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* enyc meows
<enyc> not got out the n900 in some time!
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<Wizzup> ovh seems back
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<lel> IMbackK opened a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/libmatchbox2/pull/8 (Drop support for _MOTIF_WM_HINTS)
<uvos> look at gnome contacts with this ^^^
<uvos> works with sphone too
<bencoh> is that standalone, or integrated with <insert osso-something here> ?
<uvos> gnome-contacts is its own thing ofc, but it uses the same evolution data server data
<uvos> sphone uses xdg spec to make the 2 interoperate
<uvos> works with kde-pim too
<uvos> but the interface is not so phone frendly
<uvos> i hope to get abook to work with the same method, or with minimal additional (plugin) code
<Wizzup> there's the osso_abook interface and code in yappari that shows how it can be used I think
<uvos> yeah that kind of tight integration with abook is something id like to avoid
<uvos> sphone must not depend on it
<uvos> at least i will never implement sutch a thing
<lel> IMbackK opened a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/leste-config/pull/26 (Improve gtk3 usability some)
<uvos> anyhow this is also needed to make gtk3 mameo /phosh applicaions look good
<uvos> er gtk3 gnome /phosh
<Wizzup> the scale, is that d4 specific
<uvos> no
<uvos> yes
<uvos> its maemo specifc
<uvos> it makes stuff about the size of the gtk2 elements
<Wizzup> ok, we're also looking the gtk3 styling now btw
<Wizzup> so not sure how long we need this
<uvos> sure
<uvos> i think it makes sense though to have the elements the standard size
<uvos> i also hate that dpi scale is broken in gtk2
<uvos> you could just have gtk3 use the x11 dpi scale to scalle its widgets
<uvos> but if you do that the font in mameo hacked gtk2 ends up huge
<uvos> because they kept 96dpi and just scaled up the font for maemo5
<uvos> which was very dumb
<uvos> if your new gtk3 theme has all elements at the correct standart size
<uvos> instead of just makeing them larger like the gtk2 theme
<uvos> then dpi scaling will work correctly
<uvos> and you simply have to sett the correct dpi by telling x the size of the display
<Wizzup> meridion might be/is looking at some of the gtk3 theming stuff, so if you have other tips/hints, would be good to know
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<freemangordon> tmlind: hmm, why the driver tries to set OCP regs for 3430? Is that ok?
<freemangordon> like:
<freemangordon> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } OSWriteHWReg(gpvOCPRegsLinAddr, EUR_CR_OCP_DEBUG_CONFIG, EUR_CR_OCP_DEBUG_CONFIG_THALIA_INT_BYPASS_MASK);
<freemangordon> this is defined for 3630, but there is nothing int the 3430 TRM about those regs
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<uvos> write the register by hand and see what happens? on many devices if its in the register space but not a register often writing to it will just discard the value.
<freemangordon> uvos: this is behind firewall, you can;t write it like that IIUC
<uvos> ok
<uvos> then different story :|
<freemangordon> not to say this is in address space of SGX regs
<freemangordon> but we have no description of what register is that
<freemangordon> for 3430 at least
<uvos> sure
<uvos> but if you write to it and read it again and nothing changed
<uvos> that suggests that its not a real registre
<uvos> at least thats how many devcies behave i dont know anything about sgx specifics here
<uvos> or how to even write to its register space as you mentioned
<freemangordon> ugh: https://pastebin.com/3dQyKgNq
<freemangordon> this is in fremantle kernel
<uvos> is this true for your n900>
<uvos> ?
<uvos> wrt omap3 stepping
<freemangordon> yes, it is es2
<freemangordon> I mean - all n900 omaps are es2 (or 2.1 not sure what was the latest revision)
<uvos> ok
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<Wizzup> short downtime of the vm
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<uvos> so at-spi works great
<uvos> i can see an text or entry event whenever an input field is clicked
<uvos> in any application
<uvos> focus:text focus:entry that is
<uvos> these redhat people are funny people
<Wizzup> funny how?
<uvos> wayland makes things more secure... well at-spi allows anyone to get mouse events and be a keylogger
<uvos> and it helpfully even tells you when the user clicks on a pw field
<Wizzup> hehe
<Wizzup> I only remember at-spi from 100% cpu hogging on my arm chromebooks
<uvos> its really usefullt for us here
<uvos> him can work everywhere
<uvos> it even gives you the content of input fields
<Wizzup> right
<uvos> so you can place that into the him window
<Wizzup> yeah
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