wizzup> I am not sure about 20:48 < lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/342 (libicd-network-wpasupplicant: scan results seem to return before we expect
<Wizzup> wait no
<Wizzup> yeah that's fixed
<Wizzup> it doesn't let me pick the extras bugtracker for 'transferring' an issue
<uvos> neat
<Wizzup> couldn't we just have given these a tag, like 'import' or 'games'?
<Wizzup> I am not sure if the extras place is the right place for it
<uvos> im pretty sure extras is the right place for it
<Wizzup> if anything I think for bugs in packaged sw maybe the issue tracker of the place itself is correct
<uvos> well for the import this game package
<uvos> the extras bugtracker is exactly that
<uvos> other wise you can do as you like
<uvos> anyhow its not terribly important
<uvos> i was just cleaning the tracker
<uvos> liblocation works fine for me
<uvos> im not sure what this bug wants from us
<parazyd> Yeah, something I wanted to do but never got around it. The thing is connected with the "maep" app.
<parazyd> maep seems to lag behind liblocation updates
<parazyd> At least on my d4
<uvos> ok could you make it more clear that this is the issue
<parazyd> So I think 521 could be closed
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/521 (Benchmark liblocation in car and on foot)
<parazyd> *nod*
<sicelo> < _inky> pinephone under maemo shouldn't be recommended to run people with epilepsy. the screen flickering can make healthy human to have headache. :-D
<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/569 (adding a new profile in profilex fails)
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<Wizzup> uvos: mind if I keep the 'import <game>' open for now? most of them are pretty simple to solve (one is even just a missing icon in the app mgr)
<uvos> Wizzup: ok
<uvos> Wizzup: sure
<uvos> ill do it
<lel> IMbackK reopened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/275 (Import osso-mahjong)
<lel> IMbackK reopened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/276 (Import osso-lmarbles)
<lel> IMbackK reopened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/277 (Import Osso-chess-ui)
<Wizzup> ty
<Wizzup> I'll look at the applets - do they need a mce that is not avail yet?
<uvos> current mce and any mce >1.9.5 should work
<Wizzup> for -devel that is, right
<uvos> yeah current devel
<uvos> idk what non devel is on even
<uvos> i think its 1.8.something even
<Wizzup> uvos: appreciate the cleanup effort btw though :)
<uvos> current devel should be 1.9.8
<uvos> yeah stable mce is on
<uvos> and desperately wants to be updated
<uvos> but im not going to do that unilaterally
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/osso-applet-display/pull/1 (Port to new mce interfaces)
<uvos> Wizzup: so these prs need eatch other
<uvos> btwe
<Wizzup> ok
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/profiled/pull/2 (add support for the touchscreen.vibration.enabled key)
<Wizzup> did you have a changelog for profiled?
<uvos> no i only did a changelog for osso-applet-display
<lel> MerlijnWajer closed a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/simple-brightness-applet/pull/2 (port to new mce interfaces, removes all gconf dependancy)
<uvos> since i want to own that package
<uvos> otherwise i dont do changelogs changes to pacakges i dont "own"
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I'll do them
<Wizzup> >Wed, 13 Sep 2017 11:07:00 +0200
<Wizzup> heh :)
<Wizzup> parazyd: the leste-config stuff seems good to me for -devel
<uvos> i missed removing gconf and adding mce to debian/control in simple-brightness-applet
<Wizzup> freemangordon: when you said for freemangordon - did you mean https://github.com/maemo-leste/libmatchbox2/pull/8
<uvos> yes
<uvos> this unbreaks gtk3 windows
<Wizzup> ok
<lel> IMbackK edited a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/libmatchbox2/pull/8 (Drop support for _MOTIF_WM_HINTS)
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<uvos> also needed ofc
<parazyd> Wizzup: Yeah, ACK. I'm just traveling these past few days so I don't manage to merge stuff.
<parazyd> Will be stationary tomorrow morning.
<inky> there was osso tetris as well, is it open source?
<Wizzup> it would be nice to be able to see all open pulls for the orga
<Wizzup> maybe you think of http://maemo.org/packages/view/gtktetris/ ?
