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pvr_drv seems to be dead-end too, IIUC it was written for omapfb
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fremangordon: not sure i ever tried glmark-es2-drm on droid4, only the wayland version
freemangordon: not sure it helps, but the 2d blit is implemented in the kernel for psb500, git grep -e PSB_RSGX32 -e PSB_WSGX32 drivers/gpu/drm/gma500/
freemangordon: written for omapfb in the sense that it takes specific handles to pixmaps or something?
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freemangordon: maybe you sould be looking at omap_pvr for xf86-video-omap
since thats the pvr module for the kms/drm omap ddx
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i remember having omap_pvr.so for omap4/ddk1.9 somewhere
but im not finding it rn
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Wizzup: in the sense that it calls functions like PVR2DGetFrameBuffer
which are missing in ddk 1.17
uvos: started doing that, immediately hit missing PVR2DUpdateEventReq
uvos: btw, do you know if there is 'upstream' version of that?
i got it from some ti repo
but i cant find it rightnow
might be some version of the sdk
or what do you mean by upstream?
for xf86-video-omap?
yeah, something like that
ok so for omap_pvr.so
im pretty sure it got it form a ti sdk archive
ah, so we don't have pvr accelerated exa?
no on d4 it uses software for all 2d
and only gles clients are 3d accelerated
but, woudn't that work with 1.17 as well?
except that xf86-video-omap is dri2 only
so we would need to port it to dri3
ok, then I guess it makes sense to start from here and try to implement pvr exa, no?
thats what i was talking about on fr :P
oh, ok :)
and had you look at how the fallback path works
lots of things happened since :p
you reported it uses a special omapdrm ioctl
I more or less know them from glamor
to present
this is for dri2
for dri3 it should be standard
sec to get my coffee
so updateing xf86-video-omap to dri3
and removing the glamor requirement for dri3 in modesetting
is essentaly equivalent
yes, but I would rather add dri3 to omap driver than trying to splict the can of worms modesetting is
we need to find vendor driver that has dri3 support
do you know any other driver but modesetting?
that's foss that is
well -nouveau -ati and -intel
yeah, intel
-nouveau and -ati support dri3 without glamor
all of these are depricated tho
in favor of useing modesetting on everything
in favor of ms?
ms is used universaly
amd havent updated xf86-video-amdgpu or xf86-video-ati in ages
and just tell everyone to use modesetting
intel still occaisonally updates -intel
but they also tell people to use modesetting often
tmlind: the point is that it used to work in 5.10, but is broken on 5.15 and I suspect your patch. Didn;t have time to test to revert it though, but will do ASAP
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freemangordon: too many bugs, not sure which patch you need to test to revert..
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uvos: so shall I try to make it work on 5.10 then (kexecboot d3)
idk whats the trace related to mmc?
i would prefer lts 5.10 for clownboot anyhow
will need to dig it up
I am not sure if it is related to mmc
since dealing with the bootloader not working is no fun
i gues you can do 5.10 clownboot first
and then deal with brining up 5.15
any patches I should throw on top of the lts that come to mind?
or shall I just try
no just keep it vanilla
we dont want patches interfering with 5.10.y either
other than your dts ofc
and the needed change for d3 in the cpcap driver
wrt regulators
ah wait
Wizzup: tmlind wanted the pstore patch in the bootloader kernel
because otherwise pstore is not preserved
that makes sense to add
got a link?
in tmlinds pending kernel
what is pinephone's bluetooth driver? bluetoothctl tells me 'no default controller available'
that 'no default controller available'. :/
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may it be i need some newer or older versions of that firmware?