<inky> it was default preinstalled
<inky> both on diablo and fremantle.
<sicelo> it's called Blocks in Fremantle
<inky> probably!
<inky> is it open?
<sicelo> no idea. look in that list :-)
<Wizzup> blocks is different is it not?
<Wizzup> cool
<sicelo> Wizzup: that's the one. it's not different. it's Tetris. inky - looks closed
<_inky> eh.
<_inky> parazyd: since you are here, not sure you've noticed what was before. one simple thing: user 'user' has to be part of bluetooth group by default.
<_inky> s/part/member
<Wizzup> inky: make it a part of the issue and assign parazyd is also a good practice
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<uvos> inky: ltris from debian repos works fine and plays great on d4
<uvos> inky: needs kbd tho
<_inky> uvos: thanks! i had emotional connection with maemo default one, even if it was crappier. (: but thanks, i'll try.
<_inky> uvos: today i was playing frozen-bubble on pinephone and droid4. on pinephone it's impossible, on droid4 it is great.
<_inky> well i was using hw kbd on pinephone.
<uvos> eh ltris is not that great, for one thing it dosent scale at all and is fixed resolution
<uvos> it happens fit the d4 display well
<uvos> so it looks good on it
<uvos> but otherwise....
<_inky> Wizzup: i believe parazyd assigned the issue to himself already sometimes in 2020, and he may be doesn't know that the easy solution exists.
<_inky> uvos: i'll try!
<Wizzup> inky: what is the issue in question
<_inky> as an offtopic i also have a tetris on my msx2 machine and sometimes play it.
<_inky> Wizzup: minute
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<uvos> yeah frozen bubble also works really well on d4
<uvos> same thing as with ltris
<uvos> d4 has the advantage that its display pillerboxed to 4:3 is just pretty close to 640x480
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<_inky> (:
<Wizzup> uvos: ok, 5.10.74 boots now on my d3, and has access to both mmcblk{0,1}
<Wizzup> uvos: I think this can fit kexecboot: 259 6 4096 mmcblk1p14
<uvos> Wizzup: ok once your done with clownboot please bisect the problem or use brain.
<uvos> 259 6 4096
<uvos> not sure what is this numbers
<Wizzup> partition 14
<Wizzup> from /proc/partitions
<Wizzup> # cat /dev/mmcblk1p14 | wc -c
<Wizzup> 4194304
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> so I think it is 1MB, which should fix kexecboot?
<uvos> yeah should be fine
<Wizzup> s/fix/fit/
<uvos> oh wait yeah
<uvos> 1mb
<uvos> dont like it
<Wizzup> MB not Mb
<uvos> we are really close to 4MB on d4
<uvos> size wise
<Wizzup> maybe I am misreading
<uvos> and i think it would be great if we could use the same image on all of the devices
<Wizzup> $ ls -ls droid4-kexecboot.img
<Wizzup> 3892 -rw-r--r-- 1 merlijn merlijn 4194304 Oct 31 2020 droid4-kexecboot.img
<Wizzup> naively I would assume 3892 fits in 4096
<Wizzup> I can put the image on the sd card and dd it from normal linux
<Wizzup> (instead of using fastboot)
<Wizzup> if that works, then I think we can assume it fits
<uvos> im confused
<Wizzup> # dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p14 of=/tmp/out.bin
<Wizzup> 8192+0 records in
<Wizzup> 4194304 bytes (4.2 MB, 4.0 MiB) copied, 0.172577 s, 24.3 MB/s
<Wizzup> 8192+0 records out
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> I am pretty sure we have 4 MiB
<Wizzup> so it should fit
<uvos> so the partiton is 4MB in size
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> yes
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> yeah I also confused myself
<uvos> everything is fine then
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I will use fastboot then
<Wizzup> so I am thinking I will now install kexecboot to p14, but not yet remove safestrap
<Wizzup> and then just test kexec to that partition
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> and if that works I'll modify logwrapper with ours
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> sounds like a plan
<uvos> dont disable the kernel console cursor
<uvos> its load bearing :D
<Wizzup> just for the record I changed the ram limit in the common dtsi, so we will need to fix that before building for bionic
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> I'm on semi metered internet so I just got the kernel tar
<Wizzup> (making my life more complicated but eh)
<uvos> yeah we need to move it to devices dts
<Wizzup> yeah
<Wizzup> I see this a bunch in kexecboot: can't open /dev/ttyO2: No such file or directory
<Wizzup> (and also still see the penguins)
<uvos> im still sad that kms dosent show the penguins
<uvos> where are my 16 penguins on desktop
<Wizzup> I think it does, if you enable it
<Wizzup> it does on my laptop with kms
<Wizzup> in any case it looks like kexecboot gets stuck on a non existent file?
<uvos> nah its part of the fbdev code
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<uvos> if it shows your useing fbdev for at least part of the boot
<uvos> Wizzup: i gues
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<uvos> Wizzup: wierd
<Wizzup> fbdev emulation is on
<Wizzup> but that's about it
<uvos> hmm
<Wizzup> maybe it's time I dig up your specific bionic config
<Wizzup> (it boots to leste with dmse disabled just fine fwiw)
<uvos> /dev/ttyO2 dosent exist on d4 either
<uvos> so
<uvos> its wierd
<Wizzup> maybe it's there on serial too then
<Wizzup> and something else is blocking it from continuing
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> let me check
<uvos> nope
<uvos> dosent complain on bionic
<uvos> and /dev/ttyO2 only exists on the android kernel
<uvos> so im puzzeled
xes has joined #maemo-leste
<uvos> ah
<uvos> Wizzup:
<uvos> if you exit kexecboot
<uvos> can't open /dev/ttyO2: No such file or directory repeats
<uvos> so kexecboot (the binary) is crashing
<uvos> this is tmlinds script that enables wifi in this case
<uvos> if you change that you should get a shell
<uvos> to ttyS2 that is
<uvos> password is cat /sys/board_properties/soc/die_id | sha256sum | head -c12
<Wizzup> I did not enable wifi
<Wizzup> let me get a log
<uvos> Wizzup: kexecboot trys to enable wifi
<uvos> and getty on /dev/ttyO2
<uvos> these things are android kernel specific
<uvos> but it dose that only after kexecboot exits
<uvos> which it should never doo
<uvos> unless you click exit on the menu
<uvos> or it crashes
<uvos> (otherwise this ends in kexec ofc)
<uvos> the /dev/ttyO2 comes from there
<uvos> you can chang ttyO2 is the serial port on android
<Wizzup> hmm
<uvos> and then you get a shell
<uvos> if you change it to ttyS2
<uvos> since thats the serial port on mainline
<uvos> ttyO2 is the port on android
<Wizzup> let me get a log
<Wizzup> it doesn't mention drm at all (the log)
<uvos> Wizzup: you forgot init=/sbin/preinit.sh
<uvos> you silly person :P
<Wizzup> oh
<Wizzup> ok, kexecboot works
<uvos> yay :)
<uvos> great work
<Wizzup> at least the menu and everything
<uvos> fbcon=rotate:1 should help
<Wizzup> not sure if it can actually load the other leste kernel
<uvos> did you enable kexec in the mainline kernel?
<uvos> as built in
<Wizzup> it did load something, it just didn't get far
<uvos> ok
<uvos> gn8
<uvos> progress :)
<Wizzup> gn
<uvos> thats it?
<uvos> hmm
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> [ 0.000000] OF: fdt: Machine model: Motorola Droid Bionic XT875
<Wizzup> that could be a problem :)
<Wizzup> probably need to check the dts in /boot
<Wizzup> # cat boot.cfg.leste
<Wizzup> PRIORITY=8
<Wizzup> LABEL=Maemo Leste
<Wizzup> DTB=/boot/omap4-droid-bionic-xt875.dtb
<Wizzup> yeah
<Wizzup> yay
<Wizzup> ok, tomorrow the upstreaming will begin
<Wizzup> thanks for all the help
uvos has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
<Wizzup> uvos: for the record my kernel config is omap2plus + m -> y + olddefconfig, and then some dvb stuff removed
<sicelo> (yeah the dvb stuff is annoying)