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i solved it
needed to add user user to bluetooth group
should it be default for the user?
also, don't you want to add that pinephone bluetooth firmware repo as well
i just built deb from it and installed
_inky: yeah we haven't done much with bt yet
that should be a relatively simple fix though
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should i ask to create a repo
and would you include that bt-firmware package by default?
also can you add to your scripts to automatically add user to bluetooth group?
not sure about the best approach for the former, maybe a pinephone-firmware package, and about the latter, yeah, I think parazyd can make that happen
and all devices need user 'user' to be a member of bluetooth group.
uvos: i see but there was no link to the firmware source, only to the package, and i added there as well this link. and it was not mentioned that user must be a member of bluetooth group.
btw now that i have bluetooth keyboard on pinephone, the only really dusturbing issue remains the display driver or display something, don't know.
that link is proubuly the wrong place to get the firmware
pinephone under maemo shouldn't be recommended to run people with epilepsy. the screen flickering can make healthy human to have headache.
freemangordon: btw the pinephone also would benifit from a dri3 without glamor ddx
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if you can make it generic
since gles2 glamor is buggy
and opengl on the pp is buggy
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and pp's driver needs dri3 too
yes please do something with it.
_inky: might happen as a by product of us working on the droid4
_inky: but it dont think we have the bandwith to tackle the pps driver bugs otherwise
my friend has pinephone and runs it under manjaro posh. obviously.
and it's veeeery slooooow
under maemo it's very fast, but has this screen driver issues.
under posh it becomes unresponsive often. under kde plasma too.
i think something is very wrong with plasma, and probably posh.
yeah this is desktop opengl support on being broken, you should complain to mesa people mostly
*on it
no i mean on maemo it is fast.
under maemo
it is very fast.
but yes, gfx bugs.
yeah sure thats unrelated
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because pinephone usually is used under wayland (posh and plasma i guess use wayland) i have no idea if someone works on something that may improve its graphics under x11.
afaik its not xorg per say but opengl the wayland wms use gles
droid 4 feels much faster and more usable only because of gfx drivers.
but i dont have one i just read the bugreports
i actually tried to understand this many times, but was not able.
so i understand opengl
as technology
and mesa as its implementation
and mesa can have implementation for different chipsets
but what is egl, gles, gles2 etc?
also mesa can be used from both wayland and x11?
gles is different api tagentaly related to opengl
that is also implemented by mesa
the wayland wms use that
x11 uses opengl proper
egl is a method of aquireing a surface to render on with opengl or gles
so i guess, when we'll have current debian in maemo, that will update mesa and may bring more fixes?
we have updated mesa allready
oh great.
you could maybe try mesa git
and is gallium something radeon related?
gallium is another low level api that mesa uses internally to allow drivers for different chips to only implement one api
so that a driver dosent need to implement opengl and gles (and directx too) but can just implement only a gallium driver
and the rest is generic wrappters that translate opengl -> gallium or gles -> gallium
< _inky> pinephone under maemo shouldn't be recommended to run people with epilepsy. the screen flickering can make healthy human to have headache. :-D
uvos: mind if I keep the 'import <game>' open for now? most of them are pretty simple to solve (one is even just a missing icon in the app mgr)
Wizzup: that's the one. it's not different. it's Tetris. inky - looks closed
parazyd: since you are here, not sure you've noticed what was before. one simple thing: user 'user' has to be part of bluetooth group by default.
inky: make it a part of the issue and assign parazyd is also a good practice
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inky: ltris from debian repos works fine and plays great on d4
inky: needs kbd tho
uvos: thanks! i had emotional connection with maemo default one, even if it was crappier. (: but thanks, i'll try.
uvos: today i was playing frozen-bubble on pinephone and droid4. on pinephone it's impossible, on droid4 it is great.
well i was using hw kbd on pinephone.
eh ltris is not that great, for one thing it dosent scale at all and is fixed resolution
it happens fit the d4 display well
so it looks good on it
but otherwise....
Wizzup: i believe parazyd assigned the issue to himself already sometimes in 2020, and he may be doesn't know that the easy solution exists.
uvos: i'll try!
inky: what is the issue in question
as an offtopic i also have a tetris on my msx2 machine and sometimes play it.